Chapter 11

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Is been an few hours since the incident an magilou's room Ichika, jason and the rest head to class while yaaobi and Jason's parents talk with chifuru and maya

Cecilia:I can't believe you have an lover!

Jason:you said like is something bad.... Is it?

Rin:well... I... I mean yes and no


Charlotte:it means you kinda young to have that

Houki:beside you have sex with two girls that is wrong


They all look at Jason and notice the inocent look

Houki:(oh my god even have an lover and have sex is still inocent) forget it

Mai;olso magilou what you were thiking!?

Magilou:well i just want to show Jason how much I love him

Mai:but not do that! It will cause trouble

Magilou:still worth it

Makoto:I wish to be an you place


Mai:don't even start makoto!

Laura:still I will have my turn then


Cecilia:w w what you thiking!?

Rin:yeah that is too far besides orimura sense metion to not do that

Laura:..... Right

Houki:abywyas you can't do that again Jason

Jason:soo if Ichika and rin became lover that would be bad?

Ichika and rin turn red than tsubaki hair


Charlotte:w w well yeah it would be wrong if became lovers

Houki:.... Agreed(they hide something)

Rin start to fantasize about her and Ichika be lover and do thoses acts the trohgh make turn more red as smoke came out from her head, Ichika try his best to not think of the idea but the blush still remains

Es:orimura and fang are you getting sick?

Lamba:you face is red

Both:we fine!

The go more faster

Charlotte:something is wrong with then

Makoto:maybe still suprise about the incident

Jason:yeah i be the same

Magilou whisper to cecilia

Magilou:he is an beast an the bed I bet it will. Leave an wheel chair~

Cecilia turn red than an stop sign


Mai:the next one it be harder


Rin goes to her class since her is class 2 as the rest goes to his class

Jason;well i wonder what happen next

He open the door and see most the girls are whisper but when they see him they look away


Zeroko:(looks like they found out)

Jason:(w w wait but how!?)

Akame:(the trio)

Jason look yuzu, kiyoka and honne as they notice and look away while whistle

Jason:oh great

Ichika:cheer up it could be

Jason:don't jixn it ichika


Houki:let's take our seats

They take they seats and wait for the teacher

It was the longest 10 minutes to jason since he notice some of the girls look at him mostly Cecilia, Laura, honne, yuzu, sayuka, kiyoka, while thanks to super ear he can hear the whisper of the girls take about of jason have an lover of have sex witch still Jason doesn't know what it means

Jason;(oh my god please stop is embarrassing)

Ryougi:(you can hold it Jason)

Black beast:(yeah an least is not an bounty like you father)

Jason;(thanks I guess... Hey girls)


Jason:(whay is sex means?)

They girls turn red less jeanne alter as she was about to respond)

Alter jeanne:(well sex is..GAH!!)

Zekoro kick her knee

Alter jeanne:(my knee!! Why)

Zeroko:(you won't undestand we tell you later okay)


Meawhile witch ichika

He still think about Houki confession

Ichika:(oh man what gonnad do I mean Houki have fealings for me? I mean rin maybe but Houki.. But trough)

He look at her and remeber the fun he have an the date and the kiss that make him blush, Houki notice someone watch at her and see Ichika an that moment he turn away

Ichika:(teough I still. Like date with rin but.. God I still. Have the same strong feelings for Houki as well.. Oh God I like both of then.. What I gonnad do?!)

Houki look at Ichika

Houki:(he is been like thay ever since the date did I go too fast?)
She think an the date and the fun they have together thay cause to blush but she hold it)

Houki;(I hope he can accept me)

Then maya enter the classroom

Maya:sorry for the wait but we have an new student

She look at Jason with an nervous look

Jason:(I don't like this)

Jeanne alter:(it can't be bad)

Maya:*look the door*come in

The student enter and to everyone shock they recognize the student

Yasobi:I am eclipse yasobi I hope we can along olso I hate the color pink

Jason:...... (crap)


Alter jeanne:(auch!! Why akame)

Akame:(you jixn it)

Cecilia stand up

Cecilia:w w w w what are you doing here!?!?

Yasobi:I study here

Laura stand up as well

Laura:since when!?!

Yasobi:the woman chifuru say I sjara an copatibility with the IS soo she decise I will study here

Cecilia:how much?

