Chapter 12

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It was night time as everyone was inside an a Japanese house eating the blanket as well while other enjoy the hot springs an the other part of the area

Jason:is been an while since I eat this kind of food aside from the cafeteria

Charlotte:i delicious


Jason:true what is the green stuff?

Alicia:that is Wasabi be careful if you grab too much is gonnad burn you mouth soo grab an little here

She put an little an her seat an pass to jason

Alice:say ahhh


He put in his mouth as he taste it

Jason:is nice

Alicia smile and blush

Cecilia:you better not try something cross

Alicia:what is that mean?

Both glare each other Jason, Charlotte and Ichika could feel it and take distance

Ichika:oh boy

Charlotte look an the Wasabi and taste.... Wasabi alone an worse it grab too much


Jason:hey Alice say no too much

Ichika pass her an glass of water as she drink it

Charlotte:thanks ichika

Ichika:no problem*smile*

Jason look back to Cecilia and Alice and looks like there was still Jason

Spera:(you should wait for an while until it calm down)

Alter Jeanne:(yeah is the best)


He look at houki

Jason:oh shinono what you need

Houki:you can call me Houki and I need to talk something an private

Jason:oh okay

He stand as both leave the dinner place as they stand an the halls

Jason:soo what is it

Houki:by any chance you know someone by the name Rachel Alucard?

Jason:oh yeah big sis rachel

Houki:is you sister?

Jason:no we not blood relate but is like one to me why is that?

She explain about the incident

Jason:oh you see she is kinda observant and cript sometimes to everyone but still an nice person

Houki:I see.. Well thanks for that, let's head back

He nod and go back

Houki:(i see but what she mean by "don't let my emotions blind my judgment.. Could about me and tabane... No as I far I know she never met her.... I think)

They go back inside and take they seats

Cecilia:where you been?

Jason:oh Houki what to ask someone she met


Jason:I explain later and... *look her uncoftable look*you okay?

Cecilia:I I fine

Jason look down and notice she was sitting an seiza position and looks like she can't hold it

Jason:hey you don't need to sit like that you know just sit  on the ground normally

Cecilia:wait really?

Jason:yeah i do that right now*point down as he sit normally*

Cecilia blush and sit normal

Jason:sooo anything else

Cecilia:well... Can.... You.... Feed me

Jason:huh? Me?

Cecilia:y yeah as something an gentleman do to an ladie

Jason:oh I guess

An the side an the room ragna and velvet were watching while eat

Velvet:she is take the chances I admint that

Ragna:I just hope she doesn't go too far

Velvet:relax ragna how bad can be

Ragna:do I have to remind you the two incidents



They look to see the trio pouting

Honne:I wish to be her right now

Ragna:(this is gonnad hit the fan very soon)

Yasobi was there too and don't look happy as lambda and Es look.. With normal expression

Jason grab an peice of meat and he was about to grab wasabi

Cecilia:less Wasabi please

Jason nod and grab an little Wasabi and pass the streak toward Cecilia as she eating and smile

Alicia:hey is my turn I was the one who feed him first!

Honne:no me!

Sayuka, kiyoka yuzu:me!

Yasobi:I am his lover soo I should do it first!

Lambda:I want to test... That

Es:me as well

Ragna:oh no

Ichika:uhh i think things are about to get out of hand


The rest of the girl start to argued



Mai:no now

Ichika:(well this can't be worse)

Charlotte:hey Ichika can I feed you?

Ichika:eh? Well uhhh

Rin:sorry but I gonnad do it

Charlotte:you wish

An Ichika girls start to argued

Cecilia:uhh should we do something

Ragna stand up and smash his fist toward the wall leave an loud sound make everyone stop


All less Jason,Es, lambda, yasobi nod with fear

Ragna:good now sit down and continue to eat

They do that

Ragna:thank god

Chifuru enter the roon

Chifuru:I see you manage to get things an order mister crowe

Ragna:neh just an treat and that is all

Chifuru smirk

Chifuru:I like the way you think olso Jason and orimura don't start another mess again

Both:yes orimura sensei

She close the door


Jason keep eating an notice Celica be sad

Jason:*whisper*hey Cecilia if you want you can come to my room tonight to compensate

Cecilia: c c come to you room that means*blush*

Ragna:now what this girl think now


The trio are waiting for Jason to play board games

Velvet:what is up kids you look like be sad

Yuzu:after an the work we prepare this to play Jason he doesn't arrive yet

They sight

Velvet:give time I pretty sure Jason is busy with something an mild comeback an any moment


They look and notice Cecilia with her back face then as she hummer happy

Cecilia:(is an good thing I prepare for this)

Honne got curious soo she bunny hope to her side and see her

Honne:... Huh..... *start eyes*oh wow ceci is wear an naughty underwear

Cecilia turn red as she look at her.

