Chapter 19

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When Eren, Mikasa, and Armin walked into the room, the ones present were queen Historia, the Levi Squad, Floch, and Scouts Commander Hange.

"Eren, what was the purpose of this meeting?" Historia asked, and Eren sit down on the chair and said, "There is something I need to confess, I also hoped that this conversation was between the people here in this room."

"What is this about?" Commander Hange asked.

Just then, Eren's eyes glowed, and suddenly, all of them found themselves standing in the desert. Levi said, "Oi! Brat, where did you take us?"

"This is what we called the Paths." Eren said, "Here, the Founding Titan is the Coordinate where the paths of all Subjects of Ymir and Titans cross. It has the ability to alter the memories of Subjects of Ymir, change the body composition of Subjects of Ymir, transform Subjects of Ymir into Titans, and command all other Titans. Everything started the moment when I kissed Historia's hand at the award ceremony."

Just then, they noticed a girl walking toward Eren, Mikasa asked, "Eren? Who is this?"

"This is Founder Ymir, she is known as the first Titan, the mother of the three goddesses: Maria, Rosa, and Sina."  Eren said, causing them to widen their eyes.

Founder Ymir could only nod before walking away again, and Eren said, "Founder Ymir's story is not a good one."

Then with his powers, Eren started to show them the story. Founder Ymir was living in a village she was fetching water from a well.

One day, a group of Eldian soldiers arrived, they burned the whole village, and the villagers were either dead or enslaved.

"What's this?" Armin asked with horror. 

"The first Reiss King wiped out our memory. Here, you're going to witness why the world wants to end us, and how Titans come into existence." Eren said.

"So we're going to see the origin of the Titan!" Hange said with excitement, while the others just flinched.

Ymir was doing her slavery work until she looked at the crowd gathering, she saw a man kissing a woman with love, she just stopped there and stared. 

Just then, a pig escaped from its pen with the door open, and King Fritz said, "One of you let a pig escape. If nobody fesses up, every one of you loses an eye. Slaves have no need for two."

Everyone was frightened, and just then, all of them were pointing their fingers at Ymir. Sasha says, "Hey! She's not the one who let the pig out!"

"How dare they accused her like that?" Jean asked.

"You're the one who let it escape?" King Fritz asked the kneeling Ymir, who turned to the other slaves with fear and sadness in her eyes. Nobody wanted to help her, and then she lowered her head. "Very well. You are "free."

The scene changed with Ymir running in the forest, her eye was torn, and she had an arrow attached to her body. Behind her, Eldians were using bows and arrows while riding on horses, trying to hunt her.

"Are they treating her as an animal?"  Sasha gasped. 

"Yes... this is her punishment." Eren said.

Ymir was hit as she fell to the ground, the Eldians thought she was dead, so they left her alone. But just after they were gone, Ymir slowly got up, her only eye flowing with tears. She noticed a large tree and she slowly walked toward it. Noticing that the Eldians were back, she quickly stepped inside.

Drips of water could be heard, and Ymir slipped and fall into the pool of water in the sinkhole. All hope seemed to get lost, Ymir accepted her fate as she was about to die. Just then, a spiny creature appeared and attached itself to her.

"What was that thing?" Floch yelled.

"That's the source of all living matter. By attaching itself to Ymir... she became the first Titan, holding the power of the 9."

They saw the familiar lightning, and the Eldians were terrified at what just happened. Ymir turned into the Titan, and she let out a roar.

"So that was the first Titan..." Mikasa muttered.

"But what happened next?" Connie asked.

Then the scene changed back to the castle. "You've done well, my slave, Ymir." Fritz said. "You've built roads, cultivated the wilds, and bridged mountains. My tribe, Eldia, has grown quite large. As a reward, I shall give you my seed."

Ymir bowed to the king, and the scene changed to the war with Marley. "In the name of Fritz, annihilate the vile people of Marley!"

With Ymir's Titan, Eldia started to invade other nations with war, and eventually, Founder Ymir was pregnant and she had Maria, Rose, and Sina.

"Hold on... she suffered because of King Fritz but she still wanted to help him conquer other nations?"  Sasha asked. "This is so wrong..."

"What could she do?" Eren said. "She knew nothing other than being a slave to the king. And now... I'm sure you remember that those who got the power of the 9 will die in 13 years. Here is the explanation."

When Marleyan officers kneel before Fritz, one of them rises in retaliation and throws his spear at him. Ymir intervenes, letting the spear impale her through the shoulder. She collapses in front of Fritz as her daughters look on in horror. They rushed to her, and in secret, Ymir transferred all of the powers to Maria, Rose, and Sina, but only Eren was able to see that.

