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The next day, Mark and Jack both woke early, full of jittery apprehension to get any actual sleep. They made their way upstairs into the living room to find that they weren't the only ones- Danny and Arin were sitting on one of the couches, sipping from steaming mugs of coffee.

Danny smiled at them. "Morning, lovebirds. We just made another fresh pot of coffee, if you're up for it."

Jack smiled gratefully. "Thanks, guys."

"No problem." Arin commented. "We know how you are without your coffee in the morning. Better to be safe than sorry."

Mark laughed. "Definitely."

Jack elbowed him in the stomach. "Hey. I'm right here."

"I know, and you can't do anything about it because it's the truth."

Jack snorted. "You're lucky you're cute."

Danny was grinning. "You two are adorable together."

Mark grinned back. "We try our best."

The rest of the morning was filled with light chatter and lots of coffee. Suzy joined them soon after, then Mark's mom woke to make breakfast. They all ate together in the living room, watching the local news channel, until Mark's mom had to leave for work.

"Just don't destroy the house while I'm gone." She had teased Mark while she slipped her shoes on.

Mark gave her a lopsided smile. "No promises, Mom."

Everyone went their separate ways after that. Arin and Suzy went to their room to get a few more hours of sleep, and Danny laid down on the couch to watch the television. Mark led Jack to the backyard, where they both sat in lounge chairs on the porch and faced the yard. They sat in silence for a long moment, holding each other's hand.

Jack finally turned to Mark with a smile. "It's beautiful out here."

Mark smiled back. "It really is. I miss it."

Jack's smile fell. "You never really talk about your life before high school. How come?"

Mark sat in thought for a moment. "It's not like I'm... embarrassed about it or anything. It's just... it's been kinda hard for me to go back on it."

Jack lightly brushed his thumb over Mark's knuckles. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But... you know you can trust me, right?"

"Right." Mark was silent for another moment. "Well... you know I lived with my mom during high school, right? I mean, we both moved out there."

Jack nodded. "I remember. You told me about it during class one day."

"Well... the one thing I didn't tell people was we moved out here because my mom and dad has gotten a divorce. Almost halfway through freshman year. Mom and I moved to LA while my dad and brother stayed here."

"You have a brother?" Jack asked.

Mark nodded. "Yeah. He's still here, in Cincinnati. We talk every now and then, but we're not as close as we used to be."

"Can I meet him someday?"

Mark smiled. "He will love you."

"Okay. Continue."

"So. My dad remarried my sophomore year, and he passed from cancer at the end of my senior year."

Jack nodded. "I remember. We talked about it after our final."

"We did, didn't we?" Mark smiled. "Anyway, after I graduated and went to college, Mom moved back here to make amends with Tom- their relationship became strained since we moved. I stayed in LA, of course, because I always loved the city. And because, well, I was hoping I'd see you again there."

Jack gasped playfully. "Aw, really? You charmer."

"Of course. I was... I was in love with you, even back then. I have been, all this time. I was just never able to find you again after high school."

Jack was staring. "Mark, that's... that's so... sweet."

Mark blushed. "I wasn't trying to be. But thank you."

Suddenly, Jack heard a noise. He turned his head to the yard and saw a small, black sphere rolling in the grass. He shrugged. "Looks like some kids threw their ball into the yard."

Mark looked at the sphere, then around them. "Jack... there's no houses around." Jack stared at him with wide eyes. "Get inside. Now."


Mark quickly picked Jack up and pushed him towards the house. "Now!"

The two made it inside just before the sphere exploded, sending grey gas everywhere. Danny quickly sat up on the couch, seeing the smoke. "What the hell happened?"

"Mark..." Jack sounded like he was going to cry. "I thought we were safe here..."

"We should've been. I never mention this place. How did he find us?"

Arin and Suzy came into the living room from their room. "Uh, guys?" Suzy said, getting everyone's attention. "There's a guy in a mask walking around the side of the house."

Jack's eyes went wide. "Ryan."

Danny immediately jumped up. "Suzy, Arin, block the front door. Mark, Jack, do the same for the back. I'll make sure all of the windows are locked and no one can get through. Meet up in the basement. Mark, that door can lock, along with your bedroom door, right?"

"Right." Mark said.

"Then we'll hide in your room, with both of the doors locked."

They all got to work quickly, running around the house to make sure any entrance into the house was blocked off. Then they all ran into the basement, locking both the entrance and Mark's bedroom door before cowering on the floor.

Jack was shaking in Mark's arms with his face pressed against Mark's chest as Mark ran a set of fingers through his hair. "Mark... I'm scared."

"It's okay, baby. I know you are. It'll all be okay, I promise. I won't let him get to you."

They all jumped when they heard a crash from upstairs, and Jack curled into Mark more when they heard footsteps heading towards the basement door.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" They heard a muffled yell. "I know you're here somewhere, Sean. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

Mark pulled himself away from Jack. "Go in the bathroom."

Jack clenched Mark's shirt in his fists. "I'm not leaving you. I don't want you hurt-"

"But if you stay in here, you'll be hurt." He kissed Jack's forehead. "Go. I'll be safe out here with these three."

Jack hesitated before running into the bathroom and locking himself in just before another crash was heard, this time from the door to the basement. Mark grabbed the bag that was hidden under the bed and opened it, pulling out loaded pistols and handing them to everyone. They all pointed them to the door to the bedroom, and moments later it was kicked off its hinges and landed on the floor with a thud. Ryan was standing there with his mask on, holding a bat and a revolver.

"My, it seems I'm outnumbered." Ryan said in a mocking tone.

"How did you find us here?" Mark demanded.

"It's very easy to get information when you're torturing someone that's close to the person you need to find. That reminds me- Mark, how's your brother doing?"

Mark narrowed his eyes. "What did you do to Thomas?"

"Let's just say... he'll be hospitalized for a while."

Arin and Danny put their guns off safety. "Leave." Arin threatened. "Or we'll all shoot."

"Fine. I can see when I'm not wanted here." Ryan waited a brief moment before shooting through the bathroom door and sprinting out of the room.

Arin and Danny followed him, while Mark quickly got up and opened the bathroom door. Jack was sitting on the center of the floor, clutching his shoulder. He looked at Mark, then let go of his shoulder, seeing his palm covered in blood.

Mark's eyes widened. "You need to go to the hospital."

Jack's head shut up. "What? No, I'm fine- I can take care of it myself- I've done it before-"

Mark joined Jack on the floor. "Baby, please. I need to make sure you're okay."

Jack nodded hesitantly. "Okay. I'll go."

There was a gunshot from upstairs, and Danny made his way into the basement, holding Ryan's bloody mask. He looked at Jack and nodded seriously. "It's over."

Jack's eyes filled with tears. "It's over..."

Mark smiled at him. "We won, babe."

Jack started sobbing, hugging Mark tightly, ignoring the searing pain from his shoulder. "We won..."

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