chapter 4

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class time traning field

everyone was an the traning field with the IS suits, well less jason who wear is outfit and coat olso he is be the center of attetion,  why because his shirt show an little of his chest and belly when the girls saw him some of one blush like an crazy, and others have an nosebleed because his well tone body cecilia was the latter jason try to avoid the stares

jason:hey ichika did you know why the girls are stare me like that?

ichika:i don't know dude

chifuru:all right everyone for today's lesson we gonnad pratique the basic controls of the IS.orimura,crowe,alcott you go first

cecilia:roger that

she active her IS, jason goes next of course for the student panick when they see the blue frames but that change quick once dissapier an he was fine with his IS, ichika was the last it take sometime to active 

chifuru:orimura you were too slow try to make it better now fly!

they do that, fortunary for ichika and jason since with the training with the seniors they have expereince sooo they have no problem hell they manage to go front of cecilia,she opened up her window comunication with both

cecilia:guys have you became soo good an one week?

ichika:well it was thanks to jason's training it was intese as hell

jason:but it worth it

cecilia:it was that bad?

ichika:you have no idea i think i my have pass out after his sessions

jason:hey what i did was an child's play back then

ichika:yeah and still we train only without the seniors

cecilia:oh hey jason if need help you can ask to train to with you


cecilia:yeah we could be....alone*blush*

chifuru:orimura,alcott,crowe do an sudder dive and come to complete stop

cecilia:right ladies first

she perfomer the dive and stop perfecting

cecilia:soo how you guys think

jason:it was great cecilia

she blush then was jason's turn he make it but with an little slide of the ground

jason:*sight*i need more pratiques

and now it was ichika's turn it was goin fast....too much fast to the point he can't stop

ichika:oh crap!!

he hit the ground hard cause an cloud dust when the dust dissapier there was ichika an a crater  it was fine

jason:ichika you all right?

ichika:yeah for an moment i trough i die

chifuru:you moron did you know how much cost to repear that hole

ichika:sorry about that

jason:an least you are one piece

cecilia:i with jason dear

jason:yeah and.....did you call me  jason dear?

chifuru:moving on now deploy you weapons

ichika start first be materialized his sword yukihira, the same sword her sister use

chifuru:you were slow try to make it faster

ichika:yes orimura sensei

she turn to jason say that but she notice the weapons oh his back

chifuru:crowe why you deploy you weapons before i said it?!

jason:it was already there an the moment i use my IS

maya:he his right thoses weapon was there

chifuru:fine you saved*look cecilia*alcott deploy you weapon

she do that in a flashy way but it was faster than ichika

chifuru:good but change you pose

cecilia:but i have to keep maintain my image

chifuru:i say do it!

cecilia nod

chifuru:good now materialize you close range weapon

jason and ichika:[close range weapon?}

she make her rifle dissappier and try to materialize her weapon but she have problem with that

chifuru:is something wrong

cecilia:well is*sight*interceptor!

after she said that her weapon appear it was an knife

chifuru:did you think you opponent won't give you an chance to use it?

cecilia:i i would't let then get close

chifuru:*point jason and ichika*and what about then?

cecilia coudn't say anything about that

chifuru:class is over go back to change

timeskip dinner hall

right now there was an party for ichika for becomen the class rep

ichika:jason i hate you

jason:hey i don't want to deal that crap is not my style

houki:you are popular are you

ichika:what is that mean?

she just turn away

jason:{just like my uncle back then}

then there was an flash an they turn to see an student with glasses and she have an camera

kaoruko:hello i Kaoruko Mayuzumi from the news paper club did mind if take an picture son of the bloodedge?

jason:eh!? how you

kaoruko:the IS have speakes soo we hear it was great that mantra even trought we don't undestand most of the part

jason:oh thanks

kaoruko:olso may tell us that techique you use to beat cecilia

jason:{crap i forgot that all right just make it up}that was from my master

kaoruko:you have an master?

they girls start to pick up interest ichika was interest too

jason:yeah he teach me anything about combat olso teach me how to cook along with my father

karouko:ohh*take notes*and what is the reason for that

jason:to defend mysfeft let'ts say where i live wasn't the best place to live

karouko:*take more notes*all right  now the photo can please cecilia by a the midde


they line up jason to her left and ichika to her right olso cecilia grab jason's hand,but he does't mind

karouko:all right say chesse

she take the picture but the picture show everyone of the class

cecilia:why all you an my picture!

