Chapter 4

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Lights Out
First lights out on Destroya.
First impression: it's dark. Like really dark. You can't even see your hand if you put it right in front of your face. The only light is that of the light from my communicator as I type this. Now I promised I'd tell you about the two girls.
The first one is Kali. She's kind, sweet, and playful. She has shoulder length brown hair with a shimmer in it that looks like chocolate. But like really awesome and super delicious chocolate. She's about 5'8" and her smile can light up the room. She wears a head band - which is tilted slightly to the left of her head - of the school's colours; black, white, grey, and blue.
The second one is Skyla, but don't call her that or she'll become the beast of your nightmares. Sky is what she's known by. She's a skater tomboy with waist length blue hair which she puts into stylish-tic pigtails. She rocks the skirt even though she hates it. She's definitely 6'3" and loves to help out her friends.
Sky and Kali are the smartest girls that I've met here at Destroya, they know places in and around the school that not even the teachers know about.
These two are awesome! If you see them in the halls, don't hesitate to say hey!

Morning came fast the next day. Kali was jolted awake by a screaming Sky.

"Sky! What's wrong?" Kali looked at her friend worried.

"Check your communicator!" Sky squealed excitedly. Kali pulled out her communicator and scrolled through it until she found X's post.

"Oh. My. Zarnof! X talked about us in her post!" The two hugged each other and jumped around in a circle squealing.

"We have to tell Fawn!" Sky exclaimed and Kali nodded in agreement. The two then quickly changed into their uniforms and ran out of the room.

Sky and Kali reached the classroom and took their seats, anxiously waiting for Fawn to arrive.

Once Fawn stepped into the classroom, the two girls ambushed her.

"Fawn! Guess what!" They shouted.

"What?" Fawn smiled as she took her seat.

"X mentioned us in her post!"

"That's awesome!"

"We have to find her! To thank her!"

But the fun ended as the teacher walked into the classroom. "Please take your seats." He said as he walked over to his desk and placed his belongings on top of it.

Sky and Kali went back to their seats, they tapped with excitement.

"Please take out your textbooks and turn to page 56." The teacher instructed as he shuffled through his bag looking for something. The students did as told and pulled out their green covered Astronomy textbooks. "Okay." The teacher began as he pulled out his teacher copy of the textbook. "Can someone read the first paragraph?"

No one raised their hand.

"Alright. I'll choose then. How about Mister David." He said as he pointed to a boy at the back of the room. The boy sighed and stood up. Holding the book open in his hands, he began to read.

The words slowly morphed into mumbles as Sky stared out the window. Something caught Sky's eyes, a key which shimmered in the light of the Mer Star. Even though they were far away from it, the glow of the star still reached Destroya - dimly lit though.

"Hmm..." She thought to herself. "Maybe...." She raised her hand to get the teacher's attention.

"Yes miss Skyla, do you have an answer to the question?" The teacher asked.

"Um. May I use the washroom?"

"Yes. But that's not the answer."

Sky got up and headed for the door, but she stopped and faced the teacher for a short second. "The answer is 42." She then continued on her way and left the classroom.

The teacher looked at his notes and then to the board. "That is correct."


Sky dashed down the hallway, passing hard working students as she did so. Finally she reached a door which led to the outside. She pushed open the large door and quickly searched for the key that had caught her eye. There it was, sitting on the dead grass by her classroom's window. How was she going to get that key without the teacher spotting her? She thought about it for a while. She could do this! She was the fastest runner in her class, she would simply run to the key, grab it and run back without anyone spotting her. It was simple.

Sky got down into her running stance. 3... 2... 1... Go! Sky raced to the key as fast as she could, she grabbed it and ran back to the safety of the spot she started at. She breathed heavily as she looked at the key in her hand, it had a blue-ish green-ish tinge to it and sparkled brightly. The handle's end had a crystal of the Mer Star on it, and the end of the key was in the shape of an X.

"Hmm..." Sky thought to herself before an unknown voice startled her. She peeked out from behin a corner near her and saw the headmistress talking to an old looking man.

"We have to find that key!"

"We can't tell the students. They'll go crazy!"

"We need to tell them! If we don't, the Galaxy will explode!"

Sky silently gasped. The Galaxy is gonna explode? She thought to herself. After listening to them some more, she waited for the two to leave before she pocketed the key and raced back to her classroom.


The teacher was teaching a lesson when Sky walked in and took her seat.

"Have fun?" The teacher asked her.

"Excuse me?" She replied, confused.

"Never mind." And with that, the teacher went back to teaching. The period stretched on for a while until the bell rang and the teacher excused his students.

Sky grabbed Fawn and Kali and dragged them to her and Kali's room. "Guys!" She exclaimed as she closed and then locked the door behind her. "I need to tell you something MAJOR!!!"

Fawn and Kali sat down onto Kali's bed and looked at Sky. "What is it Sky?" Fawn asked.

Sky went to her friends and re-told them what she had over heard. Their eyes lit up.

"That can't be!" Kali stood up. "Our Galaxy can't explode!"

"What do you think the X means?" Fawn said as she pointed at the X shape of the key.

"Maybe it means we have to go find X!" Kali shouted.

"I think we should first find out what this key opens..." Sky told her friends.

Fawn and Kali nodded. "Good idea!"

And with that, the three friends decided to go exploring in search for the lock that opens with the mysterious X key.

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