chapter 5

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ichika charge to rin as she does the same as they got close they swings they weapons and ende up a lock for an couple of seconds before take distance of each other

rin:not bad you manage to block my attack but that won't last*summor her other weapon is the same as he have an hand then make her weapons spin and charge to ichika,

ichika:don't underestimate me rin you don't see what i capable

rin swing two times,ichika block the attacks as the last swing they weapons lock

rin:oh really then what is the....

she was cut as ichika punch her stomach with her free hand, she gasp for air,ichika take the chance and giver her an roudhouse kick to the ground,but she recover but before hit the ground


ichika:oh my god i always want to do that

an the observation room

everyone was suprise by that

cecilia:wow that was impresive


houki:when he learn that kick

jason:that would be me

they all look at jason

jason:he see me do that kick sometimes,soo he ask me to teach him that soo i did 


jason:yeah he have to learn without IS then with IS because is difirent

chifuru:is something else you teach him?

jason:well i teach him hand an hand combat

chifuru:well that is explain thoses strikes he do


cecilia:soo that is what you mean his chance is 70% an close combat?


an the arena

rin hear what he said but to his bad luck she pick up the wrong idea


ichika:huh? what you mad with me

rin  just combine the hilt of her weapons make it an staff and charge to him and give mutiple swings,ichika dogued and block the attacks

rin:you said you always you want to do that!!

ichika:yeah sooo what you angry!?

rin:you said you always want to hit me!!

ichika:what i was talking about the roudhouse kick i make i never want to hit you rin

rin blush but still  she give an swing, but ichika block the the attack,then grab her weapon and pull toward him and give her an punch and follow up with an slash send her fly,she recover an the air

rin:all right let's see if you can deal with this

then one her shoulder cannos start to charge it up and fire,ichika manage to dodge for an little as the projective explode

rin:jejeje and that was an jab*charge it up both of her shoulder cannons and fire*

ichika can't dodge an it was hit send it to the ground

an the observation room

houki:what kind of attack was that!?

maya:that was an...

Es:an shock cannon an weapon who use the biometric pleasure of the air as ammo

maya:*Eye widen*that.. is right

Es:only third generation of IS can use that weapon his chances are reduce to 55%

chifuru:{that is kinda accurated for an girl like her}

back to the arena

rin aim her weapons at ichika this time no charge shot,ichika who was on the ground start to run and dodged her shots,then rin stop shooting

rin:you are very good dodging, the invisible barrel and ammunition are supposedly his features, but

an the observation room


Es:shock cannon is capable of shooting at any angle, duel to the angle of the barred skew so she have no blind spot, less the back right{how she know that with her age!?}

cecilia:you see know vey well about the IS

Es:i make my researh about every type of IS, armor, special abilities,the pilots who wield it anything very deep and too much

Es:knowledge is power

chifuru:{how she manage to have that level of knowledge?*look jason*{i have the feeling she is related to jason}

jason:{Es better not talk to much people get suspicious}

back to the arena

ichika was moving on the ground while dodge rin shoots an then he fly,as rin chase him

ichika:{i must do something o she is gonnad win,keep together you use the same machine chifuru use and jason train me to be better,}

then he have an idea

ichika:{i can use that but the risk is big if i miss i done but  is worth an test but i have make rin fired an charge shoot...i have an idea}hey rin did you really think thoses mini projective is gonnad hit me? it barely titkles


ichika:i mean an this rate you gonnad make 1% of damage

rin:*get angry*oh yeah let's see about that*charge her left cannon to fired*

ichika:{that was very easy}*stop an turn to her with yukihira ready*{concetrate you have only one chance}*take an deep breath and focus at rin with narrow look*

rin:{what the i never see ichika like this what is planing? does't matter i win this}

an the observation room

houki:what is he doing!? why he just stading there!?

cecilia:if he does't move the shoot hit him she will win!

jason,Es and chifuru say nothing chifuru wonder what his brother try to do,jason an the other hand he know what is about to do

jason:{ichika if you planing of what i think you doing then you have one chance don't wasted it}

maya:look like is planing something he is very focusing of something

houki:now you metion*look ichika an the screen*i never see him like that before

chifuru:i guess he have something better be good

back an the arena

rin:this would be the knockout!

