Chapter 2: Dealing with Devils! Issei Hyoudou's Amorous Ambition!

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"Gimme some tits to squeeze!" Matsuda cries in despair. Issei leaned over to comfort his wailing friend after finishing the last film of their erotic DVD marathon. Arriving at Matsuda's place after school, the trio happily began feasting on those forbidden delights.

Pretty soon, the trio started discussing why they were still single. Unfortunately, all that did was make them feel miserable. Matsuda had been crying nonstop for the past three videos. Motohama was pretending to keep his cool, but he couldn't hide the tears welling up behind his glasses.

Earlier, Motohama had told a tale of how he was asked by a girl to meet behind the school gym...only to be mugged by said girl. Even Issei felt like shedding tears after hearing such a somber story. How on Earth could the three of them be so depressed watching porn videos?

The answer was obvious.

They were too unpopular. Knowing there were guys their age making passionate love to girls right this very moment filled Issei with hate for the injustices of the world. And the best candidate to blame was the amber-haired stud himself.

Just picturing the amber-haired stud getting busy under the covers with the girls of Kuoh Academy, feeling up every inch of their glorious hourglass figures, seeded a deep hatred in the hearts of every male student.

As those dark thoughts swirled about in Issei's mind, the last film came to an end. The sun had long since set. A glance at his watch told Issei it was time to go, as he had promised his parents to be home before midnight. 

"Well, I'd better head off," he says gathering his things. With that, they all rose to their feet and got ready to part ways.

"What a nice evening. A good night for watching more erotic DVDs..." Motohama says, sighing heavily as he stared up at the open sky, feeling pretty down. 

"See you tomorrow, then," Issei says. 

"Yeah. Pleasant dreams, eh?" They parted ways, but Motohama seemed lifeless and sapped as he waved goodbye.

"Maybe I'll send him a text later to see how he's doing," Issei thought to himself. Unbeknownst to him, he was being watched. Perched high atop a telephone pole, a lone man observes the unaware boy with his coat tailed jacket flowing in the wind.

A few minutes later, on the road home, Issei's newfound nocturnal vigor began to surge. That strange nighttime force had struck again. Issei's eyes sharpened, and his senses were more finely attuned to his surroundings. His vision and hearing grew so sensitive that he could clearly see through the dark of night and even make out conversations going on in nearby houses.

Being able to see down unlit streets with no problem is definitely weird, but the chills coursing through his body were the real deal. Thanks to his bodily boost, Issei feels a watcher's eyes. A cold gaze locked onto him. A foreboding aura hung over the area around him.

Not wanting to stick around to find out what it was, Issei bolted down a nearby alley. Whatever this thing was, it was fast as the air behind him warped and fissured, as if it were being torn apart. His new superhuman speed helped him outrun this thing, dodging and weaving through the spaces between houses.

He tore through the darkness, turning down one unfamiliar street after the next. After about fifteen minutes, Issei found himself in a wide-open area: a park. He slowed his pace to a normal walking speed and approached the nearby fountain to take a short rest. Glancing around, a curious thought caught Issei as he stood in the pale illumination of the streetlights.

"I've been here before..." Issei thought as an image of "Yuuma" flashes in his mind. "Yes, this is it. This is the park where I took Yuuma when we went on our first date. It was real... It couldn't have been a dream..."

Was this a coincidence? A miracle? Had he brought himself here unconsciously? No, rather... was more like fate.

A deathly chill shot down his spine. There was someone...something...behind him... He could feel it.

Before he could move, or even react, a monstrous, dark red creature lunges at Issei with a bladed arm from the side, ready to slice him in two.


A gunshot rings out, and the creature is blown into the fountain by a mini explosion.

"Wha-!?" Issei exclaims before getting knocked unconscious. So much had happened in just one moment that he couldn't defend himself from a chop to the back of the neck. 

"Lady Luck has a twisted obsession with you, man," an unknown voice says.

Issei could feel himself being lowered onto the ground. Before he completely faded away, he saw the individual drawing a double-edged sword and rushing in to combat the monster.

And with his last few moments before slipping, he managed to catch a glimpse of a familiar color.





"...Wake up, or I'll kill you... Wake up, or I'll cut you to pieces..."

It was morning when Issei awoke face down on his pillow.

"So tired... That was the weirdest dream yet. Why does this keep happening every night...?" Issei wonders. His train of thought suddenly petered out when he turns over and sees Amadeus Valeron standing over him holding an ice bucket.

.    .    .

"I wasn't about to pour ice-cold water on you, if that's what you're thinking." Amadeus says poorly hiding the bucket behind his back.

"WHAT THE SHIT!? WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE!?" Issei exclaims in finger-pointing shock.

"Waiting for the timer to go off," the stud answers. "Sooo, how you feelin'?"

"Like my privacy was invaded. Get out," Issei says, scowling and pointing to the door.

"Okay, I can see you're mad," Amadeus starts. "But don't worry, your mom's just barely passes for attractive."

"...Wha-? I-you-WHAT?!" Issei is cut off.

"So, never got the chance to ask, but how was your first pegging experience?" Amadeus asks, throwing the bucket out the window.

"MY FIRST WHAT!?!?" Issei shouts, flustered. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME!?!?"

"Not with me, with Yuuma." Amadeus just says without consideration. "Y'know, after she killed you?"

Issei flinches. How did he know about his dream?

