Chapter 28

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School went by like usual. Deidre and Hogarth finished their big bang project (with Giant's help, of course) and presented it to the class. Mr. Franklin instantly liked it and gave them a A +. He was also proud of his daughter like he usually is, including Hogarth.

Yet Peter and Norman still continued bullying them, well....only Peter, really. Norman found Deidre to be intimidating and knew not to mess with her or her friends, so that was one bully down for them. He still bullied others, but not around Deidre. Peter though wasn't fazed by the girl at all and continued to bully the group. But Deidre still stood up and fought back, protecting her friends, especially Jeremy, the smallest of the group. Her and Hogarth even pulled pranks as payback for the things Peter did or say.

One time Deidre put laxatives in her milk bottle, so of course when Peter stole her lunch he would drink it. When he did, he had to rush to the bathroom every two minutes for the rest of the day.
One day in school, when they were exiting Mrs. Tens edge's class, Peter thundered towards them (loudly, as anyone would say). Hogarth and Deidre looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
"What is it this time?", Hogarth mumbled.
"I guess will see", Deidre replied with a sigh.

"Hey nerds! Do my homework for me!"
Hogarth glared at the boy.
"Look, wide load, we ain't doing. Go and try to lunch money if you want. Oh wait, I'm sure you won't be able to with Deidre around"-
"We'll do it", Deidre said out of the blue. Hogarth turned to look at her like she was crazy, but Deidre smiled  back and mouthed,
"You'll see." Hogarth knew that look and grinned back.
Peter bear his yellowed teeth in a nasty grin.
"That's what I like to hear, Princess. Make sure you get every question right, or els! Am I clear?"
"Crystal", Deidre answered back with a sly smile.

Peter turned away and stomped down the hallway. Once when was out of ear shot, Hogarth asked,
"So, what's the plan this time, Dan?"
"Easy. We put all wrong answers on there. That would how stupid of a bonehead he is."
"That's perfect! Makes so much sense, too. He's so stupid I bet he'll try to drown a fish in water."
They laughed and headed towards their next class, later telling their friend about their plan. They loved it, of course. When they got home, after doing their homework, they got to work on Peter's. They  put the most incorrect answers on his paper that fitted him. They couldn't stop grinning, thinking about how mad he would be if he got a big fat F on his test.

The next day, they entered Mrs. Tense edges's class and handed in their homework so that she could grade it.
Peter glared at Hogarth and Deidre, silently asking if they did it, and they smiled back in response. Peter got the message and turned to doddle on his paper instead of practicing long division like he was supposed to.
Hogarth and Deidre winked at each other.

Later, Mrs. Tense edge hand back everyone graded homework. Hogarth and Deidre of course got As on their test, though Mrs. Tense edge wasn't impressed much like usual. When she reached Peter desk, Hogarth tapped Deidre to see Peter. This was it. It was going to happen and the both tried hard to hold in their giggles.

"Mr. Len-nerd, I want to speak with you after class about how poorly you did on your homework. Every one els in this class can answer these questions better than you, and they're easy as well. I'm not impressed, Mr. Len-nerd. Not at all."
Peter couldn't say anything but drop his mouth open, turning red with embarrassment as everyone stared at him and the fat F on his paper.

Hogarth and Deidre were close to laughing, they thought they were burst, but of course they had to to hold it in for now. Peter knew what was up and glared a death stare at them. Deidre and Hogarth just smiled back innocently and shrugged. When class let out, everyone rushed out the class room, except of Peter, of course, who Mrs. Tense-edge was going to give a stern "pep talk."

When Hogarth and Deidre exited the room, they couldn't hold it in anymore and bursted into, gut busting laughter, so hard tears were streaming out of their eyes.
"Oh, the look on his face!", Hogarth cried.
"Everyone in class knows how stupid he is now!"
Deidre said,
"Hey, let's listen in on the 'pep talk'". They crept quietly to Mrs. Tense edges's door, which was closed. They could clearly hear Mrs. Tense edge chewing him out for failing his homework and how stupid he was and how he was going to tell the principal and his Mom. All Peter could do was stutter helplessly in Defeat. They even thought he sounded like he was about to cry.
Hogarth and Deidre smothered their laughs as Mrs. Tense edge finished yelling. They back up as Peter came out of the classroom sulking. He looked up to see Hogarth and Deidre laughing at him. His face turned red and shot eye daggers at them, seething with anger.

"You pricks put all wrong answers on my paper! I thought I told you not to put wrong answers on them!"
"Well, at least we did your homework for you. Aren't you grateful for that?", Hogarth said.
" You two embarrassed me in there. Do you how much trouble I'll be in with my mom due to you twerps!"
Deidre stepped closer to Peter, looking him straight in the eye.
"I guess that's what happens when you try to take advantage of me and my friends. Never underestimate me. Or are you too stupid to understand that based on your math performance."
She smiled and patted her eye lashes with a smirk.

Peter exploded.
"Oh,  you and Spaz are gonna get it, Pricness. Just wait until lunch! You're both gonna have a bad time."
"Can't wait for it!", Hogarth called after Peter as he stormed away.
He and Hogarth felled into hysterical laughing as they headed to their next class.

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