she shot as the projective goes to ichika,then ichika swing yukihira at the projective as they enter contact for an couple seconds before use more streght to send the projetive back to rin


she didn't have time to react as the projetive hit her cause an explosion,and land on the ground

ichika:oh god it works*look back to rin*

rin:*stand up*how you do that?

ichika:i was planing eveything


ichika:i mean it was an big risk but still i goin for it and it works

rin:i still standing

ichika:i wans't talking about you*point her left cannon*

rin:*look and his eye widen as her left cannon was destroy*it can't be

ichika:you said before if the hit is strong enough it can pass the barried and hit the unit soo i use that as my advatage and you fell for it

rin:{dammit he got me there}

an the observation room

everyone less jason and Es was an shock about what ichika did

maya:wow orimura-san plan eveything too make rin shoot him soo he can send it back to her cannon soo she can have an blind spot

houki:i never trough ichika can reach that level of tactic

chifuru:i am impress*look jason*you know what is about to do did you?

jason:yeah and looks like it turn the leaf to his favor

Es:chance of victory is increased to 79%

cecilia:soo he can win?

jason:yeah but rin still have one left soo she can win too

chifuru:he is right

back to the arena

rin:je even if you manage to destroy one of my cannons i can still beat you

ichika:prove it

rin start shoot him with his only cannon left,ichika fly always from her,rin chase him

ichika:{all right with of her cannon out my chance of use the ignition boost is bigger is just have one chance }

as they rin keep chase him ichika use the speed of byakuski to go around rin to her left,rin try to aim but since he his go to the left where her shook cannon was destroy she try to turn aroud,but ichika get behind her and use the ignition boost and goest to rin an high speed,rin was an shock she didn't have time to react, but then the barried of the arena is destroit as an pink lazer came out and hit the ground cause an explosion

{stop the theme here}



an the observation room

jason:what the hell is that!?


Es:this is an attack

maya:the systen is damaged!,it looks like something came trought the defection shield of the arena!

jason:god dammit i bet there is nothing good 


an that moment chifuru grab the speaker

chifuru:stop the match!,orimura, fan, get out of there right away!

then windows of the arena were shut by metal pieces to avoid damage to the students

an the arena

ichika:what is goin!?

then an window comunication open to reveal rin

rin:ichika, the match is canceled,you have to leave now!

then another window appear show an signal witch it was an unidentified IS

ichika:unidentified IS?*then notice its lock*it's locking?'s loking on me?

rin:ichika leave now!

ichika:wait what about you rin!?

rin:i buy some time, so you need to get out of here!

ichika:leave?..are you crazy!? you gonnad face it alone, one of you  cannos is destroide!,i can't leave you behind!

rin:*look at him*you are weaker than me, so you have no choice

ichika:i manage to keep it up with you and destroy one of you cannos besides...i can't let something bad happen to you rin!

rin blush for that

rin:{h h he really care about me!?}i i be fine i just need to hold it until the teachers get here

an that moment from the smoke an lazer came heading toward rin,ichika act first and fly towards her and carrier bride just an time to avoid the lazer

ichika:even if that is true i care about you rin i can't let nothing bad to happen to you

rin just blush more as her mind say over and over"he cares about me. he cares about me, he cares about me"

then another window came out show ichika the weapon the IS use was an beam type

ichika:an beam weapon?, and his power is higher than cecilia's IS.

rin finally snap it out her trance and notice her position she was

rin:H....hey, you idiot! let go of me!*try to get off of him*

ichika:hey stop moving already!

rin:*hit his head mutiple times*shut up, shut up, shut up!

ichika:*notice another beam*it's coming!

another beam was fired, but ichika manage to dodge then they notice something came out form the smoke

ichika:what kind of IS is that?. who are you!, what do you want!

the IS doesn't answer, then an comunication window open it an ichika IS

maya:orimura, fan!,please get out of the arena now!, the teachers will be there in their IS shorty and neautralize the situalation

ichika:but we have to contain it until everyone evacautes!