"How... How do you-?" Issei is cut off again. This time, by his mother popping in the room.

"Oh good, you're awake." she says to her son before turning to Amadeus. "I just came up to say breakfast is ready."

"Thanks." Amadeus responds before being confused. "Wait, but what about-?" This time, he's cut off by a timer buzzing. "Ah, there it is."

"Issei, get your butt out of bed. You're going to be late for school," she says as a stern, caring mother would. 

"U-uh, yeah, sure thing..." he says before she closes the door and walking back downstairs.

"...Ya think she looked hotter in her twenties?" Amadeus wonders out loud.

"Can you just shut up!?" Issei shouts irritated and completely forgetting their previous conversation.


"Delicious coffee, Ms. Hyoudou," Amadeus says, sipping his tea. 

"Oh please, it's nothing special," she says dismissively. "If anything, we owe you for preparing such a delicious breakfast."

"Gotta say, getting to eat this good doesn't come very often!" Mr. Hyoudou says, chowing on his bacon, scrambled eggs & pancakes. "Let's savor it while we can."

Issei's parents were sitting across the table with cheery expressions too relaxed for having a stranger in their house. Though, after Amadeus explained why he stayed the night, Issei's parents opened up and treated him as a guest.

However, despite being told he didn't have to, Amadeus felt obligated to cook breakfast for the whole family. Of course, being a good host, Ms. Hyoudou stepped in to help.

"Breakfast won't eat itself, dude," Amadeus says casually. 

"R-right..." Issei responds, still unsure as to what is happening. 

"Mm~! I gotta say, these little touches you added really made it all the better, Ms. Hyoudou." Amadeus admits, enjoying his meal.

"Why, thank you," Ms. Hyoudou says. 

"Yep! She sure is somethin' special. A great cook, and a real beauty to boot! Her coffee's a knockout, too!" says Mr. Hyoudou. 

"Doh, stop you~!" his wife says, playfully shoving him. 

"Careful or I might try to steal her~" Amadeus says jokingly, all three of them laughing together.

"What is happening...?" Issei wonders, struggling to wrap his head around this.


After a confusing breakfast, the duo depart for school.

"This has got to be the weirdest morning ever," Issei says, moping. 

"Your life sucks, then." Amadeus responds. "This is, like, every Tuesday for me."

"What, breaking into someone's house and hitting on their mom is normal for you?" Issei asks, annoyed. 

"Yeah?" Amadeus responds as if it were obvious.

"I'm gonna guess your parents didn't teach you about boundaries." Issei says passive-aggressively.

"What d'you take me for?" Amadeus asks, almost offended.

"Invasive comes to mind." Issei answers, annoyed.

"Aw, I'm hurt." Amadeus feigns heartbreak.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to annoy instead of me?" Issei angrily asks.

"Call it something else, she gets enough of that in bed." Amadeus subtly hints.

"And you're not at all worried about her finding out you hit on my mom?" Issei asks, momentarily annoyed by the subtle hint.

"'Hit on', being another term for complimenting a meal?" Amadeus asks back.

Not having a good comeback, Issei just clicks his tongue and walks ahead. "Whatever, man. Let's just get to school."

Amadeus hums to himself and catches up. "I'm getting the sense you don't like me."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Issei asks sarcastically.

"Your eyebrows and tone change are dead giveaways." Amadeus answers. "I'm not surprised; Pretty sure every guy at school has a dartboard with my picture."

"You brought it on yourself." Issei responds. "I can't go one day not wanting to throttle you or hear how other guys would do worse."

"Ripping off my nuts is pretty popular, I think." Amadeus says unfazed.

"If you know, then why are you walking with me?" Issei asks.

"What? Did you already forget?" Amadeus asks, going into serious mode. "Yuuma Amano."

Hearing this name, Issei's eyes snapped wide-open. How did he know about her?

"Good, you do remember her," Amadeus says, getting right to the point. He was never one to waste time. "Dumped, killed & reborn in just one night, and the gal who picked you up is my fiancé. You'd kill it at the craps table..."

"...What are you talking about?" Issei responds hesitantly. "How do you know-?"

"I know because it happened." Amadeus firmly cuts him off. "Nothing does in this town without me knowing."

"How could...? I don't-" Issei stutters out.

"You don't want to believe me?" Amadeus cuts him off again. "I get it. PTSD is a bitch." He turns his phone around and shows Issei something. "Maybe this will convince you..."

Issei sharply inhales a gasp. It was a photo of "Yuuma" lying in bed unconscious, tied up, and still wearing her skimpier getup.

"She's real, Issei, and my prisoner." Amadeus declares to the shocked pervert.

"Y...Yuuma...?" Issei stutters. "But, why is she-?"

"After she broke off from you, I tracked her down, caught her, and took her home." Amadeus explains, cutting Issei off again. He had a strange sense for obvious questions. "Gotta say, she's a lot hotter tied up," he says while admiring her features.

Issei is still in shock from finding out his dream is real and that he was, in fact, murdered by his ex.

"Now, unfortunately, if I were to say anymore, we'd be late for school." Amadeus states, putting away his phone. "So, every question you have right now can and will be answered later today."

"Wait, what!?" Issei exclaims as Amadeus walks ahead, not caring to wait.

"C'mon." Amadeus waves. "If we hurry, we can still catch the early morning swoons."

