Chapter 31

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Zeke was sitting at Grisha's desk, as he started to think about why he wanted to do the Euthanasia Plan.


A City was shown with many houses and a wall separating it from the other houses. Two People were standing on top of the tower.

Grisha's voice is heard, he sounds a bit younger, "Take a good look Zeke. That's Liberio, where we live."

"Compared to the world, it's like a tiny birdcage." A Younger Grisha was standing next to Dina with a young Zeke in his hands. "Since we can't leave, we have to live here till we die."

"Zeke wouldn't you like to leave?" A closer view of Zeke was shown as Grisha speaks. "Yeah I would." Zeke says while he abruptly looks to the side.

A man came out of the door, "Oh, what's this? We hardly ever get visitors this early." He smiled at them, "I'll come back later."

"It's okay. We're on our way out." Grisha said. The Janitor got an intense look in his eyes and noticed the yellow armband Grisha was wearing.

The man looked annoyed and angry, "Oh Eldians?" He splashed the water in his bucket on the family. Zeke looked terrified.

Grisha spoke angrily, "Wh-what?! We got permission to leave the walls!"

"It's my job to clean the tower and get rid of the trash." The man says, "You came in and defiled it, you devils!"

Dina looked dejected, Zeke looked afraid and Grisha just looked angry. The man continued angrily, "Your kind slaughtered countless lives! Yet here you are pumping out more kids?!"

Grisha and Dina were seen walking away, drenched in water as Marleyans shouted and whispered, showing nothing but hostility.

"Devils!" "Stay in the Internment zone!" "You guys stink!" "Thanks for ruining my day!"

Grisha looked on and whispered to Zeke, "Remember this day well Zeke. This is the outside world." Zeke was crying silently as he held onto Grisha. "If you don't like it, you've gotta change it. Zeke, you're going to save everyone."

A new batch of Warrior Candidates was seen running up a small hill. A younger Zeke fell down and catches himself while panting harshly. He stood back up and continued running, although he was far behind.

Two Men watched them from afar. "Will one of these kids be my Successor?" The man with a red armband asked.

"Yes we will choose one." The other one answered.

"One of them is falling behind, who's that?"

"Ah, Yeager again? All the other kids are fiercely competing to be Honorary Marleyans."

After noticing Zeke trailing behind the others, the other man, Theo Magath commented, "Yet he has none of that drive. Why does he even come here?"

Grisha and Dina were seen walking along with Zeke. "How was training, Zeke?"

"It's really tough." He answered him.

"I see but I know you can be a warrior." Grisha said.

Dina spoke sweetly, "Because you have a special power." Zeke was smiling as Grisha continued, "And most important of all, you're our son!"


In front of a house, An elderly man had opened the door and Zeke went inside while Grisha and Dina stood outside. "Father, Mother. Thanks for watching Zeke."

"Yeah." Mr. Yeager said.

"I baked your favorite pie today." An elderly woman with black hair said as Zeke hugged her.

"Yippee!" He shouted excitedly.

"Your social dance club again? Zeke misses you." Mr. Yeager said to Grisha. "But it's for the wellness of Liberio." He said to him.

"Someday, I'm sure Zeke will understand why we're doing this." Dina said as Zeke overheard them.

A book was shown with titans walking from the sea towards forts as men tried to fight them, text is written in the top right of the pages.

"This is the tragedy of Lago that occurred 1200 years ago. After Lago was destroyed in a single day, the titans went on to cause the Ravaging of Valle and Devastation of Monte." Mr. Yeager's voice is heard, as he explained the 'history' of Eldia and the sins committed by Eldians.

"Marleyans in the Hundreds of Thousands were killed by Eldia." Mrs. Yeager and Zeke were shown sitting at the table with Mr. Yeager as he flipped the page and continued explaining. "What's more, the people who escaped Lago fled into the countryside. However the Eldian Empire put titans along the path and at daybreak, The Titans rose and attacked the-"

Zeke looked annoyed as he nodded and said, "Yeah I know. Lots of people died." Mr. Yeager blinked at him and asked, "Is your father teaching you actual history?"

Mrs. Yeager held Zeke's shoulder as both of them looked down. "He says Eldians did horrible things to Marleyans so we have to atone for it."

"Do you want to become a Warrior and fight for Marley?" Mr. Yeager asked him. Zeke looked to the side. "Yeah. I want to be a Warrior." He said almost immediately, though the words sound empty.

Mr. and Mrs. Yeager looked at each other and Mr. Yeager nodded. "Well, I think it's bedtime." He said as he closes the book.

"Oh! Next time you're here I'll read you the cat house book!" Mrs. Yeager said to Zeke who looked up at her excitedly. He smiled at her and nodded. "Yay!"

Mr. Yeager got up from the table and walked away, and Mrs. Yeager did the same. Zeke got up and looked around and noticed a photograph. It's of his father and deceased aunt Faye when they were young.