Velvet:is that soo?

Magilou:I wonder why~?

Yuzu and kiyoka stand up ready to pounce on her

Yuzu:then let's strip her and see her


They pounce toward her

Sayuka:w wow

Velvet:this is new

Magilou:are we gonnad help her?


Yuzu:ah ja

She manage to expose her under wear and they gasp

Yuzu:that is French bra with underwear

Kiyoka:ohh soo that is how naughty underwear

Honne:yeah and it suit her as well

Trio:u, la, la Cecilia is soo naughty

Cecilia:*turn red while cover herseft*I not like that in fact this an lady personal preferences that is that an preferences!

Velvet:are you sure is not to show of to an certain boy~?

Magilou:yeah? ~

Cecilia turn tee as the girl realise who they mean

Yuzu:wow  lady Cecilia be naughty enough to do that

Honne:yeah very naughty~

Cecilia an that point was red than tsubaki hair


Cecilia was now dressed

Cecilia:oh god I trough I would never hear the end on it but now I can sped time with jason and.... *blush*... N n no Cecilia keep you posture

She keep walk until see Houki,rin, Charlotte, makoto, Mai, an the door hearing something

Cecilia:uhhh what is


They hear the door

Ichika:are you nerves Chifuru is been an while

Chifuru:I be fine don't hold back okay


They hear groan and moan inside the room make the girls turn red

Makoto:no way they... They.. I hear this an mangas but they... I mean I never know he have an taste for sisters


Cecilia:w why is happen there

Rin:(an to think I was beat by his sister)

They got closer to the door to hear but the door colapse along with then an the look to see Ichika give Chifuru an massage

Chifuru:you have an explanation of this

They gulp hard


Chifuru;soo what you got soo interest on me get an message

Houki: o ooh it was that

Rin:jejeje we think it was something else



Makoto:well you and miss orimura have..

An that moment the girl cover her mouth

Charlotte:n n nothing


Mai:of course nothing


Chifuru:yeah i ask to come to my room to give an message

Cecilia gasp

Cecilia:I just remeber something I need to go

She leave the room and goes toward jason room

Makoto and Mai look each other

An jason room Cecilia arrive an knock the door

Cecilia:all right calm down you can do it... But.. If he goes more further I mean it will my first an*turn red*

The door open to reveal Jason

Jason:hey Cecilia... Are you okay?

Cecilia nod

Cecilia:yeah i fine


Both enter as Jason close the door and Cecilia see an table full of food and some sweets

Cecilia:uhh is this for us?

Jason:sure I see you sad aftet I give you food soo I trough I make some for you to cheer you up and bring sweets to extra help

Cecilia blush

Cecilia:(wow he acts like is my boyfriend o.... O... O husban)

An the world husban make turn red

Jason:you okay?

Cecilia:yeah i fine let's eat

They sat and start to eat Cecilia enjoy his food she taste before and she enjoy it

Cecilia:you are very good Jason you been an good husban o father

Jason:husban o father*blush*I... Never trough of that an my life?

Cecilia:huh what you mean

Jason:well due the events my family been trough I never think an that idea since I find.... Well pointless

He was right during the time they fight the N. O. L and terumi he never think of thoses things

Jeanne alter:(really dude I mean think the chance be with the person you love)

Shana:(yeah be with that special person is not pointless)

Jason:besides what kind of girl who want me an boyfriend yasobi and I maybe and magilou as well but I don't think I the type of guy for an standard girl

Unknow to him the others of the blazblue world was hearing

Kokonoe:man I feel bad for him

Jin:that is true but I know there is girl who want him I mean yasobi and magilou is one

Jubei:yeah trough the later is... Well you know..

Tsubaki:yeah i agreed

Ayame:I know my cousin is an good boy

Freya:yeah even trough is not my son I know I help him with that

Back to the IS world

Cecilia:that is not true Jason

Jason:? How soo

Cecilia:I know there girl who like to have you as boyfriend


Cecilia stand up and get close to her as both turn red

Jason:w w wait what are you?

Cecilia:jason..... *get closer*I i..

