Chapter 4 - Class Rep and USJ Attack

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Me and Sakura got ready as usual for school and started walking there. We were also talking about things as well such as her Sakura wanting to me my parents, I told her that I would take her next time I went to visit them and she agreed.  When we arrived at UA there were tons of news reporters outside the entrance, who were asking my classmates tons of questions.

Reporter : "Hey you, can you tell us what its like to work so closely with All-Might."

Izuku : "Uh...uh, sorry I have to go to the nurses office, right away"

Reporter : "Are you one of All-Might's students, tell us what's the Symbol of peace like in person?"

Uraraka : "Um what's he like, well... he super muscley, yeah."

Reporter : "How is he fairing as a teacher? What are you learning?"

Iida : "His leadership and wisdom remind me on a daily basis that I attend the worlds most best educational institution, of course he is the personification of honor and integrity that one would expect. But he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side, it's truly a unique opportunity to be under the direct teachings of the pro we all admire."

A Reporter then approached me.

Reporter : "Excuse kid are you in All-Might's, what's it like be taught by him."

(Y/n) : "Well I've only had one lesson with him, but all I can say is this is that he is a good teacher."

The reporter then approached Sakura, and she grew an annoyed expression.

Reporter : "And you! How is learning with All-Might?!"

Sakura stared at the reporter and spoke in a cold voice.

Sakura : "You're Loud."

Her words cut like a sharp knife.

Reporter : "Oh! Both of you are opposites poles! Wouldn't both of you be in a relationship?!"

Y/n : "Uh... well-"

Sakura : "No, we aren't Now if you excuse us we got classes to attend. Good day."

She then grabbed my arm and dragged me along with her in the direction of the school.

Y/n : *whispering* "You were kidding about the relationship thing right since were... you know."

Sakura : *whispers back and smiles* "Don't worry, I acted like that so we could get through."

Y/n : "Oh good, hey by the way what do you think of me?"

Sakura : "Well, your nice, kind, caring, supportive, and respectful as well, and besides your much better to live with than my old man." *smiles*

Y/n : *chuckles* "I can tell since, you look cute when you blush Ice Queen."

Sakura : *blushes* "Hey!"


Aizawa : "Decent work on yesterdays combat training you guys, I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results, Bakugo you talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss ok?"

Bakugo : "Yeah whatever"

Aizawa : "And Midoriya, I see the only way you won the match is by messing up your arm again, work harder and don't give me the excuse you don't have control over your quirk, that lines already getting old, you can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it, so show a little urgency huh."

Izuku : "Right."

Aizawa : "lets get down to business, our first task you all need to choose a class representative."

Everyone : "Oh good just normal school stuff."

kirishima : "Pick me guys I wanna be class rep."

Kaminari : "I'll take it."

Jiro : "Yeah your gonna need me."

Mina : "I am totally the right pick."

Everyone then started shouting about who should be the class reprehensive, until Iida spoke up.

Iida : "Silence everyone please, the class reprehensive duty is to lead others, that's not just something any one can do, you must have trust with every student in the class, therefore the most logical to fill this position, is to vote on it."

Everyone : "Its pretty obvious that you want us to vote for you."

Kaminari : "Uh... is this really the best idea."

Tsuyu : "We've only known each a few days how do we know who we can trust."

Kirishima : "Beside everyone well just vote themselves."

Iida : "Most people will, but that means who ever receives multiple votes must be the best person for the role, its the best way right sir."

Aizawa : "Do what you just decide before my nap is over."

As we began who to vote for, I could one think of one person I could vote for, and that was Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu has been a but of a quick thinker. I noticed how she got first place on the Quirk Apprehension test, realized that Aizawa was lying, and had the idea of blocking the door during hero training. I then submitted my vote and the votes were tallied, Yaoyorozu got elected as Vice representative, and surprisingly Midoriya got elected as the class representative.