maya:i..i undestand that, but you can't

jason:ichika are you sure this is difirent thing, and we don't know how far that IS is go we don't even know to reach the point of kill both of you

that make everydbody less Es worried

ichika:even with that we must stop it from cause damage

jason:even the point to kill that pilot?

that cause everyone less Es look at jason an shock about that 

ichika:........if the thing goes to far i do it

jason:then you need more help i going give you an hand for now try to hold until the teachers arrive


jason:olso........don't die ichika

ichika:don't worry i won't

maya:wait ichika!


jason goes to the exit

chifuru:where you goin

jason:what you think i gonnad help then

chifuru:you can't we have...

jason:i don't give you crap about the backup! we don't have time!

cecilia:but that is too dangerours jason

jason:he is my friend i don't let my friends behind

Es:i goin with you the more help is better

jason:right let's go

they leave the room


maya:i hope they be fine*look chifuru who have an suprise look*orimura

chifuru:he have the guts to curse an front of me

cecilia have an worried expresion

cecilia:he didn't mean that orimura sensei is just....well

chifuru:i get it he just want he his determinde to help ichika*smile*i respect that

the girls was suprise the fact about chhifuru smile and jason have her respect

back to the arena

{start the theme}

ichika:are you ready rin?

rin:yeah......are you goin that far i mean kill the pilot

ichika:only if the things goes to far..for now let's hold it until the teachers arrive

rin:yeah but...stop carried me! because i can't move! 

ichika:sorry*stop carrie rin*

an that moment they have to move away from another beam from the unknow IS,then the IS start to fly towards then more presicely to ichika then give him an punch.ichika dodge the attack as the IS pass then fly then turn toward then and start fire mutiple beams towards then,as they dodge

rin:she is ready to do this


rin:ichika why don't charge at her while i cover you!, that is only weapon you hace isn't it?

ichika:you right...but i have good experience use it soo is no problem*look rin*let's go


the unknow IS charge at then while fire mutiple beams,rin block some of the shots and counter by fired not charge shots from her shock cannon,the IS flew pass then as rin chase it,then both enter to smoke

ichika:wait*chase then towards smoke*

there mutiple lights an the smoke as signal of they IS hit each other

an the obsevation room

maya: hello orimura?, fan, are you listening to me?

chifuru:they said they can do it, so why don't we let them

maya:m..miss orimura, how can you be so laid back?

chifuru:have a sip of coffee of something,*she put without knowing salt to the caffee*you're irritated  because you body needs more sugar

maya:um that is salt you put

chifuru:huh?*sight*besides *look where jason and Es leave*with thoses two maybe they can defeat the IS

cecilia:miss orimura, give me permission to use my IS!, i can move out right away

chifuru:i wish i could but..,*look at the screen*look at this

they look and the shields of the arena are an level 4

houki:the shields is set for level 4

cecilia:not only that, all the doors are locked,...did that IS do that?

chifuru:it sees so, in this situation, we can't evacuate or go to rescue

but then the screen show one of the doors was be damage


maya:door one is be damage heaving!?

cecilia:but how!? the doors are tough it must require big strengh to do that

an door one

the girls with honne and yuzu among then see an blade pierce the door they were scare then the blade be pull out then there were two diagonal slash before the door be broke by an kick the girls look to see who was the was Es who hold some kind of blade

Es:leave the arena and go to the safe zone

the girls follow her orders start to leave the arena

honne:Es what are you doing here?

Es:i notice the doors are locket soo i open it

yuzu:with that?*point her blade*

Es:yes, i sugest to go to the safe zone

honne:but wait there other trapper an the other doors of the arena

Es:i take care that you girls leave 

they nod and leave with the others as Es goes to the next doors

an the observation room

maya:t t the door was destroye!

cecilia:but who?

chifuru:show the cameras


then another window appear and show the camera an the hall between door 1 and door 2 an that moment they see an blur

houki:what was that?

cecilia:it was fast

maya:i try to put an slow motion

she did that but still it was just an blur

maya:it must move really fast to not catch the image

an the window show door 2 be damage

houki:what!? but it pass 15 seconds and distance to reach door 2 is large

maya:we should call the teachers?

