Chapter 5 - Declaration of War

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3rd POV

It has been a few days after the raid of the villains has countered the UA Class 1-A students, but they managed to defeat them, All-Might as well with a little help from Midoriya, Y/n and his combat skills and power, with the help of Sakura they were able to take out a large group of villains. But when they were dealing with the Nomu Y/n was badly injured and has yet to fully recover, fire proof bandages cover his arms, torso and around his head as well, covering his left eye.  Almost 72 villain were arrested during the raid... we will not know and not sure when the league of villain will strike again... Meanwhile, at UA, Class 1-A were waiting for a new teacher to come and take over Aizawa's spot for now... but not exactly, they all notice that Aizawa has returned from the hospital with a bunch of bandages from his wounds, same as Y/n.

Mina : "Woah Aizawa?! You're here?!?!"

Kaminari : "Woah! Such a pro to come here after your injuries!"

Iida : "I'm glad you're okay Mr. Aizawa!"

Aizawa : "My well being is irrelevant, but more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

Y/n : 'Wait do we need to fight more villains.'

Bakugo : "Our fight???"

Midoriya : "You don't mean..."

Aizawa : "...The UA Sports Festival will start."

Kirishima : "Yes!!! Let's go kick some ass-"

Kaminari : "Wait a sec! Already?!?!"

Jiro : "Is it really okay to start the UA Sports Festival after knowing the villains snuck into the USJ not to long ago?"

Y/n : "And sir if we do the sports festival, won't the villains know what are quirks are. Besides I still haven't fully recovered from the hit that I took from that Nomu villain."

Everyone fell silent, they all remembered what happened to Y/n and how much Sakura was worried for him.

Aizawa : "Apparently starting it like this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled, and this will show all students from UA opportunities to show themselves of becoming a pro heroes. This will be the perfect chance for you all to enter that path of becoming one, so don't slack off on your training."


After Aizawa announces the Sports Festival will starts anytime soon, the bell rings as it was lunch time Aizawa heads over to the teachers lounge for his lunch break, in the meantime, the others were all pumped but I was cautious, due to the attack by the villains.

Kirishima : "Hell yeah! I'm so excited for this!!!"

Sero : "You said it! This will lead us on a path of becoming pros!"

Rikido : "Yeah! This is why I'm here in first place!"

I was talking to Sakura about the festival.

Y/n : "Do you think the sports festival is a good idea Sakura?"

Sakua : "Not really, like you said, villains can find out what our quirk could be and besides I don't think it's a good idea for you to participate in your condition."

Y/n : "I'll be fine Sakura, you shouldn't be so worried for me."

Sakura then hugs me and I blush, while a bit of fire appears as well.

Sakura : "Y/n listen, I only want to protect you, since we are engaged, I developed feeling for you, and ever since your injury I-"

Y/n : "You've only become more protective."

Denka : "I have not!"

I then look at her with a knowing look. Bakugo was about to walk out, but is stopped by tons of students outside the classroom.

Y/n : "What the hell, why are all these students outside our classroom."

Sakura : "Their here to check out the competition."

Bakugo then started to insult all of them and say "Move it extras". I then see a purple haired boy move threw the many students that were in his way.

??? : "Excuse me. So this is Class 1-A , huh? I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass, is everybody in the hero course delusional or just you?"

The others behind waved no to his question as Bakugo didn't respond to his question and only stared at him in anger.

??? : "How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs."

That pissed me and Sakura off, I walked towards the purple haired and stood in front on him. Everyone at the entrance and in my class look at me.

Y/n : "May I ask, what is your name?"

Shinso : "It's Shinso."

Y/n : "Well Shinso, let me tell you this, it's rude to assume that were all egotistical maniacs."

Sakura : "Yeah, besides, even Y/n has a better attitude than you. And Besides it's only Bakugo who has an attitude like that."

Everyone in class 1-A was very surprised.

Y/n : "I know you didn't come here to insult us. What do you want?"

Shinso : "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many other here I was forced to choose a different track... such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance, if any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course... ad they have to transfer people out to make room."

I raised an eye brow at him. I look at the others to see were all nervous. I then look back at Shinso.

Y/n : "I see."

Shinso : "Scouting the competition, maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best I'll steal your spot right from under you... consider this a declaration of war. Besides since you were the one was heavily injured during the attack, you'll be the one that'll be going, and the weakest member."

My eyes widened a bit, he really didn't like our class, we not egotistical jerks, well one of us is.  I then felt something hot beside me and saw Sakura wit her fire side active, I could tell she was mad. Everyone was caught off guard, even our class.

Sakura : "Take. That. Back. You . Entitled. Prick."

There was silence between Sakura and Shinso, until someone shouted.

Tetsutetsu : "Hey you! I'm from class 1b next door to you! We heard you fought some villains and I came to see if that was true! But your just a bunch of brats that think your better then us!"

Y/n : "The only brat here is you. Ever heard never judge a book by its cover."

Bakugo didn't answer what he said or even tried to show any response as he simply looked away and began to walk away.

Tetsutetsu : "Don't ignore me!"

Kirishima : "Dude, where are you going, you gotta say something! It's your fault they're all hating us Bakugo."

