Chapter 1: The Lady in Red! Amber-osia!

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It's the same color as her hair.

As the fool stared at his bloodstained hand, that was all he could think of.

Red - a deeper, richer crimson than your usual strawberry-blond. Yes, her long, beautiful, crimson hair was the same, brilliant color as the blood now coating his hand.




Inside Kuoh Academy's old school building-

-the sound of an alarm clock was heard throughout a darkened room. It continued to play out before a female hand tried to press the button on top of it. She grunted a few times before finally turning it off.

She then rolled over in the bed and held onto a naked male's bare, hard arm she was sleeping with, snuggling comfortably. She, too, was completely naked, but the crimson-haired girl and amber-haired boy weren't sleeping in bed alone.

While she was sleeping on his left, another beautiful naked girl with long, raven hair was sleeping on his right, with his arm between her large breasts and legs.

On top of him was a cute, naked girl with short, white hair. Her head was resting on the male's chest as she snuggled into him, though what was interesting was the pair of white cat ears on her head and the white cat tail swaying calmly from side to side from her lower back.

They were all sleeping peacefully together, but it wasn't long before their peace was disturbed by a light knock at the door.

"It's time to get up, you four. School starts in half an hour, and we don't want to be late," a male voice exclaims from outside the room.

This made the four get up and the crimson-haired girl replied. "Thank you... We'll be there in a moment. Go on ahead without us," She says half-asleep. 

"Yes, Madam President," he says, his voice muffled. "Also, Amadeus-kun, your sister has gone on ahead. She wanted me to tell you."

"When has she ever waited?" the handsome young man says, also half-asleep. "We'll be out in five. Wait for us."

The boy is heard walking away until it was silent again. Amadeus yawns and stretches, letting the girls stare at his naked, ripped upper body.

"Fuck Mondays..." he says, still groggy. He never was a morning person.

"Preach." says the cat girl in monotone. 

She and Amadeus make eye contact and he scratches her left cat ear. The former smiles as she leans into it like a regular cat, purring with love and affection.

"Want me to whip up some coffee~?" says the black-haired girl, with a flirtatious tone. "I'll use your favorite kind of milk~"

"Tempting, but I'd prefer not to have a heart attack when I'm 30." Amadeus responds, rubbing his eyes. "Use the supplement we came up with last week."

"What do you want for breakfast?" The crimson-haired girl asks.

"Mouthwash and French Toast, please," he answers. "Last thing I need is the other pervs cursing me out for smelling you on my breath."

"Limp-dick losers be jealous," The cat girl says, showing no filter for vulgar comments.

"Coming right up, Beloved," The red head gets up and gets dressed. 

The flirty girl takes her chance to hold Amadeus's muscular arm between her breasts. "Hey, sweetie~ Wanna help get me off~?"

"Don't you mean clean you off~?" Amadeus plays along.

"Nope~" She whispers in his ear before licking it slowly. By this point, she'd already started fiddling with his junk. This slightly ticks the red head off.

"Haven't you had enough of him for one morning?" she grumbles.

"Don't worry." the black-haired girl says, gliding her hands along Amadeus's bod. "I'll let you have the last load at breakfast~"

Amadeus suddenly yanks her back by the ponytail, which she just enjoys more. "As tempting as that sounds, we can't take too long."

"A quickie, then~?" she asks, desperate for more.

"...Sure." Amadeus just shrugs.

She grabs his head and looks at him like a feral beast. "I want you to break me and the wall~" They forcefully make out while Amadeus keeps petting the cat girl, who just hums and purrs.

"Five minutes and no more, or you'll miss breakfast." The other girl sternly says, not wanting to waste time.

"C'mooon, we're off the clock~" Amadeus says briefly before the girl pulls him back.

"You're off the clock. Being me isn't easy," She says, annoyed by her lover's carelessness. Eventually, the seductress has to break up the lip lock to stop them. 

"Alright, you two. No fighting first thing in the morning," she says in a big-sisterly manner. "Let's get through the day and then you can fuck the stress away later, okay~?"

"If anything, she's more frustrated than me," Amadeus whispers to the cat girl sarcastically.

"CLOTHES! NOW!" shouts the crimson-haired girl.






His friends and family just call him Issei. He is enjoying the springtime of his youth. Somewhat recognizable, every now and then someone will call out, "Hey, isn't that Issei?" Now, this may lead you to believe he's incredibly popular.

He's not.

Unfortunately, Issei has a reputation for lechery.



Labeled 'The Pervert Trio,' by the entirety of the female student body, they are infamous for openly discussing their erotic fantasies in the presence of the opposite sex, which has done them no favors whatsoever. Shocking. 

Speaking of which, the infamous trinity is presently lying on a patch of inclined grass, chatting about their school life.

"I gotta say, boobs are the best thing ever," Issei says, depressed at being a virgin. 

"Trust me, ma man, you and I are on the same page," Matsuda agrees. 

"Me too, but it's all pointless," says Motohama in sad concurrence.

"Matsuda, Motohama, can you guys tell me why the hell we enrolled in this school again?" asks Issei. 



"Like ya don't know. We're in a place that, up until a few years ago, was nothin' but chicks," Matsuda explains. 

"We had to take advantage of this male-to-female ratio. Also, the foreign exchange students here are ridiculous!" Motohama says, adding emphasis at the end. 

"Poon as far as the eye can see, we figured hoes'd be linin' up to get on our jocks and we wouldn't have to do a damn thing! We'd be drownin' in that stank!" Matsuda shamelessly exclaims.

"Like our very own harem!!" Issei excitedly yells without hesitation.

"Hell yeah! We were gonna have casual, unprotected sex with hot chicks and then never call them again!!" Mastuda says, following Issei's act. 

Meanwhile, the girls on the stereotypically dressed track team run laps atop the hill.

"That was the plan, anyway, but here we are up against the spring semester of our second year and between the three of us, we don't even have one girlfriend," Issei says depressed as he watches the girls run by.

"What's the point? It'll never happen," Matsuda says in despair. 

"No, we can't give up now! It's not too late for us!" Issei says with determination.

A handsome young man walks by, dashing and dazzling like a diamond.



