Chapter 30

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After the meeting in the restaurant, the Scouts and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers are now moving to Shiganshina. Thanks to the evacuation, the town here is now an empty town.

Eren was sitting at his own house as he sat on the bed, Historia approached him with Mikasa helping her with the wheelchair and he said, "Eren... can we talk?"

Eren looked at Historia and asked, "Why are you still here, you should've gone back to the farm and rested there, you still have a baby in your stomach after all."

"With how things turned out right now, do you expect me to turn away like a coward?" Historia said in a stern tone. "Something is bothering you, can you tell me?"

Eren said, "I really wanted to have a nice calm talk...I don't want to fight to solve Eldia's problems. But everything has to go against the way we desire..."

"Eren..." Mikasa muttered.

"We tried to negotiate with other nations, but they refused to negotiate peace with us. And that was not the worst thing... the Garrison and the Military Police were also trying to take our powers, and they won't stop until they get all 9 of them with us. They are also trying to break the only allies from outside because they were scared that they backstabbed us." Eren said while lowering his head. "At least... I'm happy that you guys are still believing in me..."

"Of course, we believe in you. You and the Scouts are still the heroes who managed to take the power of the nine back, you also freed the island with pure Titans." Historia said. 

Mikasa said, "Eren, the sins are not only yours to bear with. Every one of us is willing to share the same burden with you."

"I didn't want you to..." Eren said. "Trying to change the future... it is not an easy task to do. It didn't stop Marley from attacking us right now... but at least... we were still changing."

"So what did you see about this part of the future?" Historia asked.

"I tried to push all of you away..." Eren said, "I said mean words to Armin and Mikasa, I threw my friends into prison just because I didn't want to suffer the battle with Marley..."

This caused Mikasa and Historia to gasp. Eren stared at his hands and said, "For some reason, even though it won't happen, but I still felt it... those two hands, they punched Armin's face time after time... "

"Eren... you never punched Armin, right?" Mikasa asked with horror.

"I don't want to. And I'm not going to." Eren said. "Tomorrow... I'm going to use the paths on Eldians on Paradis Island. I'm going to tell them the truth. However, there's also a chance that Reiner and the Marley forces were also there as well. They won't be able to interfere."

Historia said, "I see..."

When Mikasa and Historia left, Eren suddenly stood up and punched the wall with a roar. "Damn it..."

Downstairs, Mikasa and the others heard Eren's roaring, and Armin asked, "Was that Eren?"

"Don't tell me that..." Jean gasped as some of them rushed upstairs, only to see Eren continue to punch the wall.

"Your highness! What are you doing?" Floch and Sasha were trying to stop him. He said, "I'm just trying to beat this shit out of me."

"But that scream, what if the Garrison and the Military Police turned into Titans?" Hange asked.

"No, they won't turn into a pure titan. I'm just giving them the warning to let them know that they have drunk the wine. So they would have to be careful."

A bowl dropped to the ground and shattered, Commander Pyxis and the Garrison were standing in shock and staring at their own hands.

"What was that?" "My body went numb." "Yeah!" "Me, too!"

"Huh? I didn't feel a thing." Said one girl standing next to Pixis, who also stared down at his hands in shock.

The MPs were in a similar state, with Nile also looking at his hand.

Eren kneeled on the ground and said, "Sorry I made you worry. I'm fine right now."

"Are you sure you're fine, you haven't been yourself recently..." Armin said concerned.

"As long as my head was not off my body, the Rumbling won't happen. Let's just go..." Eren said.

"To where?" Annie asked.

"We're going to visit Commandant Shadis and inform him of the situation. The other scouts are going to hold those who drank the wine captive so that they won't roam free to give panic to the citizens." Eren said.

"You're right. Now that they've drunk the wine..." Hange said.

Slowly further away, Commandant Shadis was training the new recruits. "As you know, after Premier Zachary was killed, the situation within the walls has become unstable."

Shadis was standing before a mass of new cadets on a rooftop. "However, this doesn't concern you cadets. Which is why the 109th Cadet Corps will be training to defend Shiganshina from Titan attack!"

The recruits mostly had uninterested or unsettled looks on their faces, none seeming to meet his gaze. Shadis noticed and narrowed his eyes. "You hear me?!" He yelled at one recruit.

"Y-yes, sir!"

"Why do we care how to cut a Titan's nape?" one recruit asked another. "Not like they'll attack again. Our enemies are people now."

"My old man thinks we should be training with firearms and forming an Eldian army."

