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Mark drove the two of them into the city. Jack smiled to himself as he looked around the car. "Your car is really nice. You must get paid a lot to live in this much luxury."

Mark chuckled. "I really don't. It was much easier with Amy around." Mark's smile fell at the mention of her.

"Hey... I'm really sorry about what happened to her." Jack muttered. "She must've meant a lot to you."

Mark sighed. "Look in the glove box."

Jack eyed him warily, but opened it. He spotted a small, black box on top of a few papers and a small pistol and took it carefully in his hands. He opened it and was surprised to see a small but beautiful ring inside.

"You were going to propose."

Mark nodded. "We were dating for three years when she died. The day before it happened was when I got it. I had reservations at her favorite restaurant the day she died, and I was going to propose there. It... it never happened."

Jack closed the box and put it back where it was, shutting the glove box gently. "I... I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything. It wasn't your fault, Jack. You probably didn't even heard about it until last night." Jack's head fell, knowing what he said was a lie. Mark cleared his throat as he pulled into a restaurant parking lot. "Anyways, we're here."

The two walked into the restaurant and got seated at a booth rather quickly. They opened their menus and ordered drinks. When they both decided on what to order, they set the menus aside.

"So, Jack." Mark started. "Tell me about yourself."

Jack fidgeted with one of his hands. "There's not much to say."

"I don't believe that. Come on! I want to get to know you more if we're going to be working together."

Jack sighed. "Fine. Well, as you probably already know from my application, I was born in Ireland and moved here when I was about three years old. My parents died when I was seven, and I don't remember much of them. Since then, I've lived with the man who found me when he came to my house due to hearing gunshots, along with his husband. In my spare time I play video games and watch movies."

"Your application said that you know how to use any type of weapon."

Jack nodded as he swallowed his sip of water. "Throwing knives are my specialty. I can hit the target every time. I've been practicing with a bow and arrow in my spare time, as well, but I just started on that. And my father taught me how to handle my first gun when I was only ten. I've only gone up from there."

Mark's eyebrows were raised. "Wow, that's impressive. I only learned how to shoot a pistol when I started my first intern job."

Jack smiled. "You started as in intern, as well?"

Mark nodded. "I was a few years younger than you are now. My mentor was Officer Ken Morrison. I experienced a lot of 'firsts' in the task force when I was with him."

"That sounds really nice. I hope we get to do that, as well." Jack smirked. "Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?"

Mark thought for a moment. "Any family left?"

"They died with my birth parents."

"Right. Sorry. Uhm, favorite desert?"

"Cookies, of course. I can never pass up a good chocolate chip cookie."

Mark laughed. "Me either. Favorite game?"

"Ooh, that's a hard one. I'd have to say either Bloodborne or Shadow of the Colossus."

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite quote?"

"'Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not now, but eventually.'"

Mark was nodding. "Sounds very inspirational."

Jack giggled slightly. "It definitely got me through some tough times when I was little."

"What was your favorite high school memory?"

Jack thought for a moment. "Okay, I've never told anyone this, so can I trust you to keep a secret?"

Mark nodded. "Definitely."

"Alright, time to tell the story of how I found out I was bisexual." The two men laughed to themselves. "Anyways. In freshman year, there was a senior that I liked. He was a guy, about as y'all as I was, super tan, and super hot. I found out that we had a mutual friend, and I talked to him about hooking us up. Long story short, we never got together, but we did make out under the bleachers of a football game once or twice."

Mark was laughing. "Oh my God, that sounds similar to what happened to me!"

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Really? Please tell."

The waitress appeared suddenly. "Do you know what you want?" Mark and Jack gave her their orders, and she left with a smile, winking at Mark.

"What was that about?" Mark asked.

"I have no idea." Jack grinned at the American. "Come on! Tell me what happened!"

