Chapter 29

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When Levi and Zeke arrived at the building, it was also the time when the Scouts and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers arrive.

"Your highness." Levi bowed and said.

"Let's go inside. We have a lot to discuss." Eren said as they all enter the place. Once they entered the place, Sasha went to greet her family, and Eren also got to meet Historia again. Historia gave Eren a kiss, but Eren was also careful not to harm the baby in her stomach.

"I'm so worried about you these days." Historia said.

"I'm sorry, but we have a lot to discuss." Eren said, and he also noticed Falco and Gabi, who flinched after seeing him. Armin asked, "Eren, what are those two doing here?"

"They probably killed the Garrison that was guarding their cells, but they stumbled across our queen and they were taken here." Eren said while turning to Zeke. "Big brother. Captain Levi didn't make you uncomfortable during these days, right?"

"I actually appreciated his hospitality, to be honest." Zeke replied.

"Good, now we have some things to discuss." Eren said while they were gathered around the table with some Scouts standing guard.

"And make sure not to kill our Marley guests." Eren said, and the Scouts nodded. It is then, Gabi slowly muttered, "Are... aren't you going to kill us..."

"We won't kill you." Armin said with a depressed look.

Gabi looked up at him. "But you want to, don't you?"

Eren said, "You two might have snuck onto our plane and were trying to shoot us for what we've done to your homeland, we have to apologize for that. But I'm sure you already heard from the queen about all of us, right?"

Falco said, "She did... I think I could understand what you mean by you and Reiner were the same..."

"Zeke! Why would you betray Marley?" Gabi suddenly yelled. "What makes you side with the Island Devils?"

Zeke sighed and said, "I've lost a lot of family members in my life because of Marley. Deep down inside, I hated Marley all my heart. They claimed that we sinned because of what our ancestors were doing. However, the current Marley is doing the same thing as our ancestors. To me, there is no future for me in Marley."

This caused both Gabi and Falco to be surprised, Eren walked to the table with the Anti-Marleyans and said. "I'm sorry that our Garrison and the Military Police caused you a lot of trouble. In exchange, the lunch here was one me."

"You're too kind, your highness. You've already done so much to us." One of the volunteers said.

"Indeed. It is also thanks to you that our family could stay here on this island." Another one said.

Falco said, "Those guys were Marleyans, right? Why are they also here?"

Jean said, "Like Zeke, there are some Marleyans who like the Island of Devils like us. And instead of trying to fight with each other, they wanted to help us. They are from the conquered nations, and during our spying in Marley, we also managed to bring their families to the island so they would be safe in the walls. After all, if Marley found out that they were working with us, their parents were going to be punished."

Once Nicolo brought the food here, Historia turned to Falco and Gabi, who was still hesitating to eat. "Don't worry, the food here isn't poisoned."

Falco nodded as he started eating, and he said, "This is so good!"

"Nicolo's cooking is the best, after all." Sasha praised, which caused the chef to blush a little.

"Huh? Is this the wine all the soldiers are gossiping about?!" Jean asked as he picked a bottle up. "They say only higher ranks can get it!"

"Yeah? Aren't we high rank in the Scouts?" Connie said.

"Yup! We deserve a bit of fun, too! A sip or two-"

"Don't touch that!" Nicolo shouted as he dove between the two, wrestling the wine out of their hands and into his embrace.

"Ch-Chill out, Nicolo. We're just screwing around. No need to overreact." Jean said, surprised at his actions.

Eren said, "Jean, Connie, you shouldn't drink that wine."

"But why? Why can't we drink that?" Connie asked.

"Because those wines were tainted." Eren said, much to everyone's surprise. Armin asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Zeke asked, "Eren... don't tell me you have..."

"Yes, there was my spinal fluid in the wine." Eren said with a slight frown, causing them to be shocked.

Hange asked, "Eren? What do you mean that your Spinal Fluid was in the wine?"

Eren frowned and said, "I have some suspicions about the treason from the Military Police and the Garrison. That's why I have put my spinal fluid into the wine for countermeasures."

"Wait, so you're feeding the wine to the Garrison and the Military Police? Are you out of your mind?" Armin asked with slight anger.

"As long as I don't scream, nothing would happen to them." Eren said. "Besides, aren't you forgetting that I freed Ymir?"

"If that's the case, why do you still don't want us to drink it?" Connie asked.

"There are some times that Ymir and I won't have a choice but to turn them into Pure Titans." Eren said. "I'm doing this to protect all of you."

"Are you sure it is worth it?" Historia asked with a frown.

"The Founding Titan can control the Pure Titans, of course they could also turn pure titans back to normal. I'm doing this so they won't try to do some stunts like imprisoning us and trying to take the power of the nine for their selfish goals." Eren said.

