Chapter 5

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Bella and Emily rush towards me immediately after they saw me entering the school building. Aaron and Jace aren't here yet, so they must be late, as usual. Aaron is going to piss off once he knows about this.

"Hey Els! Are you okay? Oh my God I couldn't believe he would cheat on you," Bella says in a worried tone.

"Els, we're officially going to murder that man-whore. Now tell us the whole story. Don't keep the details." Emily's serious look throws me off guard. She isn't the serious type, so once you see her turns serious; it's a bad sign.

"Guys, class will start in 5 minutes. We're not going to make it if I tell you now," I say, sighing.

Bella holds a thoughtful expression while Emily's face turns into an unreadable look. Both of them then sigh in frustration.

"Girls' night. Tonight," both of them say in unison.

"Okay, okay. Don't worry. I'll tell you girls tonight." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Good," Emily and Bella mutter at the same time. Again. This is what I called 'twins'.

Now, time to go to office to get my class schedule that went missing when I lost my planner.


I haven't bumped into David so far. I'm glad that I didn't have any class with him today. Not that I wanted to avoid him or anything, but I just ... I couldn't face him yet.

I go to the cafeteria and walk towards my group's table. Jace and Aaron are already there. Have they found out about it?

"Yo Els, you look fabulous today." Jace gives me a toothy grin.

"Why thank you. Don't I always?" I wink.

"Yeah Els, you've finally made an effort to dress up to school." Aaron's lips curve into a genuine smile.

To be honest, I'm glad that both of them complimented me. Not that I wanted some kind of attention or something, I'm just relieved that they didn't know about David yet and my efforts to hide the fact that I've been crying for a long time paid off.

I turn my gaze towards Aaron. Aaron's protective side always made guys scared to even talk to me, but it actually caused me to feel safe. And I like it. He's like an older brother to me. Speaking of brother, I think this is the perfect time to tell them the truth.

"Um guys—"

"Hey guys!" Bella and Emily say simultaneously.

"Hey Bella, hey Em," Aaron, Jace and me greet them.

"So, what are you gonna say just now, Els?" Aaron asks curiously.

"Um actually—"

"Babe! Why didn't you answer my call yesterday? Were you sick?" David stands behind me with a worried look.

I almost fall for his act. Keyword, 'almost'.

"No, David. Just ... get away from me," I say, releasing the breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I quickly stand up to face him.

David pulls my arm forcefully. "Why? What have I done? If it's all about the stay after school problems, I promise you I will—"

"No, David! Get the fuck away from me!" I release my arm from David's grasp harshly. I didn't realize the cafeteria is getting silent because I'm too consumed with anger.

"You cheated on me with that bitch! She already knew about us, didn't she? I mean who didn't? Almost everyone in this school knew about us. We had been together for two years! Two fucking years, David! But you're willing to let me go for her? If it wasn't for my missing damn planner, I wouldn't know it until now! Glad I was able to see your true colors before it was too late," I scream, fuming with anger, hatred and vengeance.

"What are you saying? I don't understand." David knits his eyebrows in confusion.

Don't understand my ass! This year The Best Actor Award goes to ... David Cooper! Now give him a clap ... to his face with a brick.

"Don't you try to feed me with bullshit, David Cooper. I saw you did that disgusting thing with her. I saw most of it." I grit my teeth.

"Oh that. It ... it was just a kiss. Come on babe, don't be mad. A simple kiss wouldn't hurt, would it? You couldn't possibly be mad about that. I can explain," David answers, defending himself.

"A simple kiss, you say? I saw you did it with my own eyes, David. I saw it for crying out loud! You could have fooled anyone else, but not me! So, fuck your bullshit, your man-whore attitude and especially fuck you!" My eyes turn black as I inhale a sharp intake of breath.

I almost cry my eyes out when the image of David with that bitch crosses my mind but I shake my head mentally. I try to stabilize myself. Focus on the anger, Els. Focus on the anger. Don't be sad. Don't cry. You don't want him to think that you're weak, don't you?

"Babe, I can explain. I—"

In a split second, Aaron punches David in the face. Auch, that must hurt a lot.