girl:calm down

girl2:we can't left you ahead from us

cecilia pout while jason pet her head

jason:hey is good to have eveybody all right

cecilia:*blush*a a all right

girls:{i wish he pet me too}

timeskip jason and ichika's room

ichika:man what an party

jason:yep it was fun an least 

ichika:yeah, hey jason


ichika:what is the thing chifuru want to talk about?

jason:of something about the IS that is all

an reality she want to talk about the abilitie he use,but olso he want to know how the parts of the susanoo unit ende up an his IS, she say she have no idea but she tell him the name of the person who make his IS tabame, houki's sister as for jason he say the same thing about his master olso say he promise to not speak more about that she agreed

ichika:i see olso about you master

jason:what is it

ichika:how was he like

jason:well he was extrict but olso friendly he was the type who leave you crytic lines and i have to figure out to honest, i be more straight with you an week than he with me an a year


jason:yeah it was an good man and a patient one

ichika:soo he teach you that tecnique

jason:yeah when i was 13 i have to work for 3 years to make it well

ichika:that is an lot of effort

jason:yeah maybe you can reach my level one day ichika

ichika:i look forward for that

jason:well time to sleep tomorrow we have another day of school


timeskip next day classroom

the students were chating about two new transfer students

yuzu:soo did hear about two transfer stundents 

jason:yeah i hear one of then is from china{is be an good while i hear that place}

cecilia:i wonder if she come here to studie my technique

jason:either that o to see ichika and i*sight*wich that might happen

honne:and what about the other one i hear she pass the exam with 100% score

ichika:what!? i trough jason have that score

houki:she must be very good

kiyoka:don't worry she is an our class soo we safe

cecilia:even with that she can't be the same level as jason

jason:we don't know until we find out

yuzu:olso ichika are you ready for the inter class tournoment

ichika:yeah thanks to houki and jason i think have this

houki:*blush*but don't let you guard down ichika

jason:she is right more with that china student be the represative of class 2


yuzu:olso the only classes who have persona IS is one and four soo you be fine

???:that information is outdate!

they turn to see an girl with brown hair and green eyes

???:the represative from class 2 have an persona IS as well soo is not gonnad be that easy

ichika:no way is that you rin!?

rin:that is right i am the represative from china and  i am here to declare war!

ichika:jajaja that cool act never suit's you rin

rin get flustered by that

rin:gah why you have to said that you idiot

an that moment she was hit an the head

rin:auch*turn aroud*what you think you!!*notice it was chifuru*oh chifuru san

chifuru:is orimura sensei to you now get back to class*she enter the classroom*

rin:y y yeah*look ichika*this is not over*leave*

ichika:soo rin is the represative too?

jason:yep olso look like you to make an explanation

ichika:*look aroud and notice all the girls stare him*oh

rin was walking an the halls back to the class

rin:that ichika how he tell me that...but still *smile*is great to see him again now this my chance to spen time with him and maybe*put her hands on her cheeks*maybe be together

she was really into her trought and her head hit something soft and fall to ground

rin:auch hey watch

???:excuse me did you know the location of class 1

rin:u u uh yeah just keep walking first door to the left

???:thanks for the information*leave*

rin keep stare her, more like it two things and look back to her chest an cover then with her hands with an sad face

rin:why mine are not like thoses

an class 1 the girls were asking ichika about the his relationship with rin houki be the most who ask

chifuru:shut up!!

an by that everyone get to they seats,she was about to start until there was an knock of the door she goes to the door and open it

chifuru:you must be the new student


chifuru:all right wait here*she get front of the class*all right listen there is new student*look an the door*come in and introduce youseft

an girl enter the class she have blonde air and hazel eyes her hair was tied up,there was two things about the girl one for jason who he knows who she was

jason:{no way how she ende up here!?}

the other thing for the females of the class was her chest who was big very big dispide her height who was short they have one trough

females:{she is soo tiny but soooo huge}

{just think she use the IS uniform}

es:hello my name is Es osaka is nice to meet you and hope to have an good year

she bow cause her chest move that make the girls feel defeated

chifuru:all right take an sit

she goes to an seat behind jason

Es:i want to seat here

girl:but this is my seat

Es:i soo sorry about that but i must to stay close to him we have an lot to talk about

girl:oh i see i sorry*grab her stuff and move to another seat*

Es sit down as the girl start to whisper

girl:she is soo direct

girl:i wish have her confidence

honne:who is that girl? and how she know jason?

