Chapter 6

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"There is just one simple rule for this game. Whoever applies the craziest and funniest make up wins. The one who loses the game needs to do a dare and the one who wins will decide it. But, we'll only have one winner, so, the two of us will have to do the dare each," Emily says with a smirk tugs on her lips.

"Where did you even learn this weird game?" I ask, frowning.

"Of course on the internet my dear." Emily mocks. "Now, now, may the best girl win."

We are given 10 minutes to complete the task. The three of us have already faced the mirror.

"1, 2, 3! Let the game begin!" All of us shout enthusiastically.

I quickly take a bright purple lipstick and try my best to draw a cute piggy on my forehead. After that, I proceed to draw tear drops from under my eyes until my cheeks using a liquid eyeliner. While waiting for it to dry, I take a bright red lipstick and color my nose until it becomes like the clown's. A smile tugs on my lips. I'm going to win this. I complete the task by applying a hot pink blusher to form a big pink circle on each side of my cheeks. Done! I smile in satisfaction.

"I vote for Els." Bella says, chuckling a little.

"I vote for Em." I smirk.

"I vote for ... myself," Emily mutters with a smirk curves on her lips. Bella and I stare at her blankly.

"Fine! I vote for Els." Emily sighs. "I thought I was going to win this! Damn it!"

"Sorry Em, the best girl wins." I mock her words just now.

"Whatever. So, what's the dare?"

An evil grin is planted on my face. "I think I'll start with Bella."

"So, what do you want me to do?" Bella asks nervously.

"Let's see ... you know the old man who lives two houses on the left? I want you to ring his doorbell, hug him and scream 'I love you!' at him." I smirk at my own idea.

"What?!" Bella shrieks and her face turns pale. "You can't possibly ask me to do that!"

"Yes, I can, I have the power right now. Now, now, lovergirl, we'll follow you from behind."

"Please tell me the reason I still befriend you." Bella grunts.

"Because I'm awesome," I answer, winking at her.


Emily and I follow Bella to the old man's house and we quickly hide behind the bushes. This shall be entertaining. I should have brought a bag of popcorn.

Bella sends me a murderous glare that could pierce through my eyes before she starts ringing the doorbell. Within a minute, the door is opened by the old, bald man thrice our age. Here we go.

She hugs the old man and quickly releases her grip before screaming 'I love you!' at him. The poor old man then looks dumbfounded. Bella mutters a quick 'sorry' before she walks away. The old man who just recovers from his unconscious state pulls Bella's arm and whispers something to her before he kisses her cheek. Bella looks stunned and shocked. Within a second, she runs to Emily's house and she is out of our sight. The old man frowns in confusion before he shrugs and walks into his house.

"What the hell just happened?" I whisper to Emily.

"I don't know. But that is the definition of hilarious." Emily giggles. "Oh crap! I forgot something."

"What was it?" I ask in panic.

"I forgot to record it."


"I will kill you, Elisa Evans! You won't be alive by tonight! I'm going to shoot you and I'm gonna make sure it's a headshot. But before that I'll make you drink the most dangerous poison people have ever invented. That will make you suffer two types of pain. After you die I'll cut your body into 15 pieces and throw them into the sea to be eaten by a shark. Then your head will be attached to my room's wall as my very own collection," Bella rambles, hissing in anger.

"It was just a simple quest, Bella. You went back alive. No harm was done." I chuckle.

"No harm was done you said? That shameless old man tried to flirt with me, Els!" Bella shrieks. "You know what he whispered to me? He said and I quote 'you seem like my dead wife, darling. You also smell like her. I love you too'. So no harm was done, huh?" She grits her teeth.

"Ew, gross," Emily and I mumble in unison.

"Come on Bella, forget about it. I'll pay for our pizza tonight." I bait her with her favorite food.

One of the things the three of us has in common is in our food choices; we love pizza, nutella and chocolates. If I'm stuck on an island with nothing other than the food I listed, I really don't know which one I will choose. Pizza maybe?

"You better. Or else I'll never forgive you." Bella narrows her eyes at me. "And Els, don't forget that Em has to do the dare too."

"No way I'd forget. It was the first thing that crossed my mind." A smirk tugs on my lips.


"Do it."


"Just. Do. It." I emphasize.

"No way!"

"Just do it Em. Yesterday you said tomorrow," Bella says in a singsong voice.

"Ugh, I hate you girls," Emily mutters under her breath. She quickly dials his phone number.

Here we go! My stomach churns at the moment. I shouldn't be the one who feels nervous.

"Hello?" Emily greets in a small voice. "This is Patrick."

Bella and I try to suppress our laugh at this. "Come on Em. Be serious," I say before I slap her arm.

"Auch! Fine," Bella whispers to me before she rolls her eyes.

"I was just kidding by the way. This is Emily. Can I ask you something?" Emily twirls her hair to calm her nerves. "Um, will you ... go out with me? Um yeah, like a date."

She bites her lips, waiting for his answer. "This Saturday. I'll text you the place and time." After a moment, she says, "Okay, bye."

She ends the call before sighing. "Happy?" She narrows her eyes at me.

I smile innocently before asking, "Did he say yes?" Although I dare to cut my fingers if the answer is no, I just need the confirmation.

"Yup, Edward said yes."

Bella and I curve the hugest grin we can.

Well, don't thank me because I'm officially a Cupid's assistant.


"Els, get the pizza," Bella demands.

"Nah, not me. You know that I hate conversation with strangers, right?" I beg.