"You cheated on her? I've already told you to take care of her fragile heart, to never hurt her! But what did you just do?! You didn't only neglect her feeling, but you dumped it in the worst place possible! I told you man, I wouldn't leave it alone if you hurt her!" Aaron throws another punch, but this time he aims his fist towards David's stomach.

My mind immediately snap back to reality and I rush to stop Aaron.

"Aaron! Stop! I don't want you to get suspended because of me. You know how strict our school is, right?" I beg. As much as I love to see David getting punched, I don't want Aaron to get into trouble because of me.

He clenches his fists until they turn white and narrow his eyes at David. "You're lucky I let you go this time. I won't compromise after this if you try to go near Els. Get away from her sight. Distance yourself from her. Don't even appear in front of her. Pretend that you're already dead in her life."

I just notice that silence fills the cafeteria as people steal a glance at us curiously. David who also notices the same thing crimsons in embarrassment. He gives me an unreadable expression before he walks away.

"What are you guys looking at? Show's over!" Aaron shouts. People start to do their own work but they still look at me once in a while.

I take my seat and heave a deep sigh. All of us remain silent as we take a trip down the memory lane. But — that was before our thoughts are interrupted by Jace's voice.

"Phew, that was tensed, wasn't it?" He shows us a toothy grin and I stare at him blankly.

"Stupid," Bella and Emily mutter under their breaths while sending him a murderous glare. Aaron — of course, he slaps Jace's head.

"Ow! Not on the head, dude! I could get concussion then my head would bleed and I might lose my memory or maybe I would die and after that you were gonna be blamed and your life would turn upside down and—"

"Bro, shut up before I slap your head again."

I try to laugh but I can't, not after the incident that just took place. So instead, I offer them a small smile and they return it with their own. This is why I love my friends.

Maybe I don't need a boyfriend after all. Friends are enough for me.


"Hey Evans, I need to talk to you." Dean pulls my arm when I'm walking to the parking lot with my friends.

"What is it?" I steal a glance at my friends to see their reactions. Bella and Emily hold a dreamy look, Jace makes a bored face while Aaron narrows his eyes at Dean curiously.

"You forgot your planner. Yesterday I was actually looking for you to give it back but you know after that incident happened, I didn't remember about it."

"Um okay. Why didn't you give it to me during lunch?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. Stupid question. Of course he wouldn't give it to you when you were fuming with anger. You might throw it away. "Never mind. Forget that I ask anything."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Evans. Or else you friend over there might kill me." He curves a seductive smirk before he walks away.

Wow, he didn't even have to try to be attractive. He was already born with that trait.

I just shrug and walk back towards my friends. "How do you know him?" Aaron is the first one to ask.

"IkindofbumpintohimandhehelpedmeafterDavidcheatedonme," I say all in one breath.

"What?" they ask simultaneously.

I sigh in exasperation. "I kind of bumped into him and he helped me after David cheated on me."

"He helped you?" Bella asks curiously. She already knew about us bumping into each other and having English class together, but she didn't know about this yet.

"Well ... I asked him to help me to skip school and he did." I smile sheepishly.

"Girl, I need all the juicy details. Tonight," Emily says in a serious tone.

"What about us?" Jace pouts while his finger points at Aaron and himself. "We want to gossip about it too."

"Correction. You wanted to gossip about it. I didn't." Aaron cringes. "Els, just be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt again. One time is enough," he advises.

"Hey, don't worry about me. Worry about yourself," I say, smiling. "Look at you, you don't have a girlfriend yet. Someone like you should already have one by now."

It's true though. I would be lying if I say Aaron isn't attractive. He could put girls under his spell just by letting them to stare into his light blue eyes. He is definitely charming ... and handsome. I actually had a tiny little crush on him when I first got to know him. But well, things changed. That was before David started to notice me. David was my first crush and the biggest one I ever had. What Aaron and I have is just platonic.

"Nah, I don't do dates. Girls are annoying."

"Hey!" Bella, Emily and I yell in unison.

"Only you three I've made an exception." He winks.


"I'm home!" I say to no one other than my brother. I immediately stride to the kitchen.