"Hey!! Don't just walk away after telling me all that!!" Issei yells, running after him.

"I've said all I want to for now." Amadeus tells him, pulling out and drinking from a water bottle. "Ask Rias if you wanna know more."

"Rias...? Are you and her-?" Amadeus interrupts Issei again. "No more questions!" he shouts, walking faster.

"STOP CUTTING ME OFF, JACKASS!!!" Issei shouts comically.




All eyes were on the unlikely duo upon their arriving to school. Issei understood why. After all, the Kuoh King was walking beside him, and he didn't seem to care about the gossip.

"Why is he doing that...?"

"What is the King doing with a creep like him...?"

From every direction, girls cried out in bewilderment. Some even fainted from shock.

"Does he have to walk with me? Almost everyone here's glaring daggers at us!" Issei says to himself. The duo strode through the school's front gate, and at the entrance to the main building, they part ways.

"Gotta split here," Amadeus says. "A friend of mine will bring you to Rias later."

"You gonna tell me why and who they are?" Issei asks unsure.

"Relax, they won't hurt you...unless you're into that. See you then~!" He mutters the last sentence quickly before speedwalking away.

"Asshole..." he grumbles. He had unsuccessfully gotten any new info out of the Kuoh King regarding Yuuma or what happened to him on the way here. Not wanting to spend another second conversing with his archenemy, he decided to leave it be until Rias called for him.

Still unsure of what was going on, Issei headed to class. The second he opened the door, all eyes were locked on him. Not too surprising, since he had been seen with public enemy #1 of the male student body.


Someone hit Issei on the back of the head. When he turned around, he found Matsuda and Motohama waiting for him.

"What's all this?! We were supposed to be hard-luck brothers! Why're you palling around with our mortal enemy!?"

"Issei, explain yourself. What happened after we parted ways last night?"

Motohama, unlike Matsuda, was trying to act all calm as he adjusted his glasses, but his eyes looked sharp as razors. Both of them were frightening in their own ways. 

Not wanting to spread any unnecessary rumors about him and Amadeus, Issei made something up on the spot. "We just crossed paths on the way here. Believe me, the last thing I want is to be friends with that asshole." He was still miffed about the Kuoh King wanting to get with his mom.

They were skeptical, same as everyone else. Matsuda and Motohama huddled together for a few moments before turning back to Issei.

"Fine, you're our bro, so we're gonna let this slide. But pull anymore shit like this, and we ain't gonna do it again!" says Matsuda. 

"You're on thin ice, mister," Motohama warns his friend. 

"I get enough scolding from my parents; I don't need yours!" shouts Issei.




After school, Issei waits in class for his pick-up. "I dunno who's comin' to fetch me, but their sure taking their sweet-ass time," he says unenthusiastically. Cries of excitement and joy sounded as Yuuto Kiba entered the room.

"Hey~!" Kiba says to all his lady fans. As the academy's second most popular guy, Yuuto's winning grin had pierced the heart of every girl in the school. He was actually in the same grade as Issei, although in a different class.

"Ohmagod, it's Prince golden nuts~ Shut up..." Issei mutters under his breath, irritated by all the attention the Prince of Kuoh is recieving.

"You're all looking lovely today~" the prince compliments the girls.



"You look better!" says Murayama.

"I'm sorry the room's not cleaner!" says Katase.

Kiba breaks away from the crowd of admirers and approaches Issei. "Ah, there you are."

"Huh? Uh, yeah, this is my desk..." Issei responds, confused.

"Excellent. I'm here on an errand from Rias Gremory," Kiba informs.

"What? Wait, is this the pick-up?" Issei asks surprised.

"Would you mind coming with me?" Kiba asks politely.

"Oh my god! Is Kiba-cakes about to walk out of this room with weasel-boy?!" the brown-haired girl fearfully asks.

"Kiba, don't do it! You'll catch pervert! You'll lose all your friends and smell like moldy meat!" the pink-haired girl also asks, equally disgusted by the thought.

"Everybody just simmer down. I promise not to drain his pimp juice." Issei says, taking his bag and standing up, annoyed by their comments. Even with his hate for popular guys, Issei still followed Kiba.

"Hey man, wait up!" Matsuda calls out to his bro.

"Don't worry, dude, I'm not about to fight 'em or anything," Issei reassures his friend.

"What do you want me to do with "Me, the Groper and the Occasional Udon?!" Matsuda says, holding up an erotic DVD.

Issei cries to the heavens for someone to save him from this horrible situation.




"Wha... What...? What the...?" Raynare's eyes slowly open. Dizzy and confused, she finds herself on a comfy bed tied up with her hands perpendicular to her back and her legs bent & locked together"Grr! Sonuva-!"

"Ah, good, you're awake~" Raynare jolts her eyes towards Amadeus sitting on a chair in front of the bed. On either side of the bed, Mittelt and Kalawarner are unconscious, buck naked, and leaking puddles of white stuff from each of their holes. Their bodies are covered in hickeys and kiss marks, implying they'd been busy before Raynare woke up.

To say Raynare was furious was an understatement. She had a set plan for taking Twilight Healing, only for it all to come crashing down because of one man.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you for this!!" she shouts, wriggling.

"Y'know, I love girls like you," he says, holding a remote control with a knob, numbers and a big, red button. "Cocky, vengeful, so certain they're gonna win... Makes it all the more satisfying when I break them~"

He turns the knob to three and presses the button. A shock collar electrocutes Raynare, making her scream in pain. Several seconds that feel like minutes pass before Amadeus stops.

