Chapter 28

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The Garrison and the Military Police are now gathering in the room, they are discussing about the death of Premier Zachary.

"Premier Zachary owned a 'special' chair. We believe a bomb was placed in it." Roeg explained, giving a report to the others assembled alongside Nile. "He and three soldiers were lost. There are a few witnesses who saw that the Scouts recruits are responsible for that."

Nile's eyes went wide as were the others. "Speaking of scouts, I hear some of them leaked the info about Eren. You don't think..."

Another soldier then burst into the room. "-- It's an emergency!" Everyone turned to face the soldier. "Eren Yeager has escaped from his cell!"

Everyone gasped, and the soldier said, "It is not just him! The Scouts and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers were also missing as well!"

"Mobilize everyone and find him!" Nile shouted.

"-Yes, sir!"

"- Hurry, let's go!"

Eren walked shirtless in the sunset, slowly making his way up a hill, most of his body obscured by shadow. There was a crowd of about 200 hundred people, including the Scouts, the Anti-Marleyans, and those who betrayed the Military Police and Garrison. Commander Hange, Oyankopon, Jean, Connie, Armin, Annie, and Eren's friends are also present.

"Eren." Mikasa stepped forward and handed over his clothes. Eren's face was totally expressionless, with faint titan scars under his eyes. "What a crowd. This everyone?" Eren asked.

"Besides us here, we have allies hiding in the military." Floch answered. "Including some who blew up Darius Zachary."

Eren's face did not change at all upon hearing the news, and the same went with the others.

"The only one who can save the Eldia is you, Eren Yeager." Louise said.

Eren took hold of the clothes and flung the jacket over his shoulders, throwing it onto himself in an overly dramatic fashion with the sunset in the background.

"Right now we should find a place to stay low for a while, the safest spot that we can go for now is Nicolo's restaurant." Eren said. "Zeke and Captain Levi will also head there. We can't waste any more time."

They all nodded as they left with Eren.

The scene then cut to another military meeting. Nile and various other MPs are there. Sitting near the window off to the side was the Hizuru ambassador.

"Armin Arlert and some 150 soldiers and guards vanished from the prison." Nile began. "They're thought to have defected timed with Eren's escape. I'm sure they're behind the premier's murder, too. They need a name. Let's call these anti-military insurgents 'Yeagerists'. And the goal of the Yeagerists... They'll reform the military with Eren on top. Murdering the premier shows their resolve."

He frowned and said, "And it turned out that not only the Scouts and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers were a part of it, but the queen was also a part of their group. Marrying Eren Yeager and making him the King is proof of that. And not to mention, we don't know how many Yeagerists are still hiding in the Garrison and Military Police as well."

"Indeed. There might even be a suicide bomber standing in front of me." Roeg said.

The doors then slammed open. Pixis and several Garrison soldiers entered. "Enough! We have a guest here! We have more important things to do than bicker!" 

"Commander Pyxis?" Nile asked.

Pixis pondered and brought his hand up to his chin. He then threw his hands up in an exaggerated shrug-like motion. "Right now the Scouts have the power of the Nine Titans, and they also have the Marleyan Soldiers and the Queen helping them out. We've been utterly beaten. Let's surrender to Eren."

The MPs gasp in shock. "We can't do a thing about enemies in our midst. Even if we flushed them out, who knows how much blood it would cost? we don't have time to waste on such folly." He began to walk forward. "Our decisions made soldiers turn their backs on us. It brought about our defeat."

"You're kidding! Bow down to the people who killed the premier?!" A Garrison exclaimed.

Pixis stopped in front of Kiyomi. "I knew Zacklay for many years." Pixis explained. "To live and die by revolution would be what he wanted." He then turned back to the soldiers. "Anyways, the four who died wouldn't want their deaths to cause Eldia's fall."

"So instead, we submit to the Scouts?!" Nile said.

"We're not submitting." Pixis said. "We'll negotiate with the Yeagerists. Like before, Eldia's survival will depend on a test run of the rumbling. However, we must look past the fact that they murdered the premier. If that's the price to prevent countless comrades from being killed....then so be it. Get moving soldiers!"

"Yes, sir!" the various soldiers saluted.

"Commander." Kiyomi said as she stood up.

"I'm ashamed you had to see that." He turned to face with a softer tone.

"Don't be. Every country goes through this." Kiyomi said.

"I'm afraid I can't guarantee your safety." He said to her. "Please wait at the port until all of this is over."

"Right. We're hoping for Eldia's victory from the bottom of our hearts." Kiyomi said.

