Chapter 12

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"I mean, what's the point of memorizing the equation? It's not like I wanted to become a scientist or something." I grunt.

I hate Chemistry with passion, but I still take the subject because I'm not sure what I want to be yet. So I have to struggle with the hard subject until the end of high school.

"Shut up and focus." Dean smirks and I immediately know that he loves being bossy.

"Fine." I sigh.


"I'm home!" I scream as soon as I step into my house.

Edward who is playing Dota on his laptop in the living room yells, "How was your date?!"

"Damn it, I'm not deaf." I hiss, cupping both of my ears.

"Just in case." He grins widely. "How was your date, sis?"

"First, don't shout at me ever again. Second, stop calling it a date!" I scowl while approaching him.

"But it was..." he mumbles quietly.

I go to sit next to him and immediately cover his face with a small pillow that is on the sofa.

"Fuck!" he screams, getting rid of the pillow in an instant.

"Don't do that! I'm playing here!" He glares at me before he continues his game.

I roll my eyes, smiling. "Like I care."

I love to disturb my brother especially when he is playing game to get a reaction from him. It's kind of amusing.

After I settle down, I unlock my iPhone and a smile instantly tugs on my lips when Dean's picture comes into my view.

"What are you smiling at? Your loverboy just texted you, right?" Edward smirks at me before he turns his focus to his game again.

"Shut up. He's nothing to me," I say before a blush creeps up my cheeks. I do not blush. Elisa Evans does not blush for crying out loud!

"Is that so?" he mutters quietly.

I ignore him and immediately make my way to my room.


"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey buttercup. What are you doing?"

I frown before saying, "Can't sleep. Why do you call me?"

"Can't sleep because you're thinking about me? Really buttercup? Your creepiness is getting out of control."

"I am not creepy! You're the one who called me, not the other way around." I scowl.

"I called you to make sure that you're at home, not outside of my windows, stalking me." I swear I can feel his smirk right now.

"For the 100th time Deany-boy, I'm not a stalker! You are." I hiss while leaning on the pillow.

"Stalk isn't in my dictionary, buttercup. It's in yours."

"I...." I say before I stop myself. "Why am I arguing with you about this again? I need my beauty sleep and you're blocking me from having it."

He chuckles lightly. "Okay, talk to you later. Bye buttercup. Like usual, don't dream about me too much," he says before he hangs up.

I scoff. His cockiness is getting out of hand! But why do I feel like I somehow like it? No Elisa, no no no. You cannot like Dean Winchester. You really can't! You just knew him for a week for God's sake. He's a bad news, a really bad one. Even by having a tiny little crush on someone like him is definitely forbidden in your dictionary! Plus, do you want to feel like you heart being ripped out of your body again? Do you want your heart to be broken again? Do you want your fragile heart to be shattered into a million pieces again? Don't you remember how much you struggled to stick up for yourself against someone like that again? You were a zombie back then. You hid in your room, you didn't eat, you had sleepless nights full of tears and darkness. Do you want it to happen again?

"Of course not," I mumble quietly before I exhale the breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"I don't want to be played again, I don't want to be the fool in love again and I'm sure as hell don't want to love someone like that ever again." I heave a sigh.

What if Dean was acting nice to me because he wanted to play me like David did? He's a hot bad boy and a sexy casanova, it's not impossible for him to do such thing. I know that I've seen him rejecting a few girls who approached him, but what if he did that to be in my good book? I know that he doesn't even have interest in me, I simply know it, I mean what could he possibly see in me? I am so not his type. I'm just plain old Elisa. Of course he likes someone who is prettier than me, hotter than me, smarter than me and especially better than me. Plus, what if he's worse than David?

"Worse than David..." I swallow the lump that is building in my throat to stop myself from crying.

I don't want to feel what I felt before. I don't. I'm scared of feeling like that. It has been two days since I stopped thinking about David. My heart is broken and bruised already. It can't be fixed. Nobody can fix it. Not even Dean. Especially not him. I might act like I was happy in front of my friends and my family, but deep down in my heart, I knew, I truly knew, I wasn't strong enough and in fact I'm just ... vulnerable. I feel like I'm just a piece of toy made for guys to play with, but once they're bored of it, they will just toss it away. I breathe heavily before I finally give in to the feeling. I let the hot tears escape my eyes. I cry and I cry again as if the only things I have at the moment are my tears and this feeling of loneliness that creeps around me. I tangle up into a ball while I rewind those dark memories on my mind and cry my heart out until I fall asleep.


I wake up early in the morning. I've woken up a few times since last night. That's it. I don't want to develop feelings for him. I need to stop it if I want my heart to be at ease. So, I've made the decision that's best for me. I know it's hard, but I have to do it nonetheless.

I have to build a barrier between Dean Winchester and I. First things first, avoid him as best as possible.

After I have a hot bath, I take a look at the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot red. My dark circles are visible. I've caught a cold. What a perfect way to start the day.

I use an eyeliner, I don't know, to cover up my puffy eyes? But it's just useless and not worth my effort at all. I give a shot to hide my dark circles by using a concealer.