Fawns of awe are accompanied by a group of female students approaching the blond boy.

"Kiba, wait up! What are you doing right now?"
"Yeah! You maybe wanna go sing karaoke with us?" A few of the girls say cutely. 

"Thanks, but I already promised someone I'd hang out with them," Kiba declines politely. 

"That sucks," says one of the girls, whining in disappointment with the others. 

"I really do wish I could go, though. It's very cool of you ladies to invite me." He waves them goodbye as they gush over him.

"Kiba Yuuto. Class 2-C. Basically, every girl in this school wants to sex him up-" Matsuda says in clear disdain for the Prince of Kuoh. 

"-and every guy wants to mess him up," Motohama says, finishing his friend's sentence.

"That tool...! I don't get it! Just cuz he's hot, sexy, really smart, and one of the coolest guys in school they all wanna rub up on Kiba?!" exclaims Issei, frustrated and jealous.

They sulk in despair.

"He sucks so much less than we do..." Motohama says, depressed. 

"Life really does blow sometimes..." Issei says equally gloomy.

Their attention is drawn to a crowd of screaming, excited girls over at the school courtyard.

"Tch. And here comes the worst of them all." Issei says annoyed.

"The biggest obstacle in the way of our dreams." Motohama sneers.

"Friggin' chick-hoggin' prick." Matsuda grunts.


The girls squealed in delight while the three boys had to look through the huge crowd to see the objects of their desires walking through the path of their many followers, fans, and admirers made for them.



"Good morning, ladies. You all look beautiful today," Amadeus says with a handsome, beaming smile, easily wooing the girls in the crowd, all of which form bright, pink hearts in their pupils.

"Good morning, Amadeus-senpai.♥"

"The morning's so much better with you here~♥"

"You look even more handsome today~♥"

"Do you want to eat lunch again together~?♥"

"Or have a private study session~?♥"

Amadeus turns to the last two. "I'll see if I can spare some time this weekend~ In the meantime~..." For sheer entertainment, Amadeus pulls his shirt collar down and to the side a bit, showing off a sliver of his Adonis body. Such a small sight is enough to make the girls faint, scream, drool or cream themselves. Some even a mix of all four. "Let that hold you over~"



"Hello, boys~" Elena Valeron says, flipping her beautiful, shiny black hair.

"Hi, Elena-chan~" says her male fans, copying the opposite sex in reactions.

"Hm?" Elena pauses and checks her pockets. "Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced my wallet~ Would you boys be so kind as to find it for me~? I'd be ever so grateful~♥" She blows a kiss for encouragement.

"WE'D BE GLAD TOO!!" they all shout and disperse. Not even one minute later, a lucky student finds it. Unfortunately, the desire to touch Elena's silky-smooth skin makes all the boys fight for the chance, which results in a tumbling tussle that ends in the wallet getting knocked into the air and landing in Elena's hand.

"Thanks, boys~!" Elena calls out gratefully. The boys all groan in distraught, having missed their window, while completely unaware that...

...she had dropped her wallet intentionally.

"Too easy~" Elena thinks to herself. What can she say? She loves the attention.

After that whole debacle, the two of them walked into the building with the crowd quickly following to spend more time with them, leaving the area empty except for the Pervert Trio.

"Man... That shit should be happening to me!" Issei says angrily. 

"If it ain't Kiba, it's that chick-hogging bastard. He could at least save summa dem honies for us!" exclaims Matsuda in equal hatred of their common enemy.

"All the other guys may have fallen for their precious princess, but we three are the only ones who see her for what she really is," says Motohama. 

"Yeah! Just a chick version of that amber-haired prick! That shit don't fly with me, man!" says Matsuda in agreement. 

"I'm sure we'll get our harems one day, my friends. Then, we'll kick him to the curb and leave him behind as we flourish in our women-filled glory," declares Motohama.

"Yeah!" Issei and Matsuda shout, fist-bumping the air. Their goal was set! Their future was clear! Nothing could stop th-!

"What was that about my Amadeus-senpai?" speaks a familiar monotone voice with a hint of seething anger. The Pervert trio stiffened up in fear, their bodies unable to move a muscle.

Sometimes fate has a twisted sense of humor.

"I-Is that?" Issei says scared shitless. 

"I-I hope not..." Matsuda says shaking. 

"I don't want to turn around," Motohama says, having already pissed a little. 

They slowly did turn around and paled in fear at Koneko Toujou, glaring at the trio with cold and threatening eyes.



"Uhhhh..." Issei spurts out, unable to speak clearly.

"Anyone who talks crap about my dead meat," says Koneko with killing intent.

"Aaaaahhhhh!! Please forgive us!" The Pervert Trio hold themselves, fearful for their lives.

"Buy some diapers, cos you won't be able to piss right when I'm done," Koneko declares, cracking her knuckles. 

The trio's screams of pain and agony echoed throughout the building. Meanwhile, the girls surrounding Amadeus overhear the commotion.

"Do you hear that?"

"No, why?"

"Hear what? I don't hear anything. Do you, Senpai?"

"Hm?" Amadeus hears the screams and just smirks. "It's probably nothing. Let's hurry to class now, ladies~ Don't want to be late on our first day back," smiling handsomely. 

"Okay, Senpai~" says the girls. As he walked off with his entourage, Amadeus couldn't help but look back in curiosity to where he indeed heard the screams.





School ends for the day and Issei is on a bed in the school clinic, groaning as his body heals from the brutal torture that Koneko put him and his friends through.

"Did she have to kick me in the junk so many times?" Issei says in pain. 

"Consider yourself lucky she didn't rip them off instead," said one of the school nurses. She is a stunningly attractive woman with sexy hip-length black hair that has bangs hanging on the right side with two ahoges, green eyes, a mole under her left eye, red round glasses, one earring on her left ear and a voluptuous figure. 



"Just give it to me straight, Doc," Issei says, worried for his future children.

"By some miracle, the damage isn't too serious. Though, you should stick to peeing in a cup for the next few days," the good doctor says, unamused.

Issei whines and groans in pain and despair.