Y/n : 'How did Midoriya get elected as representative. I guess people chose him for his power.'

Lunch Time

Sakura POV

Ma and Y/n we're each our lunch when I couldn't help, but stare at the bowls pilling up from Y/n eating so much. 

Y/n : "Something wrong?"

Sakura : "How can you eat so much ramen?"

Y/n : "I could eat ramen for days, it's the best thing ever."

Sakura : "Yeah, okay."

Then the alarm started to go off and people started to freak out.

Y/n : "Wonder what's going on?"

Sakura : "Most likely someone got inside the school grounds."

Y/n : "So are we going to leave or...?"

Sakura : "No, I'm fine here."

Y/n : "So you're just gonna sit here and eat all day."

Sakura : "Food shouldn't go to waste."

Y/n : "Eh, true."

Y/n then started to continue eating, I then smiled at him. Then the alarm was turned off and everyone returned to their lunch tables.


After lunch Midoriya resigned his role of class representative to Iida, and plus he did seem like the better choice for this kind of role instead of Midoriya.

Aizawa : "Today's training will be a little different, you'll have 5 instructors, me, All-Might and 3 other facility members will be keeping tabs on you."

Sero : "Sir what kind of training is this ?"

Aizawa : *hold up a card* "Rescue, you'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwreck's, stuff like that."

Kaminari : "Disaster's huh... sounds like were in work a big workout."

Mina : "Totally."

Kirishima : "Real hero stuff, man tis is exciting."

Ausi : "Finally I get to show of how good I am in water." *Ribbit*

Y/n : "Um, guys he hasn't finished talking."

Everyone then looks at Aizawa with a nervous look.

Aizawa : "Thank you Kimura, what you wear in this exercise is up to you and I know your excited about costumes." *Presses a button and the costumes come out of the wall* "But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and might limit your abilities. This special training is at a off campus site, so will be taking a bus to get their, that's all start getting ready."

Everyone then got up and got their costumes on. I walked out and saw Sakura sitting down alone and I sat down next to her.

Y/n : "So how do you think training will turn out?"

Sakura : "Probably as boring as usual."

Y/n : "You know Ice Queen you could try making some new friends, it would be a good idea to widen your social circle."

Sakura : "Yeah I guess your right. And stop calling me that."

Y/n : "You know that's not gonna happen." *smiles*

Iida then tried to make the class assigned seats on the bus, but they all ignored him.

Y/n : "You tried your best."

I said while having my hand on Iida's should and walked past him. 

3rd POV

While on the bus Y/n and Sakura sat together, Y/n was having trouble staying awake, while listening to the others.

Tsuyu : "If were pointing out the obvious, then there's something I have to say about you actually." *Looking at Midoriya*

Midoriya : "About me, what is it Ausi."

Tsuyu : "I told you to call me tsu."

Midoriya : "Oh yeah right."

Tsuyu : "That power of yours isn't it a lot like All-might."

 Midoriya : "What really, you think so huh, I never really thought about that, I guess its kinda similar."

Kirishima : "Wait hold on a second, your forgetting that All-Might doesn't hurt himself, that makes a huge."

Midoriya : *sighs in relief*

Kirishima : "But still I bet its cool to have a quirk like yours, you can a lot of flashy stuff with it, my hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

 Midoriya : "Aw no way, I think its really cool, your definitely pro material with a quirk like that."

Kirishima : "You really think so, seems like it be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."

Aoyama : "My navel laser is the perfect combination of beauty and strength."

Mina : "Yeah but it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache sweety."

Kirishima : "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks, its Todoroki, Bakugo and Kimura."

Tsuyu : "He's not popular."


Tsuyu : "See."

Kaminari : "You know we basically just meet you, so its kinda telling we all know your personality, it flaming crap mixed with garbage."