yuzu:i don't maybe we can ask later


timeskip cafeteria

ichika,houki,cecilia and rin was an the line for the food

ichika:i was suprise you be the represative from class 2 you should call me

rin:if i did that i would ruined the suprise

ichika:you stil have hard time with chifuru

rin:is not that is just...i not good with her*grab the ramen*

ichika:ramen same al always soo how you been

rin: y yeah i fine why don't you get hurt o sick sometime*goes to an table*

ichika:*grab his food*what is that suppose mean*goes to the same table*

cecilia:i wonder how ichika met her?


cecilia:you okay you be like that ever since you saw her

houki:i fine

cecilia:ohh are you jealous

houki:i not!

cecilia:yeah sure

houki:and what about you  ever since Es enter out class you could't stop stare her and jason

cecilia:i just have suspition that is all!, i mean she have the same score as him and she know him

houki:yeah sure and speake of jason*look aroud*where is he?

cecilia:i don't know  but maybe he was busy

houki:have that talk with Es

cecilia:let's just seat

they go to the table who next to ichika and rin

meawhile rooftop

jason and Es was an the rooftop

jason:Es how you ende up here?

Es:i use amaterasu unit to teleport here

jason:but how do you find me?

Es: we feel you energy soo the gate help me to find you since he was obserb you

jason:i see but why come here

Es:too keep eye on you and don't worry the gate is safe is something happen he can teleport me back

jason:i see so how you enter the academy?



Es walk to the door and put her hand inside of the doorway and put out honne


honne:oh hey there*laught nervously*

Es:you try to espie us

honne:n no no i not

Es:what other reason you be there olso i see you nervous be caught

honne:okay fine i just curious how you two met

Es:is that you want to know?



jason:wait are you sure?{she can't say anything out the place}

Es:yes*look honne*what you want to know?

honne:uh well how you met jason

Es:childhood friends i met him when i have 6

honne:oh and what is the importan stuff you talking about

Es:persona stuff you should not know

honne:{aww i want to know}is true you pass the exam with 100% score

Es:yes i pass the test with that score with my IS

honne:ou have an persona IS?


honno:[she does't show much emotion is like talk with an robot and her tone monotome make t more believet}

jason:all right how about go to the cafeteria to eat


they walk back to the cafeteria as they grab they food Es chose pudding,while jason chose udon,and honno norma japenese food

honne:are gonnad eat only pudding?


jason:she really like eat where we seat

yuzu:hey jason honne over here there free spots for you

jason look an her direction and there was yuzu with houki and cecilia and other girls but the thing is the table was next to ichika and rin's

jason:{why have the feeling that was not coincedence}

they sitting an they table as some of the girl who was stare ichika and rin turn back to jason and Es include cecilia

jason:{what now}

back to ichika and rin,ichika was explain everthing what happen about how he became the first male pilot and even how he met jason

rin:really ichika he kick you ass?

ichika:hey have more experience than me okay, after that an lot stuff happen

rin:uh i see

they hear an pair of hands slam the table they turn to see houki

houki:ichika is time for an explanation what is you relationship with this girl

girl:is she you girlfriend!?

rin:*blush*no is not like that!

ichika:she is right we are just childhood friends

that answer doesn't like rin



houki:wait but i am you childhood friend

ichika:oh i met rin after you left houki,rin i told you about houki my first childhood friend

houki: i am his first*smile*

rin:oh i see nice to met you rin i hope we get along

houki:like wise

with jason

cecilia:sooo mind explain how you know Es

honne:oh she is his childhood friend


honne:yeah she tell me she met him when she was 6

yuzu:really but why you not talk since then?

Es:he have to continue his training soo he have to leave

koyoka:but didn't you feel sad when he leave?

Es:we are an good term soo i was okay

cecilia:excuse me but did you know who i am?

Es:cecilia alcott, heiress of the alcott family and user of blue tear wich have an lazer sniper rifle,six attack drones, an combat knife and two missile pod  at the botton of the skirt

everyone was an shock about the information

cecilia:h h how you know all that?!