She kiss him as Jason turn red as she stop

Cecilia:I am that girl.... I love you


She start to kiss him as he does the same it turn more heate as both goes deeper as Jason remove her clothes

Jason:I I. Sorry

Cecilia:is okay I want to show how much I love you

Jason nod as they keep kiss as both laid an the bed and look each other and smile

Cecilia:I love you

Jason:me too.... My blue princess

Cecilia blush and smile and they continue to kissing

Outside the room, makoto and mai goes to his door

Mai:why we follow her.

Makoto:oh come on she leave after orimura sense say she want Ichika an his room and there was when honne say she have naughty underwear

Mai:.. You... Don't tell me no is no way she gonnad do that I mean with jason?

Makoto:true but I curious about why

Mai:wait did you hear that?

They look an the door as they got closer they hear moan and groan

Mai:no, no, no, no he mild give her an massage like Ichika with chifuru

Makoto:did you ever see him make an massage?

Mai:well there was one time he do That to me and... *blush*

Makoto:oh is that soo and when you happen miss lucky girl

Mai:no an world makoto

Makoto sniker as she look an the peephole

Mai:wait makoto don't do that!

Makoto:oh... My... God.. Mai

Mai:w what what is it?

Makoto:I think they do more than massage her


She look as well she turn red just like as makoto

Mai:oh my God they... They... They...

Makoto:yeah they do it

???:do that?

They turn to see honne, sayuka, kiyoka, yuzu and laura

Makoto:uhhh well i

Laura:did you see something an that peephoke relate to thoses sounds?


Laura:it must be my bride give an massage*look an the peephole and her face turn Red*w w what!

Yuzu:what is it

They take turn to see and all Turn red as blood

Honne:he he he and Cecilia are

Yuzu:oh god I never see that close

Sayuka was red and look down

Kiyoka:w w well better leave before someone find us and get Jason into trouble

The girls nod and run off but the sounds were hear an much further distance and keep it up all night

Olso an the blazblue world kokonoe cut the audio just an time soo they don't need to hear anything

Kokonoe:oh god

Jin:t that is an step

Noel was red

Jubei:jejej looks like the boy is gonnad have an harem an that point

Freya:jubei that is something you can't be proud off

Jin:je if kagura hear this he will lose it for sure

Ayane:mom what they talking about?

Tsubaki: n nothing dear no need to worried(I should more careful)

The next morning

Jason and Cecilia was hugging each with an smile on they faces as they cover by an blanket,

Spera:(well you have you answer Jason)

Jason;(yeah I never expect Cecilia have things for me I... It actually feel nice)

Ryougi:(told you be the one you love is an good feeling)


Alter Jeanne:(yeah you olso ride her like an


Alter Jeanne:(gah! Why zeroko)

Zeroko;(don't ruin the mood)

Akame nod

Jason open his eyes and look at her an smile

Jason:hey Cecilia is time to wake up

Cecilia:no.. Five more minutes

Jason:*pet her*come on if someone see us we get into trouble worse if is chifuru

Cecilia:fine*open her eyes and look at him*but my hips hurt an little

Jason:you okay?

Cecilia:yeah i okay i*blush*I never trough you be aggressive

Jason:*blush*s s sorry for that

Cecilia:is okay that is normal*kiss his cheek*we better get up

They were about to do that until the door open

Maya:jason you parents send me to look for you , you take too.... *look at then*long

Both look at her with red expressions

Both;(oh no.... We are skrew)

Maya: y y y y y y y you are 

An that moment everyone an the place could hear maya scream


Jason and Cecilia was now dressed sitting an seiza position as maya was lecture then chifuru was there as well along with Jason's parents yasobi and magilou

Maya:an other worlds you can't do that here undestand?

They nod

Chifuru:you have guts to do that with other girl when you have one already and more with two

Jason:huh but yasobi and magilou agreed about to share with others

Maya and chifuru turn toward the duo

Chifuru:is that true?

Magilou:well yeah

Chifuru:you two gonnad have an talk while*look jason and cecilia*one more act like that an School grounds and you well an deep trouble got it

They nod

Chifuru:and mister and miss crowe keep eye of you son we don't need this "kind of problem"

Velvet:we do that but keep it mild they are teenagers soo this must happen

Chifuru:but not where they an academy o when they others nearby


Jason, Cecilia and they parents leave

Ragna:son don't do that again you got it

Jason:o okay

Velvet:and Cecilia if you do that an least go to an hotel

She turn red and say gilberish

Ragna:you enjoy this do you


They arrive to the main room and notice some of the girls look at the couple with red faces and jealousy look

Jason:what is that look


They look at her

Honne:some hear the noises

Both turn red and pass out but ragna catch then

Laura:how my bride do it with two girls an now with me!?

