Chaptet thirty seven

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Suddenly, off goes the air raid siren, sending the town in fright.

Giant puts down the Hogarth and Robin and the kids run into their mother's warm embrace.
Springer hopped onto Annie's shoulder, and croaked with fright.
"Oh no," Hogarth said.
He, Robin and giant looked at the missile, and he turned to giant saying,
"It's a missile. When it comes down, everyone will die."
He frowned sadly as Robin held onto him, burying her face into his chest.
"I don't wanna die," Robin whispered.
"Me neither," Hogarth said, and Annie laid a hand on his shoulder.

"There it is!", a woman cried.
The crowd, terrified looked up at the oncoming missile. Giant does as well then looks down at the towns people and soldiers, then at Hogarth and Robin.
He knew that the town was doomed, and that everyone will die if no one did anything about it. It was then he decided that there was only one thing that must be done to save Rockwell.

Annie, Dean and the kids stood together as everyone around them ran for shelter.
Hugging her children, Annie asked dean,
"Shouldn't we get to a shelter?"
Dean shook his head and frowned.
"It wouldn't matter."
"I fix", Giant said.

Letting go of their mother, Hogarth and Robin walk up to giant.
"Giant?", Robin said.
Giant kneeled down in front of the kids and placed a finger on Hogarth then on Robin and springer.
"Hogarth, Robin. You stay. I go."
Giant lifts both of the kids heads with his finger while wagging the other one.
"No following."

Sadly and softy, Hogarth whispered,
"We love you."

With that, Giant's rockets turn on and he shoots up in the sky, straight towards the missile. Everyone watched as the giant robot soared from earth and into outer space. He intercepts the missile, which is heading toward him.
"You are who you choose to be." Robin's voice echoed in Giant mind as he grew closer and closer.
"Superman". He closed his eyes smiling and the missile hit him with a huge explosion, one so bright that back on earth everyone covers their eyes form the bright light.
As the light dies down, Hogarth, Robin, and Annie looked up in the sky. Everyone cheered for giant heroic saving or Rockwell, but not everyone was cheering.

Knowing that Giant was probably gone forever, Robin bursted into tears and sobbed into hogarth's chest. Hogarth was glad that he and everyone was safe, but very sad by kid best friend's heroic sacrifice and his sister's heartbreak.

Annie embraced her children tightly, while Dean laid a land on her shoulder. Springer sat sadly on Robin's shoulder.
General Rogard took off his hat and said to his soldiers,
"Let's go home."
Hogarth, still holding onto Robin, looked up into the sky where the explosion shined bright, vowing not to ever forget his and Robin friend, and all the good times they had with each other.

"Please don't lets us ever forget Giant, Hogarth", Robin said, tears rolling down her face, and Hogarth laid his head on hers and said,
"We won't, Robin. He'll always be with us in our hearts, just like dad will."
"I miss him already."
"Me too, Robin. So do I."

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