Iida and Bakugo then start arguing with each other. Then Y/n's eyes started to get heavier and heavier and after try take awake for a few more seconds, he succumbed to the sleep, not being aware that his head fall on Sakura's shoulder. She was surprised at this, but after taking a look at his adorable sleeping face, she sighed and let him sleep on her shoulder. A small blush staining her cheeks. Such development didn't go unnoticed by the girl's of the class.

Tsuyu : *grins* "She likes him."

Mina : *grinning as well* "It's absolutely obvious."

None of them expected of Todotoki allowing anyone to sleep on her shoulder, but apparently Y/n was the chosen one. When they arrived Y/n woke up and saw he was sleeping on Sakura's shoulder, he started to blush a bit and even some white fire appeared on his face, he then look to her Sakura blushing as well, he sat up sharply.

Y/n : "Oh crap Sakura sorry."

Sakura : "It's fine. Lets go."


I then got up from my seat and left the bus with Sakura and we got to see the other teacher who would be watching over us, Thirteen.

Thirteen : "Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you."

Everyone : *Gasp*

Midoriya : "It's the space hero Thirteen, an experienced pro that's rescued a ton of people, from disasters from around the world."

Uraraka : "Thirteen is my favorite hero."

Thirteen : "I can't wait to show what's inside."

Everyone : "This is gonna be awesome."

We then walk inside and saw that the place was huge.

Kirishima : "Whoa, looks like an amusement park."

Thirteen : "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire-zone, a wind storm, etc. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters, I call it the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it USJ."

Everyone : "Just like universal studios Japan."

Aizawa : "Hey shouldn't All-Might be here already, let me guess-"

Thirteen : "Something else." *holds up three fingers* "Apparently he did too much hero work on his way to school, and used up all his power, he's resting in the teachers lounge."

Aizawa : "That man is the height of irresponsibility. Clocks ticking, we should get started."

Skip Thirteens Speech

Aizawa : "Well everyone we will start with-"

Before Aizawa finished the place was numbed and a dark purplish portal began to swirl at the center of the place out of the portal coming out was a person with his face mostly covered by a hand.

Aizawa : "Thirteen protect the students."

Kirishima : "What is that thing ? Wait has the training started already ?"

Midoriya  : *Starts to walk forward*

Aizawa : "Stay back!" *Puts his googles on* "This is real, those are villains."

Multiple villains started coming out of the portal the one who a stood out the most, was the first one who appeared, the one who was covered by multiple hands over his body.

??? : "The only real heroes I see are Thirteen, and Eraserhead. Perplexing, according to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All-Might should be here as well.

Aizawa : "So you scumbags used the press as cover and sneaked onto the campus."

??? : "Where is he, I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who are eager to meet him, the want All-Might, the great symbol of peace, can't believe he's not here, maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come out to play."

3rd POV 

Villains kept coming out of the dark portal. Most of the students were getting ready for any kind of complications, but no one could ignore that their faces while they were filled with fear or dread.

Kaminari : "What real villains no way."

Kirishima : "How could so many get into a UA facility this secure."

 Yaoyorozu : "Yeah, Thirteen why aren't the alarms going off."

Thirteen : "Good questions not sure."

Sakura : "Is the entire campus under attack, or is this their only target, either way if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then they carefully those this isolated location as an entry point when a class was in progress, their idiots, but they've thought this out."

Y/n : "They probably have someone with them that also jamming communications as well."

Aizawa : "Thirteen get the students out of here and alert the main campus. I'll deal with the villains."

Midoriya : "You can't take them all on, your quirk is good for surprise attack and one on one fight not multiple opponents at one."

Aizawa: "Listen kid, I know the risks but you can't be a pro if your a one trick pony." 

Aizawa then jumped down into the group of villains and started taking them on, fighting them using his quirk. The students then turned around and ran towards the entrance knowing that Aizawa can handle himself. But Y/n watched as Aizawa fought, he was about to go after him, until someone grabbed his hand, he turned round to see Sakura with a pleading face.

Sakura : "Y/n let's go he can handle them."

