Chapter 26

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Historia and Kaya arrived at the old village where Kaya used to stay, and Kaya explained her story to Gabi and Falco. "This village used to be my home. Four years ago, a Titan showed up here. The villagers ran when they saw it and left behind my mom, who couldn't run."

Kaya moved grass out of the way to show Falco and Gabi the village. There were shown walking through the village.

"There was nothing I could do so I sat down." Kaya's old house is shown, on the inside grass started to grow over all the rubble. "From right here, I sat and listened to my mom get eaten." They stared at the house. "She was alive the whole time it happened. Eventually, she went silent. I think she screamed until she lost her voice."

Falco's eyes were emotional while Gabi's eyes were wide.

"They say humanity outside the walls thinks that were devils." Falco looked at Gabi as they listened to Kaya. "But I don't understand why we're hated so much. Mia, Ben. Tell me. What exactly did my mom do?" Kaya begged them. "What did she do to be hated so much?"

Gabi looked at her intensely as her eyes widened. "Your kind slaughtered people for thousands of years."

"Thousand of years?" Kaya asked her.

"Don't tell me you forgot it!" Gabi said. Falco stared between the two back and forth in a slight panic.

Gabi stared at her angrily as she continued. "Eldians used the Power of the Titans to trample the world for millennia! They wiped out other cultures, forced them to bear their children, and murdered endless droves of people!" Gabi yelled at her as she exploded with rage. "Stop playing the victim!"

"My mom was born and raised here." Kaya argued back. "She never did anything like that."

"But a century ago, the sins of your ancestors were terrible and great!"

"A century ago? What about the people who live now? How have we sinned?" Kaya asked her full of emotion.

"Not long ago, you guys trampled my home." Gabi exclaimed.

"My mom was killed four years ago, so it's not her fault."

Gabi's resolve began to break as she tried to explain it to Kaya. "I'm telling you, your ancestors killed people all over the-"

"My mom didn't kill anyone!" Kaya screamed desperately. She grabbed Gabi's shoulders and continued to scream at her. "Answer me, Mia! Why did my mom have to suffer like that?!" Gabi stared at her emotionally as Kaya shook her shoulders. "There has to be a reason! It's crazy if there's not!" Tears were in Kaya's eyes. "Why was my mom eaten alive, huh?! Why was she killed?! Huh, why?!"

She continued to shake her as Gabi stared at her in anger, confusion, and shock. Falco spoke up again as the girls just stared at each other. "It was recon-in-force. The invasion of Paradis four years ago was staging for a larger attack." Falco stated sadly as he looked down, then he looked up at her and continued. "You and your mother were caught up in it. Your mom didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry." Falco said with guilt and remorse.

After that Kaya sat down on the ground, griefing.

Gabi looked at him angrily. "You're leaking secrets to the enemy and why apologize?"

"Thanks for letting me know, Ben." Kaya thanked him. "But it's weird for you to apologize for Marley. You were just born there." Kaya started to walk out of the house with Historia.

"So how did you manage to escape and survive?" Falco asked her.

Kaya stopped and turned to them. "A girl a bit older than I am now grabbed a hatchet and started hitting the Titan."

"No way, that's crazy!" Falco exclaimed surprised.

"Yeah. She put herself between me and the Titan and allowed me to escape." Kaya said.

Historia sighed, "That's Sasha Braus for you."

"Sasha... Braus..." Gabi suddenly felt conflicted as she remembered her shooting the guards.

Historia said, "And you kept telling us that we forget about our ancestors' sins. That's because a hundred years ago, Karl Fritz used the power of the Founding Titan to wipe out all of our memories about the past. History books recording those were burned, and they kept brainwashing that we were the last of humanity in the world and Titans were monsters instead of Eldians like us."

Falco said, "Really? The Founding Titan had the power to also wipe out people's memories?"

Historia said, "9 years ago, the Warrior Candidates: Reiner, Bertolt, Annie, and Marcel Galliard. The four of them came to Paradis Island to take the Founding Titan. They broke Wall Maria, and my husband, as you knew as Eren Yeager, watched his mother eaten by the Titans."

This caused both Gabi and Falco to widen their eyes, Historia said, "Eren's father was from Marley, and when he was sent to Paradis, he already had the Attack Titan. He begged my sister, who was the previous Founding Titan, to save Eldians in Liberio. However, my sister was bound by the vow of renouncing war, so they battled. In the end, my sister was eaten by Eren's father, and my other siblings were killed in the battle except for my father. But with the thirteenth year, he turned my husband into the titan and let him eat his father."

Gabi seemed to be a little interested, while Falco was listening closely. Falco asked, "So how did you meet Eren? And if his family slaughtered your family, why would like someone like him?"

Historia said, "We've met in the same training corps, back then, Eren had a lot of anger issues, and he would always talk about killing the Titans all the time. Everyone likes to call him a suicidal bastard. But he is also influential. Because of him, a lot of people, including me, want to become a part of the Survey Corps."