Ragna:oi oí don't get crazy ideas!

Velvet:yeah hold you hormones besides you not official his bride


Ragna shake the couple make then wake up

Jason:oh I okay

They stand up

Jason:wait where is Ichika and rin?

Ragna:don't know

Jason:oh that remeber something he need to find him

He leave

The parents look back an the girls who keep whisper

Ragna:this is not gonnad end of this theme is it?


Jason goes to Ichika room and open the door

Jason:hey dude can I have that Manga I give you?

Jason see him an bed with sheets cover still sleeping

Jason:Ichika? *walk toward and look at him*still sleep?

He start to poke his cheek

Jason:poke...... Poke..... Poke

He start to wake up

Jason:finally you up

Ichika:huh!? What are doing here

Jason:well i want that manga I pass you the other day remeber?

Ichika:oh is an the table

Jason look an grab it

Jason:thanks and... *notice something*Ichika since when you sleep shirtless?

Ichika raise an eyebrown and look to his chest he was indeed shirtless

Ichika:what but I don't and

Jason:uhhh Ichika... *point an the bed*

There was something under covers

Ichika:..... W what?

Jason:did you.. Have an guest?

Ichika:I... I

Jason grab the cover and remove only to his widen as well ichika


what they see was rin... Naked and hug Ichika olco they notice she was nake as well

Jason:Ichika... Did.... You..... And.. Rin...

Ichika was red

Ichika:look I...

An that moment Jason's parents along with Houki, Charlotte, Laura,maya

Ragna:jason what is it we hear the scream and....

They eyes widen when they see then

Charlotte:w w w w w what is this

Jason:I don't know we see something under the covers and we find this

Ichika:I.. I

Rin start to wake up

Rin:*yawn*oh hi Ichika I never expect you awake after what we did last night

Ichika:r rin

Rin open her eyes and notice Ichika..... Then the rest and she realise what she said

Rin:*turn red*oh oh

There was another series of shouting as well screams


After that they get dress and sit and seiza a pisition

Chifuru:now explain why you an the bed nake it

Ichika:well she come to my room and want to sleep an my bed and allow it since is my chillhood friend

Maya:okay but why you remove you clothes

Rin:well it was get hot soo we remove our clothes

Chifuru:and you not freak out about that

Ichika:well we keep quiet since we get into trouble

Chifuru look at then deeply as she try to know if they lied....

Chifuru:....... All right but don't do that again you can sleep an the same bed no more remove clothes all right

They nod while Houki and Charlotte have one trough

Both:(thank god is that)

But then turn red as they trough do "that" with ichika

Maya:with now aside let's enjoy the rest of the stay

They nod


Ichika was walking the halls outside the house

Ichika:man I never trough we ende an situalation like Jason and yasobi.. O Cecilia....

He stop an moment have an tough o do that with rin that cause him to turn red but shake off that trohgh

Ichika:(not Ichika you can't you not reach that point besides that... That.. Oh dammit)


He snap back to reality when he see Houki an front of him

Ichika:oh hey Houki what you need

Houki:aside what you look lost an trough and have an blush an you face


Houki:are you thiking an something pervert relate to the incident?

she glare him

Ichika:no no no of course not I not an pervert I swear!

Houki:all right I believe you... Hey


Houki:about my coffesion

Ichika blush as he remeber

Ichika:y yeah?

Houki:soo are you gonnad accept my feelings?

Ichika:well i not sure is just I never expect you have feelings for me I guess I try to process about that but is not I say not o anything is just

Houki:yeah i be you chillhood friend for soo long, can casue that happen


Houki:say you don't mild have another date with me?


Houki:y yeah but an secret since Chifuru mild keep eye for you

Ichika:(well if is secret I don't need to tell Rin and maybe I can be clean about my feelings for her) sure

Houki:*smile*thank you ichika*kiss his cheek*

Ichika was red an that point

Houki:don't worry no one is here and.... *notice two robot hear on the ground*oh... Her

Ichika:are you

Houki:no, well i see you later

She leave as Ichika look the hears

Ichika:all right

He goes toward then and grab one and pull out the ground but the force make fall to the floor

Jason:hey you okay

Ichika:yeah i...

An that moment an giant carrot land o for t of then and open to reveal tabane

Tabane:hello there the greatest l
Cientist tavame shinono have arrive

Jason:that.. Is one way to make an enter

Tabane:oh hello chi kun and ja kun

Both:oh hey

Tabane:well i gonnad go see ya

She leave

Jason:is that tabane?