"All right, Fish Lips, we're gonna play a little game. It's called hangman. I'm gonna ask you some questions. When you give me an answer that I don't like..." he says before he shows Raynare him turning the dial to the max level ten, with her watching in fear. "Okay, you get the idea... Last time we chatted, you mentioned Twilight Healing. Why don't you tell me about it?"

"Go jump off a cliff," Raynare responds, visibly pissed off.

"I don't like that answer," Amadeus says before turning the dial up to four and pressing the button. The electric shocks make Raynare strain her throat, grunting in pain.

"F-F-Fucking p-piece of sh-sh-shit-" Another electric shock keeps Raynare from running her mouth.

Amadeus had a feeling he was in for a long night. Knowing he'll miss an important meeting, he makes a call.


Issei followed Kiba all the way to the other side of the school grounds, behind the main building, to the old school building, which seemed just as deserted as it did the last time he was here.

"The president is waiting for you," Kiba says.

"President? He must be talking about Rias. Does she belong to a club? I guess this means Kiba is a member, too, then?" Issei wonders.

The questions kept piling up. They went inside and climbed the staircase to the second floor, traveling deep into the building. The halls were clean, and even unused rooms looked completely free of dust. There were none of the usual hallmarks of abandoned buildings. No spiderwebs stretched across the ceiling, and no weeds sprouted from the floorboards. Someone must have been keeping the place tidy.

While Issei was ruminating over these observations, Kiba stopped in front of one of the classrooms. They had reached their destination. Issei was surprised to find a nameplate hanging on the door to which Kiba had led him.

The words "Occult Research Club" were written on it.

The name alone made Issei tilt his head in curiosity. The existence of such a club wasn't as odd as the idea that Rias was affiliated with such an extracurricular.

"President, I've brought him," Kiba calls out.

"All right, come in," Rias responds.

"So, she really is here," Issei reaffirms himself.

As Kiba opened the door and they stepped inside, Issei was astonished by what lay before him.

Every square inch of the room seemed to be filled with strange symbols and glyphs. The floor, the walls, the ceiling - they were all covered with incomprehensible writing. At the center of it all was a magic circle. The complex pattern was huge, taking up almost the entire room.

Apart from that, there were also a few sofas and some desks. Koneko was sitting on one of the sofas.

"Wait, I think I know her." Issei says pointing at her.

The girl chows down on a youkan, a thick jelly sweet, wearing a drowsy look. 

"Oh? Koneko Toujou is a first-year and a valued member of the Occult Research Club," Kiba informs.

Koneko glances at the recently arrived duo. She was quite popular with some of the guys in school and even among the girls. She was like a living, adorable mascot.

"My friend Issei here thinks he might know you," Kiba says politely.

Koneko nods in greeting before going back to eating. The girl was also renowned for being incredibly stoic and expressionless.

"I could be wrong..." Issei says, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "I'm gonna kill him! Who doesn't know that perfect spinner bod?! All the girls hate her cuz all the guys wanna do her! Speaking of which... Damn, I wish I was that chocolate bar, right now!" he thinks to himself. "I had no idea she was down with the ORC! This changes everything!" He pictures Koneko in gym wear, donning a goofy grin.


Issei makes out the sound of running water from the back of the room. When he looked carefully, he noticed a plastic curtain on the other side of the room.

"A shower, inside the club? Shut up!" Issei says in his head. Through the curtain, he could spot a silhouette, unmistakably that of a woman. "Someone's in there! Oh, great googly-moogly! How did I get so mother-effing lucky?!"

"Your clothes are laid out when you're ready, Miss President~" says Akeno.

"Thank you, Akeno," Rias responds.

Realization hits Issei like a gunshot wound. "I just heard Rias take a shower! Ahh! I love this club...!"

"...It's not polite to spy," Koneko says in monotone.

All Issei saw when he turned to the source of the voice was Koneko, the same petite girl nibbling on her youkan.

"Now, now, Koneko-chan. Reactions like this are common for a boy his age. It's perfectly natural for him to be thinking dirty thoughts," says a much more mature, sensuous voice.

Issei's eyes were drawn to its source; the owner of which was standing off to the side.

Issei's jaw almost falls completely off. The woman standing before him was of indescribable beauty.

"Ah, Ms. Koukawa. I wasn't aware you'd be in attendance," Kiba greets.

"Apologies, but my Master is unable to participate in this meeting due to a prior engagement, so I shall be filling in for him. I hope I'm not a bother," Ms. Koukawa says.

"Not at all," Kiba dismisses.

The woman approaches Issei, who is having a difficult time forming words. "You must be Issei Hyoudou. Greetings. My name is Oboro Koukawa, and I will be sidelining this meeting."

Issei is too distracted by her visage and his own wild imagination to form a complete sentence. "...uh...y-yeah...words."

Oboro chuckles in amusement. "I am not officially a part of the Occult Research Club. Therefore, I shall document and report all that happens to my Master on his behalf. Just pretend I'm not even here."

"," Issei fails to say anymore as Oboro returns to her place.

"Ms. Koukawa just started working this semester as a teacher." Kiba informs.