Yasobi:rank A

They Jaws fall

Maya;well looks like we don't have dear since this come from last moment

Yasobi:I can fix that


Yasobi walk toward Jason and sit an his lap

Yasobi:I will seat here


jason:(oh.... No)

An blazblue world

Everyone was suprise because one Jason have an lover, two he is not longer virgin 3 even trough he have sex he can still inocent 4 the same woman who was became Jason's lover was an the same class as him, 5 they know about yasobi

Jin:I..i I don't know what to say

Noel:me either I never trough Jason have an lover

Kokonoe:and more with yasobi since I know she is not the type of social girl

Tsubaki:but more he do it with magilou

Ayame:do what mom?

Tsubaki:*blush*I tell. You when you get older!

Laphicet:yeah but the question since when yasobi must lied about that

Rokurou:yeah i mean I suprise the boy have go doing that when he is young

Aizen:yeah but for right now is gonnad have an long day an the academy

Kokonoe:yeah more be the center of attention


Back to the IS

Jason try to paid attention but with looks of some of the girls along with yasobi sitting on his lap it was an imposible task


Zeroko;(you can do it)

Jason:(more easy say it than do it)

Akame;(keep calm and focus an the class)

Jason:(I wish to have you focus akame)

Akame;(yeah olso look an the lesson)

Jason continue to try to focus an the class after 5 minutes he start to feel an pain an the eyes

Jason:(god dammit my eyes)

Azure:(you okay?)

Jason:(I feel an deep pain an my eyes I don't know why?!)

Ryougi:(wait... Could be.... Jason tell the teacher you need to the bathroom)


Ryougi:(juat do it!)

Jason:*raise his hand*yamada sensei can I go to the bathroom?

Maya:oh sure but come back quick

Jason nod and remove yasobi from hsi lap and goes to the bathroom while yasobi sit an Jason seat

Cecilia:(an least she is not sitting on his lap again)

Ichika:(i wonder why Jason goes to the bathroom)

With Jason

he arrive the Barth room and look aroud there was empty, to his luck it was

Jason;oh god this pain get worse!

He put an hand on his hand because of the pain became more intense as he goes to the mirror


Ryougi:(try hold it! Jason)

Jason greth his teeth of pain as he try to hold the pain on his eyes

Akame:(ryougi what is happen to him!)

Ryougi:(the mystic eyes)

Jason eyes start to bleed as the blood fall to the sink


He keep hold the pain for 2 minute before the pain fade away

Jason;*look an the sink and notice the blood*what happen

Ryougi:(look an the mirror)

Jason look and notice his eyes change

Jason:w w what happen to my eyes?

Ryougi;(that is my ability the mistic eyes of death perception)

Jason:(the one I use to bear the VT system)

Ryougi;(yes looks like you have an new level since it show my mystic ye an you left eye and another one and you right eye)

Jason:(I see)

He see his reflection and notice the lines on his body

Jason;(the lines I cut the VT to win)

He look aroud and notice the objects have lines as well

Jason:(this is new I trough it affect things who are alive)

Ryougi:(that is my level with the mystic eyes give an try)

Jason look an trashcan and walk toward it and summor his sword and stab one of the lines it end with htr trashcan cut into pieces


Akame;(but we need to turn off since is very dangerous)

Jason:(yeah how I do that?)

Ryougi:(just take an deep breath and focus)

Jason dies that and walk back to the mirror and notice his eyes are back to normal

Jason;thank God

Zeroko;(any idea what thoses the other eye do)

Ryougi:(sorry I don't have an idea)

Jason:(we found it out later)

Akame;(clean the blood of the sink)

Jason look an the blood it was mutiple drops soo he clean it use water if the sink


Black beast:(now come back quick you take sometime inside and I bet chifuru will hit you)

Jason nod and leave the bathroom

He arrive the classroom

Jason:I back sorry for take to long

Maya:is all right

Jason goes back to the sit and see yasobi sit in, he was about to sit an the floor but she grab Jason and put on her lap

All the class:ehhhhh!!!!?


Laura:what are doing!?

Yasobi:give an better place to sit my lap is way soft

Makoto:mine is way better!

