A Piece Of My Mind

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A/N: Hello everybody! I'm so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in sooo long. It's been probably two months! I can't believe I haven't updated this story in that long! I've been swamped with projects, homework, soccer, more homework...and well...some other problems that I'm not going to share. But I'm really sorry for the wait guys. Forgive me? I hope you all do. Anyways, Enjoy!
Elena's POV:
After school Samantha and I split off from Ponyboy and Johnny. Pony and Johnny head down to Picket and Sutton to meet up with Dally while Sam and I head back to my house. The walk home is fun, laughing and joking about nothing in particular.
We arrive at my house, walk up the the pathway, and through the door. I lead her to my bedroom and I plop down on my bed. It squeaks under my weight.  Sam lays across the end of my bed on her back, stretched right out. We have about an hour until we have to leave for the movie.
"So..." I start, eyeing her with a smirk.
She gives me a questioning look, a smirk on her face too.
"You and Two-bit, huh?" I wiggle my eyebrows, imitating him.
She sits bolt upright, as if she had been shocked or tasered. "Wha-what?"
I wiggle my eyebrows some more.
Sam puts a hand to her forehead, closing her eyes and laughing lightly as she lays back down. I chuckle.
"I doubt that he actually likes me back," Sam sighs. "He doesn't seem like the type to settle down into a relationship."
"That's because he isn't." I reply. Sam frowns. "But...maybe you'll be the exception."
The look she throws my way is skeptical.
"C'mon Sam...I see the way he looks at you. He likes you."
"I dunno, El. I mean, what's so special about me?"
"A lot! You're super nice, pretty, funny...and your not a typical Soc. Most wouldn't turn a blind eye to Greasers like us." I rant.
She smiles, blushing. "I guess so..."
"Just ask him out, Sam..." I plead, smiling.
The smile stays planted on her face. "Alright, maybe I'll give it a shot."
"Yesss!" I do a little dance, falling over in a fit of giggles.
Samantha laughs too and soon we are consumed by a fit of laughter and giggles.
A little while later we leave the house to go to the movie. We walk and talk, giggling as I keep teasing Sam about her and Two-bit. However, I'm going to get it later, I can just tell. She won't let me get away with all the teasing, even if it's not really bugging her.
When we get to the nightly double its already dark. We pay to get in and then join the line to get a Coke and some popcorn.
Probably twenty minutes later we get our food and then take our seats. We grab a couple near the back where there isn't many people.
A few minutes later someone sitting a few rows down from us moves up a few rows. Even from here I can tell that it's Dallas. That's when I spot Johnny and Ponyboy sitting in the same row Dally just left. Johnny mumbles something to Ponyboy, gets up hastily and rushes up the aisle and past us. He doesn't see me or Samantha. Pony stares after him, and then turns back to the movie.
I look closer at Dallas. From what I can tell, he's behind two girls, Socs from the look of them. Damn, he must be up to his old tricks. Talking dirty and such. I've never liked that about Dally.
"That's my sister he's talking too," Sam hisses in my ear.
When I focus on the girl on my right, I can tell that she's right. Cherry's red hair stands out even in the dark. I can especially tell when she snaps at Dally. Samantha cringes. Dally tries to put his arm around her but someone - Johnny, I think - stops him. Dallas doesn't look happy, and to be honest, Johnny looks a little frightened but he stands his ground. Dally murmurs something and then storms up the aisle and out of sight.
Done with the drama, I turn back to the movie. After a few minutes I decide that I'm about lost in the plot and what's happening, so I give up on watching it and go back to watching the boys.
I'm taken aback by what I see. Ponyboy and Johnny are sitting with the two girls. Anger flares inside me, but I quickly extinguish it. No need to jump to conclusions, I mean, just because he thinks I'm not around and he's sitting with another girl doesn't mean anything. Right?
Just then Two-bit comes along and scares Pony and Johnny. Samantha giggles, but then cringes when she sees Johnny's reaction. I shake my head. Two knows that he can't do that to poor Johnny. Oh well, it looks like he's alright and Two-bit said sorry...I think. Ponyboy and Cherry get up a moment later and leave together, money in hand. Sam gives me a confused and surprised look. I shrug.
I look back at the other girl and Two-bit and Johnny. They all sit there talking but the girl keeps looking at Johnny. My anger flares again as I watch him put his arm across the back of her chair, smiling at her and keeps talking.
I turn to Samantha. "I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to the bathroom."
She nods and turns back to the movie. I shuffle past her and walk up the aisle into the main area and to the bathroom. Really, I just need to calm down. I pace around for a while until I'm sure I'm calm enough to go back in. It's all in my head, I keep telling myself.
It's not in my head, it's not in my head! Johnny walks out of the theatre with that Soc girl glued to his side. They are still chatting away. The girl blushes and Johnny smiles. They walk past me. He still doesn't see me, even when I'm standing right in front of him. Ugh! He's too interested in this girl to even see his own girlfriend. I honestly can't believe what I'm seeing. How could he do this? I help him get back on his feet, he asks me to be his girl and then he cheats on me with the next girl he sees. I can't believe him! Was all that he said to Ponyboy the other night a lie?!
Well, I'll tell you what. Johnny is gunna get a piece of my mind.
A/N: Sorry that this chapter is so short and crappy, the next one will be better. I just really wanted to get something posted for you guys. Anyways, as always, don't forget to vote/comment your thoughts. Did you like it? What did you guys think? Well that's all for now. Until next time guys! -Ella :)

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