Chapter 20

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The room was filled with silence and they couldn't believe what they'd heard. Armin said, "Are you telling me that my family was the royal family for the Colossal Titan?"

"It is not just Armin, but Floch, Sasha, and you as well?" Hange asked.

Eren nodded and said, "Back when we retook Wall Maria, I knew if choosing between Commander Erwin and Armin, Erwin was the best choice. But for some reason, my mind kept telling me that I should continue to fight for Armin instead. It was until that Award Ceremony that I understood. If Armin took the Colossal Titan, then he wouldn't be able to die from the 13-year curse, and also using the full power of the Colossal Titan not even Bertolt could do."

Armin was surprised, he won't die after 12 years from now. "That's great, Armin!" Jean said to him.

"But what about you? You have both the Founding and the Attack in you. Will you die from the curse?" Historia asked Eren.

"Technically, I won't." Eren said. "My father didn't know that, so that's why he gave me the powers before his thirteenth year."

"But that meant except Historia... we have 4 Royal Blood with us right now." Hange said.

"No, there are five." Eren said. "Annie Leonhart was also one of the Royal Blood."

This caused everyone to widen their eyes.  Connie asked, "Are you telling me that you're going to have Annie on  our side?"

"Absolutely not. She had killed the people from Stohess and also my comrades." Levi said. "We're not letting her go."

"We knew Annie better than you guys. Annie only wanted to reunite with her father. She didn't care about Marley and others." Eren said. "If we use this to persuade her to our side, we would've been able to have another strength to our island."

"And how are you sure that she will agree to help us out?" Jean asked.

"Marley had abandoned her, so she wouldn't have a choice." Eren said. "Not let's count that Annie had joined us, we would have six royal families already. Two of them are living on the Marley mainland, while one of them was in the Cadet Corps."

This caused them to widen their eyes and Eren continued, "If she joined the Survey Corps, then we would have 7 Royal Families already, all that's left was to take the Titan powers from others."

"How are we going to take their Titan power?" Hange asked.

"I don't know, that's why we need time to come up with a plan." Eren said, and the others nod. Then Eren said, "And before we find Annie, there was also something that I also need to confess."

"What is it?" Historia asked.

"Before we got to the ocean, we managed to find a lot of pure Titans and killed them. However, they weren't dead. Instead, I turned them back to humans and I also brought them to a safe place." Eren said.

"Wait, what? Why didn't you tell us?" Mikasa asked.

"They need some time to heal themselves, and they don't trust anyone who gets close to them except for me. I couldn't just tell you so that you would bother them." Eren said, "They don't know anything about the memory wipe, and some of them weren't Eldia Restorationists, they thought of us as Island Devils and were scared that we would do something to us."

"Just how many secrets have you hidden after that award ceremony?" Levi asked. "And what was your reason to keep them a secret?"

"Because I said that the Attack Titan can manipulate time, and that means... I could see the future." Eren said.

"The future? What did you see?" Historia asked.

"The moment my head was off my body was the moment when the Rumbling began." Eren said, causing them to widen their eyes. "3 years later, the world is going to do genocide for all of us on the island, the moment they shot me off my head, the Rumbling was activated, killing 80% of the people outside of Paradis."

"No way... was that what you saw?" Armin asked. 

"The world will only unite when they have a common enemy, and that's us Eldians." Eren said. "All because of what King Fritz forced Ymir to do."

"But you said that the Rumbling only killed 80% of the people outside of Paradis... what about the 20%?" Hange asked, trying not to believe what was happening.

"They survived, the Rumbling stopped because of all of you." Eren said, "But the cost is that all Eldians, except for the Titan shifters and the Ackermanns, were turned into pure Titans."

"Why can't there be a good ending?" Armin muttered with slight anger. "The future can be changed, right? Was there a way that none of this is going to happen?"

"Do you think I'm not trying?" Eren asked back with slight anger. "This is a cruel world we live in. Who wanted to be a mass murderer? Maybe the people outside of Paradis because they hate Eldians."

Historia said, "Enough. If anything, the fault belonged to my ancestors. If the first Reiss King would just do anything instead of running away, none of this would happen. Eren, were there any differences you've done to try to change the future?"

"Of course I do." Eren said. "Returning those Pure Titans back to normal was one of them."