Levi said, "Let's ingore this problem for now. And what about Zachary's death? Did you plan this as well?"

"Considering how he loved to torture people with his special inventions, he is a threat that needed to be rid of." Louise said.

"Everything has been messed up in this world in this phase. It's not easy to make choices against your will." Eren said. "Nobody likes the outcome of what is going on, but I would rather sacrifice those people instead of the people in Paradis, that included you guys."

Everyone frowned, and at the same time, two scouts rushed into the room, he said, "Your highness. Two people claimed to be Marley spies have come to visit."

"Marley spies?" Gabi and Falco gasped in surprise, Eren said, "Bring them in."

When they got into the room, they found two people wearing Scout uniforms walking, but when they took off their cloaks, they were surprised to see that the two were no other than Colt and Gloria.

"Falco! Gabi!" Colt rushed to the two of them and he asked, "Are you two okay?"

"Damn it, I thought you two were in trouble." Colt hugged Falco and said.

"Colt? What are you doing here? And why were you wearing the Scouts' uniform?" Gabi asked with surprise.

Armin said, "You two are here means that the other Marleyans have come here, right?"

Gloria said, "No, Pieck and Porco are the ones who come with us. Those two were spying at the castle waiting for the time to strike."

"Brother, Ms. Gloria, I don't understand. What do you..." Falco asked.

"Falco, I'm sorry to say this. But the two of us were on the side with them." Colt said.

"What? Even you two were betraying Marley? Why?" Gabi yelled in horror.

"Becasue there's no future in Marley." Gloria said. "We're doing this to free all the Eldians in the world. And for that, Marley needs to be crushed, and we'll help however we can."

"But what about our family?" Falco asked. "Are you going to abandon them as well?"

"We're not abandoning them, they're also here on the island. Eren Yeager had promised our family's freedom and safety in this island. Just like they did to Annie and the other Volunteers' family."

"Damn it... even you... what have we been fighting for? Once the world knows that we're good Eldians, won't they let us go free?" Gabi yelled in confusion. "You traitors!"

"Are we Marleyans or Eldians? What do you think?" Gloria asked.

"We're... Honorary Marleyans." Gabi responded in a quivering voice.

"Wrong. We're Subjects of Ymir. That's the one truth we can't escape. No matter what we're called, we're a race that turns into Titans." Gloria said.

"But like we saw at Fort Salva, Titan power is on its way out. As soon as Marley can't use us, they'll slaughter us all. Even if we prove we're 'Good Eldians', there's 0 chance that we're freed. We have to secure our right to live with our own hands." Colt said.

"But Ms. Gloria... you aren't not an Eldian, right?" Falco asked. "You didn't have an armband..."

"I should have gave you my real name. My name is Gloria Tybur." Gloria said, "I disguised myself as a Marleyan nurse for the Warrior and Warrior Candidates."

Eren said, "And now that both of you are here. It is time that we return what belonged to the two of you."

Eren held his hand to Colt and Gloria, they winced a little before feeling the energy inside them. After that's done, Eren said, "Colt, you're now the Jaw Titan. And Gloria, you're now the War Hammer Titan."

"Thank you, your highness." Both of them bow, and Falco asked, "So you're doing this not just to protect our family, but to get the Jaws Titan as well?"

Colt said, "Falco, did you remember our uncle Kaspar Grice? He was a member of the Eldian Restorationists. And because of that, even if we become Warrior Candidates, we still have no future for ourselves because of that. And not only that, I had hoped that my uncle was still a Pure Titan alive in this island of devils, however, the king told me that he didn't get turned into a Titan, he was kicked off the wall and was eaten to death by one instead. And do you know what the officer did? He laughed at my uncle's demise. What's so funny about that?"

Gabi and Falco frowned, and Eren said, "That's enough. I'm sure that you two haven't eaten anything, right? Nicolo will prepare the food for you."

"That will be nice of you." Gloria said.

At the same time, Mikasa arrived with Lady Kiyomi. She was surprised to see a lot of crowd in the area. "Lady Azumabito." Eren bowed at him.

"So I have to assume that this has become your new base after the scouts killed the Premier?" Kiyomi asked.

"Yes, and I'm sorry that you need to witness it. The conflict between us Scouts and the other Military has been a thing since a lot of years ago. And they weren't going to get our friends from the other nations alone as well."

"It's fine, as I said to the Garrison leader, every country goes through this." Kiyomi said.

Eren nodded, and at the same time, Nicolo and the other workers serve them food as well.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Colt and Gloria were also on Eren and the others' side. I hope you like this chapter.

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