"...yeah...uh-huh, gotcha," Issei mumbles. "Holy titty sprinkles! She's smoking hot! And is her bra out!? Her jugs are huge! That sharp glare! Those hips! Dat ass! Sweet sugar honey iced tea, I hit the mother-effing jackpot!!!" he thinks, excited.


The curtain slid open to reveal Rias standing there in just a towel. Her dripping-wet, crimson hair made her look extremely alluring.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I know it's terribly rude, but I didn't have a chance to wash last night," Rias says, glancing at Issei and flashing a smile.

"Oh no, you're hot - uh, fine, I mean, all good," Issei stumbles over his words.

"Who is that~?"

Issei was brought out of his thoughts by another new voice and his gaze shifted to Akeno. The gentle face with an everlasting smile. The exquisitely classic Japanese bearing. The paragon of feminine virtue. Colloquially known as the Two Great Ladies, Rias and Akeno commanded the admiration of men and women alike.

"I didn't see you~" she says with a polite expression. Her voice was absolutely enthralling. Akeno lets out an alluring chuckle as she approaches Issei. "It's okay, I won't bite~ You're the new guy, huh~?" She politely bows. "It's nice to meet you~" She stands up straight, her breasts jiggling from the sudden shift. 

"There's nothing to be nervous about~ Everyone here is super nice~ I'm Akeno Himejima, the Vice-President~" She ends her sentence with a cute smile and chuckle. Issei blushes and awkwardly rubs his head.

"Uh, I'm Issei Hyoudou and... I promise I'm not always this awkward," he manages to get out. "Cuz I'm not always this close to a girl about to bust out of her top!" he thinks. "Also, thinking of her and Rias working so closely together is hot! I bet they just hang out together naked when no one's around! And when it's cold out, they cuddle in bed and have pillow fights in the morning!" He dons another goofy grin and blows steam out of his nose. "This is the greatest club ever! I'm so glad I'm me!" he says out loud.

"Anyway, now that you've arrived, I think we can begin," says Rias, now fully clothed. Akeno brought a cup of tea over to the sofa where Issei was sitting.

"Some tea," the Queen offers.

"Ah, thanks," the pervert accepts and takes a sip. "It's good."

"Oh my, thank you," Akeno chuckles happily.

Kiba, Koneko, Rias, and Issei were all sitting on couches arranged around a table. Oboro was leaning against the wall facing Issei, writing down every word spoken on her tablet.

"Akeno, sit with us," Rias tells her Queen.

"Yes, President," Akeno agrees.

"We'd like to officially welcome you into the Occult Research Club," Rias says to Issei.

"Uh, thanks," he responds.

"But you should know the name of the club is just a front. It's supposed to look like this is some sort of hobby," she informs.

"Okay, so what is it really?" Issei asks.

"Allow me to put this simply," Rias begins. "Most of us are Devils. We have been at war with two opposing factions since time immemorial, fighting for hegemony over the underworld that humankind calls Hell. Devils like us build our strength by forging pacts with humans and exacting payment. Fallen angels seek to manipulate humanity and destroy devils. There are also proper angels, who follow the will of Heaven, indiscriminately targeting devils and fallen angels alike. These three factions have been locked in eternal conflict since the beginning of time."

Issei dons an incredulous expression.

"Something the matter? You look a bit overwhelmed," Rias asks.

"Well, probably because I am. I mean, you're talking about some freaky-deaky stuff here." Naturally, Issei just assumed Rias had been talking about the club's activities.

"Remember Yuuma Amano?"

Hearing this name, Issei's eyes snapped wide-open. Rias knew about her, too?

"Of course, you do. How could you forget? You two dated for-?"

"You, too?" Issei cuts her off. Unconsciously, a hint of anger had worked its way into his voice.

"Too?" Rias repeats him.

"You and that damn chick-hogging asshole." An image of Amadeus snickering mischievously popped into Issei's head.

"Ah, so you've already met him." Rias says, shrugging off Issei's comment about her Beloved. "That speeds things along, then. What did he tell you?"

"Only that he knows about Yuuma and has her locked up somewhere," Issei answers, clutching his knees, frustrated. "He also said I'd have all my questions answered."

"And so, you shall..." Rias trails off.

"Look, I'm not sure how you people know so much about my life, but I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable here. So, maybe we should just-"

"Oh, she exists. Most definitely." Rias cuts him off. "Although, she has certainly tried to erase all evidence connecting the two of you." She snapped her fingers and Akeno pulled a photograph from her pocket, handing it to Issei, leaving him utterly speechless at what he saw. "That's her, isn't it? Yuuma Amano."

The picture was unmistakably one of Yuuma, the girl who vanished without a trace. Issei had taken a photo of Yuuma with his phone before she disappeared, but even that was gone. Here, though, she had been captured perfectly. Though, a pair of jet-black wings were sprouting from her back.

"That's right, it wasn't a dream, Issei. She's real."

Issei is stunned silent.


Back with Amadeus, Raynare was still undergoing interrogation while the former was enjoying the show.

"Scream if you can still hear me~" the amber-haired stud says in a playful tone. Raynare can't keep her pained grunts down as she fidgets and squirms in pain. Eventually, the shocks stop so Amadeus can talk with her again. "Bonus round. Where is it?"

"Guh...ha...ha... A nun... A nun's got it." Raynare finally tells.

"Name?" Amadeus asks, only to get tired pants and grunts as an answer. "C'mon, Titter Tots, I need a name," he demands more aggressively, shaking the remote as a reminder.

