Chapter 13

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Today's Friday. This is it. This is the day I'm gonna try to bring Dean back, or whatever the hell Sam meant. It took me four days to make this decision, because well, I've got to admit, I was a coward. But every single day that past by was getting more annoying and irritating.



On the same day Sam talked to me, I had English class. I walked into the class as usual, but what I didn't expect was that there was someone waiting for me, wanting to rub the fact that he was making out for the 1000th time right in my face. My heart ached, but I acted like I saw nothing. I sat on my usual seat and looked forward at the blank whiteboard. It was better than seeing the two creatures next to me. Hmm, what a pretty whiteboard. It's so white and so ... beautiful. I thought ridiculously to divert my attention from them.

Sally who was sitting on Dean's lap while her arms linked about his neck moaned right next to my ear but I just clenched my fists under the table.

"Shh, don't moan that loud, babe. Miss grumpy next to you looked like she wanted to throw up," Dean whispered to Sally but obviously he knew I could hear it.

Where's the teacher when I need her?!

Sally giggled seductively before she continued pushing her mouth against his. As much as I didn't want to see them making out, I could still see them from the corner of my eyes.

Mrs. Phillips scurried into the class and started to apologize. "Sorry I'm late. I have a meeting just now." When her eyes fell on Dean and Sally who were still kissing and totally ignored her talk, her face turned red. Mrs. Phillips wasn't someone who was easy to get angry, so that was the first time I saw her turning into the red version hulk. And it was definitely scary as hell.

"What do you two think you are doing?" She tried to keep her professional tone but failed nevertheless.

Dean and Sally completely acted like she was invisible as they still continued their make out session.

Mrs. Phillips strode towards them as she fumed with anger. She pulled Sally's arms away from Dean and Sally who had a late reaction time fell onto the floor with a loud thump.

"Ouch!" She shrieked like a bitch.

"Both of you! Detention! Now!"

Dean bent down to help Sally to get up. My heart instantly clenched at the sight of him helping her. I recalled the moment he released his hold on my hand at the mall when he acted like he was trying to help me to get up. But he didn't. And now he helped his bitch. So sweet. Note the sarcasm.

"I think I broke my ankle!" Sally yelled in her most annoying voice.

Dean who was acting like a hero picked her up, bridal style within a second.

They continued their kiss on their way out of the class until they were out of our sight.

Mrs. Phillips let out a deep sigh before she fixed her sympathy gaze on me. What the hell was that?

After she saw that I've noticed her pity gesture, she immediately turned her attention to the class. "Let's discuss about Pride and Prejudice."


When it was time for Physics, I increased my pace towards the class. As my eyes fell on Dean and Sally who were heading towards the school's front door, I immediately pursed my lips. Should I follow him or shouldn't I? I weighed my decision before I sighed. What the hell, I know that curiosity kills the cat but my instinct told me to follow him. So I did.

They were too oblivious to the surrounding until they didn't realize I was creeping behind them, hardly making any noise. I think I should apply to be a spy once I have graduated.

They walked towards Dean's car and when they got into his car, their 2000th round of making out began. I bit my lips and without waiting anymore, I sprinted to Physics, to stop myself from hurting my feelings further.


I walked to the parking lot with Bella and Emily. I tried to immerse myself into their conversation, but I couldn't. There were too many things that rushed into my mind at the moment.

"Hey, isn't that Dean?" Bella asked.

My head immediately snapped to the direction that Bella was pointing at. Dean. Sally. Walked into his car. Together. My heart ached. Again. I wonder where he wanted to take her. His house? Or somewhere else?

"Let's just go home," I said, pulling Bella and Emily's arms towards our cars.

I hated the fact that I was losing him.


I sighed in relief when it was time for recess. I went to my locker to put my things. But when I saw Dean and Sally's figures right in front my locker, making out, my footsteps instantly stopped. My heart was bleeding again. Well that's it! Now they had crossed the line! They could fucking make out anywhere for all I care, but not at my locker! I bit my lips to stop myself from cursing them out loud. So instead, I walked to the cafeteria to calm myself.

*End of flashback*

"Hey Bella, do you have Sam's phone number? And don't worry, I won't take him away from you."

Bella giggles. "Of course I know you won't, silly. You like the other twin, not Sam."

I reply nothing to Bella, so instead I wait for her to give me his phone number.

"Done. I've texted you his phone number."

"Thanks." I smile, this time it's a genuine one.


When the last bell rings, I quickly gather my things so that I can go home as soon as possible because after eating, I need to get ready to go to Dean's house.

After I have done all the things I was supposed to do, I quickly text Sam.

I wait for a few minutes before my iPhone vibrates along with the sound of my text tone.

"Okay, time to go."


I stop my car right next to the doorbell so that I can press it without having to get out of my car. I'm lazy and I know it. When the automatic gate is opened, there stands a big house, no — a mansion right in front of my eyes.

I drive into the house and park my car at the open space in front of the white mansion.

Sam has already waited for me at the front door. "Hey Els," Sam greets me before he throws me into a bear hug.

I'm shocked for a moment but once I recover, I return his hug and smile. "Hey."

After he has released his grip on me, he says, "Dean's upstairs. Have you went to his room the last time you came here?"

I start to ponder for a second. "No, we were just at the living room."

"Okay, so his room is the furthest one, near the windows. Good luck, Els."

"Thank you." I smile gratefully.


I walk in a slow pace towards Dean's room. My hands are sweating although it's freaking cold. To be honest, I'm really nervous right now, but I have to act cool.

I knock on his door softly but he doesn't open it. I knock more hardly and after a minute of me knocking like an idiot, I hear his grumble while he mutters a few profanities.

