Ew! Frogs!

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A/N: Hello! This is my first published fanfiction, although I've been reading them for a long time and wanted to start publishing my own. So here I am! So...my class read The Outsiders for a novel study a few months ago, and I loved it, so I was inspired to start writing my own. I don't own The Outsiders, S.E Hinton does, I only own my own characters. If you want to leave me any advice for my writing that would be great, but this is my first story so please no flames. Anyways, Enjoy!

Elena's POV:

"Hey, Elena. You all ready for biology?"

I glance backwards over my shoulder to see my eagerly smiling twin brother standing behind me. "Oh, hey, Ponyboy," I greet him. I turn back to my locker, swinging the door shut and locking it. "Yeah, I guess I am," I finally answer, turning to him, hugging my books to my chest.

"Good, me too," he laughs as we set off upstairs.

The two of us walk through the long and crowded hallways of our school. We run into Two-bit and Steve on the way, who holler and wave at the pair of us despite the fact they are right in front of us. A moment later we come to Johnny, who is walking quite quickly with his head down. I tap him on the shoulder as we fall into step with him. "Hey Johnny," I say softly.

He tilts his head slightly to meet our gazes. "Oh, hi guys." Johnny whispers with a small smile. I smile back at him, and then he ducks his head and slips into a classroom.

"Oh great," Pony groans as we enter the biology classroom a moment later. I give him a questioning look. "Look," he says pointing across the room at a piece of paper taped to the chalkboard. "We are getting new lab partners."

"Noo..." I whine, "We were good lab partners, Pone."   

"I know. Oh shoot well we might as well go see who our new partners are."

We walk briskly to the front of the room and scan the sheet for our names and partners. About halfway down the list I spot mine and my partner's names.

Elena Curtis and Samantha Valance.

Samantha Valance? I don't think I know her. I didn't even know that there was a Samantha in this class...My thoughts are interrupted by Ponyboy.

"Cool, I got partnered with Curly Sheppard. Who'd you get paired with sis?" Pony asks enthusiastically.

"Samantha Valance...Pony, who's Samantha Valance?" I ask curiously.

Pony starts to answer but he is quickly interrupted by a quiet feminine voice coming from behind us. "Oh, that's me. Um...hi. I'm Samantha."

I turn towards the voice, and end up facing a shy looking Socy girl. She was standing with her head down, light auburn hair falling in front of her pale blue eyes. She offers me a smile, which I return. "I'm Elena Curtis."

"I know who you are. You and your brother are the younger kids who skipped a grade in grade school, right?" Samantha asks in a soft voice.

In response I just nod my head. "Well I guess we are partners then, so let's find a table." She nods, so I turn to Ponyboy. "See ya' later Pone."

"See ya' later," he agrees, and walks off to join Curly at a table.

Samantha and I settle ourselves at a table on the opposite side of the room from Curly and Ponyboy. We are both quiet for a minute, but then Samantha pipes up. "You know what I think is kind of funny?" she asks.

I cock my head to one side. "What?" I prepare myself to get teased for being a greaser, because she is a Soc, but no insult comes. Instead, what she says is totally unexpected.

"It's just that, well, you and Ponyboy are twins, but you don't really look alike."

I think about this for a moment. I guess that this is true, his hair being brown and mine being jet black, me having tons of freckles on my pale face and him having none, but we have the same greenish grey eyes. Our faces and builds look pretty similar too, our height as well. "Well, we're fraternal twins. We aren't identical but we still look similar. We have the same eyes, too."

"Yeah," she says, sounding deep in thought, "I guess so." She smiles at me and chuckles a little bit. Her laugh is cut off however, because the bell rings and Mr. Wells walks in promptly afterwards.

Mr. Wells stands in front of the class, taking in our new seating arrangement. Then his loud, boisterous voice reverberates throughout the small room, making him all you can hear. "Today, we will be dissecting frogs. Your homework will be to compare the amphibian digestive system to that of our own. The materials are on the counter. Begin!"

The class jumps out of their seats to grab materials and then quickly returns to their seats. Samantha and I work in silence for a moment before she asks me another question. "Hey, do you want to come to my place after school tomorrow to study?"

I think about her offer for a moment, she seems like a really nice girl. She definitely doesn't seem like most Soc girls I've come into contact with. Hmm, why not? "Sure, that'd be great. I'll let my brother know tonight. "

"Alright," she says happily, smiling at me once more.

We work for a few more minutes before the silence is once again broken, but this time, by me. "Oh my god, this is soo gross! Ugh!"

"I know. Yuck!" Samantha yells, equally as disgusted.

From across the room I hear Ponyboy snicker at me. I turn to face him and give him that 'oh, shut the hell up now' look. However, when I'm not watching, a piece of the frog falls onto my foot. It splatters up my leg and onto the hem of my blue skirt. This just causes Ponyboy to full out laugh at me. Samantha and I share a look, and then we both yell, "EW!"

However, Pony's laughter seems to be contagious and we both end up in stitches.

A/N: Sorry the chapter was so short; some of them will be shorter. However I am planning for most of them to be longer. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter should hopefully be up soon, so bye for now! - BookWorm094224

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