chifuru:no as far we know who ever it is just break the door soo everybody can leave

maya:i see

they look back to the arena

an the arena

ichika was inside the smoke try to find the IS

ichika:where is it?...*take an deep breath*{focus remeber what jason say use you senses to find it}

ichika use his senses to find the IS then he hear an sound to his right he turn an see red dots,he knows it was the IS so make an stab just as the IS give him an punch,witch ende stab the hand but even with that the IS manage to drag him an the air

ichika:{this IS is strong}

but then some black blur goes to the IS and give it an drop kick an the face send it to ground as ichika sword came out of the first

???need help

ichika:*turn to see jason with his IS active*you take you time

jason:sorry about that

rin:hey what are you doing here?!

jason:you need all the help you can get to hold that IS until the teahers arrive

ichika:wait why didn't arrive already

jason:i hear the barried is an high level soo no one can enter

rin:but how you enter?

jason:for the hangar it was the only place i can enter

ichika:all right,jason give me an hand while rin give us support from the distance

jason:*nod*let's go


an door 4

another group of students try to get out but the doors are locked between the students were kiyoka and sayuka

kiyoka:what is goin on!?

sayuka:the door is locked! we can't get out

kiyoka:what we gonnad do!?

an that moment an blade pierce the door

sayuka:w w what is that!?

then the blade be pull out the door only to follow by an horizontal and vertical slash an the door

kiyoka:i scare!

and the door was blake into pieces by another stab to reveal Es

kiyoka and sayuka:Es!!

Es:leave the area and go the safe zone

they students nod and start to leave

kiyoka:what are you doing here

Es:the doors are locked,soo i open all the soo the students leave to the safe zone

sayuka:with that blade!?

Es:*nod*now leave to safe zone

kiyoka:but what about you

Es:i goin to the arena to give assist to orimura,fang and jason

kiyoka and sayuka:jason is there!?

Es:yes he have the capabilities soo he be fine

sayuka:and you?

Es:i am olso capable,go to the safe zone

they nod and leave while Es goest to the arena an high speed

an the observation room

maya:...all..the doors were destroy and 1 minute

houki:what about the students?

chifuru:i just have an report they are fine

cecilia:thank god but still*look at the arena*where is the help! i mean i know they good but i don't think they can hold it

chifuru:we already doing that,the senior elites are try to crack the system as we speak. as soon the shield is down. we send the troops

cecilia:soo we can do is wait

chifuru:yeah but you should not worry, jason is with then

cecilia:what but he is still new about the IS

chifuru:an that you right but...he have an lot of combat experience than you


chifuru:yeah i can see an his eyes and his fighing style like he done this before. besides he train ichika and you see the results

cecilia:oh i guess you right

chifuru:besides you can't enter along with the shock troops

cecilia:what!? why!?

chifuru then explain about blue tears battle fuction, if she work with team ect and she goes on an on

cecilia:all right, all right i get it

houki:*stare an the arena*.............

back to the arena

rin was shooting to the IS one of the projetive hit the IS an the back

rin:guys now!

jason and ichika charge to IS with swords ichika give the first swing,but the IS dodge it and counter with an kick,but it was block by jason using his sword,the IS try to punch him but he respond with his own as they fist clash,thank to his super streght jason manage to push the IS and make it lose balace,ichika take the chance and make an horizontal slash,the impact push the IS an couple of feet

rin:not bad you got 2 of 4

ichika:hey thoses two was hard*check his shield points it was 60%*dammit


ichika:my shields point an low i can use barried disable attack one more time and that's it

jason:and that IS still an good condition dammit

the IS start to fired to then

rin:guys break away

they fly away from the shoots

rin:what we gonnad do, we never beat her if don't have an plan

jason:we just need good hit to take her out

ichika:easy say than done

jason:for now let'ts cover each other back

ichika:agreed i cover you rear rin

rin:*blush*t thanks*dodge another lazer who almost hit her*


rin:i try!

jason:hey stop fighting already we have to take cared that IS!

they keep dodging until the IS hide an the smoke

ichika:hey guys, don't you think her movements are too mechanical?

