Double Reveal

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A/N: Hello! How is everybody? I hope you are all good! Anyways, here is the next chapter, and that is Paige in the media. Enjoy!Darry's POV:
I pull away from the house, for once very excited. I've never really had a proper girlfriend before. Sure, I had flings with some of the girls while I was still in high school, but it's never been official. Since then, I've seldom had the time to go out somewhere and try to pick up a lady, so meeting Paige on the job was perfect.
When I reach her house I pull up to the curl and park the truck. I step out onto the pavement and walk up the short stone path to her front door, which I rap on lightly with my knuckles.
The door opens not even a second later, revealing not Paige, but Mrs. Cralanta. She gives me a puzzled look, "Aren't you one of the young men that was roofing my house a few days ago?" I give a curt nod. She grabs her handbag off of the table by the front door and takes out her wallet rifling through it and handing me a few bills. "Did my husband and I forget to pay you? I'm sure I gave the money to your boss..."
"Oh no, I'm sorry, Mrs. Cralanta," I apologize, shoving the bills back into her wrinkled hands. "I'm not here on the job, I'm here to pick up Paige."
Realization dawns on her face. "Oh deary me, you must be Darrel! I'm sorry, step inside, it's chilly out there."
I step inside and shut the door firmly behind me and look back to Mrs. Cralanta. "You can call me Darry, if you'd like, Mrs. Cralanta," I suggest.
Mrs. Cralanta smiles at me and nods. "Paige should be down any minute now, she was just getting ready a few minutes before you came. You know, she wants to look nice for you." She winks at me.
I refrain from rolling my eyes at her. Look nice? She's a Greaser not a Soc...I wonder what Mrs. Cralanta means by nice. No sooner have I thought this, then Paige comes bounding down the stairs. My jaw literally drops. Not only does she look nice, but she looks tuff.
She wears a black skirt with leggings underneath, tucked into black boots. A white tee shirt, paired with her black leather jacket, and a necklace with a silver heart pendant. Her fiery red hairs falls in loose curls around her shoulders. She's not just tuff but she's beautiful. "Wow," is all I manage to choke out.
Her pale face flushes as she smiles at the ground.
"Well, off you go, you two. Have fun!" Mrs. Cralanta orders, ushering us out of the front door and onto the front porch. She shuts the door behind us.
I smile at Paige, who is seemingly smiling at the ground. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks," she breathes. "Y-you look nice too."
I smile at her and take her small hand inside my own. We walk down the path to the truck, and enjoy the ride back to my place in a comfortable silence. Before we get out I turn to her and ask excitedly, "So, are you ready to meet my friends and siblings?"
She grins. "You bet I am."
Johnny's POV:
About a half hour later the whole gang is here, well, minus Dally. He's in the cooler...again. Two-bit is watching Mickey Mouse on TV, Soda and Steve are arm wrestling because Soda was cheating at poker, Ponyboy is sprawled on the floor, reading a book, and Elena and Samantha are chatting excitedly about something. I sit beside Elena, touching at the hips and shoulders, just plain relaxing, which is rare for me. Overall though, the scene is rather ordinary. The only thing missing is Darry. He left half an hour ago to, supposedly, grab something else for dinner. However, I think everyone who was here when he left the house, knows that something else's is going on with him. Whatever it is, he seemed happy about it.
Five minutes later, the front door slams open, and I think all heads turn in that direction. Not to look at Darry, but the tuff looking redheaded girl standing beside him.
Two-bit whistles from his spot in the recliner. "What's your name doll?"
The girl smirks. "My name's Paige, but I'm sure as hell not your doll. This doll belongs to someone else, and his name is Darry Curtis."
The room let's out a collective gasp. Darry's got himself a new girlfriend?
Two-bit cocks an eyebrow at the pair of them, something I've seen him do so many times before.
Darry sighs. "Everybody, this is my new girlfriend, Paige Cralanta."
Elena's face lights up, as does Soda's. Ponyboy smiles and waves at Paige, who returns the wave equally as cheerily. I slip her a shy smile which I doubt she sees anyways.
Paige scans the room, and she smiles when her eyes land on Steve. "Hi, Steve!"
Steve chuckles. "How's that homework coming along, Paige?"
She gives him a sly smile. "Randle, you of all people shouldn't even be mentioning homework, cuz lord knows you never so much as touch it."
Steve merely shrugs.
"Well, clearly you know Steve." Darry states the obvious. Paige laughs, turning back to Darry, who continues. "That hooligan he was arm wrestling is my younger brother, Sodapop."
Soda shoots Darry a cheeky grin, and waves at Paige.
"This here is Two-bit, the cake and beer fiend." Darry jokes.
"You forgot Mickey Mouse!" Two-bit corrects.
Darry rolls his eyes and Paige laughs once more. "The youngest Curtis brother, Ponyboy. And this is his and Elena's friend Samantha."
Samantha waves as Ponyboy practically yells a greeting in his excitement.
Darry points at Elena, "Ponyboy's twin sister, Elena." Then he points at me, and I know exactly what he is going to say. "And this is her boyfriend, Johnny."
The reaction is instantaneous.
Two-bit does a spit-take and chokes on his beer. "WHAT?!"
"Elena? Johnny? When did this happen?!" Steve demands, giving me a pointed look and raising his eyebrows.
I look down at my lap, but I can still feel everyone's stares boring into my head.  I can feel my face and ears heating up, I really hate being centred out.