Magilou:na ah mine


Jason:(I will never hear the end of this)


Is been an few days since yasobi was an the academic as for her room it share with Houki, she doesn't mild along with Houki it was way better than Cecilia o laura

And speaking about thoses they have an big tension with yasobi since the fact one he was jason first, and second it still his lover but they not gonnad give up, olso yasobi get along with anyone else well trough she doesn't talk too much, olso there was an incident where yasobi was angry with rin since her IS suit and unit are pink.. And she hate anything pink, let's just say rin take distance every time it wear something pink but trough the time yasobi manage to control her anger.... And close enough to not smash rin

An the train who was heading toward the city there was Ichika and Charlotte

Ichika:man what an crazy week i never trough yasobi really hate the color pink

Charlotte;r right and she get very angresive but an least she try to control it


Charlotte:olso why you bring me along?

Ichika:well the bleach class is coming up right?,and you said you don't have girls swimwear


Ichika:I was planning on buying one for myself too, so I trough about you while I was at it

Ichika notice the look of Charlotte witch it was like uncomfortable

Charlotte:while you were at it*look away*it's what I would have guessed, anyway

Ichika:are you okay Charles?

Charlotte:*look back to him*is Charlotte!, I told you to call me when. We're alone!

Ichika:sorry, sorry I forgot Charlotte

Charlotte:a guy who play with an girl's heart deserves to be kicked by a horse and die

Ichika:*sweatdrop*(that was kinda too much) look i sorry It won't happen again

Charlotte:fine, for now

Meawhile an another wagon of the train

Jason:tell me again why I need to go?

Alicia:come on Jason the beach travel is gonnad be fun

Jason:but I don't want to go

Alicia:hey you need you be either train o stay an the engineering department you need time to relax Jason


Spera:(she is right you need to relax once an the while)

Ryougi:(yeah you can still try found out about the other eye ability later)

Jeanne alter:(yeah an relax day doesn't hurt just do it this once)

Jason;fine i go but explain why we go to the mall again

Alicia:well you need swimwear since you don't have any and olso I will buy some other stuff to

Jason:...... I be the one who carried the bags do I?

Alicia:jeje.. Jejeje

Jason sight

The train arrive to the mall as Ichika and Charlotte come out

Ichika:are you still mad?

Charlotte sotp and turn to face him and extend her hand



Charlotte:I forgive you if you hold hands with me

Ichika:hold hand?(oh boy back then I will say because she get lost but now) *look an couple who hold hands*(this is way difirent.. I hope rin is not here becasue I be soo dead... O worse if Houki see me) *take an deep breath*all right*hold her hand*like this? *blush*

Charlotte:y yeah(an least is not an blockhead)

Ichika:all right let's go

they start to walk while hold hands

Meawhile with jason and alicia

Jason;wow this place is big

Alicia:je first time?


Alicia:*smile*if you want you can hold my hand to not get lost

Jason:*pout*I don't have five years!

Alicia:jejej you pout say other wise

Jason pout more


He grab her hand

Alicia:all right let's go(jejej fell for it and he is warm)

They start to walk

With Ichika and Charlotte

While they were walking rin was watch then

Rin:soo.. They.... Hold hands... So I not dreaming, well then

She parcial summor her IS arm

Rin:I gonnad kill him!!!

Laura:you look very serious with that

Rin turn to see Laura

Rin:Laura! What are you doing here

Laura:walk aroud the mall until I see you watch Ichika and Charlotte

Rin:I just gather infonation

Laura:you said like you at him have an relationship an secret

Rin turn red

Rin:how you!!.. I mean I don't know what you talk about

Laura:......... You an him date an secret do you

Rin:how you find out!?

Laura:by you reaction with him together and I see you kissing an the bathroom the other day

Rin turn red

Rin:please don't tell anybody about this

Laura:my lips are sealed

Rin:thank god and..... *look behind laura*is that Cecilia?

Laura turn and indee it is Cecilia and she was watching Jason and alicia

Laura:yeah it is..... Well I better go... Good luck an stalk you boyfriend*walk away*

Rin:is not that!.. Wait*she turn and see they are far*crap

She follow then

With Jason and alicia

Jason:soo where we goin first?

Alicia:first we buy something stuff to me and then the swimwear


While they walking Cecilia was watch the

Cecilia;.... They hold hands........

Laura:you like rin right now

Cecilia jump and turn to see laura

Cecilia:what are you doing  here?!

Laura:I was walk aroud until I see you*look jason and alicia*watch then

Cecilia:I have my reasons

Laura:I see... *he look back at then and walk*

Cecilia:*stop her*what are you doing?

