Another Greaser in Town

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A/N: Hello again! So, this chapter didn't exactly turn out as well as I was hoping but I hope that it's still okay. Also, I would love to hear what you guys think, so please leave some comments. :) Another thing is that I was checking the draft on my phone and it kept cutting off the ending, so if this happens to you too, please let me know. Anyways, Enjoy!
Darry's POV:

After dropping Soda and Steve at the DX, I head to work. Today I'm roofing a few houses on the outskirts of our neighbourhood. The first two go by rather smoothly, leading up to heading to the final house of the day at around four o'clock. That's pretty early considering the fact that usually I don't get home until late at night.

I pull up to the curb by the final house of the day and park. Some of my co-workers are already on the roof. I get out and lock the truck, then head up towards the house. I grab two bundles of roofing and start to climb the ladder. We work for a while, fixing the roof and fastening down the shingles, until a middle aged woman comes out of the house.

She introduces herself as Mrs. Cralanta, and the man who follows her out a moment later, as her husband, Mr. Cralanta. They stand in the driveway and watch us for a few moments as we work on their roof.

As I climb down the ladder to grab another bundle of roofing, I notice a young girl walk up the driveway. She's probably around Soda's age, and has hair as red as fire. I'm guessing that she is probably Mr. And Mrs. Cralanta's daughter. They discuss something for a short moment and then the parents get in a car and drive off. She turns and starts to walk up to the door. Passing me, she nods with a smile, and then opens the door and disappears inside.
"Hey, Darry! You got those other bundles of roofing, man?" Someone yells from the roof.
I turn and look up to them, with the bundles in my arms. "Yeah, sorry. I'm climbing up now."
I climb up the ladder and set down the bundles. We work for probably another two hours, until we only have a small fraction of the roof left to shingle. "Hey, guys, don't worry about this last bit. I've got it," I tell them.
"Are you sure, Dar?" One of the guys asks.
"Yeah, it shouldn't take too long anyways. You guys go ahead and leave." I reassure them.
"Cool, thanks."
"No problem." I turn back to the small section I have left to finish, as they all climb down to leave, muttering byes as they pass me. I really don't mind finishing it alone, it will probably only take ten minutes anyway.
Sure enough, ten minutes later I fasten down the last shingle. I gather up my tools and walk to the edge of the roof to climb down. I'm a couple rungs down on the ladder, when my foot slips, and I fall to the ground below. I let out a low yell of pain as I hit the pavement, the toolbox landing on my wrist, and receiving many cuts on my face, arms and legs.
Suddenly I hear the front door swing open, and footsteps rushing towards me. In a moment the red headed girl is standing overtop of me with wide eyes. "Oh my god! Are you alright?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'm alright." I grit my teeth and push myself up off of the ground. I'm bleeding in many places and there's a significant pain in my left wrist.
"Here, come inside, I'll clean you up." She offers.
"Um, yeah, sure. Thanks..." This is when I realize that I don't know her name to thank her.
"Paige, " she says with a smile. She must've known what I was thinking.
Paige's POV:
I've just put my pencil down after finishing my homework, when I hear a yell coming from outside. I bolt from my room, throw open the front door, and my eyes widen. The young man I had nodded at earlier is laying on the ground at the foot of his ladder, clearly in pain. I run over to him, and look down into his ice blue eyes. "Oh my god! Are you alright?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'm alright," he responds. He grits his teeth and pushes himself up off the ground.
I look over his body, and see that he is bleeding from multiple cuts. I figure I should help him clean up, since I'm the only one around. His co-workers must have already left.
"Um, yeah, sure. Thanks..." He trails off looking at me curiously, because I haven't told him my name yet.
"Paige." I tell him, with a smile.
He looks taken aback, probably because that's exactly what he was wondering. "Paige."
I walk into the house with him in tow. I bring him into the washroom and wet a washcloth with warm water. I dab at the cuts on his arms with the cloth, and realize how muscled his arms are. I see him looking at my face out of the corner of my eye and feel heat start to creep up my neck. I dab at his legs, and the silence begins to get a little awkward. "So..." I start, "What's your name?"
"I'm Darrel Curtis. But most people just call me Darry," he responds quickly.
"That's a nice name. How old are you Darry?" I ask, just curious.
"20. I'm the oldest out of three brothers and a sister. I work this job as well as another to be able to look after them."
This statement puzzles me. "Why don't your parents look after them?" I ask, now dabbing at his face.
He sighs. "They passed away from a car accident a few months back. I'm their legal guardian."
"Oh. I'm sorry." I say, pausing from cleaning his cuts for a moment.
He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it."
"So..." I try to change the subject, "Tell me about your brothers and sister."
He smiles at me. "Well Ponyboy and Elena are twins and they are both fourteen, and put up a year in school. They like books and movies. My other brothers name is Sodapop. He's seventeen. He dropped out of school to work at the DX full time, you might've seen him there before."
I have seen Soda before, he's a greaser, just like me. So I guess that means that Darry is one too. I didn't expect that, he just didn't give me that impression. "So, your a greaser too then?"
"Yeah..." He trails off again, looking down.
"Me too."
He looks up at me again. "Really?"
I nod as I clean his last cut. "All done."
"Thanks Paige. I appreciate it."
"No problem," I say, waving it off.
"Well, I'd better go..." He says, starting for the door.
"You can stay for dinner, if you want. My parents won't be home for another few hours," I offer. Honestly, I really hope he says yes. He is pretty cute.
After a moment he makes his decision. When he tells me, I can't help but smile. "Sure, Paige. I'd love that."
A/N: So, what'd you guys think? I know it wasn't that great but hopefully the next chapter will be better. Anyways, thanks for reading. Next Chapter soon. :)

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