Es:researh and i see the match you have with the user of byakushiki, ichika orimura and jason

cecilia:oh i see then

yuzu:soo what is you reason to come here

Es:to stay close to jason


back to ichika

rin:soo ichika i hear you have an persona IS

ichika:oh then i can help you with that

ichika:that would be.....

houki:sorry he is already taking sessions with me, he beg for that

ichika:{i remeber just ask,no beg}

houki:besides you are from class two soo you can't train even you are his childhood friend

rin:i know him better than you!

houki:i met longer he even go to my house to eat

rin:oh really? he eat an my house too

houki was suprise by that an look ichika

houki:explain this ichika!

with jason

cecilia:w what you mean you must stay close to him!?

Es:he have the habit to do reckless stuff

jason:hey i not do that

Es:*stare him*

jason:okay i do that sometimes

Es:soo that is the reason i am here

the girs let an sight of relieve

jason:oh since you are here Es will you like to spar with me?


cecilia:sorry but jason have an training session with me

jason:oh right sorry Es

Es:i will go too spar session are training too

cecilia:but i am an A class pilot!

Es:i olso have the same rank and you lack of melee combat something jason and i have experience

cecilia:i ......*sight*fine you can came too

jason:if you want i can train you an melee combat



with ichika

ichika:well her family have an restruant soo i visit there

houki:ohh i see

ichika:how is you father rin

rin:is fine 

ichika notice the sad tone soo he stop with the theme

rin:soo how about luch together after classes

ichika:well i

houki:sorry he have training with me after clasess

ichika:oh right sorry rin

rin:oh all right i see you after you training then bye*leave*



houki:we gonnad have intese training today

ichika:y y yeah*look jason*hey may come along?

jason:sure i will be training with cecilia and Es

timeskip arena

ichika:soo this is what you mean by hard training

ichika was an his IS active while houki have her too she use an unchigane from the academy

houki:yeah*summor her sword*all right ichika let's begin

ichika:right*summor his sword*


jason:sooo who teach first?

cecilia:i start first then you continue


jason and cecilia have they IS active while Es was watching

Es:and after you turns are over we goin with an spar section

cecilia:yeah olso are you gonnad use you IS?

Es:until the spar

jason:yeah*look ichika*olso you have session with me as well


cecilia:an least let us see how you IS look like


an that moment her eyes glow and she was cover by an blue light after an second the light dissappier she was an her IS

{replace the yellow with blue and the white with dark blue}

olso her eyes are now azure


cecilia:i never see an IS like that how you get that

Es:custom made by an friend of mine

jason{nice cover}

houki open her window to show the infomation about the her IS

houki:soo her name is Conciliation and long and close range IS


houki:but it does't show more

Es:i keep it an secret soo my opponet can't counter 

houki:i see

jason:all right let's start


timeskip later

ichika was on the ground tired

jason:i guess is all for today

houki:i expect more ichika

ichika:you with jason

houki:okay i admint his way was brutal but no soo much

cecilia:you...are sooo..wrong

cecilia was on the ground to tired as ichika

cecilia:this is what you have to deal?

ichika:y yeah

Es:you lack of trainig experience was an key factor about how tired you are

ichika:hey jason 


ichika:can you take the shower first i gonnad be here an while

jason:i get it i think is time to leave

houki:right i see you later*leave*


jason:*look cecilia*are you gonnad leave too?

cecilia:i soo tired to get up

jason:let me help

he pick her brida style that cause her to blush like tomato

cecilia:w what are you!?

jason:i give you an ride is the only think i can do*look ichika*i see you later*leave*


they got out the arena and walk the hall

cecila:{is like before he is warm but olso i can feel her arms and his well tone chest is like an dream*Look jason*i think i found my man}

she smile as he continue walk to her room

timeskip change room

ichika was resting n one of the benches

ichika:i god i never trough the training could get worse i was wrong i may pass out here

rin:hey ichika!

ichika:*look to see rin with an tower and an sport drink*oh hey rin

rin:nice job out there,here looks like you really need it*pass him the drink*

ichika:thanks you have no idea*start to drink*

rin:*sit biside him*soooo we are alone

ichika:*finish the drink*yeah we are

rin:i ichika

ichika:*look at her*yeah

rin look an the ground with her cheeks little red

rin:did you feel lonely when i leave?

and she say with an embarrase tone that make ichika blush because that make her cute

ichika:{sooo cute}of course i miss you you are my childhood friend right?