Laura:join then of course

Cecilia;you have to gather i for before engaged the enemy, we have to know how deep they relationship are

Laura:I see..... You have an point

Both turn back to then

Jason;(why I have the feeling I been watch?)

With Ichika and Charlotte

Ichika:hey Charlotte


Ichika:since everyone an the academy know you are girl Charlotte is not special anymore, soo how about an new name just to us

Charlotte:oh really?

Ichika:*think*....... How about charl is short and easy to say

Charlotte:charl... That is great I love*smile*

Ichika:(wow that smile is soo cute) *blush*

Lucky to Ichika since Charlotte was fantasy about her and Ichika together

Charlotte:(that means I must be special)

They continue walk the mall until Ichika see an store

Ichika:hey Charlotte go ahead

Charlotte:why is that

Ichika:I must buy something I catch you later

He enter the stored


Dan was carried the stuff ran buy

Ran:if you drop then you get into trouble

Dan:are you buy too much?

Ran:my ninth grade summer is special

And she start to metion of the kinds of swimsuit

Ran:I need to cover all the bases

Jason:I think that is kind of too much

Ran turn to see Jason


Dan:oh hey jason you buy stuff too

Jason:haft things I carried bag for my classmate

Ichika:I see

They turn to see ichika

Dan:hey buddy shopping too


Jason;anyways are you gonnad wear all that? *point the bags*

Dan:well she get hype to show all to yo..

Ran kick dan before he can end his sentence

Jason:uhhhh what

Ran:please don't mild him

Alter jeanne:(oh looks like you pick another one~)



Ran:anyways soo you two are for boy swimsuits

Jason:well yeah beach class is coming up

Ran:if I had know this, I would ask you to pick one for me


Ran:nothing, oh yeah next year, i goin to be you underclassman

Ichika;wait you goin to the IS academy?

Ran:yeah i look foward to seeing you there

Jason:je you bet for that soo for now try to work hard okay*pet her*

Ran blush

Ichika:uhhh you face is red

Ran:is is nothing I fine olso*look aroud*now where is my brother go

Jason:(did she know she just kick him?)

An that moment Charlotte came running

Jason:oh hey Charlotte

Charlotte:hey*grab Ichika hand*follow me

They both run off


Alicia appear too olso running and grab Jason's hand

Alicia:let's go

They run off

Jason;wait Alicia wait

Ran:he suck hopeless brother

Dan:hey where are they?

Ran look and they not longer there


An the swuimsuit store Ichika and Charlotte enter and dresser while Alicia and jason enter an another one

Ichika:why you dragged me?

Charlotte:well i want to see how I look in the swimsuit I chose

Ichika:okay I get it but why bring me inside the dresser with you?


Charlotte peak trough the curtains of the dresser and see Cecilia, rin and Laura

Meawhile with jason and alicia

Jason:okay why drag me here

Alicia:I Need you opinion

Jason:I can do thay while I outside

Alicia peek to see outside and see the girls

With the girls

Rin:where are they

Cecilia:do they know we follow then

Laura was looking an the swimsuits

Laura:I never know there are mutiple variations

She hear an conversation of two girls and one thing caugh her attention

Girl:if anything goes well if you swimsuit is bad then is all over


With Ichika and Charlotte

Charlotte:I know they get in my way if they find us

Ichika was curious soo he look and see rin among the girls

Ichika:oh no(if she see me I death)

Ichika:soo what now

Ichika and Charlotte goes back inside

Charlotte:look just stay here while I change now

She start to remove her clothes

Ichika:gah! *turn aroud*c c charl why are doing?

Charlotte:I change it l l like I told you

Ichika:but not here while still here

Charlotte:look is gonnad be quick

Ichika:(oh god and trough this happen an Mangas and anime why I gonnad do?!)

With Jason and alicia

Jason:is someone out there you know?

Alicia:n n no look stay here while I change to my swimsuit

Alicia start to change but Jason grab her arms

Jason;*blush*are you crazy you gonnad change while I here with you?!

Alicia:is is fine i don't mild if is you*blush and look away*

Jason:uhh i

Spera:(jason turn aroud and not turn until she is done)

Jason turn aroud

Jason:just tell me when you done

After an while

Alicia:is done

He turn aroud and see her an a black swimsuit


Jason was red and look at up and down

Jason:I... I. Have no world to say how great you are

Alicia:oh thank you

She get close to jason

Jason:uhhh Alicia?

