Chapter 3

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Finally! The bell rang for lunch. I was fricking starving.
I walked briskly to the cafeteria alone. Andy said he'd join me soon.
Students were all over and chattering was all you could here.

After I picked my food, I headed towards a table at a far conner.
I was not interested in exactly where to sit and who to sit with.
I enjoyed my own company.

Smiling to myself, I sat down putting my earphones in, and started playing     -Here. Alessia Cara-

Yeah, one of my favourite songs. And it kinda was related to my situation at the moment.

I started digging into my burger when I felt a shadow blocking the light from beside me.

I turned to see the same hazel eyes and dark brown haired guy.
''Yh Andy my sitting mate'',


I swallowed and replied.

''What song you listening to? ''

Err....''Here-Alessia Car-

He finished for me, while sliding onto the bench from across me.

''Her songs are cool" .
He added with an excited expression.

''Yeah, I know right? ''.
I replied, turning back to finish my food.

''No offence, but you shouldn't be sitting here in this corner. Is the seat even clean?
Coz this bench has been empty for ages. And it feels like you're rejected or something.
He smiled slightly, trying not to make it sound rude.

"I don't really care though."
I sighed lazily taking my last bite.

That's were I sit, right in the centre."
He pointed with his chin.
You can join me there some other time''.

'Sure, I will.. totally '
I shook my head sighing for the second time.

''So you wanna g- "

He got cut by the bell signaling lunch was over.

''Unfortunately I have history now. Well see you after class."
He asserted while walking out.


I yelled since he had already walked   some metres off.

There were some slight difference in our time table.
I had Geography right now, one of my favourite subjects.


The bell finally rang for closing.
Whew! I sighed being relieved by the sound, even though it was irritating.

Everyone was so quick in leaving, like we were in prison for ages.
I followed right behind some of them till they dispersed in the hall way.
I was halfway out when someone yanked my shirt.

Oh it's Andy again.

''I wanted to ask, if you'll join me for some ice-cream or something''
He queried with a grin .

I checked the time and it was only 3:00.
Well, it might take a while for mom to pick Mary before coming over.

''No problem '', I responded.

''Cool, follow my lead''
He smirked.

He slowed his pace right in front of a sleek blue car.

'Woah! I did not see that coming'.
I gasped getting into his car.

"Oh shut up"
He laughed.

We spent time chatting and laughing over stuff's we discussed about ourselves.
He also reminded me of Nick in some way.

I realised we have some things in common. Like calling his sister a ''brat''.
Yeah, he also has a younger sister, just like I do.

We were done with our ice creams and he agreed to drop me off.
So I called and informed mom already.
We really had fun and I couldn't believe I just met him today.


''See ya tomorrow"
He waved from inside the car since I was already out.

''You too, man"
I replied, walking into my house.
I was carried away by the aroma that filled the whole house when I opened the front door.
I walked straight to the kitchen to see mom busily cooking. She already noticed I came in.

"Ooh look who's already making new friends. Who's that by the way?"
She smiled, still focused on what she was doing.

"Yeah that's Andy, he's really cool"
I smiled pecking her cheek and trying to steal some of the chopped carrots.

''That's great''

She spanked my hand before I could reach for them.
"Uh uh, no touching"
She smiled teasingly.

"Ughh finee"
I murmured.

"Take something in the fridge while the food gets ready. Might take a while."


That ice cream didn't do me any good, I was still  starving.

''And where's Mary?''
I asked, opening the fridge and getting some random snack.

''She's probably in her room, she was sent on detention already!
Can you imagine?"

"For what exactly"
My eyes widened on hearing that.

"For kicking a red haired girl's ass. ''She stated throwing her hands in the air.

''Pfft..what..really, on her first day?
How did that happen?"

"Well she gave me a lousy excuse. You know her enough."

"Pfft, hahah wow"

''It's not funny Jake''

She asserted looking at me as if I had done something wrong.

''Okay okay! Not laughing...''I raised my hands with little snorts of laughter escaping my mouth.

That's my sis for you. She doesn't give a shit sometimes.
Am looking forward to seeing her join Wrestle Mania or Kick boxing.


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