"Asia! ...Asia Argento." Raynare admits. "We were...expecting her in a week by train. Short, blonde and stupidly naïve."

Amadeus grins and moves to the foot of the bed. "Thanks Ray-Ray. I owe you."

"You got what you wanted. Now, let me go!!" Raynare demands. She didn't want to admit it, but the shocks were wearing her down.

"Hold on~" Amadeus starts. "I have the information, but not its subject. That's not enough to satisfy me. No...there's still something I want from you~"

"Grr... What else?" Raynare asks, angered by his greed.

Amadeus leans in close and dons a sinister grin. "You~"

In the next instant, he rips what little there was of Raynare's clothes off and began massaging her twin peaks, much to her shock and disgust, unable to stop him due to her restraints. "Get your goddamn hands off me!!"

"More specifically, I want your allegiance." Amadeus states. "Women like you are difficult to come by. Anytime I find one, they don't get away."

"I'm not your fucking pet!!" she screams. "Let go of me!!"

"Not until you submit..." he trails off, dropping his pants and trousers, and unveiling his 7-inch-long King Cobra cock. "Or break; whichever comes first~"

It seemed to twitch as if it were alive, sensing its newest target. The veins on its side bulge and the musk engulfs the air around it. Never in life had such a weapon been unsheathed by human nor supernatural beings.

For the first time in her life...Raynare feels a twinge of fear.


Back with Issei and co., Rias continues her explanation. "I love this picture of you two. You remember it, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. But how is this possible?" Issei inquires. "Matsuda and Motohama don't remember anything about her. And why isn't her number in my phone anymore?"

"Those born of the supernatural world have the ability to erase human memory," Rias tells.

"What?!" Issei exclaims in shock.

"It usually ends up being the best thing for everyone," she says.

Issei takes a moment to look down at the photo. "She messed with their memories..." he thinks, frowning.

"After a fallen angel accomplishes their goal, they erase all memories and records of themselves from everyone around the target," Rias explains.

"Wait, what goal?" Issei asks, confused.

"You mean Yuuma's? She needed to kill you," she bluntly states. 

Issei is shocked by this. "Wh-why would she need to-?"

"Calm down, Issei." Rias says in comforting tone. "She only needed to kill you after she figured out whether or not there was something within you that was dangerous or threatening. It's nothing you did... Let's just say you were unlucky..."

"Unlucky?!" Issei exclaims.

"She had to get close to you to learn if you possessed something dangerous to them. I'm sure the response wasn't particularly strong, which is why it took her some time to confirm it. But then she found it. Your body is a vessel for a Sacred Gear. Once that was verified, you were stabbed through the middle with a spear of light," Rias calmly explains.

"A Sacred Gear..."  Issei recalls Yuuma's words after their deathly parting. 

"Sorry~ Your existence poses a threat to us, you see~ We had to take care of you quickly. If you want to blame someone, blame God for giving you that Sacred gear in the first place~"

"That explains the freaky shit she was saying." Issei says. "About God and something sacred."

"Yes, you have a Sacred Gear," Rias says.

"Sacred Gears are exceptional powers entrusted to certain humans," Kiba explains. "A lot of famous historical figures are believed to have possessed them. It's the power of their Sacred Gear that inscribed their names into the history books."

"Even today, Sacred Gears continue to appear in the world," Akeno adds on. "I'm sure you've heard of great individuals playing important roles in society. Many of them possess Sacred Gears, too."

"Most of these items aren't capable of much more than making a few waves in human society, but some have power formidable enough to threaten devils and fallen angels," Rias gestures. "Issei, raise your hand."

Issei does as he's told. "Kay, but I'm not very good at catch."

"Close your eyes and visualize the most powerful thing that comes to mind."

"Th-the most powerful thing...? L-like Goku's Kamehameha attack from Dragon Ball...?"

"Very well, imagine that. Now, picture it at its strongest."

Goku's signature technique appeared in Issei's mind. "Am I doing this right?"

"Slowly lower your arm and rise to your feet," Rias says.

Issei did as she said and stood up.

"Now, put yourself in that stance. The absolute strongest pose, all right? Don't hold back."

"Rias wants me to play make-believe Dragon Ball at my age? In front of everyone?!" Issei says to himself, embarrassed already.

"Come on," Rias presses on.

"Arrrrrgh! Seriously? She really wants me to do it? Dammit! Fine, watch, but this is the only time!" Issei put his hands together, one on top of the other, palms facing outward, arms outstretched.


"Now, open your eyes. This room is overflowing with energy, so you shouldn't have much trouble manifesting your Sacred Gear."

Again, he did as he was told, and Issei's arm began to glow. "What the hell?! How is this possible? Did I actually pull it off?" he says in his head.

The light was beginning to take concrete form, enveloping Issei's forearm. When it finally subsided, his left arm was encased in some kind of red gauntlet. The ornamentation was very elaborate, like a piece of a high-quality cosplay outfit. A round, jewellike object was embedded in the part covering the back of Issei's hand.

"Wh-what the hell?!" Issei exclaims in shock.

A loud snap causes everyone to turn towards Oboro, who is staring at Issei's Sacred Gear wide-eyed in shock with a broken pen in her hand. "I apologize." She regains her composure, picks up the pen pieces, places them in a small bag, and pulls a new one out of her pocket. She then returns to her documentation, discreetly snapping a photo of Issei's Gear.