Y/n : "..."

Sakura : "Y/n... please."

He then nods and the two ran after the others. Everyone keeps running towards the entrance until they were cut get cut off by a mist villain that was made of a dark aura similar to the portal that all the villains came out of.

??? : "Its a pleasure to meet you, we are the league of villains, I know its impolite, but we decide to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello, and besides isn't this a fitting place for All-Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath today, yet I see now sign of him, there must have been some sort of change of plans we could not have foreseen, ah well what does it matter I still have a role to play."

Bakugo : "Drop dead you useless villain!!"

Bakugo leaped towards the mist villain alongside Kirishima.

Kirishima : "Take this!!"

Kirishima let out a war cry accompanying his 'friend' into the attack against the villain.

Y/n : "Guys wait!!"

Bakugo's and Kirishima's attacks struck the villain, but to their surprise or disappointment their attacks didn't do anything, and the mist villain was untouched by their powerful attacks.

??? : "Hmm, that was close. As expected of UA students you're the best of the best."

Y/n : "Guys!! It doesn't seem that this has a body, to strike which means he's hiding it in the mist."

After Y/n said that Bakugo and Kirishima looked at the mist villain and knew that he was right, then the same dark mist began to spread all over the students.

Thirteen : "Both of you get back!"

But it was too late when the the mist began to to surround them.

??? : "Begone. Writhe in torment. Until you breath your last. I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths."

Y/n POV 

I was then engulfed in the black mist, I then felt like I was falling but that changed when I landed on some rocks, I rubbed my head and took a look around and saw I was in the landslide zone. I then hear someone fall behind me, I turned around to see nothing except a floating pair of gloves and boots.

Y/n : "Hagakure, you good?"

Hagakure : "Yeah I'm good, just a little sore from the fall, where's everyone else?"

Y/n : "That mist villain, must have sent the others to different locations."

Hagakure : "Hey, there's Todoroki!"

I look to see where she was pointing and saw there Sakura was further down fighting some villains, using her ice.

Y/n : "Hagakure, head back to the entrance quietly, I'll help Sakura."

Hagakure : "On it."

She then runs away down the far side of the hill as quietly as she could, I then activate my fire, but before I could go down, two villains landed in front of me.

??? : "This kid is alone lets get him."

??? : "Alone what are you going to do now."

Y/n : "Well for starters I gonna do this."

I then charged at the two villains at high speed that they couldn't react too, I kicked one in the face knocking him out, I then coat my fist in white fire and punched the other villain into the wall. I then run down the hill making my way to Sakura. While on the way another villain slashed at me with knife, cutting my right cheek badly, I then punched him, sending him flying, I then continued making my way down.

Sakura POV

Sakura : "So the was to scatter us, and then kill us. You were woefully unprepared in fact, it looks like to me as though you've had no training you haven't the slightest idea how to use your quirks."

I started walking down the hill of villains that I froze.

??? : "This power. She froze us the minute we warped here."

??? : "She's not a kid, she's a monster!"

??? : "So cold."

Sakura : 'How do they plan to kill All-Might? At first, I thought they gathered a force of elite criminals who could simply overpower him.'

Then another villain tried to stab me with a sneak attack, but the minute he showed himself to me I froze him in place.

Sakura : "Try harder."

??? : "I've got you!"

Sakura : "That's what you thi-"

Y/n : "Flashfire Kick!!"

Out of nowhere Y/n kicked the villain so hard it sent him flying away.

Y/n : "Hey Ice Queen."

Sakura : "Y/n where did you come from?"

Y/n : "Oh I was further up and had to deal with some villains on the way, I ran down here to see if you needed any help, but seems like you had it under control."

I then noticed that his right cheek was bleeding.

Sakura : "What happened to your cheek?"

Y/n : "Huh? Oh, nothing much its fine."

I then put my hand on his cheek, but he flinched in pain. I then walked in front of him looking down on him, it might have been only a 6 cm height difference, but he still felt intimidated.