Alicia wrap her arms aroud his neck olso he could few then on his chest

Jason:(what I gonnad do?!)

Alter Jeane:(welll you can....)

She didn't finish her sentence as zeroko shock her with an lightning strike


With Ichika and Charlotte

Ichika:(please tell me she is done I start to fantasy about her without clothes)

Charlotte;I i done

Ichika turn aroud and see Charlotte an a orange swimsuit

Ichika:(wow... She... Looks good with that)

Charlotte:soooo, do I look weird?

Ichika:no no you actually look really pretty  with that

Charlotte:then I get this one........ Ichika


Charlotte:did you remeber the bathhouse... When we kiss*blush*

Ichika:*turn red*w. Well yeah i remeber

Charlotte:soo how was it... The kiss

Ichika:well.... (come on you can't lied to her.....) I actually like it... Was soft and nice

Charlotte:I see*get close to ichika*

Ichika:c. C Charl?

Charlotte:soo you don't mild*put her lips close to his*another one

She was about to kiss him until the curtains open and they look to see if was the girls..... But it was something worse,... It was maya along with chifuru


Maya:o o o orimura and dubois were about to kiss!?

Chifuru:you two gonnad have an good explanation for this

Ichika and Charlotte gulp


Now both sit an seiza position and wear they normal clothes while Maya lecture then about the limits between them, as rin and Cecilia peak out from the corner

Rin:I never trough the teachers would be too

Cecilia:I think is not good idea to enter rin

Rin nod

Cecilia look  at then and the dresser and realise

Cecilia:maybe they hide there

She look aroud and find one who have the curtains close

Cecilia:bingo*she walk toward the dreeser*

Rin keep watch then

Maya:now with that aside I must know since when you two have been an a relationship

Ichika and Charlotte turn red as rin peirce her finger on the wall


Ichika:w w wait we not that

Charlotte:y yeah

Chifuru:oh really because we caugh about to kiss

Charlotte:well that*turn more red and look down*uhhh

Ichika:I mean she just want an opinion that is all jejej

Chifuru:an opinion while you inside with her and with her lips?

Ichika:I.. Well(crap I don't have excuse)

Rin:(you and me gonnad have an talk after this)

Meawhile Cecilia got close to the closet and hear something

Cecilia:(what is that noise.. It.. Sounds like... Kissing!?)

Cecilia grab the curtains and move it to reveal Jason and Alicia kissing both realise and stop and look Cecilia with widen eyes as well cecilia



Jason;we are skrew

Long story short an scream from Cecilia along to more lecture from yamada and chifuru and another call to Jason's parents


It was the beach day as the gang was an one of the busses

Jason:how long this will take?

Ichika:like an couple of hours


Makoto:oh come on Jason have patients

Jason:but an couple hours be sit here?

Rin:gonnad agreed with him it is kinda boring


Laura:well did you have any idea of entertainment while we travel

Houki:no what about you


Es and lambda shook they heads

Ichika:oh how about listen music while we travel

Charlotte:that is an good idea did you have any

Ichika:no but Jason do hey remember the song you just download on you phoned

Jason:oh I see okay I put it

He search his phoned and find and search the song

Rin:well hit it

Jason nod and hit play

By the time the song end they arrive

Rin:that was great hey can you pass me the song?

Jason;sure maybe after the beach

Mai:I want it too

Magiliou, makoto,laura:me too

Jason;all right

Houki:well it was an good ride


Ichika was with yuzu, kiyoka, honne, sayuka

Yuzu:hey Ichika did you see Jason?

Ichika:he is still change it

Honne:well he is talking his time to change we want to play beach volleyball

Ichika:well give time to...

An that moment rin get over his shoulders

Rin:wow this is an nice view

Ichika:hey rin get off would you?!

Honne:wow that see's fun

Sayuka:maybe we can ask Jason do that to us

Jason:hey rin make sure don't break his neck

They turn to see Jason and the girls less rin blush like tomato

(the red replace it with blue)

Jason:okay....... What with stare?(crap this like the other beach day back an the N. O. L)

Girls:(sooo well tone)

Ichika:wow dude you have muscle

Jason:huh? *look an his chest*oh yeah it must be the result of my training back then.. Olso*point Ichika chest*you an little too*

Rin look to his chest and jason was right it was not as Jason's but it was notacible, that cause her to have an nosebleed

Jason:uhhh rin you nose is bleeding

Rin:*clean up*I i fine

Honne:hey jason can I go over you shoulder please?