rin look at him and give him an bright smile that cause him to blush again an get embarrase

ichika:look i need to go back to my room jason must have done with the shower

rin:oh that boy who kick you ass?


rin:can i go with you i want to met him personatily

ichika:to the bath o to the my room?

that cause rin's face became red and say nonsense

rin: t t to you room don't get any other idea you pevert!!

ichika:hey it was just an question!

timeskip outside the room

when they arrive they hear voices inside four female and one male,ichika was normal while rin start to think they are do it some indicent acts,ichika open the door

rin:wait ichika!

ichika:hey jason


rin look inside there was jason,honne,yuzu,kiyoka and another girl with long black hair

the girls was sit an jason's bed while he was seat an the chair

ichika:are you done with the shower

jason:yep is all your

he nod and enter the bathroom while rin sit his bed

rin:soo you jason ichika was talking about

jason:yeah my name is jason crowe*point the girls*and they are honne,kiyoka,yuzu and the one with black hair is sayuka yorutake


rin:hey my name is lingyin huang but you call me rin

jason:nice to meet you rin

rin notice some mangas an his bed

rin:soo you read manga

jason:yeah but unfornaty the only mangas i could get was romace manga but still is good 

houki:yeah can you borrow me some

jason:sure honne

kiyoka:*try to grab bloodscythe but it was heavy*

rin:who is that sword

jason:that sword is mine

rin:how can you lift up that thing!?

jason:lot an training

rin:i see

ichika came out of the shower as grab one of the mangas and start to read

rin:ichika since when you read mangas?

ichika:it was jason he say have great stories even most of then are mangas are romace

sayuka;soo rin what are doing here?

rin:*blush*well i want to talk with ichika about an promise

they girls realise that and grab jason's arms and drag him out and close the door

jason:hey what you drag me outside the room!?

houki:because they need private time

jason:for what

kiyoka:you don't need to know


sayuka:hey jason


sayuka:did you have girlfriend*blush*


that make girls hope up

jason:besides i was thiking an not gettin into relationships

that make then look him an shock


jason:well an lot things happen back my where i came from soo be an relationship is the last thing to think

honne:oh i see

girls:{i not gonnad give up}

kiyoka:and what about Es did ever have feeling for her

and that moment Es appear behind the girls

Es:we are just childhood friends

that make honne jump and scream and she land an jason's arms

jason:Es stop appear out nowhere

Es:i was walking the hall when i see you came out what is the reason



they hear rin scream as she kick the door and storm out the room and keep walking trought the halls,they run back to the room to see ichika holding his left cheek who have an red mark of an his hand

jason:ichika what happen!?

ichika:i think i made rin mad

jason:mad? dude she was pisse mild explain

ichika explain about what happen

houki:ichika that was you fault

ichika:what you mean?

yuzu:you don't get the message what rin say

ichika:but i don't get it

Es:In Traditional Japanese culture one of the chief responsibilities of a wife is to make dinner for her husband every night

jason:yeah soo?

Es:what rin say is if she cook sweet and sour pork ichika have to marrie her

it pass 7 seconds until ichika realise and his face was  red 

ichika:w w w what!!?? rin mean that!?

sayuka:what other reason could be i mean the one you said was the wrong one

ichika:but rin ask me that? i mean i know her since my childhood and she never show that kind of sign

kiyoka:maybe she hide it

jason:you can ask tomorrow ichika

ichika:yeah you right

timeskip next day arena's hangar

it was the inter class match and much to ichika's good o bad luck his opponet is rin

ichika:i can't believe is my first opponet

then an window an his IS open show rin IS his name was shenlong an IS for close combat

houki:this is not like when you face cecilia

ichika:i know i have more traning with that field thanks to jason,Es and you houki

jason:still keep you eyes open since you don't know what she can do soo paid attetion


he fly off

cecilia:did you think ichika will win?

jason:with our traning maybe but the sting is

Es:he does't know what kind of weapons she have,olso he have an chance an close combat in 68%


jason:let's cross fingers

an the arena ichika was an the air same as rin

rin:if you apologies i gonnad reduce the pain you about to have

ichika:i not gonnad need any favor from you

rin:fine but let me tell you something the absolute defense is not soo perfect is you blow is stronght enough it can pass the defense and hurt the pilot without kill it

ichika:i know

annoucer:pilots you can start the match

rin pull out her weapon as ichika pull out his and charge her

and with that the battle begins

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