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Before the linked video could play on Mark's phone, Jack's ringtone blared. He answered the phone, and was surprised to find that it was his father on the line. "Father? What's wrong?"

"Jack. I know what Ryan did. Don't let Mark watch that video. It will ruin you."

Jack swallowed. "I'll try." He hung up, turning to Mark. "I don't care what he says. Watch it." Mark nodded, then clicked play.

Ryan's smiling face appeared on the screen. "Hello. If I got this e-mail address right, then this is Detective Mark Fishbach. If this is true, keep watching. If this isn't true, then please help me pass this along to him. Anyways, as you might have guess already, I'm one of Jack's parents. Ryan." His smile turned into a scowl. "I guess I have you to thank for ruining his life. He had it all planned out- a future wife, a great job. He was going to follow in his father's footsteps. But because of you, that will never happen. He came up to me today and refused to do it. It's your fault that he's not continuing the family legacy."

"What's he talking about?" Mark asked.

"We had a fight today just before I left to come here." Jack sighed. "I told him I didn't want to continue doing what I was doing and follow my father. He got mad and almost hit me."

Ryan was still talking. "But, I shouldn't dwell on all of that. At least he's found someone that can actually tolerate him. I never liked the kid, anyways- I only put up with him so I could be big and powerful with his father. But now that that's over with, I can do whatever I want. I hope you two are happy together." He reached off screen, then pulled back with a black and white poker mask. He put it on his face. "Take care of Ajani for me." The video ended.

Jack bit his lip, wincing. "Father wasn't lying when he said that video would ruin me." He looked over at Mark, trying to read his expression. "Mark?"

"Was this all just a cover?" Mark asked quietly. "A ruse to make me fall in love with you? Were you faking it the entire time?"

Jack frantically shook his head. "No, I swear! None of it was a cover! I really do love you!"

"Then why?" Mark looked up at Jack, tears forming in his eyes. "Why did you do it?"

"Remember what I said earlier? My dad- Ryan- made me do those things. I never wanted to, I swear."

Mark was quiet for a moment. "...I don't think I believe you anymore."

Jack's eyes filled with tears. "How can I prove it to you?" Mark was silent. Jack thought for a long moment before opening an app on his phone. "There's cameras everywhere in the base. If I can just find it..." He scrolled for a while before clicking onto a clip of an old recording. He handed the phone over to Mark, who took it warily.

A younger Jack from nine months ago sat at a computer with a headset on. "Mission completed. Now go home guys." Jack shut off the computer and took off his headset, laying it carefully on the desk.

A past Ryan walked into the room, showing no emotion. "Sean."

Jack rolled his eyes. "It's Jack."

Ryan ignored him. "You're going on a mission."

Jack cocked his head to the side. "A mission? But... I'm just a techie."

"Not anymore. If you're going to lead this mafia one day, you're going to learn how to kill."

Jack shook his head. "No. I won't do it."

Ryan's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?"

"I said no, Dad. I'm not going to do it. I'm never going to lead the mafia. It's not me."

Ryan sped over and smacked Jack's forehead against the computer desk. Jack let out a cry as Ryan forced him out of the chair and kicked him onto the concrete floor. Jack sobbed as Ryan kicked and punched him, until Jack was bruised and bloodied all over.

Ryan put his foot on Jack's face, forcing it against the floor. "You. Me. Mission. Tonight."

Jack cried. "Yes, Dad."

"Yes, sir." Ryan corrected.

Jack swallowed. "Yes, sir." Ryan let Jack sit up, and he did so, wiping blood and tears off of his face.

Ryan threw a file in front of Jack. It opened, and pictures and papers flew around. "Officer Amy Nelson. We meet in the alley of 37th Street at sundown." He also threw him a can of green hairspray. "Use this to disguise yourself." He stormed out of the room. Jack watched him leave before dissolving into tears.

Mark handed the phone back to Jack, tears streaming down his face. "I... I..." He took a deep breath, composing himself, but he couldn't speak without his voice cracking. "I never knew you were getting abused... I mean, it never showed. You always have a smile on, and you never show scars or bruises."

Jack showed a faint smile. "Jess is surprisingly good at makeup. She covers them for me." Jack sighed, his smile disappeared. "But it was bad. Whenever I said no to him for any reason, he'd beat me. I should've known something was going on behind the scenes from the way he treated me."

"Your father... did he ever..."

"Hurt me?" Jack offered. Mark nodded. "No. Believe it or not, he's pretty compassionate for the Don." Mark stared. "And yes, it's the same blonde-haired man you met that night. That's why I wasn't harmed with you- Father never allows me to get hurt. He wouldn't lay a finger on me, or anyone I care about."

"Is that why he didn't hurt me, too?"

"Yeah. He somehow already knew that I liked you."

"Jack..." Mark paused for a moment. "I'm really sorry about everything. I wish I could take it all away from you."

Jack hesitated, but reached for Mark's hand. Mark noticed this and let Jack hold it. "You already have." Jack leaned over and kissed his cheek, pulling away with a playful grin plastered across his face. "Now. How about we get over all of that and you put that ring on my finger?"

Mark let out a laugh. "Only you can change my emotion in five seconds." He reached for the box and pulled out the ring, sliding it onto Jack's finger. He lifted Jack's hand up, kissing the back of it.

Jack sighed. "Mm. Switch seats with me, or else I'll just drag you to the backseat."

Mark smirked. "You'll probably do it anyways."

Jack returned the smirk. "Maybe later."

"Why do you want to drive, anyways?"

Jack cocked his head. "Do you want to see the place where I spent most of my life or not?"

Mark bit his lip. "Will I be safe?"

"When you're with me? Definitely."

Mark grinned, opening the car door. "Then let's go."

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