"I'm not going to stop you because you won't learn anything if I do, but can you at least try being less perverted? That will lower the risk of literal ball-busting quite significantly," Chisato says, setting her clipboard down, sighing and rubbing her nose.

"Not my fault every chick here's so hot," Issei mutters.

"Be that as it may, my recommendation is not to buy a camera and just glance at them. Any more damage will be irreversible," she says, cleaning her glasses.

"Got any painkillers?" Issei asks.

He leaves the room with the bottle, staggering from the pain, and got ready to go home, only to be approached by his only two friends in the entire academy. 

"Yo, Issei, we got a surprise for you, my man," Matsuda says with a grin.

"What?" Issei asks, cocking an eyebrow. 

"Come with us if you want to know," Matsuda says eagerly with a perverse smile.

Issei was about to agree, but knowing his friends, guessing what they could have in mind, and remembering the advice he just got, the boy refuses.

"Sorry, guys. Not this time. Doc's orders," he says, disappointed, knowing he'll miss out.

"Aw, seriously!? It wasn't that bad, was it?" Matsuda asks, irritated.

"He got the worst of it. She seems to hate you more than us," Motohama says.

"Can't say I blame her... I'm gonna head out," Issei says walking away.

"Aw well, more eye candy for us! See ya later~!" Matsuda says as he and Motohama leave, unaware that Koneko and Amadeus were watching them from afar. 

Amadeus has his hands in his blazer while Koneko was eating a chocolate bar that she received from him.

"Wonder what they're up to," Amadeus ponders. 

"Something perverted, for sure," says Koneko after biting her chocolate bar. 

"Hmm... Follow Baldy and Glasses," he says. "I wanna look into Hyoudou."

"Prez's orders?" she asks.

"Smart girl~" he pets her head before they split.


"Oh well, at least the uniforms are sexy," Issei mutters, eyeing the girls as they walk past him in the hall. He was still bummed about not peeping on more girls, but the figure-fitting female school uniforms were enough for him. "Whoever came up with them is an unsung hero. Tits and thighs and ass as far as the eye can see!"

"You should've seen how they were before," Amadeus says behind him, equally eager. "Boob windows and midriffs, but they had to redesign them due to complaints."

"Aw what, seriously-?" Issei cuts himself off as he just now realized he was being tailed by his worst enemy and turns to him surprised. "You!?"

"Me~ Hi there," Amadeus says is a casual tone.

The nearby fangirls stare at him in awe.

"Look~! It's the King!"
"So handsome~!"
"Why's he talking to that creep?"

"What the hell do you want, King Cockblock?" Issei asks, clearly irritated just being near this guy.

"Is that my nickname? I like it," Amadeus responds with a smile.

"Yeah, cuz every time we're making progress with a girl, you always step in and ruin things for us," Issei says, recalling a few incidents where a girl's attention was pulled towards Amadeus and away from the guy they were talking to before, much to said guy's annoyance.

"It's not my fault I'm irresistible~" Amadeus says, winking at a group of female admirers, who promptly faint.

"Tch, whatever." Issei clicks his tongue, getting more annoyed. "Look, if you just came here to annoy me, it's working. So, why don't you go piss off someone else?"

"Actually..." Amadeus dons an unusually serious tone. "I wanted to talk with you about something."

Issei reads the room and is put off by this change of attitude. Even the girls notice this.

"Whoa, look at his face."
"He looks like he's gonna kill him."
"Good riddance, I say."

For a moment, it felt like Amadeus was about to tell him something life-shattering...

...for a moment, at least.

"That, and I like pissing you off more than the others. I don't know why, though," Amadeus says, instantly returning to his carefree tone of voice and laughing.

"Do you get off being a dick!?" Issei yells comically.

"C'mon, let's find somewhere more private! Too many eyes and ears out here," Amadeus says, slinging an arm over Issei's shoulder as a best friend would and dragging him away.

"What the-!? Lemme go!" Issei says, struggling to get free. All the girls are left in shock and awe.

"Huh!? Are they friends!?"
"No way!"
"Why would our King wanna hang out with that loser?"


After dragging him across campus, Amadeus lets go of Issei near the old school building.

"This'll do. Not a lot of students come this way," says the former, scanning the area.

"What the hell? Who just drags someone away in broad daylight?" Issei says, rubbing his neck to ease the strain. Suddenly, a sharp pain hits his head when Amadeus plucks one of his hair strands with tweezers and puts it in a small plastic bag. "Ow!! What the-!?"

"Hold still," Amadeus says, measuring Issei's body with an extendable ruler. "Are you a religious man, Hyoudou-kun?"

"Uh, no?? What does that have to do with- HAUGH!!" Amadeus yanks out Issei's tongue, cutting him off.

"Hold still," he says, collecting a saliva sample. He then takes a needle and extracts a blood sample from Issei's arm before letting go. "Hmm... Nothing out of the ordinary," he says, now sitting down and examining the samples through a microscope that he got from...somewhere.

"Blegh!! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Issei shouts, finally responding properly after getting assaulted.

"Have you experienced any strange feelings in your body? Like, say, something growing or pulsing?" he asks, taking a pic of Issei with his phone. Issei almost yells again, only to get cut off. "Excluding your assumedly-below-average-sized schlong?"

"I...I don't even know how to respond to that." Issei says after a pause, uncomfortable with all that just happened to him in the last few seconds.

"Yes or No question, man," Amadeus says impatiently.

"No, alright? Why is this even important?" Issei asks, irritated by these constant questions.

"They help me decide whether to kill you or not," he says bluntly. Such a casual response catches Issei off guard.

"Um...what?" he asks.

"See, you've caught the attention of a powerful group. Me, included," Amadeus says, putting away the lab set and standing up. "Depending on your views, you'll be put in quite a tough spot. Whatever you choose to do next will pretty much determine your future."

"What...the hell are you saying?" Issei worriedly asks. 

None of this made sense to him. A powerful group was watching him? Whatever he does next will decide the future? He couldn't understand any of it.

And why would this guy consider killing him just because of it all?

"It's too early to be certain, though. I need time," Amadeus says, cupping his chin. "If you wanna know more, ask her," he finishes, pointing to his upper right.

