Chapter 2: Great Responsibility

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It has been a few weeks of me wrestling and tonight was the night, I take on the champion and win that 1,000 dollar cash prize.

Y/N: Alright, big night tonight, can't mess. I have my web shooters and my costume, now just need to get to the venue.


I was just reading the paper with Y/N on my mind and how it's been different.

May: Honey something on your mind

Ben: It's just Y/N, it's been lately that I don't know him anymore. Maybes he's to embarrassed to tell me or maybe I'm too embarrassed to ask him, I just don't know anymore.

I soon heard Y/N came down in a hurry.

Y/N: Hey I'm off to the library.

Ben: Don't worry I'll take you there.

Y/N: No I'll take the subway.

Ben: No I need to stretch my legs, come on let me grab my coat.



Uncle Ben then drove me to the library right across from the venue for my last fight for the cash prize

Uncle Ben: Well kiddo here we are.

Y/N: Yeah thanks for the ride.

Uncle Ben: Wait before you go mind we can talk.

Y/N: We can talk later.

Uncle Ben: Well we can talk now, it's just you've been slacking on your chores, you've been having those werid experiments in your room, your starting fights at school it's just me and your Aunt feel like we don't know you anymore.

Y/N: Look I told you I didn't started that fight.

Uncle Ben: And like I said you sure as he'll finished it. Look even if this Flash guy did have what was coming to him didn't mean that was your call to fight him

Y/N: So what am I supposed to run away!

Uncle Ben: No your not supposed to run, it's just I know what your going through I've been though the same thing at your age.

Y/N: No not exactly. Hey quick question if say you can do anything do it better than anyone else it wouldn't be wrong to cash in on your talents.

Uncle Ben: That only depends on what talents we are talking about.

I was about to leave but he grabbed my shoulder and I looked at him

Uncle Ben: Listen, like I said I know what your going through.

Y/N: And like I said not exactly.

Uncle Ben: Point is your changing into the man your going to be, and just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Remember with great power there must come great responsibility.

I looked down and then pulled my arm away from him.

Y/N: Why are you even telling me this.

Uncle Ben: Cause I've always seen you as my son.

Y/N: Oh yeah, your certainly not my dad.

I slammed the door and went off.

Uncle Ben POV

After Y/N slammed the door I saw him entered the library and I just sighed as I started the car up and made my way home and turning on the radio

Radio: In local news there are robberies reported in uptown Manhattan, please proceed with caution.


I was in the ring waiting to fight

Announcer: In this corner, we have the master of disaster, the man above all men, the Alpha Male. SKULL CRUSHER!!!

A mean came out in normal tights with a mask covering his face that showed his eyes with the mask in a form of a Skull, with everyone cheering him with him entering the cage.

Announcer: And in this corner, we have the web swinger, the web head himself! THE INCREDIBLE SPIDER MAN!!!

I walked up to the stage with lots charing for me and some girls even wearing shirts with my face drew on them. I entered the cage and looked him directly in the eyes.

Skull Crusher: Your going down kid.

Y/N: Funny I was going to say the same to you too.

Announcer: FIGHT!!!

He ran towards me hoping to run me over but I dodged to the side where I turned invisible and jumped ontop of the cage

Skull Crusher: Where he go.

I than reappeared above him.

Y/N: Nice costume, did your mommy make it.

I jumped on top of him with him trying to get him off me.

Y/N: When I say "Hi" you say "Ow". Hi!

I shocked him once

Y/N: Hi!

I shocked him twice

Y/N: HI!

I than shocked him for a third time, I than webbed him up and pinned him to the ground with the bell going off.

Announcer: Unbelievable the Alpha Male Skull Crusher has been defeated by the Incredible Spider Man!!!

I than raised my arms in the air with the crowd cheering for me.


I was in the office with my mask and costume still on and the guy only gave me only 100 instead of a 1000

Y/N: It said it was 1000 bucks this is only 100.

Manger: If you beat him in 3 minutes, you did it in 2, that's all your getting now piss off kid.

I left with me slamming the door as I left with my cash as I heard some commission happening

Manger: Hey come back he's stole my money

A guy came down with blond hair run by with a sack of money and I just step aside as he took the elevator down

Manger: Why didn't you stop him?!

Y/N: I missed the point that's not my problem.

He than ran off mad with me taking the stairs and changing out of costume.