But just as Kiyomi left, she met Mikasa. "Lady Mikasa." She walked up to her. "If anything happens, please escape to my ship."

Mikasa closed her eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Lady Kiyomi. However, I am Eldian. I want the place I was born to have a future. Don't concern yourself with me."

"What are you talking about? The whole reason we came was you!" Kiyomi shouted, her voice getting a bit more emotional.

"Not for our resources?" Mikasa asked pointedly. "You don't care who leads the country as long as the rumbling succeeds, right?"

"Yes... Unless the rumbling's power is proven, Hizuru will hang us out to dry. Our investments will go to waste and the Azumabitos will be done for." she said as she kept holding onto Mikasa's arms. "The Azumabitos had to adapt to these turbulent times. Now, we're best known for being wretched, money-grubbing vixens."

She then stared right at Mikasa's eyes. "Still, we haven't lost our pride in the clan that your mother passed on to you. No matter what comes of the country, we wish to protect you." Mikasa grabbed her wrist again as she thought of her mother.

"Please come with us." Mikasa said, and Kiyomi nodded.

In one of the carriages, Armin, Connie, Jean, Sasha, Annie, and Eren are inside it. Annie frowned, "So the Garrison and the Military Police are giving us the name Yeagerists..."

"What kind of name is that..." Jean muttered. "But then again, Eren was our king and the people were on our side."

"We've also had the advantage now that we have the Anti-Marleyans by our side." Eren said, "And with Mikasa's help, Hizuru will also be on our side."

"Hey, Eren..." Armin said to him. "Do you think we're doing the right thing? I mean... we killed the Premier..."

"I know how you feel, but we were pushed into a corner. Would you rather sacrifice the queen or the premier?" Eren said. "I would never sacrifice any one of you nor Historia. As I said, you guys are important to me."

She turned to Sasha, "Speaking of Historia, I heard that she's also coming with your family to Nicolo's restaurant, right?"

Sasha said, "Yes, but it turned out that both Gabi and Falco were with them. I just hope Gabi wasn't trying to shoot my family."

"What are you going to do with those two?" Annie asked.

"They were scared of us because they don't know about us." Eren said. "And that's why we need to show them the truth."

He looked out of the window and said, "We've already had plan with the Military Police and the Garrison. So what we should worry about now is the fact that Marley had infiltrated the island and is ready to attack."

"You mean Reiner and the others are here?" Connie asked in a slight panic.

"I think I just saw Pieck through the window." Eren said, causing Annie to ask, "Are you sure?"

"But don't worry, we also have spies in Marley as well, and they would come to us eventually." Eren said, causing them to nod.

In Nicolo's restaurant, Historia shook hands with Sasha's father. Sasha's father said, "It is an honor to meet your highness."

"Indeed. Sasha will be coming along with the Scouts. I heard that they managed to escape prison with the help of my husband. Not to mention that the children from the orphanage wanted to taste the good cooking here in the restaurant as well."

"What a big building." "I've never seen anything like it!" "Me, either!" The various children spoke in awe of the building.

"It's yer lucky day, kids!" "Y'all fixin' to eat?"

Gabi and Falco remained silent as they stood there, unsure what to do.

At the same time, Levi and Zeke were on the carriage along with the Scouts. Zeke asked, "So where are we actually going?"

"Isn't it obvious? We're going to see Eren." Levi said with a tone. "To think the Garrison and the Military Police were trying to take the power of the nine for their own greed..."

"Is that so..." Zeke said with a sigh.

After a while, Levi decided to ask about the Ragako Village, and Zeke decided to answer. 

"It's called a gas weapon. The gas contains some of my spinal fluid. Breathing just a slight amount makes Subjects of Ymir freeze up. They can't control their bodies and lose consciousness. On my command, I send the Power of the Titans to the Coordinate via Paths. That's why the people of that village obeyed my orders."

Levi's voice then interjects. "It's not 'that' village. It's Ragako. Don't forget the name of the village you slaughtered, you bearded shit."

"Well, I didn't want to do it." Zeke said with a dull expression. "But if I hadn't, and they found out I sided with Eldia, I couldn't have brought hope to this island. You know, I told you all this when I landed on the island. Why do you keep asking?"

"You don't have a shred of guilt in you and it shows. You may or may not want to save Eldia, but those lives meant nothing to you."

"I bet you're not popular. Don't act like you know someone's feelings."

Levi crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. "I do know." Levi said, looking away slightly. "And I was popular enough."

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, everyone is going to Nicolo's Restaurant, and now they are going to have a plan. I hope you like this chapter.

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