Issei's attention is directed toward an open window and is immediately caught by a blood red crimson.

Such a cold, emotionless gaze froze Issei where he stood. That beautiful hair, the sharp blue eyes, fair skin. Issei immediately knew she was an incarnation of true beauty. The girl glanced at Amadeus - her gaze seemingly softening a bit - before she turns around and walks away.

"Who was...?" Issei was so awestruck that he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Booty calls. See you later," says Amadeus walking up the stairs.

"Wait, huh? What about-?" Issei is cut off once again.

"Sorry, can't talk. Gotta go have sex with my girlfriend. Byeee~!" Amadeus quickly gets out before shutting the door, leaving Issei to scratch his head completely confused about this whole thing.

"What the hell was all that?" Issei mumbles while heading off. "Dammit, as if I didn't hate him enough already... Wonder if I can request a restraining order for that?"

. . .





Despite the decrepit state of the exterior, the building was more decorated on the inside. A wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls along with a coffee table in between the former, it serves as a kind-of second home for some of its visitors.



"Off the clock, he says..." Rias mutters, irritated by an earlier conversation and doing her best impression. "'All work and no fun~' Honestly, why can't he be a little more serious?"



"Easy, sister~" Akeno says, amused in a playful tone. "Best leave the scolding to his Mother~"

They were deep into a game of chess while chatting.

"I mean, it's just annoying how carefree he is." Rias says. "He acts like nothing is wrong and that he's got everything figured out."

"Doesn't he usually?" Akeno asks.

"Yes, but still, he could spend more time strategizing and less on where to stick it," she says, annoyed. "But, no, he'd rather waste time painting the town white."

"It's who he is. No reason to stop him now~" Akeno responds. "I certainly don't plan on it~"

"Of course, you won't," says Rias, donning a worried expression. "Your future's not the one at risk..."

Akeno sighs and goes straight-faced. "You trust him, don't you?"

"I do, but-" Akeno cuts Rias off.

"Then, that's enough," The Queen says firmly. "Best we can do now is wait."

Rias looks stressed out for a minute until...

"Yo," Amadeus says, popping his head in. 

"Got your guy." Amadeus says, sliding his phone towards Rias with the photo he took on display.

"What did you learn?" Rias asks, taking a closer look.

"Issei Hyoudou, 2nd-year, average grades, no Sunday plans, and second-biggest perv in school," Amadeus says, counting his fingers. "Other than that, he's totally normal. I'm still waiting on test results."

"Hmm..." Rias ponders.

"What's your take? He anything special?" he asks, leaning on the back of the couch.

"Not on the outside...but there's something," she says cryptically, handing back the phone and declaring, "Checkmate."

"Oh, darn~" Akeno whines sarcastically in defeat. "I was trying to make it difficult for you."

"'Kay, so, that aside..." Amadeus says before pulling out a whip, rope and a gag-ball. "I brought toys~!"

Rias lets out a tired sigh before getting up and stripping down. "Start without me. I need time to think."

"More filling for me~" Akeno says lustfully, licking her lips. "I want you to fuck me til I'm numb~" she desperately says out loud as they leave the room.

Rias, meanwhile, steps into the indoor shower with only her thoughts and the sounds of muffled moaning to keep her company.

"Issei Hyoudou..."


"I'd ask what happened, but I can already guess..." Issei says to a beaten, bruised, swollen and bloodied Matsuda and Motohama, who can only moan and groan in pain.


As the sun sets, an upset Issei is lamenting his virgin life on a bridge.

"Being a teenager's the worst. At this rate, jerking off to porn is the closest I'll ever get to doing it before I go off to college, which means I'll be a virgin forever and die alone," the poor virgin laments.

However, just when all hope seems lost, Issei's prayers are answered by the approach of a girl with silky, jet-black hair.

"Excuse me, you're Issei Hyoudou from Kuoh Academy, right? Or am I wrong?" the girl asks shyly. 

"Yeah?" Issei asks. 

"I don't recognize that uniform. What school's she from?" He thinks.

"Hi! My name is Yuuma Amano. I, uh..." the girl pauses to work up courage. 

"Hey, if there's anything I can help you with..." says Issei. 

"Sort of..." responds the girl. "I just wanted to ask you a quick question. Are you seeing anyone right now?" she says as a breeze blows by, slightly lifting the back of her skirt, revealing her pretty pink panties. 

"Now? No, uh-"

"That's wonderful!" the girl cuts Issei off. 

"It is...?" he asks. 

"Uh, in that case...since you're single, d'you think you'd like to go out with me?" Issei flinches in surprise. A girl asking him out? Truly a one in a million chance. 

"Go out with you...? Um, I..." Issei hesitates.  

"I've been watching. You pass by here a lot and you seem so, I dunno...gentle...and very handsome and I..." the girl stammers her words, clearly nervous. 

"This cannot be happening to me right now!" Issei thinks, not believing what he's hearing. 

"See, the thing is... I'd like for you to be my boyfriend!" The pervert is at a loss for words.

"Uh... I... Whoa! Is this for reeeaaal...?!!"


The next day...

"No...! Please, God...! What...?!" Matsuda and Motohama exclaim, shocked by their friend's betrayal while Issei introduces his new girlfriend to his boy friends. 

"Guys, this is Yumma Amano, my girlfriend." He turns to Yuuma. "And these are my good buds, Matsuda and Motohama."

"It's nice to meet you," Yuuma says with an innocent smile.

"And here's the best part, dudes. She. Asked. Me," Issei brags to his frozen stiff, dumbstruck friends. Matsuda struggles to make words. "Hey, stop wackin' it and you'll find one, too. C'mon, let's go, Yuuma," he says to his girlfriend. 

"'Kay," Yuuma responds, politely bowing to them before heading off with her boyfriend, leaving Matsuda and Motohama to cry jealous tears.

"He betrayed us!" Motohama cries out, shedding tears.


After school, Issei and Yuuma meet back on the bridge.

"Go out?" Issei repeats Yuuma. 

"Yeah, next Sunday afternoon. Can you do it?"

"Sure, that sounds great! I can do it anytime you want," Issei says, wholeheartedly agreeing. 