"The times have changed, yet Commandant Shadis is stuck in the past."

As the others spoke Shadis continued to yell at that one cadet.

A cadet with glasses then spoke up. "Eldia's only hope is for the Yeagerists to seize full control!" The others looked shocked at him.

"Surma, he can hear you!"

"Isn't that what everyone's thinking?"

Many of the other recruits looked back at him with worried expressions.

"Everyone wants Eren Yeager to lead Eldia. We need a leader capable of making tough decisions."

Shadis paused and stood himself back upright. He looked down, a bit crestfallen for the briefest of seconds.

Just then, the door opens, and Eren Yeager, along with the 104th, and Commander Hange, arrived at the camps.

"It's been too long, Commandant." Eren said while giving him a salute.

"Eren Yeager?" Commandant Shadis asked. "What are you doing here?"

"It's the King now." Before Floch tried to say, Eren stopped him and said, "Stop it Floch."

He turned to Shadis and said, "I'm sorry about his behavior, Commandant Shadis. But we're here because things are getting tougher here. Maybe tomorrow or a few days later, this is going to become a battlefield between our island and Marley forces. I wished that you bring the new recruits inside the wall for safety."

"What?" Shadis asked in shock.

"Commandant, the island is now in its darkest hour, not only do we have outside forces attacking us with weapons, but we also have the Garrison and the Military Police planning for treason. We only wish for the safety of the people on our island. So I ask you to please evacuate everyone here."

As Shadis stared at them, they heard some cadets yelling, "We want to fight alongside you!" "We're not going to let them destroy our home!" "For the sake of Eldia's future, we give our hearts!"

This causes everyone to widen their eyes in shock. Shadis sighed and turned to Eren, "You truly are special, Eren Yeager. Very well."

He stepped forward and said, "For those who don't wish to fight alongside the Yeagerists, follow me and I'll take you to safety."

A few cowards stepped forward, and before they leave, Shadis said, "For someone from the old regime like me, there is no other outcome but being eradicated. Besides, I don't really feel like I could spend the rest of my days shitting outdoors on some remote mountain in the middle of nowhere either. We can't turn back the time. However, there is something that I want to tell you before our farewell. There'll come a day when you'll have to make a stand, until then... don't lose sight of yourself."

Those who are from the 104th give Commandant Shadis the final salute, and then the others are following them, including Hange and the recruits from the 109th.

Shadis turned back a little and thinks, It moved me to see how they'd grown. From just the recruits who knew nothing about Titans... to the people who will protect the nation from others.

Eren stared at the new recruits, and he turned to Hange. "Commander Hange, I might be the king, but you're still the head of the Scouts. It's your decision for the positions of those new trainees."

Hange nodded and said, "I see. However, all of you haven't been trained just yet, so in this short amount of time, we're going to each other how to use easier weapons."

 Eren also asked Armin, Annie, and Sasha to help them out with the weapons. Even though they couldn't stop time as the Attack Titans do, they could still bring them to the paths and train them there.

On the other side, Falco and Gabi are with Colt and Gloria. Falco asked, "Ms. Gloria... aren't you from the Tybur Family? Why would you side with Eren Yeager and let him kill your family like that?"

Gloria said, "My only relation to them was my blood, other than that, they were nothing to me. I hated that my family had done nothing with the Eldians in the Interment Zone, and when I heard about the real past, the same one that Willy, my uncle, had revealed at the declaration of war, I never felt disgusted at my family. That meant Paradis was suffering and he lied to others that the island of the devils abandoned other Eldians in the zone."

Gabi could only stare at her with shock, and Gloria said, "I decided to get rid of my last name, and with the help of Yelena, we changed our status. Yelena pretended to be an Eldian, while I pretended to be a Marleyan."

Three years ago, I pretended to be one of the captives on the island since Yelena and Onyankopon were the ones who do the talking. Until a year ago, Yelena managed to arrange a meeting between Eren and us. He promised me that he'll give me the War Hammer Titan if I help him, and I'm also the one with Onyankopon to bring them to the island so they could start the spying mission."

"It was also then that Gloria arranged the meeting with me, Eren, and Mikasa." Colt said. "He told me everything, about Zeke his brother, and the secret behind our family. The Royal Family for the Jaw Titan. Zeke wasn't the one who bring Eren and Mikasa to the Mid East war, I did."

"I can't believe it..." Gabi said with a frown.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, this is the alternate part of Episode 14 and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be Zeke's past.

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