Ichika:yeah the one only

The next few days they keep enjoy the stay but there some... "Visits" to jason as the rest remeber thoses

Visit 1

Cecilia was walking aroud with Ichika

Ichika:soo you two are an thing that now?

Cecilia:*blush*well y yeah

Ichika:wow i never expect that soo he have two girlfriends and one love

Cecilia:but I know I beat then

Ichika:huh an what are you an a competition

Cecilia:i well you can said that

Ichika:yeah and... Hey is that jason?

Cecilia look and see Jason an a sakura tree take an nap but the thing she caugh her attention was the woman with him

Cecilia:who is she?

Ichika:I don't know maybe an friend

Cecilia was suprise by her appearance she was beatiful and Cecilia was an model and she have to admint the woman have an natural form of beauty she never see

Cecilia:yeah i want to know her

Both go toward then as the girl look at then

Girl:oh hey there

Cecilia:hey I wonder if you met Jason

Girl:oh you must be his friends right he tell me about you

Cecilia:yeah i Cecilia Alcott

Ichika:I Ichika orimura

Ryougi:hey I Ryougi shiki

Ichika:wait the woman who train Jason?

Ryougi:oh soo he tell me about me right?

Ichika:yeah  he does

Cecilia:soo I wonder why you here

Ryougi:well i have no time no see him soo I visit here to spen time with him for an day we normally hang aroud an the sakura tree*look jason and pet him*he change an lot

Cecilia:y yeah it is


They turn to see rin, makoto, Houki, and mai

Ichika:oh hey guys

Rin:hey how... Who is she?

Cecilia:oh is ryogi shiki

Houki:wait the one who train Jason?

Ryougi:yeah is nice to meet you*smile*

Makoto and mai were an shock since they remeber her inside the medallion

Houki:soo you are the one who teach how to use the tenique

Ryougi:yes it is je i remeber get happy when he manage to do that an first time

Mai:I I see soo why you here

Ryougi:like I say before I came to visit him don't worry i stay feo today and tomorrow I will leave

Rin:you okay with that?

Ryougi:yeah is fine aside you can tell what he doing ever since

Ichika:well yeah

They explain this stories when he arrive an the academy they spen the entire day talk about it until the time she have to leave

Jason:soo you leave?

Ryougi:yeah but I promise I visit you again

Jason:all right

Ryougi;*look the rest*it was nice to meet you

All:like wise

Ryougi:olso remeber jason protect thoses you care for*look Cecilia and wink at her*

She blush by that

As Ryougi leave

Houki:she an very nice woman

Ichika:yeah it is kind an mother is it?

Jason:yeah she is caring

Rin:yeah i hope we can met her again


Visit 2

Ragna was with velvet, Es, magilou,honne

Ragna:soo I hear my son have an visit from Ryougi

Velvet:yeah they said it was an nice and caring woman.

Honne:yeah she see nice I wonder I can met her

Es:is an chance

Ragna:(trough Jason tell me she is an spirit soo how she was...)

Jason:hey you can't eat that pudding!!

Ragna:is that

???:but is delicious

Velvet:with an girl?

Es rush toward the kichen and enter

Honne:she really like pudding is it*sweatdrop*

They nod and enter as well and see Jason keep an black haired girl from Es who was eating pudding

Jason:knock it off akame!

Akame:... Fine I stop... *eat an streak*....

Ragna:(this woman remind to tao)

Honne:uhhh jason

He look at then

Jason:oh hey

Velvet:son mild explain who is she?

Jason:oh she is akame an friend I met 3 years ago

Akame:hey is nice to meet you

Honne:I see is nice to meet you

Akame nod and grab another streak and eat it

Jason:stop akame!

Akame:is delicious

Jason:that doesn't mean you can east it


Ragna:I guess she is like that

Jason:yeah like an vacun I wonder how she keep the figure

Akame Smack his head

Akame:you never tell that to an women


Honne:soi you are his friend?

Akame:yes I am I met him two years ago

Jason:yeah since then we became friends

Magilou:oh that is interesting

Ragna:but why are you an the kichen?

Jason:well akame have the habit to eat an lot

He Smack her hand as he try to eat another piece of pudding


Jason:what you expect

Ragna:soo why is here

Jason:o well she give me an visit

Akame:I will stay for one day and then I leave

His parents along with magilou and Es undestand the message witch means she go back to the azure

Honne:oh then how about hang aroud with us?