"It's a date, then. Night," she says, bidding her boyfriend goodbye. 

"Yeah, you too," he says. 

"I really am happy you're my boyfriend...!" Yuuma turns and calls out to him once more.

"Ditto. Bye-bye!" Issei waves her goodbye. Once she's out of sight, Issei can no longer contain his excitement.  "A date! A DATE!! This is badass!! I'm so gonna see lady parts! I am the man!!" He hops, skips, and jumps his way back home, ecstatic for next week. 

Unbeknownst to him, he's being watched by Koneko. She is chewing on a bag of sweets that was given to her by her beloved senpai.

"Senpai and Prez will want to know this," she says, chewing on a gummy bear and heads back.




Later that evening, Koneko meets with Amadeus, Akeno and Rias in the ORC clubroom, the latter of which has another chessboard in play against her lover.

"I see..." Rias says.

"You were right. One hundred percent." says Koneko. 

"Yeah, you totally called it," Akeno agrees. 

"I'm just glad I asked you two to keep a close eye on him," their King says.

"No prob," Koneko says in monotone. 

"What's next? What do we do with him now?" Akeno asks.

"We need to make our preparations immediately. That's all we can do. Everything else depends on him," Rias says, moving of her pawns on the board.

The Kuoh King moves one of his pieces before speaking. "You say that, but you're taking the easy route."

"Consider it, taking a page out of your book, Beloved," Rias responds.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Amadeus asks, sounding almost offended. "I never shy away from a challenge."

"Oh, really?" Rias says in a condescending tone. "And just how will you play?"

"You know me..." he says, making his next move. "I always love trying new things~"

Rias tries moving another piece but finds herself unable too.

"Wait, what-?"

"Oh, right. Checkmate." says Amadeus.

Rias was shook. He played in such an unorthodox fashion, that she didn't realize he won until it was too late.

"How did you...?"

"Chess is like Play-Doh," Amadeus answers. "Mold it one way and it can go another. All it takes is a steady hand~"

He chuckles as the lights dim.




The day of Issei's and Yumma's date quickly arrived. The time had come for the former to put the plan he had laid out way back when into action. Issei arrived at the meeting place three whole hours ahead of Yuuma and waited, passing the time by counting the number of girls in glasses who went by.

Result: over one hundred.

"She should've gotten here by now, shouldn't she?" Issei wonders. Suddenly, a girl wearing a strange outfit hands Issei a flyer.

"Here, take a flyer," the girl says, giggling before walking away. 

"Goodie, wonder what this is about? 'Your wish will be granted,' eh? Yeah right, if only that were true," Issei dismisses the flyer before stuffing it in his pocket.

"Issei! Hey!" Yuuma finally shows up wearing a light, pink button-up shirt and black underdress. 

"Oh cool, ya made it," Issei exclaims, grateful that he wasn't stood up. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Yuuma apologizes. 

"No, please, I'm just glad you came," he says.

"Woohohoho~! I've always wanted to say that to a chick!!" Issei celebrates in his head.

They both headed off on their date, unaware they were being watched. Amadeus, using magic to cloak himself and his aura, has his wings out and was floating in the air, wearing more casual clothing.

"Surprised he's not sweating bullets. Any virgin would." Amadeus says, grinning from ear to ear, excited for what he knows will happen next.

"They've entered the mall," he says, summoning a magic circle next to his ear. 

"Thank you, Beloved. Keep an eye on them and notify me when it's time. Love you~" Rias responds on the other end. 

"Understood. Love you, too~" he says, ending the communication. "Here we go~"

The date starts with clothes shopping and Issei decides to buy his girl a pink puffy bracelet. They decide to grab a bite to eat afterwards and head out, passing by a camouflaged Amadeus leaning against a wall.

"She could suffocate someone with all that killing intent~" he says, smirking. He follows the happy couple to a cafe, where they are sat opposite each other and enjoying some ice cream. 

"Mmm~ It's so good, so creamy and sweet. It just dissolves in my mouth~ Aaaah~" Yuuma exclaims, unaware of how she sounded. 

"Hehehe... Yeah." Issei repeats what she said in his head, donning a pervy smile.

"Did you say something, Issei?" Yuuma asks. 

"H-huh? Uhm, y-yeah, I'm fine. Totally fine, Yuuma," He nervously laughs while she stares blankly at him. 

"...Okay. Yummy~" she says, taking another bite.

"Too close! I thought this was over for a second there," Issei thinks, relieved. They enjoy their sweets, unaware that a still-cloaked Amadeus was floating in between them, staring down at the well-endowed woman.

"Even in this form, she's still a knockout," Amadeus thinks, admiring Yuuma's features. Deciding to be bold, he leans in close and takes a soft, long whiff of her hair, shuddering in delight. "Lavender perfume and a hint of blood. My favorite~"

"I wonder what her breaking point will be~?" he ponders, already thinking of what to use on her. Yuuma looks straight at Issei, unaware that she was staring right through Amadeus's eyes, which were laser-focused on her bust. 

"I'm so glad you agreed to go on this date, Issei. I've been having a great time," Yuuma says with a smile. 

"Me too, Yuuma," Issei returns.




Come dusk, the young couple went to a park on the outskirts of town and approached the water fountain. 

"I sure had fun today," Yuuma says. 

"Yeah, this was the best date ever," Issei agrees as their hands graze. 

"Dude, I think this is my chance to make a move!" Issei thinks excitedly. Taking a bold choice, Issei holds Yuuma's hand, making her blush. "I'm touching her...!" 

Yuuma lets go of Issei's hand, runs towards the fountain and faces him. "Can I ask you a question?" she asks.

"Mm-hm," Issei nods. 

"I want to do something to commemorate our first date. Could you do me a favor?" Yuuma asks, stepping closer to Issei. 

"I'm gonna get to kiss her! I'm so ready for this! What else could she be talking about?! My breath smells good, right?! C'mon, I'm ready!" Issei thinks excited, his heart pounding. "Wh-What kind of favor...?"

And, with a gracious smile on her face, Yuuma says those few special words.


"Could you die for me?"


