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Two things woke Jessica. Loud laughter followed by a pathetic plea, the last one was very distinct. Belonging to someone that was not suppose to be here, along with the sunlight glaring through her blinds that she had forgotten to close the night before.

What in the name of snicker doodles is he doing here?

She swung her legs out of bed and reached for her robe and slipped it on. When she opened the door another round of laughter caught her ears along with a voice saying.

“OK you guys have had your fun, let me go now”

She groaned and hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. She came to a stop when she saw Logan backing up into a corner with a nervous look on his face while Borden held a shotgun at him. Her other brothers stood by laughing. Jessica shook her head and walked further into the kitchen and cleared her throat effectively gaining everyone's attention.

“Oh hey there beautiful, come to help?” Asked Logan glancing at her then back at the gun aimed at him.

“I haven't decided yet” she replied

She ignored the pleading look he sent her.

“This belongs to you?” Asked Jordon tipping his head in Logan's direction.

“Something like that.” She looked at Logan and saw he had broken out into a cold sweat. Sighing she turned back to Jordon. “Leave him alone guys”

“He said he killed mom and dad” said Jason with venom in his voice.

“He did” she replied then immediately regretted it when her other two brothers pulled the kitchen knives and Jordon removed the safety from the gun he was holding.

“Jess you're not helping me here!” Logan exclaimed now with his hands in the air.

She hurried over to him and stood in front of him and crossed her arms while sending her brothers pointed glares.

“Back off!” She ordered

“You've got to be kidding me. You're telling us he took our parents away and we should just let him get away? Sorry princess but the only way he's leaving this house is in a body bag” said Joseph

“You'll have to go through me then.” She replied stubbornly

Before she could react Jason the younger of her three brothers who was still older than her, walked over to her and picked her up and set her out of the way. He grabbed Logan by his shirt and pulled his hand back to land a fist to his face but stopped when she screamed.

“I love him!”

Four pairs of surprised eyes turned to look at her. Logan's expression was almost comical. With the brother's attention preoccupied he quickly went to stand by her and took her hand. She looked at each of her brothers. Jason and Joseph looked confused while Jordan looked- well there was no telling how he felt because his expression was so closed off. She watched as he stormed out of the kitchen then a few minutes later the front door slammed shut.

“Explain” said Joseph in a cool tone.

She started from the beginning explaining the whole accident. They more she explained, they more they relaxed and she was happy for that. By the time she got through. They were giving Logan skeptic glances but at least they had put their weapons away.

“Wait so you're not in love with me then?” Asked Logan

“No way! I'd end up straggling your annoying ass!”

“Language!” Her brothers scolded

She rolled her eyes at them and turned back to Logan.

“Well thank God for that. The last thing I need is another man trying to kill me.” He breathe in relief.

“And if you don't want me to kill you, you'll make sure not to mention him while you're here” she warned him.

“Hey Logan?” Called Jason

They turned to look at him. Jessica was suddenly suspicious as to why her brothers had innocent smiles on their faces.

“Yeah?” Logan replied

“Why don't you come out back with us and we'll show you how we run this farm. We can have us ourselves a man to man talk.” Said Jason

“You're not planning to take me out there and kill me are you?” Asked Logan

“Are you sleeping with my sister?” Asked Jason

“No!” Logan and Jessica exclaimed at the same time.

“Fine then. Come on we just want to talk. I still need,  I guess I still need answers.  This is a lot to take in.”

She was nervous as she watched them pat Logan on the back which made him jump with nervousness, he followed them out of the house while looking over his shoulder at her with a nervous expression. As the door closed behind them she poured herself a cup of coffee and went to stand by the kitchen window. She spotted Jordon out in the field on his horse. Knowing she owed him an explanation she finished her coffee and put her cup in the washer before running back upstairs for a quick shower and change of clothes.

The sun was out but the day was far from hot. In fact it was cool out. Jessica stepped off the front porch and did a three sixty turn as she surveyed her home that she didn't realized she missed so much. The house itself was a beautiful brick, the colors being the hues of the land itself. Slightly further up and to the left there are two stables which house all the farm animals. Then there was the barn where animal food and farm equipments were kept. The little farm office was set to the side of it all. The place look as good as it did when their father was around. She suddenly felt bad for not coming home more or showing her brothers especially Jordon how much she appreciated them.

She sighed and made her way to the stable where she saddled and mounted her horse to ride out to the pastures where she had spotted Jordon.

“Hey” she said coming to a stop next to him on his horse.

“Hey” he replied

She turned to look at the beautiful green mountain that served as a breathtaking backdrop for the farm.

“I'm sorry” she whispered

“Nothing to be sorry about sis”

“You're upset”

“I'm...confused...conflicted I guess?”

“Because of Logan?” she asked

“No Jessie because of you. I don't get how you can just accept him like that. He's the reason we lost our parents!”

“It was an accident bro. An accident in which he suffered too. I understand how you feel. I'm not saying go be his best friend because of me, it's hard. I look at him and constantly remember what I lost. I'm just saying get to know him before you judge him. I got to know him before neither him nor myself knew he was the one driving the car that killed mom and dad. Knowing how much he's suffered and lost,  it makes it all a little bit better.  He's a great guy too, he's been a great support for me.”

“What do you mean?” he asked clearly confused

So once again Jessica found herself explaining the whole thing. Starting from how she met him, to how they became friends to how he remembered. Through all of that she barely touched the subject of Javier. She wasn't surprised though when Jordon asked about him. Nothing usually gets pass him.

“He's my boss” she replied shrugging her shoulders.

“Is that all he is?”

“Yes, no- I don't know”

“You're in love with him”

It was a statement rather than a question. She turned to look at her brother who was staring at her face with his brows knitted.

“Yes I am” she replied

“But you ran home because he hurt you?”

“Its complicated” she said shaking her head.

“You're not a kid anymore so I can't tell you what to do, but if he hurts you…”

“You're going to punch the stupid out of him I know” she finished his famous threat.

They looked at each other and grinned.

“Race you back?” He asked

Instead of responding she turned her horse around and took off in the direction of the stables. Her laughter echoed around the field as she heard him from behind her complaining that she cheated. Despite the fact she had cheated he gained on her in no time and made it through the gate before she did. She would have started complaining but got distracted by her brother's booming laughter. They turned to see Logan walking towards them covered in mud from head to toe.

“He tried to mount old Bessy, she threw him in the mud” Joseph explained in between his laughter

Bessy was one of the most stubborn horses on the farm. Everyone knew better than to mess with her. Jessica threw back her head and laugh then looked over at Jordon to find him fighting his laughter but when her horse neighed and Logan yelped and backed away Jordan finally gave in.

Hey guys! So since you all gave me an earful for always leaving the chapters on a cliffhanger I made sure to not do that this time. Your complaints had me laughing though 😂😂😂. Anyhoo leave me some comments about this one and don't forget to vote too!

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