"Sammy, what the fu—"

"Elisa? What are you doing here?" He furrows his eyebrows, confusion is plastered on his face.

I purse my lips, feeling hurt. He has never, ever, and I mean ever called me by my first name. Although I was annoyed at first, but after some time I somehow liked it. It felt special to me because he was the only one who called me buttercup or Evans. Like how my family members are the only ones who call me El while my friends only call me Els, that's how I felt when Dean called me by those two names.

But once he calls me by my first name, like right now, the only thing that I can think of is that he really hates me. Even the small thing like that can bruise my heart.

"Can I come in?" I ask, gesturing towards his room.

"No," he says without hesitation. There is no emotion in his voice.

"Please?" I beg.

"What the hell do you want, Elisa?"

"I just ... let me come in then we'll talk."

"No. If that's what you want, you can leave."

"Please, Dean."

"What the fuck do you actually want?" Hatred fills his voice and his eyes burn like hot coals as he stares at me.

"I'm sorry, okay! I know that I've fucked up our friendship!" I scream infuriatingly.

"What? What friendship?" He snickers.

I gasp. Did he really say that we're not friends after all we've done together? I feel a lump building in my throat but I swallow it away. I know he didn't mean it. I know because what we have is genuine and real. He only said that to hurt me, I know.

"Look, I'm sorry. I know that I've said and done terrible things, but I wasn't thinking at that moment. I'm really sorry," I say sincerely.

He just stares at me without saying anything. After a few seconds, he sighs and walks into his room to sit on the sofa while keeping the door opens. I immediately know that this is his way to let me in.

I walk into his room and sit on the sofa opposite him. His room is really big, wow. I gasp when I notice he is drinking. So that's why I smelled alcohol when he talked.

"Are you drunk?" I ask, concern fills my voice.

"What if I am? You can't stand in my way. You're not my mom," he says before he chuckles humorlessly. He doesn't look at me — at all. "You know what's funny? The fact that I don't have a mom to prevent me from doing anything — that's what funny."

"Dean, I'm so—"

"Don't sweat it. She's not dead yet."

"What?" I ask confusedly. "Oh." It is the only thing I can say when realization hits me.

"She didn't even feel sorry for leaving us, you know. It was obvious that she was glad to finally get out of this house by the grin on her face when she walked out of the front door."

As much as I wanted to know his background, I feel guilty because he is telling me his life story without his conscious. He is really drunk right now. "Um Dean, I don't think you actually—"

"She called me a few days ago," he says, interrupting my words. "When I didn't answer her call, she texted me and said that she wanted to mend our relationship and shit. What was the point? The fact that she walked out of that door isn't enough?" he mutters dryly.

I go to sit next to him. I reach for his hand and hold it tightly, sending waves of strength to him. He flinches a bit when our hands come in contact and I instantly feel hurt.

"This is why I think women can't be trusted — You'll use someone when he gives benefits to you but once he becomes useless — you'll leave. All of you are the same." He chuckles without emotion.

"Not all women are like that, Dean." I try to reassure him.

"Oh yeah? My mom, my own flesh and blood, left us because she said she just fell out of love with my dad. Bullshit. She left him because she found someone who's rich. So don't try to tell me 'not all women are the same' crap. I'm sick of it," he says in a monotone voice.

"There's someone who's richer than your dad?" I seem to not be able to hide my surprise. His dad is already filthy rich. With Dean's expensive motorcycle and mansion kind of house, her mom still went to someone who is richer than his dad?

He laughs humorlessly. "What? Did you think my dad is the richest man on Earth? If that was what you thought, you should know that her boyfriend is a lot richer. He has a fucking castle and he also owns a fucking private jet."

"What?" I gape in shock. Wow.

"Oh and by the way, my dad wasn't this rich before. My mom left my dad when our family was burdened with financial problem. She couldn't stand being poor. So she left."

Wow. I'm speechless. He has suffered a lot. I feel ashamed for trying to leave him because I was scared that he was like David. My problem involving David was really small compared to Dean's problem.

"Why did I even tell you all of this? Get out of my room. Leave."

"But I—"

"You know what, to top it all, you made me feel a whole lot worse. I felt like a shit when you expressed your hatred towards me. I should know it anyway. Girls couldn't be trusted. You couldn't be trusted," he said, emphasizing the word 'you'. This time he turns his attention to me and narrows his eyes at me. "Get. Out. Of. My. Fucking. Room. I won't ask you twice."

I clench my fist tightly to calm myself. I won't let his words that cut deeper than a knife break me. I won't. I stand up to leave without questioning him further.

As soon as my feet land in front of his room, I whisper, "I'll give you space. I know you need it. I'm really sorry about what I've said to you. I didn't mean it."

He says nothing to me and I instantly let out a sigh as I walk downstairs.

"Are you okay, Els?" Sam asks in concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I reassure him with a weak smile.

At that very moment I know there's one job to be done.

I need to fix Dean Winchester.


When you like someone, it just happens okay? You can't decide who he is, where and when. It just happens. This is what happened to Elisa. We can like someone within a second, a day, a week, a month or a year. It depends. Honestly, I don't believe in love at first sight. But I do believe in attraction, which can be translated as having a crush on someone. Liking someone. Not loving. There's a big difference between those two dangerous words. You don't feel that jealous if someone you like have a relationship with another person. But when you love someone and he he likes someone else, you'll feel this burning pit in your stomach. And it hurts so much. When you like someone, you can move on easily. When you love someone, it'll take you a really long time to let him go, let alone move on. Wait why did I even write this?



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