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Three months later

Mark sat at his desk, reading and rereading the files on his desk, but to no avail. There has been no man in Los Angeles with the surname Ajani in the last fifty years. Mark groaned, closing the last file and throwing it on top of all the others. He raked his fingers through his hair and put his elbows on the desk. He raked through his brain, trying to figure out who this "Ajani" could be.

When Mark heard a knock on the door, he instantly shot up, fixing his state of appearance. "Come in."

The door opened, and the captain walked in. He looked at the different files and sighed. "Mark, I thought you were over this."

Mark leaned backwards in his chair. "I can't get that damn name out of my mind. It's like a sickness, a plague. I've looked everywhere, and I can't find anyone with that name."

"Well..." The captain paused, thinking. "I shouldn't even be saying this, since you've already worn yourself down trying to look for this guy, but... I see you have all of these files here, but not one of them is on the Fallen Angels."

Mark instantly shot up. "The Fallen Angels. Matthias, you're a genius."

Matthias held his hands up. "Before you do anything, Mark." He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a rolled up packet of paper and throwing it at him. "Read."

Mark picked up the packet, read the first five words, and scowled. "I do not need a partner, let alone an intern. I refuse."

Matthias smiled. "Well, then it's a good thing I made the decision for you." Mark rolled his eyes. "I sent applications to the nearest college criminal justice classroom. You will be picking the one out of all the applicants." He made his way out of the room. "Now you may continue your search."


"Now, class, I have something very important to announce with all of you." Mrs. Bravura grinned towards her whole class. "I have news that the Los Angeles Police Department is looking for a new intern!" The class began to murmur. "I will be taking applications until Friday, when I take them all back to Captain Frederick." The bell rang, and the entire class stood up. "Remember that your essays are due tomorrow!" She huffed when she realized that no one was listening and turned to the brown-haired boy standing in front of her. "No one even did it, did they?"

Jack grinned at her. "I'm pretty sure Elizabeth did hers."

"What about you?" Jack was silent. "Of course. Should've known, since your father keeps sending you on those missions."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know." He sat on the edge of her desk. "Are you serious, though? An internship?"

"Very. You should put your name in it."

Jack glared at her. "Yeah, and risk facing the man of the girlfriend I killed three months ago. No thanks, Jess."

"I thought you'd say that, so I did it for you."

"You what?"

"And your fathers think it's a wonderful idea. They agreed with me when I said you should do it."

Jack groaned. "Dear God, why did I allow myself to be in this family?"

"You were seven and naïve. Are you ready to go?"

He sighed. "I guess." He jumped down from the desk, adjusting his backpack strap. "Let's go, Nissi."

Jess grinned at him. "Let's go, Ajani."

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