"Survey Corps? What's the difference between this one and the army?" Falco asked.

"Survey Corps was used to venture outside of the three walls. At first, not everyone was willing to join this because of the fear of Titans." Historia said. "A lot of people were dreaming of becoming the Military Police so they could have a safe life in Wall Sina, but only the top 10 could enter the Military Police."

"Does that mean you were in the Top 10 as well?" Falco asked.

"I was the number 10th. But thanks to Eren's words, 8 of 10 of us joined the Survey Corps instead of the Military Police." Historia said.

"So what rank was Eren Yeager?" Gabi decided to ask.

"He graduated in the fifth rank, considering that the second, third, and fourth rank were Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie." Historia said, "They probably had trained in your Warrior Training before coming here."

"And what about the first?" Falco asked.

"That will be Mikasa Ackermann of course." Historia said, and it caused them to flinch. They also learned that it was Miki's actual name. 

"You said that 8 of the 10 joined the Survey Corps, but what about the other 2?" Falco continued to ask.

"Annie joined the Military Police, and Marco..." Historia frowned, "He died before he could graduate. Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie took his weapons and gear away and let him die to the titans."

This caused them to widen their eyes, they aren't sure if they should be happy or not that Reiner and the others killed the person. Historia said, "It is not just him, a lot of people died on that day, but it was also the day when Eren transformed for the first time. And that was when we started to learn about the outside world."

She looked at them and said, "But still, it was pretty weird, you're angry at us for forgetting about the past or our ancestor's sins. However, Reiner and the other Warriors intended to keep us in the dark. He would rather save Eren from being eaten by the pure titan because he didn't want the pure titan to tell us about the outside world."

Historia sighed, "However, there is something that you need to know. Eren's Attack Titan has a special ability that made him stronger than all the other Titans except for the Founding Titan. That is, the ability to manipulate time."

"Manipulate... time?" Gabi widened her eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Attack Titans can see memories from the future other than the past. He could also stop time of his own free will." Historia said. "Eren has become the strongest Titan in existence with the Founding, Attack, War Hammer, and Jaws at the same time. But Eren isn't a person who wants to do the Rumbling. So that's why he made a vow using the power of the Founding Titan."

"And that is?" Falco asked.

"If his head was off his body, that would be when the Rumbling begun." Historia said, causing them to widen their eyes. "Anyway, I shouldn't reveal too much."

She turned to Kaya and said, "If I remember, the Braus family was going to a restaurant where Nicolo and the others were staying. Could you try to ask any one of them to bring those two back to Marley?"

"I'll try my best, your highness." Kaya said.

"Why were you helping us?" Gabi asked with a frown.

"Because we're not our ancestors, and we're not going to be like them." Historia said.

Back in Marley where Eren and the War Hammer Titan fought, were soldiers removing bodies from the rubble. 

"Investigating the Beast Titan's corpse, we found pieces of Zeke blown apart. However, not enough of them. We only found his arms and legs." Magath told the warriors, Gloria, and Colt, who sat at a table with ODM gear on the table between them. "He pretended that he was dead in order to deceive us. We believe Zeke has sided with Paradis and escaped on the airship."

He looked down at the table in front of them. "This modified Anti-personnel ODM gear utilizes Marleyan technology. There's also the airship they stole. It executed advanced maneuvers only a trained pilot could perform. Zeke probably sneaked comrades aboard the scout fleet four years ago -- Eldian Restorationists, that is."

Porco grabbed his head with his right hand. "Sh-shit! To think we fought side-by-side with a traitor this whole time. Because of that, all of us lost our Titan power to the island of devils!"

"Obviously, we won't let him off the hook." Magath told them. "Within nine months, a global alliance will launch an offensive on Paradis."

"N-nine months?! We're waiting nine months to rescue Gabi and Falco?" Colt stood up in disbelief.

"They're the most talented Warrior candidates." Porco exclaimed. "It'll be a huge blow to Marley if we lose them."

"And training new Warrior candidates will take ages." Pieck said.

"But if Marley attacks alone, we'll only be driven back like last time. Considering they have the power of the nine in their hands." Magath said. "We must wait for the global alliance."

"Zeke is hoping we will." Reiner told him. "He thinks Marley won't attack after taking such heavy damage. If we wait nine months to get there, he'll have made plans to fight back. We can't wait for the Global Alliance now!" He stood up. "We have to launch a surprise attack at once!"

All of them were shown with determined faces. And once the others were gone, Gloria turned to Colt and said, "Everything was going with the plan."

"I was surprised that Reiner would be the one who persuaded Commander Magath." Colt added. "And I felt sorry for Zeke as well."

Gloria nodded before they left the room.

Here is a new chapter, and Historia revealed some things about Eren in this chapter. I hope you like it.

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