Akame:that sound okay with me

The rest of day they hang aroud and met the rest and eat... And they realise how much akame can eat

Laura:how can you that amount of food?!

Rin:yeah not even i can eat ramen with that speed an amount

Charlotte:and keep an good figure

Akame:I train myseft that is why


Jason:yeah me and akame were training partners back then

Magilou:I see soo you know each other very well


Magilou smirk as well makoto

Bonk Bonk

Mai:not now

The sniker and spend the day an the akame leave

Jason:take care akame

Akame:same to you jaaon good luck

Both shake they hands

Makoto:oh come you can give an hug


Akame hug jaaon as the latter blush

Magilou:much better

Akame smoke and leave while wade at then

Visit 3

Ichika was Charlotte, rin and Houki play volleyball while laurw make as refere

Laura:all right two and two who make the last hit will win

The teams are Ichika and Charlotte while the other was Houki and rin to the latters bad luck

Ichika:all right I we will beat right charl?


Rin:ja you wish Ichika we kick you ass right houki

Charlotte have her turn she was about to hit the ball but an that moment she was hit an the back of her head by another ball


Ichika:what that ball come from

Houki:guys look

They turn aroufd to see Jason with.... Well another girl

Jason:I told you to not hit it hard

Girl:my bad sorry

Ichika:jason is that ball yours

Jason:yeah sorry Charlotte for that alter have the thing to go full power with things

Jeanne alter:yeah my bad

Houki:soo who is she

Jason:oh well she is.... Uhh Charlotte are you okay?

They look at her as her mouth was wide open and her eyes widen

Laura:see is she suprise by her

Ichika:charl? *shake her make come back to reality*

Charlotte:uh what happen?

Jason:well as I was saying her name is jeanne

Charlotte:what!!? As as as jeanne d arc!?


Rin:you know her?

Charlotte:n no no you see an france there is the legend of the holy maide an knight who fight and it was marked as an legend of my country, and her name is jeanne d'arc an fact that girl looks exactly like her well less the hair an the book is blonde and skin color was not paled

They were suprise and look alter

Jeanne alter:here we go again okay kids to start I not her besides remeber she die when she burn herseft as an gift to God and that was many centuries ago soo is no way I could be her

Charlotte:i I i sorry for that I kinda like the books and stories about her soo

Jeanne alter:okay my name yes is jeanne but my last name is alter

Houki:soo they give you the frost name of an hero?

Jeanne alter:yeah i was suprise too

Rin:wow i bet many confuse you

Jeanne alter:you don't have any idea

Ichika:soo why you here

Alter jeanne:oh that is to visit my best friend*put her arm aroud Jason as her breast touch his arm*

Jason blush as Laura was jealous

Ichika:you know each other?

Jeanen alter:yep I met an couple years back when I visit to Japan to relax there is when I met and became friends

Jason;yeah and due the fact I don't the story of jeanne was better to get along

Houki:I see

Jeanne alter:I even take him to France for one day

Jawon:yeah it was interesting place

Charlotte:oh I see soo why you

Laura:well don't get close to my bride

Jeanen alter:*smirk*oh really if Jason tell you two are not official soo that means he is available~*hug his arm*

Laura get angry as she hug his other arm

Laura:not an chance!

They start an tug war as Jason be the rope


Houki and Ichika sweatdrop

Ichika:well since you are here how about to play volleyball with us

Jeanne alter:we love too!


Jason goes to Ichika and Charlotte team while jeanne alter goes to rin and Houki team

Laura:all right the match begin!

The play all day and they take some blows from alter strikes since she hit too hard olso the match ende an draw

Jason:that was fun

Ichika:yeah it is

Jeanne alter:yeah is been whole I have fun

Charlotte stare her

Jeanne alter:can you stop

Charlotte:s sorry is just you know

Jeanne alter:is okay I get you love the story and have something close to the legend is awesome... Well I need to go

Laura:you leave?

Jeanne alter:yeah but don't worry i came to visit

Houki:I see

Jeanne alter:but first~*grab jason and kiss an the lips fully and deep*

The group gaw an the scene and Laura get more jealous

Jeanne alter:*stop and smirk*see ya~

She leave while swing her hips as Jason was red as tomato

Ichika:uhhh did you and her?

Jason:she did that to tease and embarrassed me*look down*and she always did


Rin:oh is someone jealous~?