"...Eh? You... Um, sorry, could you say that again? I think there's something wrong with my ears." Even with Issei's assumed hearing problems, Yuuma repeats and makes her words crystal clear.

"Could you die for me?Yuuma repeats, shredding her clothing and changing. She grows taller, taking on a more mature appearance, and her eyes shift tone, taking on a darker, eviler look.

"Ah, breasticles~! Those are boobs! I am looking at boobs! My little boy eyes have finally grown into manhood! And she's a super-hot chick, too! What's that old saying? This is a sight for sore eyes! This is totally a sight...for..." Issei trails off, at first admiring the scene playing out, but soon realizes the absurdity of the situation.

Yuuma's clothing also changes dramatically, now consisting of black, strap-like objects around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots.



"Wait, no it's not. She looks like a demon! Are those wings?!" Issei thinks scared, falling on his ass in shock and confusion. Yuuma replaces the innocent tone of her voice for a more mature, alluring, yet sinister one.

"Well, I have to admit, I did have some fun today~ Considering how naive and childish you are, things could've been much, much worse~" Yuuma says with a condescending tone before she brings up the bracelet Issei gifted her. "Thanks a lot for the gift, too~ Very sweet~ But, even so..." She trails off, summoning a pink spear made of light and holding it over her head. 

"Yuuma, wait, please-!" Issei pleads, confused and desperate.

"It's time to die!" Yuuma exclaims, throwing the spear at Issei and impaling his gut. He falls to his knees in pain.

"Sorry~ Your existence poses a threat to us, you see~ We had to take care of you quickly. If you want to blame someone, blame God for giving you that Sacred gear in the first place~" Yuuma says, taking a seat on the fountain's edge.

"What in the hell is she talking about?" Issei thinks as he vomits blood and falls down.

"Oh, thanks again for the lovely date~ It was fun~!" And with that, Yuuma leaves Issei to die, laying on the park ground, blood pouring from the large hole in his gut. 

However, unseen nor felt by her, a small device is thrown from the nearby trees and attaches to her heel.

"What a bitch... Am I really about to die like this...? Alone and pathetic...and a giant virgin...? If you were gonna kill me...couldn't you have let me squeeze your jiggly jugs, first...? I only got to look at them for a second...but I could see how bouncy they were... Oh, Yuuma..."

He raises his hand only to see blood dripping from it.

"Red... The same color as her hair..."

The image of a beautiful girl with blood-red hair appeared in his mind.

"Darker than any red hair I've ever seen...just like the color running down my hand... Long, beautiful crimson this..."

He strength begins to fade.

"Wait, why the crap am I thinking like this? I'm about to freakin' die!" 

Part of a red circle begins to form.

"It's over... Damn! I can't even move anymore! Trying to touch a pair of orbs... What a stupid way for a person to die!"

More of the circle takes shape.

"To be honest, I know I've lived a shallow life. Next time, I'm gonna try real hard to be a better person. The only thing I can think about is Rias."

He pictures Rias posing sexy and playing with her breasts.

"With her pretty red hair...and huge gazongas... If I'm going to die, then why can't I do it motorboating those glorious fun bags? Dammit... Worst of all... Knowing that prick has her all to himself...just pisses me off more..."

Finally, the circle is revealed to be the flyer he received earlier glowing in his pocket. It shines brightly before floating upwards and turning into a magic circle, which summons Rias Gremory herself before the poor, dying pervert.

"I have come. You're the one who summoned me, are you not?" Rias says, looking down upon the dying fool. Even knowing what she came here to do, the Queen of Kuoh can't help but see this poor boy as little more than a dog.

"Who... Who is that...?" Issei wonders as he starts to fade.

"You're dying. Your wound... Oh? Interesting. You must be... Yes, very interesting... Since death is upon you, I will gladly take you in," she says as two black wings sprout from her back.

"Whoa, she has wings, too..."

"From this moment forward, you will live your life for me."

Crimson hair was the last thing Issei saw before finally passing out. Amadeus then steps out from behind the trees and approaches his beloved.

"And you call me dramatic..." he says, referencing Rias's entrance. "You sure this was the right call? Letting him die, I mean."

"Like you have room to talk," she replies with a judgmental look. Amadeus just shrugs. "His gratitude will prevent any second thoughts."

"You're not gonna do that, are you?" Amadeus asks.

"Are you? " she fires back.

He sighs and responds. "I just don't like 'em getting too close."

"So territorial..." Rias says shaking her head with a smirk. "I'll make sure he doesn't touch." she says in a reassuring tone.

"...Alright." Amadeus relents, trusting his lover, and walks in the direction Yuuma took off. "See you back home," he says before spreading his own pair of wings and flying away.




On the edge of town, Yuuma lands on the doorstep of an abandoned church she's using as a B.O.E., flipping her hair back while reveling in the feeling of post-kill ecstasy. Further back, three figures split up and go in separate directions.

Once Raynare steps inside, she is greeted by her associates.

A middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and dark blue eyes is leaning against the altar with crossed arms facing Raynare. His attire consists of a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, a pair of black gloves, and a black fedora.



"Mind explaining where you were, Raynare?" he says, complaining.

"No need to scowl. I was just out nipping a flower in the bud," Raynare says with the tone of someone who didn't just commit homicide.

"Need I remind you we're in Devil territory? One wrong move and we may end up paying a grave price," Dohnaseek says cautiously.

"Chillax, old man," says another.

A girl with blonde hair which was styled into twin-tails and blue eyes is shown sitting atop the altar crossing one leg over the other. She wears a Gothic Lolita attire, which consists of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wears a large black bow on top of her hair.



"There's no way those loser Devils will wanna attack us so long as we stay out of their business," the girl says with an arrogant tone. 

"And how are you sure? Unlike you, Mittelt, I'm not so arrogant as to go off telling everyone how great I am," Dohnaseek mocks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mittelt says, annoyed. 

"Oh, nothing~ I just wouldn't be surprised if we end up suffering the consequences of your big mouth," Dohnaseek says with a smug grin. 

"Huuuh?! Try saying that again when I shove a light spear up your wrinkled ass!!" Mittelt exclaims, gearing up for a tussle. 