"Anyway, that, Issei, is your Sacred Gear. Now that you have manifested it, you can use it whenever you like," says Rias.

"This red gauntlet is a Sacred Gear? Seriously...?" Issei is in awe. Imagine if you sprouted a red, metal gauntlet from your hand. You'd freak out, too!

"The fallen angel - Yuuma Amano - considered your Sacred Gear a threat, so she killed you," the girl in charge explains.

"Then I guess the same goes for the part where she killed me?" Issei wonders.

"Moments before you died, you summoned me with this." She holds up a leaflet. It was the same one the stranger had given Issei while he'd been waiting for Yuuma before their date. "It's one of our flyers. The magic circle serves to summon devils like us. Few people go through the trouble of actually drawing summoning arrays like that anymore, so we distribute these flyers for them to use instead. They're simple and convenient. One of my familiars was handing them out downtown that day, and you happened to pick one up. Then, on the brink of death after having been attacked by a fallen angel, you called out to me. It must have been a truly powerful wish to summon me. Usually, one of my servants like Akeno or the others here would have responded instead. When you summoned me, I knew at once that you were a vessel of a Sacred Gear and that you had been wounded by a fallen angel. But that was where we had a bit of a problem. You see, those light-based weapons they use are just as deadly to humans as they are to devils. You were on the cusp of death. I decided to save your life."

"Save my life? So, Rias rescued me?" he thinks to himself, grateful for the save.

"You now exist as a devil. Issei Hyoudou, you have been reborn as an honored member of the House of Gremory, which means you are now my servant," Rias declares.


All at once, wings burst forth from everyone around Issei except Oboro. Unlike the black wings of the fallen angels, these were more leathery, like those of bats...

...or garden rakes.


A strange sensation ran down Issei's spine. When he glanced over his shoulder, he was startled to find the same kind of dark wings sprouting out of his own back.

"We're glad to have you here. Welcome." Rias says, not at all worried about Issei's startled reaction.

"Are they for real? I'm a freakin' devil?! So, my life as a normal human guy is over?" Issei thinks, speechless as to having swapped species.

"Let's start over. Yuuto?" With that, Kiba turned to Issei with a wide grin.

"I'm Yuuto Kiba. As you know, I'm a second-year student here like you. Um, and I'm a devil. Nice to meet you." Kiba says casually.

"...First-year... Koneko Toujou... I'm a devil, too," she says with a slight bow.

"Akeno Himejima, third-year. I'm the vice president of the Occult Research Club. It's a pleasure. I'm also a devil. U-fu-fu~" says the sadist.

Rias flicks her long, crimson hair and proclaims. "And I'm their master, Rias Gremory, of the ducal House of Gremory. We'll be working together from now on, Hyoudou-kun."

As Issei struggles to process this unbelievable information, an unavoidable question pops into his mind. "Hold on, then why is she here?" he says, pointing to the black sheep of the group.

"Ah, yes. Koukawa-san is aware of our existence and works directly under our fifth member, Amadeus Valeron." Rias says, making Issei's heart crumble into pieces. 

"You... You've gotta be kiddin' me... She works for HIM?! How is that possible?! She's gotta be way ol-" Before he can finish speaking, a bladed claw is brought to his neck, scaring him and sending a chill down his spine.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you...



...not to ask a woman her age~?Suddenly, the mature, professional, and smoking hot teacher was replaced with a violent, sociopathic sadist with a pair of metal claw gauntlets and a sinister smirk.

"Wh-what the?! I didn't even see her move! What happened to her?!" Issei wonders, too scared to make a move.

"If you don't mind dying a second time, then insult me again. Though, given my master's wishes, I'd suggest keeping such thoughts to yourself. He expects a lot, so don't disappoint him, or else..."

A scratch appears on Issei's cheek, which begins to bleed. He flinches and takes a quick step back.

"Well, you get the idea~" Knowing her master would severely punish her for disobeying his orders, Oboro restrains herself, sheathes her claws, and returns to documenting the meeting. Issei grasps his neck, checking to make sure his head was still attached, and takes deep breathes to calm down.

"Wh-What the hell are you?!" he hurriedly asks, scared.

"Ask my boss the next time you meet him. I don't feel like giving you an answer." she says dismissively.

"But-!" Oboro cuts Issei off by extending her claws.

"Try asking again and something's coming off. Understand?"

"O-Okay..." Issei backs down, having a sinking feeling that she means to cut something important.

"Getting back on track..." Rias begins. "As my newest servant, Issei, you must provide compensation for me saving your life."

"I...guess that makes sense," he responds, still shaken after almost getting cut up.

"Devil society is divided into different strata. I have a noble title. In our world, one's status largely depends on birth and upbringing, but there are some devils who manage to climb the ladder. Everyone starts as a novice at first," the crimson khan explains.

"Could you please stop talking as if this were a college recruitment?!" the newbie exclaims.

"Depending on how you play your cards, you could become very popular with the opposite sex~" she says in a suggestive, tempting tone so as to convince him.

"-! How?!" Issei exclaims, immediately on board.