I don't feel like dressing up, so I just throw myself into the simplest outfit I can find. A black baggy shirt, a black sweater with hoodie, black leggings and a pair of black Vans, done. God, I really hope I can be invisible with this outfit. I zip up the sweater just a quarter from below and put my hoodie up to cover my damp hair.

I walk downstairs to eat although I've lost my appetite. Nobody's up yet. Good. I heave a sigh. I don't feel talking to anyone, not mom, dad and not even Edward.

I go to eat cereal but after two spoons I stop and throw it away. What a waste of cereal. I sigh. Again.

To avoid being questioned by my family, I skip to the front door and close it. I have to go to school early if I want my plan to be successful.


Luckily, I manage to avoid Dean and my friends by the first and second period. I've also intended to hide in the library at recess. Call me a coward for all I care, but I have to do it. I just do. I don't want to like him. I can't.

The third period is Chemistry. My heart is beating rapidly. Please I hope I don't have Chemistry with him. Please God please. When I enter the class, Dean isn't there. I sigh in relief before I sit at my usual place.

After a few minutes of me crying out of relief figuratively, Dean and Sam walk into the class. Damn it. I gulp nervously and quickly bury myself in the book.

"I can still see you, you know," he says.

I ignore him, still looking down at the book.

"Hey, look at me." He raises my chin and my gaze immediately falls on him. However, before he can say anything, I  push his hand away from me harshly.

"What do you want?!" I hiss.

He looks taken aback by my reaction. When he recovers, he mutters, "Why are you—"

"Class, please sit down," the teacher says.

I release a sigh of relief when Dean returns to his seat which is behind me and next to Sam. "Why didn't I notice this last week?" I thought. Oh of course, they just got into my school last week on Monday. So they didn't have to take the test like I did last week. Plus, they must have been busy managing their transfer to get into the class before recess.

Bella doesn't come to school today, so I figured that she's sick or something. So, yay, I have to sit alone today.


When the bell rings, I quickly gather my things to get away from Dean. As soon as I step out of the class, Dean pulls my arm and turns me to face him.

"What's gotten into you today?" he asks in a serious tone.

"Nothing. Get away from me." I try to release his grip on my arm but he is too strong.

"No, tell me, why did you act like this? Did I do something wrong?" He strengthens his grip on me while frowning.

"Yes, you did!" I lie. "Now get away from me!" I snap.

"What? We can talk—"

"Dean, get the fuck off of me! I don't want to talk to you anymore, like ever! Don't come near me again!" I yell harshly.

He immediately releases his grasp on my arm and stares at me with a look of hurt. Without wasting my time, I break into a sprint away from him to stop myself from hurting him further. I lock myself in one of the toilet cubicles before I break into tears. It's not just about Dean, it's about David and everything else that goes wrong in my life.


It has been a week since I last talked to him.

When we came across each other, I would take the left way while he took the right one. We just ignored each other. Even during English and Biology, both of us pretended like one of us didn't exist although we sat next to each other. To be honest, my chests felt hollow. I felt empty without him and his cockiness, but I just had to swallow the feelings because it was better than facing the truth.

It's Monday. It's time for recess. I walk to my group's table and sit there. I still don't have any appetite to eat.

When Dean and Sam walk into the cafeteria, my eyes instantly follow them without my willing. For the last whole week, Dean and Sam have moved to sit with Sally and her little minions. If you haven't guess it already, Sally is the school slut, no offense. Everything about her is fake. She even dyed her brunette hair to blonde. Like really, what's the point of having fake blonde hair? Her hair isn't half-attractive as Bella's natural one. For the whole week, Dean and Sally couldn't even take their faces off each other. I always noticed that Sam looked uncomfortable sitting with them. Seriously, couldn't they make out more privately?

Sam's hand on my shoulder brings me back to the harsh reality.

"I need to talk to you," Sam says with a serious face.

"Um okay," I say nervously and I follow him. What does he want to talk to me about?

When we are just a few steps away from the cafeteria, Sam immediately says without beating around the bush, "It's about Dean."

"What about him?" I ask, my voice sounding nervous.

"He's not himself, Els."

"What do you mean?"

"He's changed."

"I don't understand." I chuckle nervously.

"That..." He points towards Dean before he continues, " not him."

I turn to look at Dean who is kissing Sally like there's no tomorrow.

"Isn't it normal for someone like him to make out?" I ask. He's hot and everyone in this school wanted a piece of him, so him making out isn't surprising at all to me.

"No, not normal at all. He didn't do it since ... never mind."

I glance at Sam curiously. I wonder what he wanted to say, but since he didn't want to tell me, I couldn't push him. "Um, so what has it got to do with me?"

"Did something happen between you two?"

"I ... um..." I say, unable to finish my words.

"Look, I've been trying to talk to him, but he said I've got nothing to do with this and he just ignored me. So maybe you can do something." Of course you've got nothing to do with this, it's not your fault. It's mine.

"I don't know what to do to be honest," I finally say with a sigh.

"Please, I'm begging you. Do something to bring back my brother, my real brother." Sam's worried look makes me feel more and more guilty.

"Give me time. I'll ... I'll think about it."


It's easy to relate to Elisa's feelings when you've felt the same pain......



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