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He took a sip of his scotch and shifted his gaze to the front yard, where almost bare trees clattered in the wind. Relaxation still eluded him, but with everything he had on his mind that really wasn’t a surprise.

Between work and the upcoming launch party there was plenty for him to think about. And that wasn't even counting a certain attractive intern that didn't seem to stay off his mind.

Immediately the image of her wrapped in his best friend's arms swaying to the slow music popped up in his mind. He stared into his glass as the same uncomfortable feeling from last night swept over him, jealousy.

How ironic.

He scoffed and tossed back his drink and slammed the cup on the table beside him.

Would this keep happening? Every time I feel something a little more than lust for a woman.

The woman in question was opinionated, stubborn, sarcastic, messy and had an attitude that would leave the toughest of men sucking on their thumb...but she's been the only woman since Isabella to make him feel something more. At first he thought it was because they had similar eyes but every time he was around her he realized it was more. She made him feel, understood. That's something he hasn't had in too long now.

Not that it matters, turns out she's a liar too, just friends my ass. Yet I still want her.

He refilled his now empty glass and toasted to his own stupidity. Seriously hadn't he learned his lesson seven years ago? Isabella had been the same way, except she wasn't at all sarcastic. She was beautiful, immensely so but so was Jessica, except Jessica doesn't know just how beautiful she is.

Or maybe its all an act.

Realizing that trying to take a day off was a bad idea he got up and decided to go in to work. Besides he's never taken a day off since he took over the gallery.

What he saw when he got to the gallery made him wish he had stayed home. Jessica was at her desk and she wasn't alone, she was with the same guy he saw her with in the display room discussing the painting. Now he knew why Mary was trying to keep him distracted by the front desk. He washed as Jessica giggled at something the guy said.

"Ms. Walters" he was satisfied with the startled look on her face as she turned to him. "This area is out of bounds to visitors. I suggest you remember that the next time you decide to entertain your guest, and during working hours?"

"I'm on lunch" she replied showing him the taco she held.

"Well as you know we have a lunch room. Use it!"

With that he walked into his office and closed the door behind him. He was all too happy when he started up his computer and found and email from the art dealer that he was hoping to buy some new pieces from.

There was a knock and then his door was being pushed open. He wasn't at all surprised when Jessica walked in, Mary would have waited after knocking.

"Here are the notes from the two tours you weren't here for earlier"

She placed them on his desk and turned to walk back out.

"Is this what you do? String different men along?" He found himself asking her.

To say she looked upset would be an understatement. The look she sent him when she slowly turn to look at him, actually to glare at him made him brace himself for a fight.

"I'm sorry, since when did whoever I spend my personal time with become your business?"

"Since you do it on company time"

When she didn't reply he knew he had her there.

"Noted" she finally said

"And while you're at it I want you to stay away from Logan"

"And I want bigger boobs but that's not going to happen either" she replied rolling her eyes.

Why the hell she would want bigger breasts was beyond him, but not the point.

"Don't string my friend along while you're entertaining other men"

"Friend? Is that why you were glaring at him last night?"

"I was not glaring at him, don't be ridiculous."

"I know what I saw"

"Drop it Jessica!" He pushed away from his desk and turned his back to her as he faced the window.

"Jessica? Just a few minutes ago I was Ms. Walters. You can't have it both ways Mr. Sanchéz"

"What's your problem?" He asked turning to her.

"Me? You're the one with the problem! First you make it clear the only thing you want from me is my body..."

"I didn't say that!"

"You might have well had!" She yelled

He's never seen her lose her cool before so to see her fired up like this was surprising.


"Don't... Just forget it. I have a half an hour left for lunch I'm going across the street to the hotdog truck"

As angry as he was he couldn't help watching the sway of her hips as she stormed out of his office. She didn't even bother to close the door.

She thinks I only want her body? What would give her that idea?

Not bothering to stand here trying to figure the answer to that he grabbed his jacket and decided to go ask her himself.

When he caught up with her she was waiting for her order from the vendor.

"Why would you think I only want you for your body?" He asked her

"It doesn't matter" she turned away from him.

"Its not like that OK?"

"Its exactly like that! Clearly I'm just not good enough for you" she turned away from him and opened her umbrella as the rain began to come down lightly.

He kept standing there, a wave of memory hit him and her words kept on repeating in his head. 'Clearly I'm just not good enough for you' just like that the past came rushing back.

"Isabella I'm sorry" he said reaching for her hand but she turned away.

"Not as sorry as I am"

"Why would you be sorry?" He asked confused.

"How about being sorry that I've fallen for a guy that doesn't feel the same way about me"

"I do feel the same way. This is more complicated than you think"

"Well explain it to me then" she pleaded

He stood staring into her green eyes. Filled with so much hurt and confusion looking back at him.

"Bella..." He said reaching for her hand but she stepped back out of his reach.

"You know what forget it. Clearly I'm just not good enough for you"

He watch her run away from him.

He shook his head and blinked a few times to shake away the memory then he watched as Jessica crossed the street and went back to the gallery.

"Dios mío"

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