"What are you doing? Get up. I know you won't die from a mere spear, my slave, Ymir." Fritz said.

Without the power of the Titans in her body, Ymir finally closed her eyes. Jean asked, "What's going on? Why wasn't she healing?"

"The reason why she did everything to the king was for one day, she can be loved by the King. But the King never realized that, and he kept using her as a slave. That's when Ymir gave up." Eren said.

"But then what?" Historia asked, and then they saw another scene. Maria, Rose, and Sina were eating Ymir's body with tears in their eyes.

"Feast, my daughters! Whatever it takes, Ymir's power must be carried on! Eat every last piece of Ymir's body, Maria... Rose... Sina! My daughters... Bear children and multiply. Ymir's blood must be passed on. If my daughters die, feed their spines to my grandchildren. If they die, feed their spines from child to child!"

Just then, all of them are back at the paths once more, and Armin said, "So that was the origin of  gaining the power of the nine by eating the previous shifter..."

"But that was sickening..." Mikasa muttered.

Historia noticed Eren, but not one but two, "Why are there two of you?"

One of the Eren said, "Because I'm showing you what I saw during that award ceremony."

Then they stared at the other Eren, who was rushing toward Ymir. "Who was building Armin's Titan."

"Was that..." Armin asked Eren, and he nodded. "All of the titans were created by Ymir here in the paths. Pure Titans, power of the nine, when they finished one, it will appear in our real world."

Then they hear King Fritz's voice again, "Even after I pass, Eldia will dominate the lands with its monstrosities, and our Titans shall reign supreme for eternity! Until the world's end! For etern-"

"I'll end it!"  Once Founder Ymir finished the body of Armin's Titan, they saw the younger Eren hugging Ymir. "I'll put an end to this cruel world! You're not a slave! You're not a god! You're just a person! You don't have to bow to anyone! You can decide! It's your choice! You get to choose!"

"Eren? What are you doing?" Hange asked, and the older Eren said, "Something that should've been done in the first place."

"Do you wanna stay here for eternity or should I end this?!" Younger Eren asked, and it caused Ymir to flinch.

"Were you the one who led me here? You've been waiting this whole time. For 2000 years... For someone..."

Just then, Ymir started to cry in tears, and just then, Armin noticed something in the sky and yelled, "Everyone! Look!"

Everyone looked up, and they saw two lights clashing with each other until both of them broke in the end. When the light disappeared, younger Eren and Ymir blasted away. At the same time, they were all sent back to real-time.

"What was going on?"  Historia asked after they were back in the meeting room. Eren said, "The two lights... the gold one was the Vow of Renouncing War, and the silver one... it was the Vow of Attack Titan."

"Vow of Attack Titan?" Levi asked while raising his eyebrow.

"Do you remember in my first transformation, I couldn't control this power, and there are also some times I couldn't transform." Eren said. "That's because those two vows have been fighting against each other... since my Dad took it from the Reiss family. Now that both of the vows were gone, I can control all the Titans on my will without the need of the Titan with Royal Blood, and I also unlocked the true power of the Attack Titan."

"The true power of the Attack Titan? What was it?" Hange asked.

"The power... to manipulate time." Eren said. "I could make time goes faster or slower on my free will, or stop the time so all attacks on me would miss. I could also influence the past by sending future memories to the past holders."

"Manipulate time... that sounds so crazy..." Jean said. 

"However, the only problem is that I am the only one who could do it." Eren said, suddenly appearing behind Historia. "Nobody would realize that I stopped the time."

"Wait, did you just teleport?" Sasha gasped.

"No, I just stopped time and walked there." Eren said.

"That's amazing! I wonder what else your Titan could do..." Hange said.

"After freeing Founder Ymir, she told me the truth. She already secretly gave away the power of the Titans before being devoured, so the curse won't affect those with royal blood." Eren said. 

"Those with Royal Blood? Can you tell us more about it?" Historia asked.

"There are nine royal families who were immune to the curse, however, only Ymir, Maria, Rose, and Sina knew the truth and they hid it for 2000 years. I also knew this a year ago." Eren said.

"And they are?" Hange asked.

"Tybur - War Hammer

Grice - Jaw

Leonhart - Female

Arlert - Colossal

Cara - Cart

Braus - Beast

Foster - Armored

Yeager - Attack

Reiss/Fritz - Founding."

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, this is where Eren decided to reveal Ymir's story to others. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the continuation of the Flashback.

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