Chapter 2

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Sunday went pretty fast with the cleaning up and unpacking.

It was monday morning, and probably the first day of my new school.

I took my shower and got dressed into a white V neck shirt, with a plaid long sleeve shirt unbuttoned over it.
As usual, I always rolled the sleeves up a bit.
A black denim with matching boots.

I walked lazily down the stairs a little exhausted from sunday's work.
Yeah, I got a really nice room after struggling with my crazy 12yr old sister.

''Mom! ?..can't find the milk!''
Mary yelled rummaging though the cabinet.

''It's in the fridge, dumbo''
I rolled my eyes annoyingly.

''I don't remember asking shit from you, Mr?''.

She scoffed rolling her eyes like she always did.

Don't be surprised when she uses curse words. It's her daily dosage.

I walked off not even responding to that annoying little brat.

We hit the road after we were all done with our breakfast and everything. Mom pulled over in front of a school, I presumed must be Mary's.
Am glad her school was away from mine. I don't want it to be close for some reason. We'll discuss that later.

"I'll come pick you when you close. You could give me a call too.
And fighting, Mary"

"Love you"
She ignored moms last statement.

"Have fun sweetie"
Mom added.

She faked a smile at me while getting out of the car.

"Love you sis- "
I didn't end when she slammed the car door.

I laughed at her as she went.
Silly crab.

Mom was here a couple of times before we moved in, so she had already found us our school and secured herself a job too.

''Here we are, handsome ''.

She broke out, slowing down in front of a huge school, before turning to look at me with a smile.

''Hm you have fun okay?
And I'll pick Mary up first and then pass here to pick you too.
I'll give you a call if there's anything.
Now go have fun hunny."
She ruffled my hair.

"Okayy, and stop messing up my hair"
I stated as tried to escape from her.

"Love you"
She laughed while driving off.

I just fucking hate school. I murmured to myself while walking into the 'so called building' school.

I could see people staring at me already, like I was a terrorist or something.
Well except some girls who were giggling and seemed to be..blushing?

I just went ahead and walked my way in.

''Excuse me, where can I find the secretary's office?
I asked a dude taking some books from his locker.

''Well find it yourself ".
He slammed his locker and walked off.

I muttered to myself.
I'll just let it go.

I walked down the corridor searching for the office.
I still felt eyes boring through me .

Yeah found it.
I knocked on the door.

''Come in''

I heard a lady's voice from the other side of the door.
I opened the door gently and entered.
There sat a woman in a pair of glasses.
She looked like she was in her 60's.

''I reckon you're Jake. I met your mom earlier."
She adjusted her glasses.

''Yeah that's me.

''Well take a seat Mr Jake, while I get you need''.

''Cool''. I replied taking a seat against the wall.

''Here you are''

she smiled again giving me some clipped papers after a few minutes.

''Thank you ma'am''.

"Its Miss Ellen".

I nodded and walked out.

So I had English for first lesson on my timetable.

I found my class after I had checked my locker and stuff.

Let's do this.

I took a deep breathe and entered not looking into anybody's face, all I wanted was a place to sit.

In this process, I accidentally hit  some things on a table against the wall with my bag pack, scattering them on the floor.

Just great!

I heard snorts of laughter making me  fumble while I packed the things back on the table.

'You must be Jake, the new student'

Comes a deep voice from in front of the class.
I know he's probably the teacher for English. I stopped the useless packing and responded.

''Er ..yeah, that's right''
I spun around to face him changing my expression from a frustrated one, to a sheepish smile.

''Class, this is your new student, Jake, be nice to him. ''

After a silent response, he broke out.

"Alright, take a seat beside Andy''.
He specified, turning to continue what he was doing.

''Nice entry.''
A sarcastic speech came from the supposed Andy, as I sat next to him.

I turned to see the pair of hazel eyes and dark brown haired guy with a smirk plastered on his face.



I replied a bit puzzled, not expecting to be friends with anyone yet, especially this guy.

He looked like an arrogant and a 'no nonsense' guy.

''Feel free to ask me anything, yeah and I've got your back..bro! ''

Placing his chin on his shoulders while he said this.

''Okay...? '' I nodded, a bit confused.

''I said that because of that guy you see behind us.
That's Donald. He troubles new students.

But don't worry, I'll handle everything"
He interrupted again.

I turned to see the wannabe bully or whatever he calls himself.

He was already looking in our direction, like he knew we were talking about him.

''What ya staring at, huh?! ''
Came his husky voice with a death glare on his face.

I just gave a simple smile and turned back.

Here comes school drama and all that bullshit.


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