an window cominucation open up to show rin

rin:what are you talking about?, it is a machine you know

ichika:no that is not what i meant, do you think there's really someone piloting it?

rin:what?, an IS won't move unless someone pilots it...*fly next to him*now that you said that, i've noticed that she hans't attacked us much when we're talking to each other. it almost seems like she's curious about our conversation

ichika:i know right?

rin:*shake her head*but it can't be unmanned, someone has to get in an IS in order for it to move. that's just the way it is

jason:ichika is right

jason land fly next to then as they look at him

rin:what you mean?

jason:because i can't feel any prensenses inside that IS


rin:what are you talking about?

jason:you see during my training with my master he train my senses to high levels to the point i can sense the prensenses of the people

rin:wait really!? you can do that?

jason:yeah and during our fight i can't sense the IS was an emply velsel

ichika:soo an other worlds no one is inside


rin:wait how accurate are you senses

jason:to point i know where someone is gonnad attack me from the shadows, o where that persons is hiding

rin:wow okay if that is true

ichika:we don't need to hold back

jason:yeah we don't need to worry about kill the pilot since noneone is that IS je hell we can go full attend of kill, and don't be worried

rin:really everything we got?

ichika:reiraku byakuya...that's yukihira's all out attack. the full strengt of yukihira nigata is probaly too powerful. so you can't go all out with it during training of a class match. but you can if you opponet is unmanned

jason:soo that is reason you never use it an our training


rin:okay but the thing is that thing is gonnad dodge it for sure as for now you chance are 50/50

ichika:that is enough for me because i hit him next time

jason:i gonnad keep it busy with me

ichika:you sure?

jason:yeah that IS is lock on me soo i give you an chance to hit it

rin:i guess it we have only that for now

ichika:all right jason,keep it busy, rin where i gave you the sginal shoot the cannon at full blast

rin:there is an chance it will miss it o i hit jason

jason:don't worry about me

ichika:besides that is fine even if it misses it

ichika:all right ready?


{stop the theme here}

they turn to see houki an the ramp of hangar

jason:{what she doing here!?}

houki:if you are a man..if you are a man you better beat the enemy on that level!

an that moment the IS turn toward houki


rin:oh no

ichika:this isn't good,houki run!

then the is aim his whist cannos toward houki, ichika was about to order rin to fire but then an cristal cross slash pass houki's side and hit the IS



jason:{that attack that mean}

{start the theme}

Es run pass houki and jump from the ramp as her body was cover of light when the light fade she was an her IS unit,she turn toward houki

Es:leave the area and go to the safe zone


Es:is an order this an dangerours zone, you action almost cause you death leave the area

houki:...fine*look*win this ichika*leave the hangar*

Es fly towards the group and land next to then

jason:you done?


rin:what are you doing here!?

Es:i give assist to take out this threat

ichika:good with more help better olso you should know something

Es:what it is?

jason:that is no one inside that IS is emply like an shell

rin:that mean we can go all out

Es:roger if that is the case,, active lethal mode

after she say that her blade change form

rin:wait lethal mode what is that?

Es:is ability my IS is equipment an this mode my attacks,increase an high levels can manage to give the pilot big damage and depend of the place i hit death i can chanel energy to pass the shields

ichika:eh!? that is kinda like reiraku byakuya

jason:yeah soo we keep the same plan?

ichika:yeah Es help jason to keep that IS busy,olso Es try make the unit weak but don't end it yet


ichika:all right let's go

jason and Es charge towards the IS

ichika:rin do it

rin:got it*charge her cannon*

an that moment ichika get an front of her with his back face her

rin:hey what are doing!?

ichika:just shoot. trust me

rin:...fine*shoot the blast to ichikas back*

when the impact the energy of his IS recharge to 100% allow him to use reiraku byakuya, then the blade start to extend and ichika charge toward the IS

meawhile jason and Es are fighting the IS they manage to keep it against it and give some damage then jason notice ichika charge towards the IS with an orange aura

jason:{this is it}Es is time to give ichika an opening!


