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A/N: Hello everybody! I'm so so so so sorry that I've taken so long to update but I've literally had so much goin on lately...plus computer problems I'm actually updating from my iPad...but anyways I'm back now so sorry for the wait. Forgive me? ;) So here's the chapter. Enjoy!
Elena's POV:
I open my eyes with a slow yawn. For a moment I just lay there peacefully staring around my room, before it hits me. All the memories from last night come rushing back and I realize...I'm in my own room. How did I get into my own bed?
I furrow my brows with confusion but decide that it's probably not important and let it slide to the back of my mind. I focus on the pleasant things that I remember from last night, letting a warm smile plant itself upon my face.
After a few minutes Sodapop bustles into the room. "Up you get, kiddo. Time to get ready for school."
"Ugh," I groan as I sit up.
Soda chuckles at me. "Hey, it's Friday. You only gotta last one more day."
I smile against my will. Soda can make anybody crack a grin if he tries, his smile is just contagious like that. With one last glance at me, he turns on his heal and saunters from the room.
I stretch my arms above my head, throw off my blankets, and throw my legs over the side of my bed. When I place them on the ground I pull them back up immediately. The ground is freezing. Readying myself to run, I count to three and then make a mad dash to the bathroom.
On my way past his room I see Ponyboy moving rather sluggishly towards the bathroom too. When I catch his eye his head shoots up and he starts running after me. "Elena, don't you dare! You take forever in the shower!"
"Too bad!" I yell back.
He suddenly seems awake as he races after me, but I make it there a good ten steps before him, having had an earlier start. I slam the bathroom door shut behind me and lean into it as I lock it.
Pony skids to a halt outside the door. "Elena..." He groans.
"Haha, too slow!" I yell in a sing-song voice.
As I undress I have to hop from foot to foot due to the freezing tile floor. Once the shower is warm enough I hop in and wash my hair and body. Just to annoy Pony who keeps banging his fists on the door, I make sure to take extra long.
When I finally get out I wrap a towel around myself and brush my teeth. As I am about to unlock the door Pony bangs on the door again. "Elena, I'm gunna be late for school so hurry up..."
"Make me." I retort.
"I know you're done so let me in, please...?"
"Hmmm..." I pretend to think.
Pony bangs on the door twice more. "Elena..."
I copy his actions. "Ponyboy..."
Suddenly another voice is added to the mix. "What's the hold up here, Pone?" Soda.
"Elena beat me to the shower and now she won't let me in," Pony whines to Soda.
Soda chuckles. "You mean like how I did to you the other morning?"
"Yeah!" Ponyboy exclaims.
"Tough luck kid, you better get up earlier next time then. Elena, let Ponyboy in will ya?" Soda chuckles.
"Fine," I grumble. I unlock the door and twist the knob to reveal a grumpy and exasperated looking Ponyboy and a smug looking Soda. I smirk at my older brother who laughs. Ponyboy glares at him as he enters the bathroom and I exit it and head towards my room. Soda puts on a fake stern face for Ponyboy's sake, but as I pass him he holds his hand out for a high five. I bite my lip to keep from laughing as I high five him and go to my room to get ready for my day.
As the bell rings at lunch Samantha comes over to my desk where I am gathering my math books. I rise from my chair and we exit the room, chatting about random subjects.
"Hey look, Elena, there's your boyfriend," Sam teases.
I roll my eyes. "It's not as affective when he actually is my boyfriend," I retort.
"Yeah, yeah."
We saunter over to where Johnny is tossing his books onto the top shelf of his locker. I lean my body against the locker to his left. "Hey, Johnny," I say, clutching my books to my chest.
He glances over at me as he tosses his last book into his locker, grabs his lunch, and shuts his locker. Then he turns to me and a slow smile spreads across his face. "Hey, El. How was math?"
"Ugh, don't get me started..." And with that the three of us walk downstairs to my locker. Samantha splits off from us to go to her locker, and after grabbing my own lunch, Johnny and I meet everyone in the cafeteria.
When we sit down at the table, Ponyboy, Steve, and Two-bit are already there eating. Two-bit and Steve are talking about God knows what and Pony just sits there quietly devouring his sandwich. I take out my own sandwich and take a bite when Two-bit causes me to stop short. He lets out a long, low whistle, eyebrows raised, and looking at something behind me. However, when I turn to look, I realize that it's not a something but a someone. Samantha.
She walks briskly towards our table, tossing her auburn hair over her shoulder like those perfect girls do in the movies. That's when I realize that she looks different then she did merely five minutes ago. Sam was wearing a jacket before but now she has it tied around her waist, revealing a top that compliments her body shape quite well. When you really look at her, you can see just how much she looks like her sister, Cherry. When she sits down, she looks at Two-bit, biting her lip, and then turns to me. "So, you ready to go see that movie after school?"
"Absolutely." I smile. This is going to be quite a day.
A/N: Yes, I know that chapter was a filler but I'm sorry. I just needed a chapter between the last one and this one to set it up and because I needed to get something out for you guys because it's been like, I don't know...probably about a month. I know I said my updates won't be as frequent but that was ridiculous so sorry guys. I'm not sure when the next update will be but hopefully not as long a wait for you guys as that one so...until next time guys! -Ella :)

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