Cold Showers and Wake Up Calls

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A/N: Hello everybody! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was super busy! Anyways, it took me a while to write this chapter, but I think I'm finally happy with it. On that note, Enjoy!
Soda's POV:
I wake up to the delicious smell of bacon wafting under the door from the kitchen. Mmm, Darry must be making eggs and bacon for breakfast.
I ease out of bed, careful not to wake Ponyboy, trying to get to the shower first, but failing as my foot catches in the sheets and I fall on the floor. Pony wakes with a start, sitting bolt upright and throwing off the blankets. I struggle within the sheets on the floor, managing to break loose, and sprint for the bathroom, but Pony is close behind me. I slide through the opening in the door and slam it closed behind me. Just as soon as I hear the click of the lock, I hear Pony slam into the bathroom door.

"Haha!" I yell in a singsong voice.

"Soda..." Ponyboy groans from the other side of the door.

"Pony..." I mock, smirking stupidly at the door.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine you won," he grumbles, walking back to our room, "this time."

I burst out laughing, but turn away from the door and turn the shower on. I strip my clothes off and hop in, letting the warm spray soak my body. It's actually quite relaxing, so after I finish washing, I just stand there. A few minutes later someone pounds on the door. "Soda..." Pony whines, "hurry up..."

I smirk, but turn the water off. It's starting to get cold now anyways. I wrap a towel around my waist and unlock the door, Ponyboy immediately pushing past me, scowling. "Finally, the water better not be cold," he grumbles.

Man, he is soooo not a morning person. "Your fault if it is, slowpoke."

Pony rolls his eyes and shuts the door. I turn away from the door, but wait for a moment. No sooner has the shower turned back on again, that I hear a shriek from inside, flowed by a bellowing, "Sodapop!"

I burst out laughing once more as I run into our room.

As I'm buttoning my jeans no more then five minutes later, the door slowly opens revealing a shivering, and angry, Ponyboy. I manage to keep a straight face as I ask as innocently as possible, "Did you have a nice shower, Pone?"

"Whatever..." he growls, heading to his dresser. I smirk at his back, then turn and walk towards the door. But just as I am exiting the room, I hear him mutter, "He thinks he's soooo funny."

I can't resist, so I poke my head back in the door and yell, "That's because I am!" Then I shut the door and run down the hall to Elena's room to wake her up.

I go to open the door, but oddly, the door is already open. I turn the light on, and look to her bed, to see that she's not in bed, but the blankets are all on the floor. I find it a little odd, but decide that she must be up already. I walk back down the hallway, to go to the kitchen, when something odd catches my eye.

I saunter into the living room, to confirm that I did see what I thought, and indeed I did. I smirk as I look down on my kid sister, asleep in a chair next to Johnny, who is on the couch. I snicker, as an idea comes to my head. I jog back to my and Ponyboy's room, right as he comes out the door. I stop right in front of him, and he looks up at me. "What...?" he asks wearily, seeing the smirk that is still plastered upon my face.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." I say to him plainly, starting back to the living room. He eyes me questioningly, but follows. When we get to them, I step aside, and let Ponyboy stand there staring at the two of them, raising an eyebrow at his twin, and smirking. No, it's not quite a smirk, it's almost like a knowing smile...

"Aww," he says after a moment, quirking his head to one side, "they look so peaceful."

"That's exactly my point," I enquire still smirking.

He looks at me coyly, but then realization appears on his face, and then he too smirks."You, Soda, are an evil mastermind."

I take a bow while saying, "Why thank you, my dear Horseman."

"Really?" Pony sneers at me, "Horseman?"

"Yes. Now shut your trap and stand over your sister." Pony does as I say, standing over Elena. I crouch down and put my face a few inches from Johnny's. 'Wake up, on three.' I mouth. Ponyboy nods. 'One, two three.'


