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Jack walked into the LAPD, gripping the straps of his backpack tightly as he noticed everyone staring. The receptionist gestured in the direction of Mark's office, and Jack nodded towards her.

"That's him." One of the officers around Jack muttered. "That's the new intern."

"I don't understand it." Another stated. "Mark's been researching the guy for three months, and only now he's harmed? There's gotta be something between the guy and the intern."

"Maybe there isn't, though. Maybe we're looking too much into it."

"You never know." A third chimed in.

Jack reached the door to Mark's office and found it cracked open. He peeked inside and saw Mark sitting at his desk with his head in his arms. He took a deep breath, knocked quietly, and pushed the door open.

Mark's head shot up, and Jack instantly noticed his black eye, bruised cheek, and small cut on his lip. Mark jumped out of his chair and walked up to Jack. "Oh my God, Sean! Are you okay? I mean, after last night? God, I'm so sorry about that, Sean! Really, I am!"

Jack winced at the name. "Uhm, I actually prefer to be called Jack."

Mark nodded. "Of course. Sorry."

Jack hesitated for a brief moment before cautiously putting his hands on Mark's face. Mark winced, but stared into Jack's ocean eyes as the Irishman looked him over. "Did you put medicine on them or something? They look bad..."

Mark shook his head. "No. I didn't have anything at home."

"Is there a first-aid kit in the building somewhere?"

"Yeah, in the bathroom down the hall." Mark carefully reached up and grabbed one of Jack's hands. "Were you..." Mark was at a loss of words.

"Hurt?" Jack offered. Mark nodded. "No, luckily. The guy just put a thing of cloth over my face, and I was knocked out. When I woke up, I was at my apartment. No bruises or anything." Jack's eyes widened. "Wait, that other guy that was with us... isn't he an officer here?"

Mark sighed. "Yeah. Matthew Patrick, though everyone here just called him MatPat or Mat. He and his family are on the run, missing from their home."

Jack opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't find his voice for a moment. "I'll... go get that med kit." He disengaged from Mark and walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets.

Mark stared after him, feeling at a loss. He searched in his head for a way to make it up to the Irishman. He was still thinking when Jack entered the room. Jack smiled at him and opened up the first-aid kit, pulling out some gauze and hydrogen peroxide. He dumped some onto a small strip of gauze, then approached Mark.

"This might sting a little bit." Jack said softly.

Mark nodded. "Go ahead, I can take it." Jack gently placed the gauze on the bruise on his cheek. "You look like you've done this before."

Jack smiled, and Mark glowed in his warmth. "That's because I have. When I was little, I used to play a little too roughly with my friends." He laughed to himself. "I remember when Alec chased me up a tree, and I fell down and broke my leg."

"You guys were pretty close, huh?"

"Yeah. I mean, he's my father's nephew. We were basically brothers." Jack's smile fell. "Until he was killed, at least."

"What happened?"

Jack shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it." Jack gently peeled the gauze away from Mark's cheek. "Now close your eyes." Mark obeyed, and Jack placed the gauze over his black eye. Mark hissed in pain. "Sorry!"

"No, you're fine. Don't worry about it." Mark fidgeted with his hands. "So... uhm... Jack?"

"Yeah, detective?"

Mark chuckled. "You can just call me Mark."

"Right. Sorry. Anyways, what's up?"

"Well... I want to make it up to you for pulling you into that last night. Are you, maybe, open for dinner tonight?"

Jack made a choking noise. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Dinner, tonight, with me?"

Jack pulled away, and Mark opened his eyes to see him looking flustered and red-faced. "You- you mean like a date?"

Mark blushed and shook his head. "No, of course not! It was just the only thing I could think of to make up for last night, since I still don't know you very well." Mark eyed him. "Unless you can't make it, I mean. I just wanted to-"

"Dinner sounds lovely, Mark." Jack was looking at the ground, speaking in a shy voice. "Thank you for asking."

Jack looked back up at Mark, who was smiling. "Of course, Jack. You're welcome."

The two stood there for a long moment, just looking at each other.

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