Truth or Dare

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A/N: Hello everybody! So, here's the next chapter. I'll admit, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. It's mainly just a continuation of where my mind was heading at the end of the last chapter...which originally wasn't supposed to happen so...enjoy!
Two-bit's POV:
"That's a great idea, Paige! Ain't it, guys?" I yell, jumping up excitedly from my spot on the floor. The half eaten chocolate cake slides off my lap and my beer sloshes around in my hand.
Johnny eyes me warily, and Darry's eyes widen. However, no one else seems to object.
"Yeah!!" Soda and Steve cheer, letting all their cards fall onto the table and scatter on the floor.
Samantha and Elena start giggling at Soda and Steve, and then whisper excitedly in hushed tones and giggle some more.
Ponyboy just shrugs. "Sure, I guess I'll play."
Johnny glances over at his best friend, then over at his giggling girlfriend, and sighs. "Alrighty then. I'm in."
Darry surveys the room thoughtfully, and then smiles, and I know he'll give in. One because he hardly ever gets to have a good time, two because everyone else already agreed, and three because it's what Paige suggested. He's not gunna deny Paige a fun time when he was the one who invited her over in the first place. Plus...I think he just wants to have some fun with the gang and his girlfriend. "Fine with me, Paige. Let's start."
"Everybody come over here and sit in a circle!" Paige yells as if she were instructing a bunch of little kids.
We all obey and join her, Samantha, and Elena on the floor in the middle of the room. Once we are all settled down and quiet, Paige speaks once again.
"Alright, I guess that I will start. Hmm," she surveys the room. "Sam! Truth or dare?"
"Um...truth?" Samantha answers quietly.
"Hmm...who do you think would be the best to be stuck in an elevator with?"
"Two-bit!!" She exclaims very suddenly.
"Me! Why me?" I yell, surprised.
"Cuz' you never stop joking around," she jokes. "You're funny, so I wouldn't get bored being cooped up in that stupid thing."
I smirk. "Damn right."
"Okay, my turn," Samantha smirks, looking around at all of us. "Oh, Soda..." she says in a singsong voice. "Truth or dare."
"I choose dare," he says matterofactly.
Sam thinks for a second before she seems to come to a decision. "I dare you to crack three raw eggs over your head, and then let them sit there for a round."
Soda's eyes go wide. "Aww, shoot. Not my hair, Sam..."
"Oh yes, Soda. Your hair." Samantha replies, smirking.
Soda grumbles and walks into the kitchen. He comes back a moment later and sits back down, three raw eggs in his hand. One by one he breaks them over his head, cringes as each one hits his hair. When he's finished he throws the shells to the side and frowns. "Happy now?"
"Very," she laughs.
Sodapop rolls his eyes, which end up landing on Ponyboy with a devious look tugging at his lips. "Truth or dare, Horseman?"
"Stop calling me Horseman..." Ponyboy whines. "Dare."
" have to put your hand on the shoulder of the person to your left and keep it there for the next three rounds." Soda announces.
Pony gives him a weird look and rests his hand on the person on his left's shoulder, who happens to be Johnny. Johnny glares at Pony out of the corner of his eye and scowls.
"Darry, truth or dare?" Pony voices.
"Truth," Darry mumbles, staring at the floor.
"Hmm...ahah! Darry, have you ever kissed a girl?" Ponyboy exclaims with a laugh.
"No..." Darry mumbles, only loud enough that I can hear him, since I'm sitting right beside him.
"What was that? Speak up, Dar." Pony asks, genuinely not hearing him.
"No." Darry states louder, staring at the floor.
"What?" Ponyboy asks with a smirk.
"I said no for Pete's sake!! No, I've never kissed a girl!" Darry bellows.
Ponyboy bursts out laughing, and so does Soda, Steve, and I. The girls and Johnny stay quiet, but Paige is suppressing a smile.
Darry grumbles at the floor, then looks up like nothing even happened. "Steve, truth or dare?"
"Uh, Dare!" Steve hollers, as if it were obvious.
"Pound your chest and give us your best Tarzan yell," Darry demands.
Steve complies, pounding on his chest, and yelling at the top of his lungs. He sounds ridiculous, and the whole group collapses into fits of laughter.
Once we all calm down, Steve calls on Elena, who answers with dare. She has to go into the kitchen and take a straight shot of hot sauce. After that, it's my turn. I get dared to put an ice cube down my boxers and sit down on it. This, my friends, is torture. It The gang laughs and whoops as I make little yelping noises due to the cold ice.
After this, I get an idea for a dare, that's not funny just for us, but for the person doing the dare itself. "Hey, Ponyboy..."
He eyes me worriedly. "Yeah?"
"Truth or dare?"
"Hmm...dare...I guess..." Pony replies.
I slide the plate of half eaten chocolate cake across the floor to him. "I dare you to shove this in someone's face."
Ponyboy's eyes light up, and I know exactly who's face that cake is going to be in. Pony picks the cake up with both hands, turns to his right, and smashes the cake right into Johnny's face.
Johnny makes this weird squealing noise in the back of his throat, obviously shocked that his best friend just smashed a cake in his face. He wipes the stuff from his eyes and mouth, and flicks it from his fingers onto the ground. "Aw, man. What the hell was that for, Ponyboy?"
"For kissing my twin sister right in front of me! Again! And because you were right there and I thought it would be funny to see you get a cake to the face," Ponyboy finishes with a laugh. The rest of us laugh too.