Bakugo : "These people don't matter, what matter's is that I beat them... every single one of them, especially... those two." *points at me*

Some of the students looked at me, Sakura stood right next to me.

Bakugo : "I saw how you did in the entrance exam, you even manage to get passed me... you beat me as well... it makes you a tough opponent... I'm not intimidated cause I'm gonna show everyone in the sports festival that I am the best... and for that I'm gonna prove it to them by beating you into the ground. I'm gonna show everyone that I'm better then you in every way."

Sakura : "Some hero your gonna be, you don't even try to sound noble, you just do it satisfy your ego, some hero you'll be in the future."

Bakugo *Angry* "You have no idea who your dealing with, I'm gonna be the next number one hero and you'll just be a low life sidekick."

Y/n : "You really see me differently then everyone lese here that you wanna tell me? Your intimidated by our power?"

Bakugo : "I'm not intimidated by anyone, I don't care what your power is, I'll kick your ass no matter what."

Y/n : "Well then let me tell you something, you being the number one hero isn't going to happen... it will never ever happen. In fact your gonna go nowhere if you keep acting this way, no one wants someone that yells and is rude all the time to everyone, you manage to get out whole class to dislike you and your only gonna make it worse if you keep acting this way. You can be a hero, and maybe the number two hero, but being the number one hero simply because your strong ain't gonna cut it, you need to show people they're safe like a true hero, but your not doing that at all... your never gonna be the number one hero and the day you do become the number one hero is because the true number one hero has retired and you just take his spot... the spot you shouldn't deserve... his... spot. He has much more potential then you will ever have." *Points at Midoriya* "Also, as I recall, I'm the one who had to save you from a villain at the USJ."

Midoriya looked at the both of us in shock, some students gasped in shock at what I said and how I said it to the kid that some students are afraid of, while Bakugo... he wasn't happy. He gritted his teeth, he slowly looked at Midoriya when I referred to him and he grew angry that the boy he hated had more potential in becoming the number one hero. He looked back at me, trying to contain his anger and jealousy.

Bakugo : "You two barely know him, he'll never achieve things because he's useless... I can be the number one hero without needing to be nice, they should know they can be safe with me automatically when they see me."

Y/n : "You can pull that off, I didn't say you had to be nice, it's just if you keep doing the opposite in a way where people are scared of you then being the number one hero is out the window... and judging by our class reputation, your not making good progress, you wanna beat me, fine... but then I'll say this... this... is our declaration of war."

Me and Sakura then walked past him, everyone in the hallway stood there in silence, surprised at what I just said. Midoriya shook nervously at what we said. Sakura walled next me, she smiled at me and I smiled at her

Midoriya : "They just declared war on Bakugo... and said I have the potential to become the number one hero." 


3rd POV

The UA sports Festival is in just two weeks, the whole thing will be love on TV. All the students will not know what games they will be until the first day. It can be anything, so they must prepare for anything. Iida has be training for his running skills, Tsuyu on her swimming, Ochaco controlling her zero gravity, Mina with her acid, Shoji working out, Bakugo controlling his explosions, Momo studying her skills, Jiro as well, and all of Class 1-A has been training hard for the sports festival... as for Y/n and Sakura they've bee training hard together with their abilities, Sakura has also been helping Y/n try to recover his strength as well.


It was morning already, and the morning of the day of the UA Sports Festival. All the citizens in Japan were already waiting in line to enter the stadium and watch the sports festival to see who will win. Especially the pro heroes will get to see the whole thing as well... as the citizens enter the stadium and look for their seats, meanwhile in a waiting room, Y/n and the other were on their training uniforms as they wait to head out to the arena...

Iida : "Everyone! Get your game faces on! We're about to enter the arena soon!"

Mina : "Alright!"

Kirishima : "Awesome!"

Mineta : "Swallow your fear, Swallow your fear, Swallow your fear!"

As everyone waited a bit more to head to the arena, Y/n was waiting as well, he was with Midoriya tell him about how his quirk worked as he wrote it down in one of his note book... Until Sakura called them both...

Sakura : "Y/n, Midoriya."

Suddenly everyone turned their focus on the three of them.

Y/n : "What's up Sakura?"

She turned her attention to Midoriya, I can feel her, feeling pressure from her gaze.

Sakura : "Looking at this smart, I can say I'm stronger than you."

Midoriya : "Eh? I'm... I suppose so."

Sakura : "But you have All-Might behind you. Right?"

I eyed Midoriya, he's hiding something... but something was off about Sakura, this wasn't like her.

Sakura: "I'm not going to pry that information out, but I will beat you."

She then looked at me.

Sakura : "Y/n, want you to know something. Even though we are engaged, this is also a competition. So you'll be my top opponent to beat. But just remember I still love you." *Kisses Y/n's cheek* 

Y/n : "You can try Sakura, but just so you know if it comes down to you and me. I won't fight you."

Everyone was wide eyed from what they just heard.

Y/n : " Just remember to try to be yourself and not what your father want's you to be."

She smiled and walked past me, while Y/n looked at the other's and saw their very surprised faces.

Y/n : "What?"

Mina : "Your both engaged!!"

Y/n : "Uh, bye."

I then ran out of the room while Mina and the others chased after me. We then out onto the arena where everyone cheers for us.

To be continued.

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