they charge to the IS,the IS try to punch then but they side steep and make an swing towads the legs,that cause to ende up on the knee and jump away to give ichika space,the IS notice ichika coming toward him he try block with his arm,ichika swing his blade make an diagonal slash cut the IS arm off and leave cut from the chest towards his right leg,but the IS use his other arm to hit him and send it towards the crater when the IS lande

jason and rin:ichika!

jason and Es try to attack him,but the spin aroud and hit then both,jason crash against the wall of the arena and Es land of the ground,then the iS walk toward ichika,ichika can't move because the impact,then the IS aim his last whist cannon,but before he can fire,his chest was pierce,the IS and ichika look,it was jason's bloodscythe who pierce his stomach and look back to jason who just throw his sword

jason:i not done you scrap of metal!

then the IS aim to jason

jason:oh crap


the IS turn to ichika

ichika:how is you aim?


an that moment an familiar drones appear and start to fired the IS,they look where they came from and see cecilia

jason:cecilia nice timing


jason look an the IS and have the idea

jason:cecilia shoot my sword!

cecilia:huh*look the sword who was inside the IS chest and get the idea*got it*she aim an bloodscythe and fired*

the beam pass trough the IS with bloodscythe make the damage more big and beat the IS  as he was cover of smoke

ichika:we did it

jason get off the wall as he fly towards ichika and extend his hand,ichika grab his hand as jason help him get up

jason:yeah we did..great job with that shot cecilia it was perfect

the window comunication of his IS open to show cecilia who was blushing

cecilia:r really?*look away*i..i guess that's to be expected

ichika:an least is over

they turn aroud but before leave an warning window show an both they IS say "warning detecting enemy is reaction locked

ichika:that means

rin:guys is still moving!

they turn to see the IS move it again and aim his whist cannon ready to shot,then jason get an front of ichika

ichika:what are you doing!?

the IS fired the beam


he summor an barried who manage to stop the beam as the IS give more power but the barried to hold it without problem

jason:{this is not close of the power my barried have to deal}

ichika:wow is that the barried you use an cecilia duel!?

jason:yeah{i can't hold it for to much.....i guess i have no choice}

then his free hand was cover an darkness then thrust his hand outward

jason:dead spike!!

then from his side an beast came from the ground it was large than jason

the beast roar as charge t the IS and give an bite witch cause the IS stop fired the beam



dead spike start to eat it, the IS try to shoot the dead spike but


Es cut the other arm off leave the IS expose,as the dead spike start to eat it the whole body

everyone less Es and jason was an shock about that beast an the fact it was devour the the whole unit,cecilia and rin turn away because the scene was too much while,ichika hope there wasn't someone an that unit,dead spike finish eat the unit as body dilsove into the ground dissappiar only left unit who was bissected

jason:is done for sure

ichika:*look the unit an there was no one inside*oh thank god i was right


rin:WHAT WAS THAT!?*land next to then*

jason:i don't know

rin:don't play dumb with me! i see you did something

he was about to answer but ichika pass out,but before reach the ground jason caugh him


jason:don't worry he just pass out because the adrelaline were off and he is tired

rin*sight*thank god

jason:let's take him to the infirmary

{stop the theme}

timeskip infirmary

ichika was an the bed sleeping,jason was sitting an the bed with Es after they take out that IS the teacher take ichika to the infirmary after check him he just tired for the fight and the adrelaline after that they leave him an the infirmary's bed,jason arrive later after he make sure he is fine he decide to sit and wait for him to woke up,while waiting Es arrive,she want to talk about the unknow IS

jason:soo anything about the IS

Es:only could see the core it was using was not 467 tabane create

thanks to the gate Es have the knowledge of anything about the world as some of the secrets

jason:any idea who can be?

Es:there is terrorist group call phatom task

jason:phatom task?

Es:yes it can be the ones who create that IS

jason:but for what and why attack the school?

Es:that is unknow

jason:*sight*i guess we shoud be ready when another appear


an that moment the doors open they look to see rin

jason:hey rin

rin:hey how is ichika?

jason:he just sleeping

rin:that is good*look Es*you must be Es

Es:yes rin pilot of shenlong

rin:how you!?