Laura glare rin

Houki:something tell me is gonnad get chaotic with her


Visit 4

honne was an the store along with yuzu,kiyoka,sayuka

honne:soo you heat about that woman jeane

yuzu:oh yeah charllote metion she look like the holy maiden of france as she say

kiyoka:yeah and i hear she was very bond

sayuka:did you think we have another rival?

honne:does't matter because i win

yuzu:no i will win his heart

sayuka:no i wil...girls is that jason?

the girls look an cross the street and see jason sitting an table of an cafe place with another girl this one have red hair

yuzu:wow she have an nice hair

kiyoka:yeah looks like she know jason

honne:well.let's find out

sayuka:is is that an good idea?

yuzu:yeah i curious

the get out the shop and goes to the cafe


jason and the girl turn to the girls

jason:girls i never expect see you here

honne:well we see you here soo we come to say hi

yuzu:olso who is you friend?*look at her*

shana:oh i shana i am an friend of jason

yuzu:o i yuzu nice to meet you 

the rest introduce

shana:yeah jason told me about you and the others

honne:olso id you have feelings for jason?

shana blush

shana:of of course no i just his friends

yuzu:you blush say other wise


the girls were suprise

sayuka:she is like an tsudere

shana:i i i not!

jason giggle as shana kick his leg

jason:auch i sorry but it was funny

shana:not for me


shana:fine i forgave you

honne:soo i wonder why you here?

shana:well i have free time soo i came for an visit

kiyoka:ohh i see

jason:you know since she is new here how you girls come to us soo we can have fun

honne:i in!

yuzu:me too

sayuka:y yeah

kiyoka:count me too

jason:all right!

they spen time an the city an the beach

jason:well that was fun

shana:yeah  its is


shana:well i need to go

honne:awww can you stay?

shana:sorry one day that is all

jason:dont she mild visit us another day right shana?

shana:yeah well see ya

shana walk away

sayuka:she is an nice girl

jason:yeah it is

honne:and an tsudere


final visit

ichika an the rest was an the house enjoy the food

ichika:soo i hear you met another gril right

honne:oh yeah shana

houki:another one? i wonder how jason met thoses girls

cecilia:jejej that is how ask ichika became friend with all us since we all girls


alice:soo i hear the other jeanne right make laura jealous

yuzu:oh jojoj i want hear that....

jason:hear what?

they turn to see jason and again this time with three girls

ichika:oh about the time with jeanne


cecilie and the other were suprise since two of then have an figure very girl want even cecilia who was an model

cecilia:j jason mild explain who are thoses girls?

jason:oh yeah i forgot jejej well the blue haired is azure the black haired is yami{black beast} and the white haired is zeroko

they wade

rin:i see{dammit they have big chest i don't havve nothing!!....i hope ichika like me without then dispide he...}

she turn red and shake her head

jason:they are my friends back then they came for visit

the students introduce theysefts more with cecilia and laura

yami:if you are married where is the ring?


zeroko:you know the ring it show you two are married

laura:i..i don't have such thing

azure:well without it you can't be his bride

laura:then i get it*spark eye*

alisa:no way i get that ring!!

cecilia:no me i am his girlfriend!!

they all look at her

houki:since when!?

cecilia turn red


honne:i will have the ring

yuzu:no me

kiyoka and sayuka:me!

they start to argued as the rest sweatdrop

charlotte:something tell me is gonnad happen an lot


ichika:i hope you wrong charlotte

azure:soo can we join?


they sped the rest of time eat and talk about stuff

azure:it was an nice meal but we need to go

honne:awww really

zeroko:don't worry we come back when we have time




rin:how you make you chest big!?

yami:uhhhh i guess is natura

houki:why you ask that?

rin:oh come you want to know that as well

houki:o o of course not!!


thoses were interesting visits for sure but they wonder how thoses girls met jason unknow to then is thoses are they spirits how turn out they managet to have phisical form but only for an day minimu after that they come back as spirit form


jason, ichika, te country represative along with Es,and lambda were an a rocking section of the island with chifuru

chifuru:soo all the personal IS uses are here

lambda:error miss shinono does't have one

houki:well that

chifuru:i explain you see

???:yoo hoo~

they turn to see tabane slide and jump toward chifuru but she stop her with her arm

tabane:hey hey i miss you chi-cha let me hug you

chifuru:you soo annoying tabane

tabane:you iron craw are merciless as always

tabane stop as she look behild the rock where houki was

jason:i have the feeling houki does't like her

ichika:jejeje you can said that

tabane:tada hello sis,is been while how long is been?,you grown so much sis,particulary you chest a-

an that moment houki hit tabane with her shinai right an the nose make her bleed

jason:oh god please tell me this is not another kagura


jason:i will only say he is pervert womanize

the girls feel disgust

jason:but he is balls every time he does that

ichika:th...that is too much

with the sister 

houki:i goin to hit you

tabane:you said it after you hit me,houki you soo mean,,she is mean right ikkun?

