Chapter thirty six

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Meanwhile, Dean was tried to reason with general Rogard  to convince him that Giant is a good guy.

"What are you saying, he's friendly?", General Rogard questioned.
"Yes, attacking him is triggering  a defense mechanism."

Kent interrupted,
"Don't listen to him, general! Destroy the monster while we still have the chance!"
Giant then reappears from the mist, causing the soldiers to hold out their guns, getting ready to attack.
Dean warned,
"General, you shoot now and the whole thing starts over again."
Kent screamed,
"Stop it now, general! Our future's at stake!"
"Orders sir?", a solider asked.
"Which is why you have got to stop,  general", Dean said.

Hogarth and Robin emerge from the mist in Giant's hand.
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!," Robin yelled.
"Kids!", Annie cries.
It was then that general Rogard discovered the truth; the kids were not dead as Kent had told him.
"Hold your fire! The kids are alive?"
"It's a trick! Launch the missile!"
"Are you mad, Mansley? All units stand down!"

General Rogard got on his walkie talkie to abort the nuclear launch.
"Come in Nautilus."
Kent stared up at giant and the kids, who glared back at them.
The Nautilus captain answered back,
"This is Nautilus standing by."

Without thinking, Kent grabs the walkie talkie and screams,
With that the Nautilus captain slammed down on the launch button and out shoots the missile out of the water and into the skies,  all a breakneck speeds.
Back in Rockwell, general Rogard confronts Kent for his idiotic move.
"That missile is targeted to the giant's current position! WHERE'S THE GIANT MANSLEY?!"

  "What?" Kent looked up to see giant standing right behind him, and groaned to realize what big of a mistake he had made.
"Oh....we can duck and cover. There's a fallout shelter right there."
"There's no way to survive this you IDIOT!"
Kent stutters,
"You mean, we're all going to"-
"To die Mansley, for our country."

Kent stands around shocked then saids,
"Screw our country! I WANNA LIVE!" Kent throws a soldier out of a jeep to try and scramble out of town, but giant stopped him by panting his hand  in the way. Several soldier hold him at gun point to prevent him for escaping.
"You ain't going nowhere, Buster", Robin said.
Springer croaked in agreement.
"Hold him, men. Make sure, he stays there like a good soldier."
Kent is then dealt with and is arrested.

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