Mark sighed. "Fine. So, this one freshman was in my Pre-AP Biology class when I was a senior. We had assigned seats in the class, and we sat next to each other. I honestly thought he was cute, but I was already dating a girl named Angelica. One day, my friend Aaron came up to me and told me that the same dude liked me, and he knew because he was friends with the kid. The kid asked him to hook us up, but I told him no because I had my girlfriend, but I told Aaron to invite the kid to the football game happening that night so we could talk about it. We ended up making out under the bleachers for like fifteen minutes."

Jack was staring. "What's your name again?"

Mark laughed. "That's a random question. Mark Fishbach."

Jack looked like he might die. "Oh my God. The Mark? Markiplier?"

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's a nickname I haven't heard since high school. How do you know that?"

"Oh shit. Oh God, oh God, oh shit." Jack was muttering to himself. "Your friend. Aaron. Was he also called Yamimash?"

Mark's eyes started to widen. "How in the hell did you know that?"

Jack ignored him. "There was also Bob Muyskens and Wade Barnes. You graduated with a plan to go into biomedical engineering, but changed it to criminal justice when your dad passed away so you could follow in his footsteps and become a police officer, as well."

"Holy shit, are you a mind reader or a stalker?" Mark was eying Jack.

Jack put his hands over his mouth, trying to contain his laughter and failing. "Dude. I'm the kid you made out with at the football game."

Mark stared at him. "No fucking way. Jacksepticeye?" Jack nodded. "How in the fucking hell did we find each other again?"

"I don't know." Jack shrugged. "Fate, I guess." The waitress returned again with their food, and slid Mark a napkin before she walked away again. "What's that?"

Mark looked at it, scowled, and threw it on the ground. "She gave me her number."

"Looks like you're catching attention." Jack winked at him.

Mark smirked back. "I already have my eyes set on someone else. Now eat your food."

After eating the meal and paying, the two walked out of the restaurant and back to Mark's car. They jumped in and threw their seatbelts on.

"Hey." Mark started. "Where do you live? Let me drop you off."

Jack blushed. "That's not necessary, Mark-"

"Come on. It's the least I can do." Mark pleaded.

Jack sighed, smiling. "Fine." He entered his address on Mark's phone, and it started giving directions to Jack's apartment. "Hey Mark?" Mark hummed. "Earlier you said you liked me in high school. Is... is that true?"

Mark blushed but nodded. "Yeah. I thought you were really cool, and super funny. I also thought you were kinda cute."

"Did you ever thing about me after you graduated?"

Mark thought for a second. "Yeah, you crossed my mind every know and then. I just wondered how you were doing, and I would always think about our kiss. I actually really liked it. You were a great kisser."

Jack blushed. "Thanks, I guess."

Mark glanced at him. "What about you?"

Jack's blush deepened. "Yeah. Before my ex Signe, I never got serious about dating because I was still so hung-up on you."

"What happened between you two?"

Jack sighed. "Remember the guy Alec I told you about earlier?" Mark nodded. "She cheated on me with him, and I dumped her a month before he died. I never forgave her for that."

"Is she by any chance the nurse we saw yesterday?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah. That's her."

"Wow. Okay. No wonder you seemed so mad." They pulled up in front of Jack's apartment, and Mark parked the car. "Well, here we are."

Jack smiled shyly at him. "Can you walk me to the door?"

Mark paused for a moment before nodding, turning off the car. "Sure. Okay." Jack grabbed his backpack before the two got out of the car and approached the door to Jack's apartment.

Mark was rubbing his neck nervously. "So. Uhm. Jack." Jack hummed, looking at him. "Uh... okay, I know what to ask, but I don't know how to ask it."

Jack blushed, stopping in front of his door. "Then say it instead."

Mark smiled to himself before squaring his shoulders, trying to be brave. "I... I still like you, Jack. And I want to know if you still like me, too."

Jack smiled. "I do."

"And.. I also wanted to know if... if..." Mark lost his confidence. "I can't say it."

Jack stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Mark's neck. "Then don't."

He placed his lips softly on top of Mark's.

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