Girl to Girl Time

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A/N: Hello again! So I got some time last night to write the next chapter, so, here it is! Enjoy!
Elena's POV:
When the final bell rings, I jump out of my seat. I gather my biology books hurriedly into my arms, and after waiting for Samantha, file out of the classroom. We split directions and run to our lockers.
A minute later I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk over to Ponyboy's locker, where he is currently piling textbooks into his bag. "Hey, Pone." I say, flicking the back of his head.He glares at me out of the corner of his eye. I laugh. "I'll see you later, okay? I'm going over to Samantha's to study tonight."
He eyes me. "Does Darry know?"
I roll my eyes. "Don't be stupid Pony, of course Darry knows. I asked him if it was okay this morning before I left the house."
"Okay, okay, geez. I'm just asking. What time do you think you'll be back, El?"
"Um," I think about this for a second, then shrug it off, "Probably by dinner time."
"Alright," he says, zipping up his bag and closing his locker. "See ya' later."
"See ya'," I reply as he walks away.
I walk off in the opposite direction, and meet Samantha at her locker, just as she locks it. "Hey, Samantha."
She looks up. "Oh, hi, Elena. Ready to go study at my house?"
I chuckle. "You ain't a woofin'. I couldn't wait for the day to end, let's get outta here."
She smiles as we set off to her house.
The walk isn't far, not as long as the walk me and Ponyboy have at least. She lives on the edge of the Soc territory, in a huge house. When I step inside, I'll admit that I feel a little out of place, being a Greaser an' all, but the house has a cozy feel to it. I shrug off the feeling.
"We can study in the living room. My parents won't be home for a while, so they won't mind." Samantha says.
"Okay," I say, plopping down on the sofa and pulling out my books.
Samantha sits in the arm chair across the coffee table from me, and pulls out her own books. "Should we start with math or biology?"
"Hmm, math. Let's just get that out of the way." I reply, sighing.
Samantha groans. "I hate math..."
"I do too, but we gotta' study so we don't flunk." I chuckle.
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I know."
We get to work, quizzing each other and puzzling over questions for about an hour and a half. Then, having gotten bored of math, we switch over to biology. Biology is a hell of a lot easier than algebra in my opinion, I'll tell you that.  At some point, a young girl comes in the house and goes straight upstairs to her room. I'm guessing that it must be her older sister, Cherry. She's a cheerleader at our school, and a very pretty one at that.
After about an hour of biology, we are bored out of our minds. "Ugh...can we stop now?" Samantha whines.
"Yeah, I think that my brain is gunna explode anyways." I answer.
Samantha gets up a stretches, yawning. "You wanna Coke?" She asks kindly.
"Um, no thanks. I'm okay." I wave off her offer. Really, I prefer Pepsi. I guess I'm just like Ponyboy like that. We both love Pepsi.
She shrugs and grabs herself a coke anyway. When she sits back down, she asks, "So...watcha wanna do now?"
"Erm, I don't know," I mumble, thinking. "Why don't we just talk about random stuff for a while, give our brains a break."
"Okay," she laughs, "I'm up for that."
I laugh too. "Man, it feels good to just hang out with another girl for once. Don't get me wrong, I love the gang, but it's nice to have some girl time once in a while, ya' know?"
"Yeah, you must not get much time to just be a teenaged girl either."
I shake my head. "Nah."
"I don't either. I mean, I have Cherry, but it's not the same as having a friend." Samantha rants.
"Yeah, I know what you mean." I chuckle as a thought surfaces in my mind. "And I can't really talk about boys with the gang either, just imagine how that would go. Two- bit would never stop teasing, and Darry would probably get anxious and skin me!"
Samantha laughs so hard she spits out her Coke. "On the topic of boys," she finally manages to get out, wiping at her face with the back of her hand, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
I shake my head. "Nah. Do you?"
"Of course not," she laughs, "I never talk to anyone. I'm too shy."
"You talk to me and Ponyboy. And Two-bit too." I reason.
She just shrugs. "I guess so." She plays with a lock of her long auburn hair for a moment. "So...if you don't have a like anyone?"
I feel myself blush. "Yeah..."
For a moment I debate whether or not to tell her. She is my only girl friend, and she seems trustworthy, I guess it would be okay to tell her. "Johnny..." I mumble, staring at the living room carpet.
"Sorry, who? You're mumbling, Elena."
His name bursts out before I even realize I'm saying it. "Johnny Cade!"
Samantha's jaw drops, but then she smiles. "I kinda had a feeling."
For a second, I start to panic. Ponyboy being able to tell was one thing, he's my twin brother. He knows everything about me. But now Samantha?! "How'd you know?!"
"I'm not sure. After the way you rushed to help him with those Soc's earlier...I know you told me he was your best friend, but it seemed like you liked him as more than that." Samantha replies, softly.
"I do. I really like him..." I say, trailing off at the end.
"I can see that." She chuckles lightly.
Suddenly, I'm curious who she likes. "Samantha?"
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Who do you like?" I ask, quirking my head to the side.
She smiles, and looks at her feet, blushing like mad. "Hmm," Samantha sighs. "Two-bit."
I was soo not expecting that. "Two-bit?!" I repeat, shocked.
"Yeah," she drawls, deep in thought. "He's a real funny guy. Handsome too."
I eye her curiously, but don't question her. She's probably thinking the same thing about me, why I like Johnny.
We fall into a comfortable silence for a minute or two until my eyes find the clock, and I jump up. "Golly, it's 6:00! I'd better go! Can't be late for dinner, or Darry really will skin me!"
Samantha laughs. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Elena."
"Yep," I agree, slinging my pack over my shoulder once again. "See ya', Samantha!"
"Aw, call me Sam." She says.
"Right. Bye, Sam." I wave, smiling at the new nickname.
I walk down the steps and start the trek back to my house. About twenty minutes later, I turn the corner onto my street. I've been super alert while I'm walking back, because I'm walking alone, and without a blade on me.
As I'm passing the lot, my ears pick up a sound, not too far in front of where I'm standing. But it's not a car or nothing like that, it's someone sobbing. A boy, it sounds like, but since I'm in my neighbourhood, it's probably not a Soc. My eyes sweep the area in search for the crying boy. When my eyes find him, I'm shocked. And I was right, it's not a Soc.
It's Johnny.
A/N:  Ooh, cliffhanger. Kind of... So what do you think happened to Johnny? Leave your ideas in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter. Next chapter soon! :)

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