Es:i make my research

jason:yeah she like get information very deep

rin:oh{i hope she din't get anything embarrase}

then rin walk towards ichika's bed and stand beside him. she stand there for 4 seconds then she try to kiss him............key world "try" an that moment ichika start to wake up soo rin move her head away from him,jason was suprise by that,Es just look with an monotone look without expresion

ichika:uhhh*look rin*rin? what are doing?

rin:u u uh nohing*look jason and Es*

jason put his finger an his lips as an sign he keep the secret while Es have the same expression

ichika:why you be nervous*look jason and Es*oh hey guys

jason:hey buddy how you feel

ichika:i feel better now..soo what after i pass out

jason:nothing me and rin took you to the infirmary. you just pass out because the adrelaline

ichika:i see*look the window*...hey rin


ichika:i sorry

rin:uh for what

ichika:for make you angry because i don't remeber our promise

rin:oh i is not fault i should behave better and not slap you

ichika:hey rin about the promise


ichika:did you......actually..mean*start to blush*well

rin:{wow i never see ichika like that}

ichika:*take an deep breath*did you mean if you cook sweet and sour pork i have to married you!!

an that moment rin's face became more red than the blood as smoke came out from her  head

rin:wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-WHAT!!? WHO TELL YOU THAT!?

ichika:uhh Es say that

rin turn to Es

rin:{i should be angry o glad for her to tell ichika that}

Es:i say the meaning of you worlds

ichika:soo it that what you mean?

rin was quiet and nervous

rin:{oh god what should i do, what should i.........wait an minute you have the chance right an front you just tell him yes but as boyfriends..okay you can do it}well ichika the answer is

but before she say anything the doors open again

honne:jason!*run towards him and give him an hug*

jason:*catch her*woah honne! what are you doing here?

an the door was kiyoka,yuzu and sayuka as they walk towards jason

yuzu:she was worried for you soo came here to see you as we come along

jason:oh*look honne*don't worry i fine i just came to see ichika

honne:i was worried when Es say you were the arena soo you know*look sad*

jason:*pet her*don't worry i fine, olso you girls came an bad moment

kiyoka:what you mean?

jason:well rin is gonnad answer ichika an importan question*point rin who has pouting*

sayuka:sorry about that

rin:don't worry*look back to ichika*as i was saying the answer is

but again she interrupe by the door be open again to show cecilia*who have an close eye smile*

cecilia:suprise jason dear. i hope you feel better i her to look after you*she open her eyes and see the girls aroud jason and honne hug him*....what?*walk to the girls with an frown*what are you doing here?

the girls sweatdrop

cecilia:are you try to make a move on jason was he is an the in infirmary!

then the doors open again to reveal houki

houki:you are not the only one*look rin*you try to get ahead of me behind my back*enter the room*

rin was angry one they interrupt her, two houki aka her rival was here

rin:get out here! did you see i try to talk with my childhood friend

houki:when he is my childhood friend to

rin:i know him better

houki:i spen more with him than you

and they keep on and on

cecilia:and you*point honne*why you hug him?!

honne:*realise she was huggin him for good while she stop and blush*well well i

cecilia:if the only one who can be hug is me

kiyoka:not fair we met him way better than you


yuzu:besides you first meeting wasn't the best as we see

cecilia:t t that was back then but now is diferent

and they start to argue

ichika:uhh what is goin on?

jason do the only thing an bloodedge do

jason:i don't know but i have the feeling this is gonnad happen an lot

an another place

there was an lab where the remmains of the IS was an the table as maya check the computer with chifuru right behind her

maya:so, it was unmaned.thank god if someone was pilot she*shiver*oh god i never wish that not even my worse enemy. olso the core turned out to be unregistered

chifuru:i see

maya:but there is another thing

chifuru:what is it?

maya:the energy of the core is almost emply,as something take all the energy

chifuru:......could be that beast?

maya:is posible but i not sure,but the question is to where

chifuru:.......anything else

maya:this IS was equipped with a core that's is not belong of the 467 existing..what is goin

that was an good question but there is another who chifuru wonder

chifuru:{are you related to this jason crowe and what secrets you hide?}

then the scene change back to the infirmary when jason's azure grimore glow for an moment before stop

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