"You're welcome to try," he says, goading her.

"Knock it off, you two," says a new voice.

A tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye is sitting by the broken window on the right. Her attire consists of a maroon, trench coat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. The trench coat top is open at her chest, giving view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wears a gold necklace around her neck and a white shirt underneath her top, but it can only be seen from the bottom.



"I don't want to listen to you bickering all night," she says, irritated. Mittelt and Dohnaseek exchange one last glare before turning away from each other.

"Is everything ready?" Raynare asks. 

"Yes. All that's left is to wait for the others," she answers.

"Good. Twilight Healing will be mine soon enough~ And once it is, we're going to drive out those Devils and claim this town for ourselves," Raynare says with a sinister grin.

"Excuse me?"

The four Fallen jolt in surprise and turn to the entrance. Amadeus is there, leaning against the wall next to the door.

"Know where I can get some birdseed?" he asks, mocking them.

"Seems you were followed," Dohnaseek says. turning to Raynare irritated.

"Tch. How?" Raynare questions, equally pissed.

"Would you believe me if I said wrong turn?" Amadeus jokes, to no one's amusement but his. "Planted a tracker drone on you after you fled the scene of the crime. Stragglers like you never expect them," he says, taking out his phone and showing the tracker signal.

"Wow, that's embarrassing!" Mittelt snickers, amused by Raynare's blunder, the latter of which growls and scowls, furious.

"Oh wow, you are ugly when you're angry," Amadeus says, intentionally pissing Raynare off more.

"How dare you!" Raynare shouts.

"That deep, amber color... Raynare," Dohnaseek says, narrowing his eyes and realizing who this man is. 

"Yeah, I know. Why the hell are you here, Valeron?" she asks.

"A little birdie told me his cousins were stirring up trouble," Amadeus says in mocking tone. "So, I'm here to clip some wings."

"Oh wow, bird puns~ How original." Raynare says mockingly. "Got anything better?"

"Now that you mention it..." Amadeus trails off when, suddenly, another Amadeus appears beside Dohnaseek and pulls a gun on him. "I did bring backup~" he says before Dohnaseek's brains are out before he can even respond.

"What!?" Raynare exclaims, shocked. 

"What the hell!? How's there two of them!?" Mittelt shouts as Kalawarner stands up in equal surprise.

"Not too bright, are you?" Amadeus mocks.

"You bastard!!" Raynare yells at him.

"A simple duplication spell with a set input of commands. If only your hearing was better..." he says as the clone vanishes.

"Kill him!!" Raynare shouts to the others. They manifest spears of light and charge the prince, who just smirks. When they make contact, Amadeus just vanishes in a puff of smoke. "Another clone!?" she realizes too late.

From the hole in the roof, the real Amadeus fires dual-wielded bazooka-style weapons that launches giant clamps which hit Mittelt and Kalawarner in their upper backs, pinning them to the ground and blocking their wings.

"Augh! Shit!" Mittelt says, struggling. "It's too strong! I'm stuck!"

"Curses!" Kalawarner exclaims. "What kind of weapon is that!?"

Amadeus hops down and responds, "The kind made for you," before dropping the weapons. "Wow, down three in less than ten seconds; You really suck at this."

"Bastard..!" Raynare growls.

"Think fast!" Amadeus says quickly throwing down a flashbang, blinding the Fallen while shielding his own eyes. "Five seconds...!" he says in his head.

Raynare manages to jump back with her wings to Amadeus's surprise, "Try again!!" and manifests two more light spears and hurls them at her opponent.

He dodges side-to-side, which causes them to blow up the structure behind him. "She can make more than one at a time? Interesting..." He thinks before calling her out. "I flash banged you! How the hell aren't you blinded!?"

"Dude. Wings?" Raynare covers her face with her feathery appendages for a brief moment to demonstrate as if it were obvious. "Do you know how many times Demon Hunters have tried that same tactic?"

"Hm. Guess not." Amadeus shrugs, only to barely dodge another light spear. "Jeez!! Alright, if that's how you wanna play..."

"Oh, trust me..." She makes two more spears, spins them in each of her hands and gets into fighting stance. "This is exactly how I want to play~"

They standoff for a few moments...




...until Raynare makes the first move by throwing the spears at the clamps holding down her teammates, failing to destroy them while also creating an explosion. Amadeus hides his eyes from the dust and is forced to block another incoming strike by Raynare dual wielding again with just his arms, which start to burn on contact.

"She threw those spears both as a distraction and an attempt to free the others. So, she's not just a crazy, power-hungry bitch..." Amadeus thinks.

"What's wrong!?" Raynare says, swinging her spears with some measure of skill. "Daddy's boy out of practice?"

"Nope, just curious..." Amadeus says while dodging. "How does it feel being related to two different dinner entrées?"

"I'll show you..." Raynare tosses one spear directly behind Amadeus, causing an explosion that pushes him off balance. " roasting you alive!!!" she goes for his head. Inches away from death, Amadeus bends back and kicks the spear out of her hand. "What!?" Flipping back, Amadeus charges and rams into Raynare, pushing her back. "You idiot! You just left yourself wide open!" she says, making another spear to pierce his back.

"Did I...?" Amadeus smirks before poofing out of existence.

"Another clone!?" Raynare thinks frantically. She sees the real Amadeus standing back where he was before and pointing down at a landmine right below Raynare, which blows up before she can react. The resulting explosion forces the other two Fallen to shield their eyes from the dust, which masks Raynare before she spreads her wings and flies up, clearly scarred and burned. "That bastard!! He must have planted that bomb when he walked in!" she thinks.

"Hey, is this gonna take any longer?" Amadeus asks. "Cuz it's action movie night back at my place and we're watching Rocky for the first time. We've got popcorn, pizza, sugary drinks-"


"Sorry, sorry, it's just really late and I prefer staying on schedule," Amadeus says, obviously anxious about missing what he's heard to be an incredible movie.

"Oh, don't worry~" Raynare says, grinning from ear-to-ear. "I'll be sure to send you a body bag!!" She sends down a flurry of razor-sharp feathers for Amadeus to dodge.