"Good, that was a start, we can try to continually change the future so that the Rumbling won't happen." Historia said.

Everyone nodded in agreement, then Eren was bringing them to the Marley Eldians who was turned back to normal.

When they arrived there, they were shocked to see a small village made of the Eldians from the Liberio. Historia said, "To think there are also children... how horrible..."

"Marley sent Eldian criminals here, and as long as they have Zeke or one of the Tybur Family, they won't stop creating Titans." Eren sighed.

Eren walked toward them as they all bowed, "Yeager!"

"Everyone. Don't panic, because today, the queen of Eldia had come for a visit." Eren said to the people, who were terrified at what he said.

Eren turned to Historia, and she took a step forward. "My name is Historia Reiss, and I have the blood of king Karl Fritz. We of Paradis were sorry that we couldn't help you as soon as possible. I'm sure that one of our soldiers here, Eren Yeager, had explained to you about our situation, right?"

One of the restorationists said, "He told us that Karl Fritz set up a vow that caused those who obtained the Founding Titan to be unable to use the power. He also wiped your memories of the Eldian history so that they could control the people in the walls. It was not until a year ago that the military overthrew the regiment of the first king."

Another restorationist said, "And because of Marley sending the Warriors to the island, you've been fighting for years. The moment we were set free was the moment they retreated."

Historia nodded and said, "As the queen, I promise you, we won't abandon you. We will fight against Marley and bring back the empire that belonged to us. But in order to do so, we need your help. We're going to save your brothers and sisters!"

The Eldian Restorationists cheered, and Commander Hange asked Eren, "So what are we going to do with them?"

Eren said, "They can help the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers with the construction of Paradis Island. After all, from my father's memories, some of them were good with engineering."

"Then so be it. But if they refuse to help, we're not going to force them as well." Historia said.

(Flashback Ends)

When the scouts were back at the building, they were surrounded by the Military Police. "Hand over Eren Yeager."

The scouts widened their eyes, but just before they could retaliate, Eren stopped them and surrendered himself.

"Eren!" Mikasa said, but Eren said, "Don't."

Then after Eren was taken away, Jean muttered, "So it has begun..."

"Eren's King status was only known to the Scouts, nobody knew that he's the king." Floch said. "However, Eren already had a plan with this."

"What plan?" Commander Hange asked.

"You'll see it for sure." Louise said.

Eren was convicted for disobeying orders from his superiors, which caused the death of several soldiers and possibly started many wars with countries all around the world, and it caused him to be forced to stay in the cell for six months. 

Eren knew what game they were playing, thanks to the letter from Historia, he was glad that Commander Hange was still trying to beg for his release, but Eren also told her not to do anything and was taken to the prison cell.

In the restaurant, Nicolo was serving food for the scouts and said, "So you managed to get the power of the nine back?"

Jean said, "Yeah. Although we had two kids who sneaked on the airship. They were Warrior candidates. They almost killed Sasha if Eren didn't interfere."

"And now he's in the prison cell again..." Sasha said. "I wonder why he would keep that a secret..."

"All we knew is that the Military Police wanted to get rid of him for a long time." Armin said.

"But still, I'm glad you come back safely. Sasha." Nicolo said.

"That reminded me, Nicolo. Is it possible to have a reservation here? Because it's been a while since I see my parents, and I wanted to treat them to a great restaurant." Sasha said.

Nicolo blushed a little and said, "O-of course."

A carriage was making its way down the street. Citizens were reading the newspaper. Zeke looked out of the window before he turned to the person in front of him. "You guys calling it a victory. Isn't ignorance a scary thing?"

Levi, who was sitting in the carriage with him, glared at him. "If I send your dead body to Marley and reveal your little plot, your gramps and granny are done for. The only thing that keeps me waiting to chop you up was because of our king. If only you weren't family."

"I appreciate your graciousness." Zeke answered. "But don't I get to meet Eren first?"

"He got himself imprisoned in the cell. You'll have to wait until he got free to meet him." Levi said.

"Oh? So it was true that only the Scouts knew that Eren's the king." Zeke raised his eyebrow.

"We just don't want to make a scene." Levi said coldly.

It was silent for a while before Zeke spoke again. "Hey... Can you please stop glaring at me?"

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, we still haven't finished Episode 9 of my own version of Season 4. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the reveal of the military's plan and Eren's plan.

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