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Friday came around faster than she would have liked it to but time waits on no man is what her brothers always tell her.

She tried to keep a smile on her face as she greeted each guest coming in. Smile and hand them a program, that's all she had to do.

The more she smile the more persistent her nagging headache became. She wanted to palace around and try to relax but couldn't move from her post until majority of the guests have arrived. She put her fingers to her temple and gently rubbed in circular pattern while trying to ease the pain. When the pain moved between her eyes she pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes waiting for the throbbing to pass.

"You look like you're in pain" she heard Mary say from next to her.

"I'm having I terrible headache" she replied

"Oh you poor thing. Take a break and I'll finish up here. Go to Javier's office and look in the top draw he usually keeps a bottle of Advil there"

"Thanks so much Mary. You're a life saver"

She hurried to the office and groaned when she had to turn on the light which caused the throbbing to increase. Walking over to his desk she pulled a draw open and looked around. No pill. She moved to the other side of the desk and pulled a draw open and immediately spotted the bottle. She popped the cap and shook too of the tablets into her hand and replaced the bottle. She moved to close the draw but stopped when her eyes caught site of a picture. What really caught her attention was the girls eyes. The exact color of her own eyes. She was about to pick it up but stopped when Javier's voice cut across her snooping.

"What are you doing?"

"Mary told me I could find painkillers here" she replied showing him the bottle.

"You're feeling ill?" He asked

She was surprised to hear him sounding so concerned.

"Just a headache"

She watched as he walked to a cupboard. He took out a bottle of water and handed it to her.

"Thanks" she mumbled

He walked around his desk and stood next to her. She saw his eyes move to the draw and she knew he knew she saw the picture. His eyes moved back to her face then he shut the draw.

"Who is she?" Asked Jessica

"Just someone I use to know" he replied with a shrug

"Use to?"

"She passed away"

"Oh. I'm so sorry"

"It was seven years ago. Its alright"

She choked on the  water that she was drinking.

"ten cuidado" he hissed.

She felt him grab her shoulder then he started patting her back.

"Estas bien?"

She blinked as she looked at him wondering if he realized she didn't understand a word. Suddenly she wished she had paid more attention during Spanish class in highschool.

"Huh?" She asked confused

"Are you OK?" He asked with a small smile.

"Yes uh. I guess its just that...never mind" she replied shaking her head.

She ignored the concerned look he sent her and drank some more of the water.

"Thanks I think I'll be good now"


They walked out of the office and headed back to the display room. Neither of them said anything for a while. Her mind was still stuck on their conversation back in the office.

"I'm surprised you didn't take a date" he said to her.

"Not all of us has have persons lining up to date us you know"

She thought she heard him mumble 'that's hard to believe' but decide not to ask.

"Your boyfriend was busy?" He asked

"Boyfriend?" She replied confused

"The guy you were with a few days ago."

"He's not my boyfriend. Besides he's not really my type"

"And what is your type?"

She looked at him. Like really looked at him.

"My type has dark brown hair, brown eyes that shows he's known more hurt than he would have liked. I face that makes a woman feel hot and bother with a body that doesn't do much to quench that heat. He's into art. He's very neat and the only thing he seems to trust is art pieces. I'm guessing because they never change the way people do."

The wide eyed open mouth shocked expression he wore would have otherwise been funny but the situation didn't even call for a tiny smile.

"My issue is my type usually leaves me hurt. I'm never their type. They're usually already in love with someone else."

"Jessica I..."

"Oh there you two are!" Mary interrupted. "The guests are raving about the pastries. Good job Jessica. Javier would you like to come say a few words?"

He didn't respond right away. He still stood staring at her. This time like he was trying to read her. She glanced at Mary who was now staring at her too curious about what was going on. She blushed and looked at her feet.

"Javier?" She whispered

"sí. Yeah I uh..."

"Go" she told him

"vamonos" he said to Mary

Jessica released a deep sigh as soon as the door clicked shut behind them. She ran her hand through her hair and closed her eyes. She new things had just taken a turn for them. Was this good or bad? She would have to wait to find out.

How strange is it though that his girlfriend and my parents died seven years ago.

She walked inside and listened as his smooth bone tingling voice echoed through the gallery.

"Angela Abraham said Art is part of our human soul. It is dreams emerging from a part of ourselves, a way to communicate with the deeper self of both the artist and others. The same piece invokes different emotions depending on the person, their mood, their time of life. Art is pictures; art is sculpture; art is the creative word; art is music. We are all artists in our various ways, all born to be creative. I have to say I agree"

She looked away from his probing eyes and walked out of the room. She collected her purse and hailed the first taxi that came her way. She just wanted to get home and crawl into bed. That's exactly what she did until she heard a knock at her door. She glanced at her clock, eleven thirty.

A sense of panic came over her. She tiptoed to her kitchen and picked up a frying pan then walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and gasped when she saw Javier. She hesitated but pulled the door open when she saw his troubled expression.

"Hey" he said shifting from foot to foot.

She saw him glance at the pan in her hand then looked at her with raised eyebrows. She shrug.

"A girl can never be too careful. We never know when strange men will turn up on their doorsteps at night"

"I'm sorry I just couldn't..."

"I'm kidding" she said reaching out to touch his hand. She laced her fingers with his and pulled him inside and closed the door.

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