Sakura : "What. Happened?"

Y/n : "Okay, fine a villain with a knife might have cut my right cheek badly."

Sakura : "What!?"

I then grab his face and turn it to let me see the cut better, to see that it was cut badly.

Y/n : "Ow, could you please stop that it stings."

I then let go.

Sakura : "Oh, sorry."

Y/n : "It's fine. So did you figure out what they wanted to kill All-Might with?"

Sakura : "Not really but they have something, I just can't figure it out."

Y/n : "Well you can think about it later, right now we need to head back."

Sakura : "We should help Aizawa."

Y/n : "Why?"

Sakura : "We don't need to go help directly but if we did, we could figure out how they plan to kill All-Might."

Y/n : "I don't know, you were the one who told me to not fight and now you wanna fight." *Smiling*

Sakura : "Well I, um..."

Then he slapped my butt, as I let out a yelp and looked at him.

Y/n : "Don't worry about it, let's get over there."

Sakura : *blushing hard* "You dummy..." *Whispers* "Can't believe I'm in love with you."

Y/n : "What was that?"

Sakura : "Nothing!!"


As we headed over to where the fight with Aizawa, I noticed a glimmer of blue in the corner of my eye, I then turn round to see blue fire coming at us.

Y/n : "Sakura! Lookout!" 

I then dive at Sakura tackling her to the ground, just in time to, as a wave of blue fire misses us by a few inches, we both then turn round to to and tall slender man, he had a black cloak with short sleeves, black hair, purple burn scars all over him, but what surprised me the most is that his eyes looked like Sakura's left eye.

??? : "So your actually here... Sakura Todoroki."

Y/n : "Who are you?! How do you know her name?!"

Dabi : "You call can me Dabi, and as for how I know her name... it's non of your business!"

He then blast blue fire at us, but I counter with my white flames and they crash into each other and causes a huge blast, I then turn to Sakura.

Y/n : "Sakura go, I'll hold him off!"

Sakura : "But-"

Y/n : "Go!!"

She was hesitant at first, but she then left to go help the others, I then turn back to Dabi. He looks at me with a cold expression, that I swear looked almost exactly like Sakura's.

Y/n : "Hey Dabi can I ask you something?"

Dabi : "What?"

Y/n : "What do you think Endeavor?"

Dabi : "Endeavor is nothing but a egotistical prick."

Y/n : "Well your not wrong there."

He narrows his eyes at me, he then smiles a little bit, it creeped the hell out of me.

Dabi : "Heh, I like you kid, your not like others."

He then blasted blue flames at me while I sent a wave of white flames at him they clashed for a bit until his flames started overpowering mine, I then realized I would have to increase my output and temperature, so I did exactly that, I then send a massive wave of white flames and my flames completely overpowered his, I launched myself into the air using my quirk, I then flew right at Dabi and kicked him square in the chest, sending him into a wall. While I was in the air my body steamed up for a moment indicating that my body temperature was rising.

Y/n : 'Dammit, even though my insides have some heat resistance, my body continues to fill with heat, I have to end this fast.'

Dabi then blasts a stream of fire at me but I dodged it easily since I was in the air, I then blasted myself towards and lit my arm on fire and punched him square in the face, knocking him out, I then land on the ground, I take one of the capsules that held the ice cold water, I then drank it down in a few moments, and my god I felt much better, I then noticed that Dabi's skin was smoking, it was almost like he didn't have any fire resistance, which would explain the scars. But for now I have to get to the others. I then launched myself into the air and made my way to the others, and when I arrived I saw... All-Might! I then see my friends, holding the mist villain down. I then landed next to them.

Y/n : "Hey guys!"

Bakugo : "Good to see you flame head!"

Sakura : "Y/N!! Your ok!"

Y/n : "Of course I am, takes a lot more than blue fire to take me down! What are we dealing with?"