I made my way where Uncle Ben was going to pick me up where I saw a group of people taking photos and the cops where there too. As I got close I saw it was.

Y/N: Uncle Ben

I shoved people out of the way and got close to Uncle Ben as he laid down on the ground with a gun shot wound where his heart was, and I couldn't help but cry

Y/N: Ben, Uncle Ben.

I felt him use whatever strength he had to hug me.

Uncle Ben: Remember kiddo with great power comes great responsibility.

I felt his arm go limp as he laid down on the ground motionless.



I made it home with the police telling May the news as she just sat there and cry.

Y/N: Are you looking for him

Officer: Look we are trying but as it stands we aren't able to do anything. I hope you understand.


Officer: Relax we will catch him, just not now. Take care

They than left with me looking at Aunt May, with her still crying

Y/N: Will you be ok?

Aunt May: I don't know Y/N. I don't know

She just left with her going to her room and closing the door with me able to hear the faint sounds of her crying.

I than grabbed Ben's watch with it being cracked in the center.

Y/N: Uncle Ben. I'm so sorry.


It has been a week sence Ben died for me I just felt cold. I didn't keep wrestling or do much of anything it was like nothing mattered anymore.

May has been trying to recover but I can tell she was still suffering after what happened with Uncle Ben.

Aunt May: Y/N you got a minute.

I didn't respond but Aunt May let herself in as she sat next to me

Aunt May: How you doing honey.

Y/N: I don't know, it's just. Everything just feels so cold.

Aunt May: I get it, I miss Ben too but you have to see that life is still worth living. I promise things will get better.

She kissed my forehead and left the room as I sat there just looking out the window.

I soon heard sirens going off and I looked down and saw some cops chasing a car but not just any car.

Y/N: ( Shocked ) They, that's Uncle Ben's car!

I grabbed my old suit and put my web shooters on and I jumped out the window as I chased the car down.

It than stopped infront of a abandoned warehouse with him leaving Ben's car outside. The cops just waited for him to come out but I wasn't going to let him get away.

I went through the vents and started crawling until I saw him in the top floor. I than kicked the vent cover down and came out with it hitting the floor it caused him to be startled.

Y/N: What's wrong, scared of little old me

???: Where are you.

The lights started flickering on and off with him trying to shoot me but I just kept getting closer and closer until I just grabbed him smashed him through a window where I saw his face. It. Was. HIM

Y/N: No it can't be it just can't


I saw the man leave the venue with him holding a bag of money and a gun as he got away.


Y/N: It's you! You where only there for that Man's car!

I than moved him danging above the ground with it being a 50 ft drop with the cops below us and most of them watching me

Y/N: I should drop you! Take what you took from BEN PARKER!!!

I than tossed him out the window with him falling fast but before he hit the ground I shot some web which left him hanging infront of the cops as he try to get out.

Y/N: But he wouldn't approve and it's not my call. With great power comes great responsibility.

I turned invisible as the cops looked like they where going to shoot, where I swung home back to Aunt May as I took my costume off and back to my normal clothes. I saw her watching some TV with the news playing

Reporter: In other news the killer of Ben Parker has been arrested and will be given a life sentence with the car returning to the owners wife. But the real one who caught the criminal has not been identified but some civilians prefer to him as "The Incredible Spider Man". Police aren't sure of the identity of Spider Man but police will take extreme precautions with this new masked vigilantly swinging through the city of New York.

I looked at Aunt May as she just watched

Y/N: Aunt May are you ok?

Aunt May: I'm ok it's just. Thank God that man is going away, he could've taken another life besides Ben's. Spider Man is a hero.

Those words "Spider Man is a hero" it just felt right. I looked at my costume which was in another room and U remembered what Uncle Ben told me

Uncle Ben's Voice: With Great Power comes Great responsibility.

Maybe I can stop crime like that happening again, I do have the power and now I have the responsibility to make sure nothing like that happens again and use it to help those who can't help themselves.

Y/N: Yeah me too, I'll be in my room I have some school work to catch up on

I went to my room and grabbed the money I won and grabbed my computer and started looking for parts and started drawing up some mock up of what I need to improve on my web shooters and how to make a improved formula of my web shooters fluid. I then held Ben's watch as the reflected moon light hit me face

Y/N: Uncle Ben I'll never forget. With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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