Yuzu:me too

Kiyoka and sakuya:me as well

Jason:well i

Cecilia:what is goin here?

They turn to see Cecilia an a blue swimsuit

Jason:well they want to carried over my shoulder soo I was about to say and....... Cecilia why you looking?

Cecilia was looking an Jason chest as she have an nosebleed

Cecilia:(oh my god I think I see heaven)


Jason snap his finger an front of her make her react

Jason:you were space out Cecilia you need something?

Cecilia:oh yeah remeber the promise an the bus?

Jason:*think*is about to put sunscreen on you back? *


She open her umbrella, laid her tower, laid an it and remove the upper pact of her bikini and put suntan pit besides her

Cecilia:now if you please put suntan oil on my back

Jason:all right

Jason grab the oil and put some on his hand

Jason:(gah this remind me to vomit thing of arakuge)

Jeanne alter:(yeah is disgusting for sure)

Shana:(for once I agreed)

Jason put his cover hand an Cecilia witch cause her to yep

Jason:oh you okay?

Cecilia:j Jason, please warm it with you hands first

Jason:s sorry is my first time do this thing*warm the oil with his hands*

Cecilia:so is you first?, then I forgive you

Rin:*whisper*hey Ichika do you think she enjoy that

Ichika:*whisper*now you metion it you right

Jason keep rub Cecilia back with his hands all the whole she moan an little, olso the rest were watching

Jason:(an I feel soo uncomfortable!)

Alter Jeanne:(more like be lucky you...)


Azure:(don't break his inocence)

Honne:looks like she is enjoy it

Sayuka:is making my heart racing

Yuzu:Cecilia you've got to lend me you suntan oil later

Jason finish as Cecilia was pating

Jason:all right I done with you back

Cecilia:wait there other areas I need to cover


Cecilia:my legs, my thigs, and my butt

Jason;oh.. God

Before he can do something an hand was put an his shoulder he turn to see ragna

Jason:dad what are doing here?!

Ragna:we came along with miss orimura olso celica buy ice-creams and she have one for you... Is chocolate


He point as Jason run off once he ws far enough he turn to Cecilia and glare her, Cecilia was scared

Ragna:don't you even think about girl

Cecilia:well i. I i didn't mean

Ragna:save it unlike my son I can peek up the things and the last I need is my son become an pervert

Rin:uhhh ragna what are you doing here?

Ragna:chifuru call she want me and velvet came to the trip to avoid another "incident"like an the stored

Ichika:oh make senses

Ragna:olso celica is here too

Honne:wait what incident?


He explain


Ragna:not soo loud

Honne:k k k kissing he already have an girlfriend and he was kiss in another?!

Yuzu:yeah that is wrong

Ragna:well is not like that


Ragna:well i hear magilou say about an deal she make with yasobi she metion they don't mild Jason be with other girls I never get much into that

Honne, yuzu, kiyoka and sakuya look at each other

Honne:where is magilou?

He point one direction as the girls go there

Ichika:soo ragna did you come alone?

Ragna:no velvet is relaxing while Cecilia enjoy the ice creams


Rin:hey Ichika I bet I can swing more far than you! *run to the water*

Ichika:hey wait!! *chase her*

Ragna:je kids

Meawhile Jason was eating ice cream with Celica

Cecila:this is delicious

Jason:is know right thanks for saved one for me celica

Celica:no problem


He turn to see lambda in her swimsuit

Jason:hey lambda what you need

Lambda:I want to be pet?

Jason:why me?

Lambda:because your's are always good

Jason;all right

Jason pet lambda as she smile

Yasobi:she really likes to be pet by you is it?

Jason:yeah i don't mild

He look at her as she wear an one piece swimsuit olso some of e the girls are jealous of her since she hace an body every model want

Jason:why they look at you like that?

Yasobi glare then make then look away

Yasobi:I don't know

Jason:well anyways how you feek

Yasobi:I still not get use an public but I manage

Jason:well that is good....

An that moment an volleyball, ball hit Jason make drop his ice-cream

Jason:oh come on!!


He look back to makoto as her wear an orange swimsuit as the girls like yasobi feel jealous of her figure

Mai:hey take mine

Jason:you sure Mai?

Mai:yeah i don't mild

Jason:thanks you are the best!