Two things happen at once.
1.Elena screams, kicking her chair backwards and falling on the floor. The chair hits Ponyboy where the sun don't shine........but I don't have time to laugh because
2. Johnny yells, as his eyes fly open and he sits up faster than I can move, and our foreheads ram together. His head hits the pillow once again and he squeezes his eyes shut, putting a hand to his forehead. I do the same.
I hear Pony groan, falling to his knees on the floor, keeled over. Elena jumps up off of the ground, kicks him onto his back, and screams, "That's what you get for scaring the living crap out of me you son of a-"
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Darry bellows, running into the room.
"O-oh h-hey Darry..." Elena stutters awkwardly.
Darry takes in the scene in front of him, wide eyed and confused. First he looks at Elena, who is fuming, now glaring at Ponyboy on the floor, who is clearly still in pain. Elena whips her head around to look at Darry, who goes wide eyed, and turns to look at me. I remove the hand from my forehead, and manage a sheepish smile, waving up at him from my position now on the floor. He then looks at Johnny, who now has his eyes open but is grimacing, and his eyebrows shoot above his hairline. "WELL?"
I explain everything to Darry, who just shakes his head and leaves the room, muttering, "Crazy kids. Y'all are outta your minds."
By this time, Pony is standing again,I'm sitting against the arm of the couch, and Johnny is sitting on the couch, with Elena beside him. They are sitting oddly close together...
We sit in silence for a moment before Ponyboy breaks it. "So, did you sleep well Johnny?"
"Yeah...yeah. I guess I did. Well, after the, uh, nightmare was over." Johnny mumbles. I don't miss the smile he shoots at Elena. Elena blushes under his gaze. Wait what? Why did she blush? Or was it just me...
If she did blush, it vanished as quick as it came, because her face is neutral once more as she stands up.
"Well, I'd better get ready for school." Elena chirps happily, throwing a smile towards Johnny, and leaving the room. I can't help but notice Johnny watching her disappear. Pony notices too. When Johnny turns his gaze to us, and sees us watching him, he blushes. What is going on here?
Ponyboy smirks. Does he know something that I don't?
"Well, I guess I should get my stuff from home..." Johnny trails off, heading for the door.
He's just stepping out the door when Pony calls his name. "Hey, Johnny!"
Johnny steps back in the door. "Yeah?"
"Do you have a thing for Elena?"
Just then, Elena comes out of her room, wearing an outfit that truly makes her look beautiful. Johnny's eyes go wide, and his cheeks flush. Wait, what? No way! Maybe Pony is onto something...
"See ya' Johnny!" Elena says as she passes him and goes into the kitchen.
Johnny smiles. "See ya'"
Johnny looks back at us. I smirk and raise my eyebrows, "So? Do you?"
He shrugs. I just stare at him, and he stares back. Finally he drops his gaze, and walks out the door.
Ponyboy chuckles.
"Okay, horseman. What do you know that I don't?" I ask laughing as well.
"Can't you see it Soda? They like each other!"
I think about it for a minute. Now that I think about it, I can totally see why Pony thinks that. The way that she comforted Johnny last night...and the just makes sense. of my best friends and my kid sister? "It's just...Elena and Johnny?"
"Come on, don't you think they'd be a good couple?"
"It's not that I don't...I guess they would make a cute's just hard to believe. Don't you think? I mean, it's your best friend and your twin sister."
Ponyboy just shrugs. "If she helps Johnny, and makes him happy, and he makes her happy, I don't care. If they're happy, I'm happy. I just want what's best for them, ya' know?"
I take a moment to process this. I want Johnny to be happy for once, and I think Elena is exactly what's going to help him. Plus, when he's happy, she seems happy, so I honestly have no problems with it. I nod. " think it's gunna happen? They're gunna be a couple?"
A/N: So how was it? Let me know in the comments please, I want to hear your opinions! :) On another note, I have some news. I might not be able to update for the next couple weeks. I'll try to get at least one as well as one tomorrow, but I'm gunna be busy so I don't know if I'll be able to. Sorry, please don't hate me. XD Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! Until next time! :)

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