ichika:oh yeah

tabane:*notice jason*oh you must be jason

jason:oh yeah nioce to meet you

tabane:*get close to him*gonnad say you are more cute an person

jason:.uhhh*blush*thank you?

tabane:and more with that chest*look the expose areas of shirt*soo toned*she put her hand under his shirt an touch his abs*



lambda give tabane an powerful uppercut send her fly as her nose bleed again


charlote:oh my 


laura:she have an good hook

houki:not even i hit her that hard

Es:she reach high attitude


chifuru:that was new

tabane land 

tabane:auch..why you hit me

lambda:i have order nothing pervert o harrasment happen to jason

chifruru:ragna and velvet?

lambda nod

chifuru:jeje it kinda remind to me when ichika was just an little boy

rin:are you were like that?

chifuru:an little

ichika gulp

chifuru:now tabane can you introduce youseft

tabane:y yeah*get up and look the students*i am the genius tabane-san,hello,that's it

jason:i was expect.........something more flashing

tabane:oh yeah...look up!!

they look up as an diamon shape object land an front of then

jason:what the hell

tabane:tada!,here's houki personal unit aka tsubaki


ichika:what is it with the name

jason:well you see makoto and mai's friend i call tsubaki...tsubaki yayoi

rin:that is interesting

jason:yeah i wonder how she react

they look back to the IS

tabane:well as i was say is tabane san's hand crafted machine that exceeds the specs of all other existing IS

jason:even aoi yami?

tabane:maybe~ after akk aka tsubaki is a fouth generation IS made by me

jason:fouth generation

laura:other countries get third generation test models

jason:soo is the best of best

laura:an a way yeah


tabane:yesh ja-ku?

jason:is my IS fouth generation as well

tabane:that is interesting an you case

cecilia:how soo

tabane:well when i send to jason the first time was an third gen but then when he reach the first shift became an fouth gen anything was upgrade

they were suprise

laura.What!? an third gen turn into fouth gen with the first shift 

charlotte:there is not such thing o any report

jason:i guess mine is uniqe trough i hear the IS have another shift...hey did you think it mild 

tabane:if that happen i take all the date jeje it would be interesting you IS be the first fith gen

chifuru:all right enough rating about that shinono get ready



houki have her IS on as there were cables on the unit

tabane:i already enter some of you data,all is set to upadte it with the latest data

the rest look the data

rin:wow soo fast

Es:this IS is focus an high speed manouver

lambda:and high speed attacks and dodges

tabane;wow you figure out maybe i can have two as an assistans


tabane:fine fine*hit the last button remove all the cables*and done all right sis try an fly test,just image it at will

houki:all right give it an try

she focus and fly up  an high speed


charlotte:such speed

the rest of the test was houki test her new sword who can lauch beam and even intercept misislies

tabane:impressive is it?

the students know as jason have an trough

jason:{i wonder if i}

zeroko:{well it could be an chance to test an skill agaist an oppoent}

jason:{all right}tabane i have an idea to test aka tsubaki

tabane:oh? and what it can be ja kun~

jason:let me have an duel

they rest look at him

cecilia:wait jason are you sure

charlotte:is gonnad be an hard one

jason:i face laura who was an best

laura:keep it mild i wast wear an four gen

jason:i been fine besides is been so long after the last trainight i have soo this is good chance to test it

tabane:ohhh that would be great what you say say chi chan~

chifuru:......{one side i don't want but the other i mild know about jason and his IS ...then is settle}fine jason active you IS you have the duel

jason:all right!!..*he active his IS*wish me luck guys*fly up *

ichika:this could be interesting

lambda:an four gen made by tabane agaist an involde four gen

Es:the pilot experience n combat is an fact as well

chifuru:{true tabane mild made aka tsubaki but jason posses an skill of an eltie pilot}

jason met face to face with houki

houki:soo you be my opponet?


houki:{i know jason possess an great ablity an combat but still i can do it with aka tsubaki}*prepare her blade*

jason:all right

jason:get ready houki

he lift his hand as an blue blue frame cover it

jason:this battle is about to fire up!!

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