Emily sighs. "Fine. I'll get it only because this is my house." Emily stands up and I give her the money before she walks to the door to receive the delivery.

"It smells delicious." I lick my lips hungrily.

"Of course it does silly! It's pizza," Emily says, emphasizing the letter 'z' while grinning widely. A chuckle escapes my mouth.

"So, what are we gonna watch tonight?" Bella asks with a goofy grin.

"Tonight's your choice, Els."

"I think I want a funny one. Have you guys watched the movie Spy yet?" The trailer is definitely funny. I hope the whole movie actually is.

"Nope," both of them reply.

I'm like a movie collector. I have hundreds of movies in my hard disk. So, the girls don't even bother to download the movies as it's like my permanent job.

Before we start the movie, I tweet: 'Having a fun night with my girls xx' and I mention them. I smile at Aaron and Jace's responses.

Without ME? How could you guys?! I'm gonna break up with you three!

Have fun Els xx

"Okay, let's watch it." We watch the movie while eating our pizza. We laugh, joke around and make stupid faces throughout the movie. Our stupidity causes me to feel better. I've also decided to let David go for good this time.


I walk to the cafeteria with Bella as I just had Mathematics with her.

"His younger brother is hotter," Bella says.

"No, his older brother is the hottest one." I frown.

We were arguing about the two Supernatural's main actors who are really hot. I voted for the older brother but Bella voted for the younger one.

"Hey guys," both of us greet Jace, Aaron and Emily who are already there.

"Els, I want to tell you something." Bella twirls her hair nervously.

"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow.

Before Bella could explain to me, Sam and Dean have already walked towards our table.

Sam and Dean are like two different people. Although they're twins, they looked nothing alike. While Dean carries this sexy bad boy image, Sam is more like a hot good guy.

"Hey guys!" Sam chirps. "Can I eat with you guys? Bella was the one who invited me."

"Ha-ha. That was what I wanted to tell you." Bella smiles sheepishly.

I roll my eyes before saying, "Whatever."

"Hey Evans," Dean greets me with a smirk tugs on his lips. Couldn't he smile like a normal person?

"So, Winchester, you come to sit with us? As far as I concerned, Bella only invited Sam, not you." I mimic his smirk.

"As far as I concerned, I don't give a fuck," he says, mocking my words as his lips curves into a devilish smirk. He walks past me and sits on the seat that was supposed to be David's.

Aaron's eyes instantly shoot open at the sight of Dean. He sends Dean a death glare but Dean just replies it with his very own smirk. Uh-oh. This can't be good.

"So guys, I'll buy the food first." I quickly escape the tension atmosphere.

"Try to escape from me, Evans?"

I almost gasp when Dean whispers the words in my ear. My heartbeat becomes irregular and I quickly calm my nerves. I want to be seen unaffected by his presence.

"Who do you think you are?" I huff.

"The sexy Greek God," Dean answers, smirking.

"Oh please. Get over yourself." I roll my eyes.

"I'd rather get over you."

"I'll give a credit for your smoothness." I snort.

"I can be smoother than this if you want me to."

"Enough with the old pick up lines, Deany-boy. It would get you nowhere." I let out another snort.

"I'd prefer to get near you." A seductive smirk is planted on his face.

"Hey do you want to buy the food or not?!" The girl behind me yells harshly. Oops. I didn't realize people are already lining up behind us.

"Sorry," I reply in a tiny voice.

We return to our table and I'm shocked to see that Sam is having a conversation with Aaron and Jace like they are old friends.

As soon as Aaron's eyes fall on Dean, his protective side appears. He challenges Dean with his intent gaze. A smirk tugs on Dean's lips upon seeing this.

"Okay! That's it! What's the problem between you two?" I hiss.

"What?" both of them ask innocently.

"I know there's something going on between both of you." I heave a sigh. "Whatever the problem is, I don't care, I just want it to be settled. Go settle it. Now. And I mean it," I command.

Both of them grunt but they still leave the cafeteria. After they return, I ask, "Have you guys settled it?"

"Yeah, kind of," Aaron answers.

I nod and breathe a sigh of relief. "Good."


"Ed! I'm home!" I skip to the kitchen.

He closes his eyes upon seeing me and shouts, "Abracadabra!"

He peers through his eyelashes and says, "Nope. You're still here."

"Ha-ha, so funny I almost laughed." I roll my eyes.

"But you love me anyway." Edward grins widely.

Yeah, I do, I really love my brother, but I won't tell him or else he'll get the satisfaction for making me to admit it.

"So, ehem, what was the deal with Em, huh? A date?" I wiggle my eyebrows and act like I don't know about it.

"You were behind this, weren't you?" Edward narrows his eyes.

"What? Behind what?" I ask innocently with a frown.

"You dared Em to ask me on a date, didn't you?"

"If my answer is yes, will you kill me?" I ask nervously.

Edward steps towards me slowly. Uh-oh. I release a sharp intake of breath. Before I could escape, Edward hugs me. "You're the best sister ever!"

"And you're the worst monkey-like brother I've ever had!" I return his hug as a goofy grin spreads across my lips.

"Copying my words, huh El? I know I'm good with words, but I thought you were better than this." Edward's lips curve into a huge grin. "But seriously, thank you for being a Cupid's assistant for me. I really appreciate it," Edward says in a serious tone.

"Cupid's assistant has to eat too you know. If you get what I mean." I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Pizza again? Aren't you tired of pizza already?" Edward heaves a sigh.

"Nope. And I'll never be." I show him the hugest grin I can make.




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