Questions and Answers

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A/N: Hello everyone! I finally got some free time to finish off this chapter so here it is. Enjoy!
Paige's POV:
I'm mid way through eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast, when the phone starts to ring. I push my chair back, jog over to the phone sitting on the counter and pick up the receiver. "Hello?"
"Hi Paige," a deep voice says, "It's Darry."
I'm perplexed for a moment before I remember that I gave him my number last night before he left. " Oh, hi, Darry. What's up?" I ask, genuinely curious why he is calling me so early, I'd of thought he would be at work.
"Oh, not much. My boss gave me a few days off of work because of my wrist to let it heal. I figured I could use some company, so, do you, um, want t-to come to the Dingo with me on your lunch hour?"
I think about this for a moment... Is he asking me out? I don't really have any close friends, and I usually sit alone anyways. Plus, the Dingo isn't far from school, and if you want to know the truth, I kinda like Darry. Ah, why not? "Sure, Darry. I'll come to the Dingo with you for lunch."
"Erm, cool. Thanks, I'll see you there then?" He asks, sounding kind of nervous.
I smile. "Yes, I'll see you then. Bye." I reply, chuckling lightly. I wonder why he was so nervous... Is it possible that he likes me too? Maybe I'll find out later...
When I get to the Dingo, I see Darry leaning against the wall, looking in the other direction. I smile to myself, he is very handsome. Suddenly he turns his head, and catches me staring. He smiles, "Hi, Paige."
I look down at my boots and fumble over my words, kind of embarrassed. "O-oh, h-hey, Darry..."
I look back up at Darry as he says kindly, "You look nice."
I do? It's not like I got dressed up or anything, I'm just wearing what I would normally wear. My outfit consists of a black skirt and leggings, a white tee shirt, my leather jacket, and boots. My hair is just down like usual, if a little greased back. But if he is going to compliment me, I'll take it. "Thanks," I say with a sheepish smile. " You do too."
He just smiles wider. "Let's go inside." He puts a hand on the small of my back and ushers me into the Dingo.
A few minutes later we've ordered and are sipping on cokes. We make small talk and ask each other questions. Darry mainly asks me questions because I asked him stuff yesterday, so I know most of this stuff about him already. He asks me if I have any siblings, what grade I'm in, what kind of stuff I like to do, and I answer all of them, because he actually seems interested. I tell him that I don't have any siblings, I'm in grade 11, and that I really like sports. I figure that it's probably my turn to ask a question now, so I decide to ask him about his friends.
He quirks his head, probably curious why I want to know. "What? I'm curious who your friends are. I know about Sodapop, Ponyboy, and Elena, but who are your friends?" I reason.
He shrugs. "Alright, fair enough." Darry chuckles. "Besides my brothers and sister, I hang around with the other guys in the gang. You might know some of them actually." I only nod. "Well there are four of em'. Two-bit Matthews, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, and Johnny Cade. You know any of em' Paige?"
Actually, I do. "Yeah, I do. I know Steve. We have some classes together actually. Math, I think, and gym."
"Cool. Know anyone else?" Darry asks as our food arrives.
"No, I don't think so. I reckon I know em', I've just never met em'." I answer, then take a bite of my hamburger.
"Well," Darry starts, biting a fry, " If your not busy tomorrow night, do you want to come over for dinner? Then you can meet them, and my siblings too. I'm sure the guys would love to meet you, and Elena would definitely love to have another girl around for once." He chuckles.
I laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure she would. Sure, I'm free tomorrow night. I'll come over."
Darry grins. "Great, I'll pick you up at 7 then?"
I laugh, "Sounds good."
After eating my last fry, I check the time. "Oh my, I need to get back to school soon!" I rifle through my wallet to find money, put Darry puts a hand on top of mine to stop me.
"Woah, there. Let me pay." Darry says, chuckling a little.
"Ar-are you sure? I-I have the money Dar-"
"Yes, I'm sure. After all, isn't the guy supposed to pay the bill on the first date?" Darry smiles at me.
I feel my cheeks heat up. "So this was a date?!"
"Of course, un-unless you don't want it to be..."
"No, no. I'm glad you asked me out. To be honest, I really like you, Darry." I mumble out the last part, looking at the ground and blushing even more.
Darry leans in and kisses me lightly on the cheek. "I like you too, Paige. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I lift my gaze to meet his ice blue eyes, and smile so wide I probably look crazy. He doesn't seem to care though. " Yes, Darry. I will be you girlfriend."
He smiles from ear to ear.
I stand to leave after he sets the bills on the table, but before I can go he wraps his arms around me in a hug. Tingles rush through my body at his touch, something I've never experienced before. I like it.
"See you tomorrow, Paige." He says kindly as I push open the door a few seconds later.
I turn back to him. "See ya tomorrow, Dar."
And with a huge smile plastered across my face, I head back to school.

A/N: So what'd you guys think this time? Sorry if some of the dialogue didn't sound much like something they would say back then, I tried. XD. Oh well. Anyways, I have a question for you guys...I was thinking of starting to write an Outsiders Preferences and Imagines story, but I don't know if I should. If I did start one, would you guys read it? Yes or no? Please let met know with a comment. :) Next update should hopefully be soon!

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