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Her internship ended and it was all so bittersweet for Jessica. It made things easier for her not being around Javier all the time. Everyday he would surprise her with flowers and her favorite pastry but his betrayal was ever present in her mind.

Logan was slowly adjusting to the memory he had regained. He somewhat lost a part of his playful side that she missed sometimes. He retreated as though the world around couldn't be trusted.  His relationship with Javier was a bit strained but nonetheless they were trying. Jessica knew Javier would give anything to have her try with him too.

As she made her way back from breakfast that morning she paused outside her door when she saw a vase with flowers and a note tuck in.  She glanced around before picking it up and letting herself into her apartment.

She set the flowers down and removed the note as she walked over to the couch and kicked off her shoes.

Frowning she noticed the note was typed and wasn't signed with a name.  Usually Javier signed his notes and his notes were always hand written but she shrugged it off as him just expecting her to know they were from him.

What puzzeled her though was what the note said:-

You looked lovely so early in the morning. Have a good day beautiful.

"When did he see  me? " she whispered.

She thought about calling him but decided against it.  She had enough to do for the day. 

She spent the morning typing up her report for the internship that was due today.  Her professor made it clear that tardiness would result in point deduction. Her fingers flew across the keys as she typed.  Every word bringing back memories from her first day at the gallery to her last. All she had to do was get to campus,  print the paper and take it to her professor's office.

She glanced at the clock and noticed it was now almost midday.  She had a lot of time to spare but she figured the earlier she got this done the more time she would have for herself.

Jessica eyed the sky nervously, the clouds that had been wispy and white that morning were now darker and more dense. She quickened her pace, this was not the day to be caught in a downpour. The weather gave her a chance to wear her favorite green sweater which she pulled close around her as she boareded the bus.

The bus ride was a pleasant one.  She gazed out the window watching the scenery go by. Before they came to her stop the bust stopped to pick up a mother and her two children.  They sat across from her and Jessica noticed she had an instant audience.  The little boy peeked at her from beneath his mother's hand.  She smiled at him and wiggled her fingers at him playfully.  When he blushed and ducked back behind his mother's hand she chuckled and looked away.

"Do you have kids? "

She turned when she heard the woman speaking to her.

"No not yet." she told her

"They're a piece of work but it's wonderful being a mother." the woman continued.

"I love kids." Jessica told her.

"That's the first step to being a good mother. " the woman encouraged

"Thank you.  This is my stop. " Jessica told her as she pulled the string to sound the buzzer. "nice talking to you."

As she walked onto campus she got lost in her thoughts. So lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice Roger standing by the campus gate.

"Well hello stranger."

Jessica turned startled and blink twice and took a step back when she turn and found him standing right by her.

"You,  I mean hi.  What are you doing here? " she asked looking at him curiously.

"I came to drop off my application.  I saw you and couldn't resist saying hello."

"Application? You're applying to go here?" she asked

She wondered why he didn't say anything when they had met but shook the thought away since they really didn't know each other much so he wasn't obligated to tell her anything.

"Yeah,  I'm starting in the fall if all goes as planned." he told her

"Wow that's,  that's great.  Too bad you're starting when I'm leaving though." she told him with a little laugh.

"You're leaving!?" he asked

Jessica blinked at him.  His tone sounded almost as though he was accusing her.

"Um... Yeah I'm graduating. I'm just dropping off my last paper." she said

"Oh hmm,  that's too bad."

"It is?" she asked

"Yeah I mean it would have been nice knowing at least one person that goes here." he said smiling at her.

Just a minute ago he was frowning as though she had delivered the worst news to him and now he was smiling like nothing happened. She replied with a awkward smile before turning to leave.

"Well it was nice seeing you again, uh Roger." she said

Before she could walk away though he caught hold of her hand. Startled she turned and looked to where he held her hand. She wiggled her wrist out of his hold and looked up at him.

"Would you like to have coffee with me?" he asked her

"I'm sorry I can't today I have too much to do." she replied

"What about breakfast tomorrow?"

"I uh,  I have plans with my friend Logan."

"Just friends right?" he asked with a tight smile

She was beginning to feel uncomfortable so she took a few steps away from him.

"I'm sorry but that personal." she told him.

"Fair enough, can't blame a guy for asking. It's not everyday a guy comes across a woman with such captivating beauty."

Somehow the compliment made her uncomfortable rather than flattered.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." she told him as she turned and walked away.

As she walked further into campus she had an uncomfortable feeling down the back of her neck. When she glanced behind her she saw him still standing there watching her.  He gave her a smile and a tiny nod.  She quickly turned away and hurried into the admin building that she was about to passed by.

Persons gave her funny stares as she stood by a window peering out. She saw him scratch his chin as though he was thinking about something before he turned and walked away.

Something about him left her feeling on edge.

Some persons think this story ended too fast so I'm adding some bonus chapters and going with my original idea.  As always I appreciate your feedback thanks so much for all your support guys 💚

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