In front of a building, Magath and Warrior Candidates were seen standing. "Begin!" Magath's voice rang out.

On a table, parts of a shotgun along with bolts and screws are kept. Zeke and the other candidates were seen rebuilding shotguns. Zeke stood up to get the piece that fell but it fell between Magath's feet who looked down at him. He looked terrified.

Zeke was shown walking home dejectedly and noticed a father and a son playing in the street.

"You're awful at this dad!" They were laughing and smiling happily as Zeke continued to watch them. His eyes sparkled.

"Dad!" Zeke shouted. He sounded excited.

"Zeke?" Grisha answered as Zeke opened the door to his father's study.

"I finished early today! Let's-" He started but gets interrupted as Grisha looked at him and said, "Oh, good. We'll be able to study more."

Zeke stared at him and nodded solemnly, "Right..."

The same history book from before was shown. Grisha's voice is heard. "In other words, the Tragedy of Lago never happened. The Ravaging of Valle and Devastation of Monte are stories made up by Marley, too."

Dina was wearing an apron and cleaning dishes while Grisha teaches Zeke about the History of Eldia. 

"Eldians have never had such cruel customs or culture after all-" Grisha got interrupted by Zeke as he stared at him and said, "The Founder Ymir wouldn't want that. It's unthinkable."

Grisha's eyes widened as he smiles, "That's right! You're catching on Zeke!" He got up and ruffles Zeke's hair who smiled and nodded. "Yeah!"

If you're not serious, get lost!" Magath scolded Zeke as other Warrior Candidates watched.

"Marley needs people willing to give everything to our motherland. We sure as hell won't leave a Titan in the hands of someone like you." Zeke kept his eyes closed and listened as he got belittled by Magath and other candidates.

Zeke was shown walking home alone in low spirits as the other candidates walked ahead. He spotted a baseball rolling toward him and a man waving at him. "Hey! You there! Can you toss that ball back?" It's revealed that it is the same man Magath was talking to before.

Zeke picked up the ball and threw it which the man caught. The man laughed heartily. "You've got a good arm for a kid." He said to Zeke.

Zeke looked at him confused before pointing to himself. "Huh?"  The Man threw the ball at him which Zeke caught by jumping up.

The Man laughed again and said while giving him a thumbs up, "Nice catch!" 

Zeke looked at him, still confused at his friendliness." I'm sick of throwing off the Wall. You mind playing for a bit?" he asked Zeke while pointing to his glove.

Zeke noticed his red armband and exclaimed in shock, "A red armband! You're-"

"One of the Marleyan Warriors you're trying to be. Though, since my Beast Titan isn't too helpful in war, I mostly just play catch around here." The man said to Zeke, albeit a bit sheepishly.

"The name's Tom Ksaver. I'm a Titan Researcher." He said while smiling softly. He raised his hand and asked, "So, what's your name?"

Zeke threw the ball again and answered, "Zeke Yeager!" Ksaver caught the ball again. "Zeke, your throw has some heat! You'd be a good pitcher." Zeke looked at him in awe as he blushed a bit. His eyes sparkled and he smiled.

Zeke was seen running home. "I'm home! Dad, Guess what?!" He shouted happily as he looked around for Grisha.

"That's not what you told me!" Someone shouted.

"What gives, Grice?" came Grisha's voice as Zeke looked at them through the opening of the door. His eyes widened as he saw them. Grisha was talking to a man named 'Grice'. "If Zeke isn't chosen, the plan's finished!"

"But the Owl said they can't influence the decision unless Zeke has decent scores." said 'Grice'.

Zeke continued listening to them. "I know! A chance like this comes once in a century!" Grisha responded.

"Doesn't Zeke still have a shot, though?" Dina asked.

Grisha was holding his head with his hand as he looked down and said in a frustrated tone, "Yeah, he might. If Zeke steps up-" Suddenly he noticed something and looked up.

Zeke's eyes widened and he backs up as Grisha opened the door. Grice, Grisha, and Dina were all looking down at him with pained expressions. Zeke looked up at them, scared, and said, "I'm sorry."

"Zeke!" Grisha shouted as he held Zeke by his shoulders, trying to encourage him to do better. "I know you can do it! You're our son after all!"

"I said Marley has no need for you. Why are you here?" Magath questioned while looking down at Zeke.

Zeke answered, " T-to show my loyalty to Marley and atone for Eldia's sins! Let me in open training, please!"

Candidates were seen running. Grisha and Dina watched from the sidelines. Zeke was still falling behind others. Sweat ran down his face and he panted heavily. He looked to the side and noticed Grisha and Dina looking at him with horrified faces.

Zeke slowed down and stopped to look at his parents and saw them leave.

"What are you doing, Yeager?! Run! Run, boy!" Magath shouted at him. Ksaver watched them with his mouth slightly open as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

I'll cut Episode 15 here, we're going into Zeke's past, and I hope you like this chapter.

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