He grab and eat as Mai smile, Mai wear an purple swimsuit and she have the jealous look of the other girls for her figure

Makoto:now you make you moves do you mai~?

Mai have an tick mark as she grab the ball and trhow hard toward makoto, she didn't have time as the ball hit the face and make her fall to the ground

Jason:a jajajaja that was an good one mai

They high five


They hear an scream as they turn they see Ichika rolling toward and stop an from of then as he look dizzy and have an punch mark an the face

Jason:Ichika what happen to you?


Alicia:well rin leg cramped up and she begin to sink, lucky ichika was there to get her out of the water she looks like doesn't breath and Ichika start to do cpr but she wake an the moment he give mouth to mouth and his lips touch her and... You can guess the rest

Mai:ohhhhh that was bad luck to him*look Ichika*

Jason slap Ichika face to make him recover

Ichika:auch can you try anything else istead of slap me!?


Alicia:hey Jason can you help me to put sunscreen on my back

Jason:(well an least better than the oil) well i

Charlotte:hey there I be looking for you

They turn to Charlotte and the notice the ¿momie besides her?

Jason:uhhh Charlotte what the hell is that

Charlorte:*look an the momie*come on show you swimsuit it be fine

Laura:nieh I not ready for this!

The rest:Laura!?

Charlotte:you already have it on you just need to show it

Laura:no I not ready yet I need time

Charlorte:*whisper*if you don't do it the other get the chance with jason and you will lose

Laura realise and she remove the clit to reveal her swimsuit

Laura:if if you want to laugh then do it

Charlotte:there is nothing bad about it right guys

Ichika:yeah you look great

Mai:I second

Yasibi:me too

Celica:yeah you look perfect

Lambda nod

Jason:yeah but there is something missing

Laura:huh what us it? (I trough u have anything what can i miss?!)

Jason:oh I know now!

Jason walk toward Laura and remove the pig tails


Jason:now you look beautiful.                 
Laura: r r really?!                                     

Laura:is the first time anyone tell me that

Kiyoka:jason let's play volleyball you promise earlier

Jason:oh right

Cecilia:I join is been an while since I play volleyball

Ichika:I join

Charlotte:me too

Honne:I join Jason side bang, bang

Yuzu:there goes

Yuzy pass the ball to ichika

Ichika:all right*catch it*

Jason:you goin down ichika

Ichika:ha you can try spiky

Jason:..... You soo death

Ichika gulp


They ready adn the left side was Ichika, Charlotte,and yuzu while the other side of the field was jason, Celica, Laura and honne Jason have the ball in his hand

Jason:all right!*lauch it to the air*here goes!

He jump and hit the ball to the other side, but Charlotte stop and pass it

Ichika:nice reciever!

He jump and hit the ball to the other side right to honne as she panick

Honne:eh eh eh

Celica:honne just hit the ball with you hand!

She does that as the ball goes to the air

Honne:I did it

Jason:nice pass honne

He jump Hugh Ready to hit the ball

Akame:(don't hit too...)


Jason smirk

Shana;(no wait!!!)

It was too later as Jason hit the ball hard... Too much hard the ball goes like an bullet....... An bullet right to Ichika


Ichika try to block it but... It was too later as the ball hit his face the impact send the ball fly to the air



Alter Jeanne:(it worth it)


Shana:(you big idiot!)

Jason land

Charlotte:Ichika!*look an the ball*now is my turn to hit you!

She run and jump and hit the ball toward jason but it miss as the ball goes toward Laura who was space out

Laura:I.. Am.. Beatiful


It was too later as she was hit and fell to the ground as the team goes to her

Celica:Laura you okay?!

Laura:when.. When he say I beautiful I.. I ahhhhh


Honne:I think we lost her


Laura look an Jason and get nervous adn she get up and run toward the water, as the rest of the team sweatdrop


Celica:should we get her

Honne:I think is better leave her alone

???:wow you okay volleyball that sounds fun

They turn to see maya with an yellow swimsuit

Celica:you can join us if you want miss maya

Maya:sure*look behind her*what you think miss orimura

They look an chifuru as she wear an black swimsuit as the girls eer suprise

Honne:she is like an model

Yuzu:she looks soo hot

Maya:I sub out for you

Chifuru:let's play then


???:I olso join

They turn to see velvet who olso wear an black swimsuit the the student less Jason were suprise the body was almost like chifuru

Honne:wow she looks like chifuru

Sakuya:yeah like her doble

Yuzu:uhh miss orimura are you velvet is

Chifuru:for the last time she is not my sister(trough she kinda look like)

Velvet:still with the questions?