"Um......" Elena trails off, laughing awkwardly.
I give her a look out of the corner of my eye.
"Yesterday." She squeaks.
"Yesterday when? What happened?" Two-bit questions with a wild expression on his face.
My eyes go wide and I shake my head at her, very slowly, making sure she knows not to tell them what really happened.
Elena opens her mouth to speak, but then shuts it. She swallows thickly and opens her mouth to speak again when Samantha cuts in.
"It happen after those two Socs tried to beat Johnny up yesterday. You remember that, don't you? Elena told me in class today." Sam smirks at Elena, but glances at me over her shoulder with a questioning look. Elena must've told her some of what happened, so she decided to cover for me. I shoot her a grateful look.
Elena rolls her eyes at Sam. "Maybe I shouldn't have told you," she jokes.
"Oh, but we are lucky that you did," I whisper in her ear.
She smiles and nods slightly, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it lightly.
"Aww," Steve drawls, smirking.
"Is that the best you can do, Johnny?" Two-bit mocks.
My cheeks turn crimson as I look down at my lap.
"Ha! Johnny can't even kiss her! He's too shy!" Two-bit guffaws.
That kind of gets on my nerves. That's what everyone thinks, that I'm too shy to even get a girl. Well, they are wrong. I've got Elena, and now that I've got her, I'm not gunna let them pick on me.
Without even a second though, I turn to Elena, and pull her into a kiss. At first she seems startled, but then she starts kissing me back. Our lips move in sync with each other.
I hear a bunch of the boys all cheering.
"YASS JOHNNY!" Soda cheers.
"Way to go, kid!" Steve yells.
"Didn't think he had it in him," Two-bit chuckles.
I feel Elena's hands grasping at my jet black hair as her arms snake around my neck. My own hands find her waist and I pull her closer to me, to the point where she is actually sitting on my lap.
"Ew." Ponyboy remarks.
I smirk against her lips. She captures my top lip, so I bite down lightly on her bottom lip. I feel her smile into the kiss. Then she pulls away, and presses one final, soft kiss to my lips, before we part.
When we look up, we find out that the whole room had been watching the two of us the entire time. I smirk and cock my head to one side, smiling innocently.
Darry just gives me a look, but shakes his head and rolls his eyes at me. Two-bit smirks, cocking his eyebrows, looking a little bit surprised to say the least.
Soda and Steve are watching us intently, laughing and smiling.
Samantha smirks at me and wiggles her eyebrows, at trick she must've picked up from hanging around with Two-bit at lunch. I look to where Ponyboy is still sitting at her feet on the floor. He looks genuinely disgusted, which is oddly entertaining to me.
"I am scarred. Like, actually scarred." Ponyboy says, with no hint of sarcasm in his voice whatsoever.
I laugh, a huge smile plastered across my face, which is a rare occurrence. When Elena sees my face she smiles and giggles, laying her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around my torso. I wrap my arms around her as well.
Finally, I look over at Paige. I almost forgot that she was even here. She's surveying the scene with a confused look on her face, but she too, is still smiling. I guess that she found it sort of funny to watch this interaction.
After a moment, Darry clears his throat. " for that little show, Johnny and Elena. I'm going to go make dinner now, so you two better behave yourselves."
He shoots us a playful look, something rare coming from Darry, and disappears from view.
Paige comes over and sits on the floor by my feet. We start talking to her, asking her about herself. How old she is, how she met Darry, what she likes to do, normal questions I guess. She's a real nice girl, tuff too. I can see why Darry would like her.
A while later, after we've all eaten dinner, we resume our spots in the living room. Ponyboy and I sit on the couch, talking about some new book he's reading. Darry sits in his recliner nearby Soda and Steve, who are playing poker, and reads the newspaper. Elena, Samantha, and Paige sit in a circle on the floor, gossiping about who knows what, and Two-bit settles himself down on the floor with a couple beers and the chocolate cake, and watches Mickey Mouse on TV.
Samantha takes a glance at Two-bit and raises her eyebrows. "He actually likes Mickey Mouse?" I hear her ask Elena in disbelief.
"Um, okay then..." Sam shrugs, shaking her head with her eyebrows raised, and then turns back to whatever they were talking about.
"Johnny, are you even listening?" Ponyboy snaps me from my thoughts.
"Sorry, Pone," I shake my head lightly to refocus on what he was saying. "I zoned out, can you repeat that last part?"
He rolls his eyes but proceeds to repeat what he had said, and this time, I actually listen to him. "So then there's this kid, Pip..."
Probably not even half an hour later, Two-bit speaks all of our thoughts.
"Darry, I'm bored..." He whines, throwing his head back to look up at him.
Darry rolls his eyes. "What do you want me to do about it?"
"I want you to make me stop being bored," Two-bit says in a 'duh' tone of voice.
"And how do you expect me to do that?" Darry asks, crossing his arms and smirking down at his friend.
"I have an idea!" Paige exclaims, a devious smirk on her face.
"Sure, Paige. What's your idea?" Darry asks with a smile.
"Let's play truth or dare!"
Oh no...
A/N: Well...that just happened. That wasn't exactly how I was planning to end the chapter, but I guess that my mind just sort of went with it. Thanks to dumbblonde41 for pre reading this chapter and giving me some feedback. Oh, and I've decided that I am going to enter the Watty's. Anyways, what did you think? I'd love some feedback on this story, guys. So, don't forget to comment and vote on your way out. :) Next update soon. -Ella :)

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