Chapter 27

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"Now we just have to eventually tell your mom that you have Pipsqueak", Deidre said.
Hogarth waved a hand dismissively.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. My chance of keeping him is, like, 1 to zero percent. There's no way she's going to let me keep him. You know those incidents that I told you about, right?"

"Yes I remember, but maybe we should at least try. You know she's going to find out soon enough. Things can't stay hidden for long when it comes to your mother. Trust me."

"Hogarth! Deidre! Dinner's ready!", Annie called from the house.
"We're coming, Mom!" Hogarth answered.
"Come in, let's go inside. Stay out here with Giant and Rover, Pipsqueak. We'll be back out soon."
Pipsqueak stayed where he was besides Rover, while the kids headed inside.
When they sat down at the table with Annie and Dean, Annie said,
"Would you mind saying grace this time, Deidre."
"Of course, Mrs. Hughes." Hogarth was relieved that he doesn't have to say it this time.

She put her hands in a praying pose and said the prayer smoothly, which of course pleased Annie. When she was finished, they said "Ahem."
"You say beautiful prayers, Deidre. I can tell your father taught you well as I suspected."
"Thank you."

They started to eat, quiet at first. Then Dean broke the silence and said,
"So, how are you doing Deidre? Your artwork's going well?"
"Yes, it is. I've been working on my nova comic. Hogarth and our friends been helping out with it, and they good ideas, too, especially Jeremy."
"That's great to hear. I'm very sure you'll take off one day. I don't think that, I know."
"I agree, honey", Annie added.
"You had lots of talent like your mother used to have. I sure she'd be very proud of you."

"I do wish my mom was here to see it, though. I really wish she didn't die and was in my life. I really want a mother." Deidre sadden and Hogarth held her hand in a comforting manor.
Annie and Dean were sadden, too and Annie reached over to stroke Deidre's hair affectionally.
"I know, sweetie. It breaks my heart thinking about you not having a mother. Even I tried being like a mother to you, as you are like a daughter to me, but I know that I truly can't replace her."
Deidre reassured Annie.
"You did what you could, Mrs. Hughes, and I appreciate that. Don't be down because of that. At least you were, and still is, like a mother to me."

Annie was deeply touched by this. Suddenly the moment was interrupted when, Rover and Pipsqueak ran into the house chasing each other.
Annie jumped from her seat and yelped. Dean just shooks his head smiling. "That rascal."
Hogarth and Deidre looked at each other with worry.
"Uh oh", they both said.
River and Pipsqueak ran around the table then across the kitchen. Pipsqueak leaped into the kitchen counter to get further up from Rover, who was trying to get up on the counter as well.

"Pipsqueak! NO! DOWN!" Rover being the smart dog he was, scooted a crate and jumped on it onto the counter. There they continued chasing each other, knocking over stuff .
Hogarth and Deidre rushed over to stop them from making any more messes. But suddenly, Rover knocked over a boiling pot of water. He howled in pain as he ran into Pipsqueak, sending both of them and the pot crashing down onto the kitchen floor. The pot landed on Pipsqueak, covering him.

Annie looked on at house in complete shock. Dean just at there laughing at the chaos, while Giant looked into the window, wincing.  A second later, she turned to Hogarth and Deidre with the most piercing glare she could muster.

"Hogarth Hughes! For the millionth time, what did I say about bringing wild animals into this house?! You know every time how it turns out!"
Hogarth jumped up, pleading.
"Oh, mom! Please! Just give him a chance! I promise you, he never gets into trouble. He'll obey!"
"Well, that didn't look like the case to me."
"Please, Mom. I found him injured in the woods, he can't go back there. He'd be vulnerable."
Deidre chimed in.
"Yeah, he is right, Mrs. Hughes. Pipsqueak does take orders very well. It was just Rover's fault. He can be a bad influence." With that he glared back at Rover, who was wagging his tail, eating a Twinkie.
Dean agreed

Annie, it probably is just that dog. You know how hyper he can get, especially after her eats Twinkies, like what he's eating right now. Just come on, give the little guy a chance. I'm sure he has potential.
"Yeah, Mom. Please? Can he stay? Please?" He stretched that second please.
Annie sat there, huffing in irritation for a moment until a second later she sighed and crossed her arms, surrendering to her son's pleads.
"Alright, Hogarth. Alright, you win. He can stay."
"Yes! Thank you mom."

Hogarth went over to Pipsqueak, who was still under that pot. He lifted the pot off of him and picked the little marten up.
"You hear that Pipsqueak? You get to stay! Mom said so? Isn't that great?"
Pipsqueak chirped happily in agreement as Hogarth scratched his chin. Rover barked in agreement, too and Giant smiled hearing the news. Deidre smiled, happy that he gets to stay.

Hogarth brought Pipsqueak over  to Annie.
"Pet him, Mom. He'll like you." Pipsqueak sniffed her face and started to lick it eagerly.
Annie laughed, nudging the small head away smiling.
"I can see he's friendly. I'm staring to like him already."
She looked at Deidre and Hogarth.
"Alright you two. Get to cleaning the kitchen. Since your pets did it, it's your responsibility to clean up after them.
"Yes, Mom."
"Yes, Mrs. Hughes".
They promptly got to cleaning up the kitchen, shooing Pipsqueak and River back outside.  Dean and Annie sat at the table smiling and laughing at the animals mess.

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