Chifuru:you have no idea

Chifuru look at Jason and notice his chest

Chifuru:you well tone for someone on you age

Jason:oh thanks

Maya was have an nosebleed

Velvet:all right let's start this

Velvet was an Ichika team while chifuru and Maya was on Jason team

They continue play until an one moment the ball was up velvet jump and hit too much hard and the ball hit an Jason's face hard make roll an couple times before stun

Honne:jason!*run to his side*you okay?!

Celica:are you hurt?

Jason:uhhhh I am sonosuke

Maya:looks like he is an little dizzy

Ichika:I know what do to

Ichika slap Jason mutiple times before he react

Jason:auch you did that on purpose do you?

Ichika:yeah kinda feels good

Velvet:us that soo

Ichika have an big shiver in his spine and get scare because velvet venom tone of voice it was like when he mess it up things with chifuru but 10 times worse, he slowing toward her and notice she have an dark aura and her eyes was an little shadow make look more scare

Ichika:w w. Wait velvet I can explain this!


She cletch her first hard enough everyone an the beach can hear an crack


Ichika scream and run as fast he can

Chifuru:are you don't go too far with my brother?

Velvet:miss orimura is one thing you must know, an the few things,can make me angry but the first one of top of then is someone hurt my son*crack her neck*

Chifuru:make sense I would do the same

Velvet:no if you excuse his five seconds run out and I promise I will not hurt him.... Too much

Velvet start to chase Ichika

Charlotte:should we stop her?

Jason:are you sure want to stop my mom

Charlotte look back and notice she was quickly catch up Ichika


Ragna:hey what is goin on?

They look back to ragna along with Es who they have ice creams on they heads

Girls:(even with that she have an better body than us is soo unfair)

The only one who not think that was velvet, Maya and chifuru

Chifuru:well you wife is chase Ichika because he slap Jason mutiple times

An that moment ragna have an big dark aura as velvet

Ragna:son can you hold the ice-creams for an moment?

Jason:sure dad

He grab then as ragna start to chase Ichika as well



Jason:wow he is skew

Cecila:I hope ragna can hold himseft

Es:jason help to deliver the ice creams


Jason and Es give the ice creams to rest as Jason give the last one to chifuru

Chifuru:what for me?


He smile at her

Chifuru:(that smile is soo bright and full of happyness.... Why my heart gets warm)

She grab and smile as well

Honne:hey girls look he make chifuru smile

Yuzu:no way could be we have to fight agaist miss orimura as well?!

Sayuka:even with that i will not give up

The rest of Jason's crush:yeah

Yasobi:(oh Jason how many girls you gonnad catch without realise it)


Ragna and velvet:YOU CAN'T ESCAPE

for the rest of the day they have fun an the beach

Timeskip sunset criff

Houki was looking an the seal while have her swimsuit


???:oh my why are you doing here istead have fun with you friends?

Houki quickly turn aroud and see Rachel

Houki;who are you?!

Rachel:easy there I not gonnad hurt you

Houki:still.who are you?

Rachel:I Rachel Alucard Jason sister?

Houki:Alucard as the vampire why you have suck name

Rachel:I have my reasons

Houki:and what you have difirent names

Rachel:I close enough to him and I considere him as my brother

Houki;okay soo why you here?

Rachel:I want to take an view but I interest why you here istea with you friends and you love interest

Houki blush and look away

Houki:I don't know why you talking about?!

Rachel:oh I know you have interest of Ichika orimura

Houki:how you!?

Rachel:I have my ways....

Houki stay quite and turn back to the ocean

Rachel:I know that look.. You don't like you sister do you


Rachel:well i guess I leave you one just one more thing


Rachel:time doesn't wait for anyone soo if you want to claim Ichika's heart then do it soon before somebody else do it, and don't let you emotions cloud you judgment

Houki:how you know about*turn aroud*

Rachel wasn't there anymore there was only rose petals

Houki:who was that girl...... Maybe I should ask Jason

Houki look back to the ocean and remeber something she talk about with tabame last night an the academy

Tabame:(you want it do you, you won personal IS well i have one ready, it will stand toe a toe with byakushi and maybe aoiyami and the name is)


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