Kirishima : "That bird brain guy, the one covered in Todoroki's ice, apparantly it follows the hand guys orders."

The big bird guy then broke the ice and started... Regenerating!?

Y/n : "Ok, that's gross."

The hand guy then pointed at Bakugo, I then realized what was going to happen.

Y/n : 'Oh, no'

Hand Guy : "Nomu kill that brat."

Y/n : "Bakugo, MOVE!!"

The bird guy then rushed at Bakugo and I then grabbed his collar and threw him out of the Nomu thing's way.

3rd POV

Midoriya : "Whoa, Kacchan, you actually dodged that."

Kirishima : *eyes widen in horror*  "Uh, guys he didn't..." *points behind them*

All of them looked and their eyes widened in horror as they saw Y/n in a crater in the wall bleeding, his arms in a x block, in fronts on his chest then his arms fell limb to his sides, then Sakura who was in shock started to cry and run towards Y/n, the others were very shocked to see her cry even Bakugo, and he was very angry that the person that just saved him, was now imbedded in the wall.

Sakura POV

Sakura : "No, no, no, no, no..."

I ran to him, and pulled him from the wall and put him on the ground, and I held him in my arms.

Sakura : *on the verge of crying* "Hey, hey Y/n your ok right?"

He didn't respond.

Sakura : "Y/N!! Answer me!!"

His eyes looked dull, almost lifeless.

Sakura : *crying hard and hugging him* "Y/N PLEASE!! SAY SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!"

I then feel something on my cheek and saw that it was Y/n's hand, I saw him looking at me, I grabbed his hand and held it in mine tightly, he weakly smiles at me.

Y/n : *weakly* "Sorry, I made you worry, Ice Queen."

He then passes out for the pain he was in, I hold him tighter. While I kept of crying.

3rd POV

All-Might : "How could you they are just children."

Hand Guy : "Oh please the explosion one had my associate in a deadly position, while making threats at me."

All-Might : "Regardless of what they do I know there is good in their hearts to do what's right, and my job to make sure they grow and that is why I am putting a stop to you.


3rd POV

After the villains had retreated, and the other teachers arrived Y/n had been taken to the hospital, where he had been treated of his wounds and Sakura was pacing outside the hospital, she has been worried sick, everyone else had gone, home and they were all worried for Y/n, even Bakugo. Recovery Girl then came out of the room and Sakura rushed to her, with tears in the corner of her eyes.

Sakura : "How is he?!"

Recovery Girl : "Resting, as of his bones have been fully healed, but it will take him two to three days or make even two weeks for him to fully recover, you can see him he's awake. I'll leave you two alone."

Sakura then rushes into the medical room, to see Y/n awake, he was covered in bandages and had a bandage on his cheek from where he got cut, he looked at her with a weak smile, he then opened his arms, Sakura then ran into his arms and hugged him, she started crying, while he comforted her,  she looked at him.

Sakura : "You have no idea how worried I was! I almost lost you, why did you have to put yourself in that kinda danger."

Y/n : "Because if I didn't Bakugo, wouldn't be alive, and I hear you."

Sakura : "Really because I don't think you do!"

Y/n was taken aback as she started yelling, he had never seen her like this.

Y/n : "Listen Sakura, I promise I won't put myself in danger like that again."

Sakura : "Please swear you won't! Because I don't wanna see the person I love the most get hurt!"

She then puts her hands over her mouth.

Y/n : "Ice Queen... Y-you love me."

Sakura : *blushing* "I-I... Yes I love you, you idiot! I've loved you ever since the day we meet you were the only one to show kindness and compassion to me, you comforted me when I had mental breakdown when I told you about my family history, I j-just-"

Sakura was cut by Y/n kissing her on the lips, she returned the kiss and after a minute the two separated and put their foreheads together, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

Sakura : "I love you Y/n."

Y/n : "I love you too, Ice Queen."

To be continued 

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