"Really? That's your A-material?" he asks, unimpressed.

"Oh, like you're any better!?" she retorts.

Not wanting to drag this out anymore, Amadeus grabs one feather, spins and returns it to sender. It manages to hit her shoulder, giving the prince enough of a window to pull a Spider-man with an uncloaked wrist-mounted grapple and a clean blow to Raynare's jaw. Just in case it wasn't enough, Amadeus tightly grabbed her face and literally brought it down to earth...hard, cratering the ground.

"Grrr...! Sonuvabitch!" Mittelt screams, infuriated that their plans were foiled in one night by one guy.

Amadeus quickly tosses towards them a bomb filled with knockout gas. The last thing they saw before succumbing was the amber-haired stud carrying Raynare over his shoulder.

"I wonder what you two can do~"




The next day, Issei sighs as he strolls into class and takes his seat. His friends Matsuda, the perverted Baldy, and Motohama, the perverted glasses, converse.

"Yo, my brother-in-arms. How was that DVD I lent you? Titillating, am I right?" says Matsuda. 

"Phew... The wind sure was strong this morning, huh? You wouldn't guess how many pairs of panties I managed to catch good views of," Motohama says shamelessly. 

"I've got some good stuff here," Matsuda says, pulling lewd books and DVDs with suggestive titles out of his bag without a hint of shame.

Normally, the other female students would look at the trio and murmur to themselves about how these three are disgusting and filthy perverts. However, they are all too engrossed in their phones, displaying entranced and adoring expressions, something Issei takes notice of.

"Hm? I woulda thought at least one of the girls would notice all that," Issei wonders. 

"Tch, I'm not surprised. Every babe in school's been creamin' themselves over that amber-haired prick," Matsuda says, annoyed.

With so much on his mind, Issei is incapable of giving a good reaction to Matsuda's treasures, the latter letting out a resigned sigh at the former's lethargic reaction.

"Hey, come on. why are you scowling like that when I've brought you all these goodies?" Matsuda asks his friend. 

"You've been really downbeat lately. Odd. Very odd. This isn't like you," Motohama adds, also concerned. 

"I wish I could get worked up over this. I'd like nothing more than to obsess over them. I'm just so drained right now," says Issei. 

"Are you sick? Nah, that can't be right. There's no way you, the human personification of desire itself, would let something like a cold get in your way." Issei clenches his teeth in irritation at Motohama's offhand comment. 

Matsuda slammed his fist into his hand, as if in sudden realization. "Ah, I get it. This must be because of that imaginary girlfriend of yours. Yuuma, right?" he asks. 

"...Come on, you're telling me you don't remember her?" Issei returns, questioning his friends. 

Matsuda and Motohama just stared back at Issei with pity in their eyes. "Like we said, we've never heard of her. Seriously, you should get yourself checked out. Right, Motohama?"

"Yeah, I don't know how many times we've said this, but we've never even met this Yuuma girl you keep going on about," Motohama answers.

Somehow, all evidence of "Yuuma's" existence seems to have been wiped off the face of the planet. Even after asking around, no one mentioned her, as if she never existed. Issei had sunken deep into his own doubts.

"Well, we are in the springtime of our youth, so these things happen. You guys should come over to my place after school. We can watch my secret collection together," Matsuda says, laying an arm on his friend's shoulder. 

"A wonderful idea! Matsuda, you must invite our good friend Issei here, too!" Motohama proclaims. 

"Of course, my dear Motohama. We're all driven by the same lustful appetites. It would be an affront to our families if we failed to deliver on them," Matsuda proclaims.

The two of them broke out into lecherous guffaws. No matter how you looked at it, these two were genuine perverts. Issei had no trouble living as a deviant, so he resigned himself to going along with the proposal.

"All right! Today, there's no holding back! We'll toast with sodas, eat some snacks, and have our fill of erotic DVDs!" Issei says, deciding to put the 'Yuuma' situation on hold for a while. 

"Yeah, now we're talking! That's our Issei!" Matsuda shouts, excited. 

"That's the spirit. Youth is to be savored, am I right?" exclaims Motohama.

While making plans for the afternoon, that brilliant crimson appeared before Issei yet again.

Rias Gremory. Third-year student, and currently strolling through the schoolyard outside the classroom window. The school idol has features that transcended human flesh, with proportions unlike those of a typical Japanese girl.

As expected, considering she wasn't Japanese, but rather from somewhere in Northern Europe, and currently attending school in Japan because of her father's job. There was not a soul at the academy who hadn't found themselves enchanted by her exquisite beauty.

By the time Issei saw her, the whole class was already staring at her, his friends included. On regular occasions, Rias caught everyone's attention when she walked by. Some came to a complete halt, and others fell silent, but everyone found themselves turning to watch her. The wind blew gently through Rias's crimson hair as the entire student body watched.

Those radiant locks reached down to her waist, and with the breeze fanning it out behind her, it was as if Rias was walking against a scarlet backdrop. Her skin, white as snow, was stunning. "Beautiful" really was the only word to describe her. 

Rias's overall allure and noble bearing were nothing short of mesmerizing. Whenever he saw her, Issei would get so caught up in her elegant looks that he'd forget what he was doing. Lately, however, he'd started seeing her in a different light.

Yes, she was certainly beautiful, but almost too beautiful. In some deep corner of his heart, some part of Issei had grown wary of Rias's stunning figure. He couldn't explain why, but he was sure it had something to do with Yuuma's disappearance. At that very moment, Rias turned and locked her clear-blue eyes right on him.

*---! * In the brief instant, it was as though Rias had grabbed ahold of Issei's very soul. What was this feeling? It was like going up against an opponent who held an overwhelming advantage. Rias narrowed her brilliant blue-eyes and curled her lips in a faint smile. "Was that for me? No way, that's crazy..." he thought. They had never even spoken to each other.

But then Issei recalled something from that dream he kept having. At the end of that recurring vision, there was always a crimson-haired figure calling out to him. The voice had been a kind but, at the same time, impenetrably cold.

However, before Issei had a chance to compare Rias with the vague image in his dreams, the girl disappeared.

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