"Johnny, truth or dare?"
We all know that Johnny won't answer a truth, so it's not a surprise when he picks dare.
"I dare you to keep all that cake on your face for the rest of the game, Johnnycakes." Pony laughs. We all laugh again.
Johnny rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, get your jollies. Elena, truth or dare?"
"Truth," she says confidently.
"Um...what are you thinking right now?" Johnny asks, clearly having run out of ideas.
"That you look adorable with that cake smudged all over your face like that," she admits, which catches us all off guard.
Johnny blushes. "Well, aren't you sweet?"
"Nope," she says, kissing him on the nose and taking some of the chocolate off of it. "You are...literally."
"Aw. Why don't you kiss me then, huh?" Johnny retorts.
"Um, nope. Not while you are covered in chocolate cake and icing. No thank you, I'd like my face to stay clean," she replies sassily. "Paige, truth or dare?"
She doesn't even need to think about it. "Dare."
"I dare you to sit on Darry's lap for the rest of the game." Elena orders.
Paige obeys and moves to sit on Darry's lap. He blushes profusely, but wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her lightly on the side of her neck.
"Steve, truth or dare?"
"Lick Soda's hand."
"W-what? Ew." Steve cringes.
"You heard me Randle, lick Soda's hand."
Soda and Steve both cringe, but the dare is completed. Steve's face contorts in disgust and he spits on the floor. The whole room erupts with laughter. Steve rolls his eyes. "Elena, truth or dare?"
Elena opens her mouth to answer, but is distracted when Johnny takes some of the cake off his face onto his finger, and wipes it on her cheek. She just gives him a look. He leans in to kiss her and she leans away, laughing. "Ew, no, Johnny. I am not kissing you."
I see Soda lean in and whisper something into Steve's ear, who smirks and nods at Soda. And I have a sneaking suspicion that I know what was said...
Elena looks back up at Steve. "Dare."
"Kiss Johnny."
Elena gives him the classic, 'are you kidding me right now,' look. "Fine."
She leans in and kisses Johnny, getting cake all over her face in the process. It's actually kind of cute, if I'm going to be completely honest. Elena giggles and Johnny just smiles at her.
"Well," Darry bellows, clapping his hands together. "Since Johnny was supposed to keep the cake on his face until the end of the game, and now it's not all on his face, I think that signals the end of the game."
There are mumbles of agreement, and plenty of yawns.
I stand myself and head for the door, actually tired for once. And who wouldn't be after a night like that one just was. As I head out the door I call back to Darry, who is getting ready to take Paige home. "Night, Dar. Thanks for dinner."
"No problem. Night Two-bit," Darry says, glancing up at me.
Once I'm out the door, I head down to the curb and hop in my old worn out car. It takes a moment for the engine to start up but once it does, I'm ready to leave. The only thing that stops my is the faint cry of a girls voice. I look up to see Samantha Valance jogging towards my car. I put the window down and ask, "Need a ride home, Sam?"
"Yes please. Thank you, Two-bit." Samantha replies in a very quiet voice.
She tells me where she lives, but apart from that the first few moments are silent. That is, until I start cracking some jokes. By the time we arrive at her house we are both howling with laughter so much our sides hurt. She thanks me quickly before opening her door and hopping out. Right as she is about to close the door, she leans back into the car, and kisses me on the cheek.
Just as quick as she kissed me, she's out the door and zipping up the front steps to her front door. As she steps inside she turns around and waves at me. I wave back, smiling sheepishly. I bring my hand to the spot on my cheek that she kissed.
Oh man, I think that I might like this girl.
Darry's POV:
As we pull up to her house, I sigh. I don't want this night to end, it went so well. Who knows when I'll have this good of a time again?
We step out of the truck, and I escort her back up to her front door. For a few moments we just stand there, staring at each other in the soft light provided by the outside lamp.
Paige plays with her hands as she finally speaks up and tells me, "I had fun tonight, Darry. That's for inviting me over."
I brush a stray piece of her fiery red hair behind her ear, where my hand rests on the back of her neck. "No, thank you for coming along. I haven't had this much fun in a long time."
She laughs lightly, softly. It's beautiful, just like her. She's perfect, well for me at least. I take in her face, the pale moonlight sparkling in her striking green eyes.
"Is it true, Darry? That you've never kissed a girl before?" Paige asks after a moment.
I smile slightly. "Yeah, it's true. I guess that I was just saving it for the right person, you dig?"
She nods.
"And I was also...sort of hoping that you would be my first."
"Oh, Darry," Paige smiles. "I would love that."
I start to lean in, and so does she, but I stop just as our lips are about to touch. "Me too, Paige. Me too."
The we both lean in the rest of the way, and press our lips together.
The kiss feels wonderful, slow and gentle, but passionate. I love the feeling it gives me. All happy, wonderful, and warm. It's the perfect first kiss, better than I'd ever imagined it would be.
Then as soon as it started, it was over, and with a quick goodnight exchange, Paige disappears inside and shuts the door, leaving me with my thoughts in the chilly night air.
A/N: So, what'd you guys think? Did you like it? Thanks to dumbblonde41 once again, for ideas for some of the dares. I just want to thank all of you lovely readers for the 500 reads, and all of the votes and comments. I really appreciate all of them so keep it up! :) I hope you enjoyed this fun extra chapter, until next time guys. Next chapter should hopefully be up soon. -Ella :)

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