My school ended at 3.00 p.m while mom and dad will be home at 5.00 p.m. That leaves my brother and I alone for two hours. Before, I was alone at home but this year Edward got a long semester holidays. So, he's the one in charge for buying our lunch. I have two types of lunch. The first one is at school and the second one is at home. I eat a lot, I know. I myself wonder why I haven't gotten fat until today.

"What are we gonna eat today?" I ask hungrily. I didn't eat at all during lunch at school, so it's logical for me to get this hungry.

Edward usually shoved me away from the food and ordered me to take a bath first, but today he makes an exception — and I know why.

"Pizza," he says with a wide grin.

"Ed! You're the best brother I've ever had!" I go to hug him. He really knows how to lighten up my mood.

"And you're the worst monkey-like annoying sister I've ever had." He returns my hug.

"Now Ed, that was rude. You're lucky I let you go this time." I release my hold onto him and go to the living room to eat. He follows me within a second. I'm glad he doesn't ask about David anymore. I just need to free my mind off of David, that's all.

I put the plate with a few slices of pizza on the small table beside the sofa and take a slice. I sit on the sofa with my legs crossed and start to eat it while reading e-books on my iPhone using an application called Wattpad.

Hmm, this is life.

I take another slice and start digging in again before I'm interrupted by a text from Emily.

I smile at her text before I reply to her. You see, we often hangout at Emily's house because Bella has a little brother while I have an older one. So, we didn't get as much privacy as we needed. Plus, Emily's parents are always out of town so we're the only ones who could entertain her as she doesn't have any siblings.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Edward asks with a smirk.

"Shut up. Your crush just texted me." I mimic his smirk.

His face suddenly turns pale and he laughs nervously. "Ha-ha. Crush? What are you talking about?"

"Don't beat around the bush, Ed. I'm not that oblivious. I knew you have a crush on Em."

"I..." He sighs. "Since when did you know?"

"Long enough to guess that you didn't have the balls to ask her out."

"She doesn't like me. So what's the point anyway?"

"How can you be so sure that she doesn't like you?" I ask in confusion.

"She has never talked about me when she's with you, right? For God's sake, that's the sign that she doesn't like me back." He sighs in exasperation.

"Maybe she was shy. Come on bro, you can get her. But you've got to try harder." I throw him a convinced smile.

"Maybe you're right."


"Mom, dad, I have a girls' night tonight. I need to go to Em's house."

"But it's a school night. Do you bring your homework with you?" My dad frowns.

"Don't worry, I've already completed my homework, dad. I'll be back tomorrow."

My mom sighs. "Okay, be careful, sweetheart."


"So, split the details," Emily urges me.

"Relax, I just got here, okay? For God's sake, give me a minute to breathe," I complain in annoyance.

"Okay. 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55—"

"Em! You stupid girl!" I laugh along with Bella. Wow, it feels good to laugh.

"What? You said to give you a minute." Emily shows an innocent smile.

"Smartass," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Now, now, now, Els, you're trying to change the subject here aren't you?" Emily asks with a devilish smirk planted on her face.

"No. Okay fine, I'll tell you girls." So I start to tell them the way I found out David cheated on me and how Dean got involved in it. Their reactions change during each part.

"I swear I'm going to castrate him and feed his testicles to dogs!" Emily grits her teeth.

"Who was the girl he cheated on you with?" Bella asks with a puzzled look.

"I ... I didn't know who she was actually. I rather not to think about it." I heave a sigh.

"Understood," both of them say in unison.

"Dean Winchester, huh? He seemed totally hot." Emily raises an eyebrow, changing the topic for my sake.

"His name sounds hot too." Bella sighs dreamily. "But unfortunately, Sam is sexier than him."

"No, Dean is sexier than Sam." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Aha! So you do admit that Dean is sexy. You like him, don't you?" Bella smirks.

"No, no way! I just knew him for God's sake. Just because I complimented him doesn't mean that I like him," I exclaim, defending myself.

Bella and Emily send me a look of disbelieved.

"So, girls' night, huh? What are we gonna do?" I ask to change the subject.

"You guess?" Emily's lips curve into a devilish smirk. Uh-oh.


I'll continue tomorrow!



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