Chapter 21

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Dean and Annie spent time planning the wedding, with Deidre and Hogarth  helping to add suggestions.

Annie planned it down to every last detail, from the location for the ceremony down to the type of flowers. They hired a usher, and made judge Wilbert the officiant. Dean wanted Hogarth to be the best man of the wedding, as he though this was a important role for him to have. Hogarth of course didn't mind. Annie wanted Deidre to be the maid of honor, as she was like a daughter to her, and for Mr. Franklin to walk her down the aisle, since he was her late husband's best friend, not to mention being a close friend. Rover was going to be the ring bearer, since he is the smart dog that he is.
(This was Hogarth's idea.)

The guest list included Dean's parents, Annie mother, Mr. Dexter, Earl Stutz, Hogarth's friends and their families, and other guests of choice. Of course Giant was going to be part of the wedding, but not with any specific role but to just be there for companionship.

Finally, Annie and Dean discussed the date for when the wedding was to take place. Annie suggested the wedding would take place on Valentine's day, but Dean thought that was so cheesy, and suggested that it would be on Annie's birthday, which is December 18th Annie agreed and that was the date.

Hogarth couldn't wait for the big day. That was all he could talk about to Giant, Deidre, and his friends, although his friends were getting slightly annoyed at this. Deidre couldn't wait either, as she was excited for Dean and Annie, but especially Hogarth. She never seen him so happy before besides the time he reunited with Giant. Hogarth's joy was like a bright halo around him, and Deidre enjoyed the warmth of that halo. Deidre loved seeing her best friend happy.

September eventually came and the school year  started, which means Mr. Franklin starts his job as a astronomy teacher. On the first day of school, Deidre was getting her book bag ready after having breakfast. Mr. Franklin came out of his room and finished doing his tie.

"You ready for your first day of school, baby?"
"Yeah, I sorta am. It'll be awkward going to a different school, but at least I'll have Hogarth and my other friends with me."
"Yes, I'm grateful for that. I'm more than grateful that I'll be seeing you in school or astronomy class. I'll be your favorite teacher, right?" Mr. Franklin wiggled his eyebrows smiling. Deidre laughed at her dad and rolled her eyes.

"Of course, Dad. I'll keep that in mind. Well, I'm going to head out, Hogarth would be waiting for me. Bye, Rover! Make sure you behave and don't eat more than one Twinkie."
Rover barked goodbye and Deidre headed out the door.

There waited Hogarth with his bike. He smiled and waved at Deidre.
"Hey, Deidre! Ready to head off for school? We'll be working on our comic book at recess."
"You bet, Hogarth! I'm sure the boys would love to see how it's going."
"Let's head out then."
Deidre got on her bike and the kids rode the way to school together, racing each other playfully.

They  made it to the school and met up with the boys. Soon Hogarth and Deidre first went to Mrs. Tens-edge's class room. Hogarth sat behind Deidre and beside Wilbert and Fran. Everyone was chattering when Mrs. Tensedge sternly said,
"All right. Quiet down, everyone. Quiet." She gave a stern look at her students and they quieted down immediately, knowing better than to talk over her.

"We seem to have a new student joining us this Year." Mrs. Tense-edge turned her sharp gaze at Deirdre.
"Isn't your name Deidre Franklin, miss?"
"Yes, Ma'm. It is," Deidre said timidly.
"Well, I expect you behave and do well in this class as I expect every other student to. Is that clear?" Her eyes burned through Deidre's skull.
Deidre sensed all the other students staring at her as well. She sunk back into her desk and answered back politely,
"Yes, ma'm."

Mrs. Tens-edge didn't say anything and continued to teach her class multiplication problem. Deidre felt like she wanted to melt onto the floor and seep out of the room. Hogarth saw her discomfort and smiled warmly at her to make her feel. It helped make Deidre feel much more comfortable and reached for his hand, gently holding it. Wilbert saw this and smirked, but Hogarth glared at him and tuned to the front. 

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