"Most pure-blooded devils perished during the Great War long ago. As a result, there was a critical shortage of loyal servants." Rias explains. "The power and majesty that we used to possess when we stood at the forefront of our great legions were lost, too. Without fresh blood, we were doomed to perish. Just like with humans, there are male and female devils, and we are capable of bearing children. However, it would take eons for our numbers to recover through natural birth alone. Such a thing would leave us defenseless against the angels and fallen angels. That's why we have been finding suitable humans and turning them into devils - our retainers."

"So, I am a stooge, then..." Issei says, realizing the insignificance of his new life.

"Oh, don't look so down." Rias reassures. "Let me get to the point. This conversion method only helps increase the total number of lesser-ranked devils. It doesn't bolster the number of powerful ones, so we introduced a system to give reincarnated devils - that is, those who were once human - a chance to rise up. If a reincarnated devil proves worthy, they will be granted a noble rank and title, regardless of how they were born. This system has really boosted our population. You might be surprised to learn just how many devils there are running around. Like the members of my club, there are plenty who have chosen to blend into human society, too. I'm sure you've met more than a handful of us already without even realizing it."

"There are more devils here?!" Issei exclaims.

"Among others. Some humans are able to detect us, but most can't. Those filled with powerful desires, or who want to make a deal, are better at sensing our presences. They're the type who usually summon us, using those leaflets that we hand out. Then there are others like you, who can tell us apart but can't bring themselves to actually believe we exist. Not until we show them our demonic powers anyway."

"What?! So, it was my overwhelming desire that summoned Rias as I lay dying?! In any event, it sounds like devil society has gone through a lot of changes." Issei realizes in his head before speaking aloud. "S-so, I can earn a noble title?!"

"Indeed. Anything is possible. Of course, it will take considerable time and effort," says Rias in a calm tone, making it sound easier than it actually is.

"Whoaaaaaa!! Seriously?! Me?! I can make my own harem?! I can do whatever I want with them?!" Issei shouts, hoping it to be true.

"If they're your servants, why not?" she casually answers.

A bolt from above may as well have struck Issei.

Out in the real world, as a human, it was practically impossible for Issei to have a harem. As just some regular dude, he'd probably never be able to attract that many women.

But now the tides have turned!

"Whoaaaaaa! Being a devil is awesome! Hell yeah! I'm on fire! It's time to throw out all those old magazines and-" Issei pauses to think it over. "No, not the magazines. They're my most prized possessions. There's no need to get rid of them, not until Mom finds out anyway... Right, that's a separate issue!"

Rias chuckled with amusement. "You're a funny one."

"My, my. He's just as you said, like a dopey little brother. U-fu-fu~" Akeno laughs.

"Do these two just casually throw around insults?" Issei wonders.

"Anyway, Issei, you serve me now, understood?" Rias says. "Don't worry; with strength like yours, I'm sure you will have no trouble distinguishing yourself. Who knows? You might even earn a title of your own one day."

"Understood, Rias!" Issei responds wholeheartedly.

"No, no, no. That's President, got it?" Rias reprimands her newest pawn.

"President? What about Big Sis?" the pawn suggests.

Rias frowned, giving the idea some real thought for a moment, before shaking her head. "Hmm, that does sound rather wonderful, but since we operate here at school for the most part, I think we should stick to President. This is the Occult Research Club, after all, and that is what everyone else calls me."

"Understood! Prez, teach me how to be a devil!"

Hearing this, Rias broke out into a truly devilish grin. She looked genuinely happy. "Hee-hee, an excellent response. Very good, Issei. I'll make a man of you yet~"

"M-my very own big sis! Under her tutelage, I'll awaken as a devil! Better yet, I'll rise up in the world!" Issei tells himself, fully embracing his new life.




Back with Amadeus...

"I love my life~"

After he whipped it out, the Incubus Prince spent the last ten minutes treating Raynare like a living fleshlight. White stained were the walls and floor, the bed was soaked in sweat and semen, and the poor girl was left a happy, drooling, cum-stained mess, stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey and blown up like a balloon. Barely conscious following such a viscous pounding, all Raynare could do was twitch and breathe.

And just above her south mouth, glowing pinker than a blacklight, was his family's sigil. This signified that Raynare - as well as her fallen sisters - were his to do with as he pleased. Obviously, when they woke up, they wouldn't be too pleased about it, but this was, in Amadeus's eyes, par for the course. They were born beautiful and attacked first. Thus, Amadeus had free reign to do whatever he wanted with them.

And if they complained, he'll just screw them again.

Not wanting to leave smelling like a rat's asshole, the amber-haired stud showers away the sex stank.

"Hopefully Azzy won't be too mad..." he ponders. "Though, I guess he'd feel responsible, in this instance... Eh, something for later."

After he exits drying off, Oboro appears from a magic portal, instantly taking a knee. "I have returned, Master."

"How was it?" he asks straight away.

"Standard pleasantries were exchanged and the boy has fully accepted his new life. However, there is something you should see..." she says ominously.

"What is it?" Oboro hands him the tablet after scrolling to the photo of Issei's sacred gear. It shocks him enough to warrant a flinch. "Is this really...?" His hands are shaking.

"Yes, master." Oboro says. "What is our next course of action?"

Amadeus shakes out of his shock and speaks in a serious tone. "Notify the S.G.R.D. immediately. Code: Crimson."

"Yes, sir." Oboro teleports away, leaving Amadeus to cover his face with one hand, seemingly in exasperation...

...only to don a sinister grin.

"You're mine now, Ddraig~..."

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