Chapter 35

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In the skies, Reiner and the other Marley forces were waiting for the signal. Just then, Reiner notices that he had been taken to a place with a desert and a starry sky.

"What the... what is going on here?" Magath asked. And Reiner said, "This is the Paths... it was the place where Eldians connected to each other with the power of the Titans."

Back with the others, Eren said, "I could bring all of the Subjects of Ymir into the place. However, for the purpose of letting our allied nations listen to the speech, Founder Ymir gave me the power to let those inside the Island come to this place."

"So that's why Onyankopon could be here with us." Hange said as Onyankopon nodded.

At this stage, Eren decided to begin the speech. "Hear me, people of Paradis Island, my name is Eren Yeager. I now speak to all Subjects of Ymir living on the island with the power of the Founding Titan."

"Eren..." Reiner was surprised to hear his voice, and he had a bad feeling about this.

"So that was the devil's voice." Magath said.

"4 years ago, we of the Scouts retook Wall Maria from our enemies. At the award ceremony, that was when we gave back the memories of our history to all of you! Now let's look back in time."

Then all the people suddenly focus on a girl: Ymir, Eren continued to tell her story, "In ancient times, the people of Eldia existed as a primitive tribe. The Eldian tribe pillaged and raided opposing peoples, even cutting out the tongues of those they took for their slaves and gouging out the eyes of disobedient slaves. Around 2,000 years ago, a slave girl named gained the power of the Titans. The ruler of King Fritz of the Eldian tribe used Ymir's newfound powers to war against enemy nations such as Marley, and he would later take our Founder Ymir to mother his children: Maria, Rose, and Sina."

Those from the Wallists realized that the girl was the mother of the three goddesses, so they bowed at her while praying. Eren continued, "13 years later, Ymir Fritz died in defense of her king, before her last moments, she gave the power of the Titans to our three goddesses. Her powers would spread until there were Nine Titans. With their Titan powers, we, the Subjects of Ymir, established the Eldian Empire."

"So the Titans were OUR power!" "Those people took them from us and used them to kill our people!"

Those from Marley were surprised to learn about the origins of the Titans, and Eren continued, "The Eldians used the Titans as weapons of mass destruction to conquer other nations, wiping out countless cultures in the process. It is estimated that the number of people the Eldians have slaughtered is over three times the world population right now. Eventually, the Eldians ran out of enemies and began fighting each other. Eight of the nine royal families with the Nine Titans remained in a state of conflict, but the Fritz, or should we say the Reiss family maintained order with the Founding Titan. After 1,700 years, the Founding Titan came into the possession of Karl Fritz, the first Reiss King."

Eren continued to show the images of Karl Fritz to the people of Paradis. "The King believed that Eldia's sins cannot be atoned for and that Eldians and Titans should not have existed in the first place. He pitied the Marleyans and devised a plan alongside the Tybur family, the keepers of the War Hammer Titan, to end the Eldian rule. The King abandoned the internal conflicts, and without the Founding Titan to keep order, the Eldian Empire collapsed. The Eldians fought and weakened themselves during the Great Titan War, while the King and the Tybur family presented the legend of Helos, a Marleyan hero who joined with the Tybur family to defeat the King. The Tybur family fought to restore Marley in the war; other noble families would evidently follow suit. They succeeded and Marley gained eight of the Nine Titans as a result. The King moved the capital to Paradis Island, Eldia's last remaining territory, and gathered as many Eldians as he could on the island."

"8 of the 9? I thought it was 7..." Galliard said.

"The Attack Titan was in Marley until my father brought it to Paradis Island and gave it to Eren Yeager." Zeke said.

Eren said, "However, all I told you was just the version of the history that the outside world gave you. Those who inherited the power of the Titans knew the true history, and right here, right now, I will tell you the history that was within the Attack Titan and also the other Titans."

"You mean, that history was also a fake?" Gabi widened her eyes.

Eren said, "In real history, the Eldia Empire did use Titans, but all they did first was use them to cultivate lands, build bridges, and amass wealth. Eventually, Eldia became the strongest nation in the world. It was true that the first King Fritz was violent, and he tried to conquer Marley, but just as he was accepting the surrender of Marley, they backstabbed by throwing the spear at him, and that's how our Founder Ymir was killed, she protected the king from Marley. The King's daughters, Maria, Rose, and Sina became the new rulers after the first King Fritz was killed, and they never intended to follow the same path as their father. What they wanted is for the people of Eldia to be happy."

Then he showed them how the power of Titans was working together with humans as they cultivate the lands. 

"The other Nations were jealous of our power, they were the ones who initiated the fight. They sent a lot of armies at us, hoping they would get the Titan Power to make them strong. That's why to defend the Eldians, the kings and queens from generations would fight back. In my opinion, if the former Titans did wipe out the nations in the past, then Marley and some of the nations shouldn't be existing right now. It would just be us and Hizuru." Eren yelled.

Now the former Warriors are a little shaken at what Eren said, and the Marley people were also surprised to hear such a thing. Eren said, "However, the only naive thing that the other nations did was not give up trying to take the power. They would rather let Eldians slaughter that many people if that meant they would eventually get the power for themselves. And they did it, Karl Fritz couldn't bear the deaths, even though the other nations were the main culprit who let the Eldians slaughter them. And the rest was the same, he teamed up with the Tybur Family as they tried to create the Great Titan War and let the power of the other 8 fight against each other, and eventually gave the power to Marley."

This caused the uproar to become more fiercely, Eren could see that the people are angry.

Eren said, "On our Island, the King used the Founding Titan to cause Colossus Titans to form three concentric Walls around their territory: Maria, Rose, and Sheena. Afterward, Karl Fritz, now known as the First Reiss King, used the Founding Titan once more to erase our memory of the Great Titan War and all of history before the raising of the Walls. We all believe that we are the last humanity of the world, and Titans are monsters who tried to eat us. As for the outside world, since they got the power from the Eldia and now Eldia was not the major threat to the Titans, they decided to cover up and blamed all the fault on us. "

Eren looked at Hange and Mikasa, who nodded at him. Eren took a breath and said, "Now let me tell you a story of my father."

Then the scene changed again, and Pieck gasped, "This is Liberio..."

"As you can see, this is Liberio, a place where Eldians live in Marley. My father was one of the Eldians living here. Ever since his birth, he had been suffering inequality just because we were Eldians. Marley continued to feed their propaganda of how we terrorized the world, but they were doing the same thing as our ancestors! My father's sister was killed by the abuse of the  Public Security Authority! She was just 6 years old, and yet she was fed to the dogs because she's an Eldians like all of us!"

This caused a large uproar from the people from Paradis, they started to curse Marley. Mikasa and the scouts saw this for the first time and Armin said, "That's so cruel..."

In the ships, Reiner also felt the anger from Eren, but he said nothing as the Marleyans that were with him just thought that she deserved it.

"My father joined the Eldia Restorationists, hoping to prevent the same thing from my aunt to happen again. However, the Eldia Restorationists were found out, and that's how my father came to Paradis Island. The leader of the Eldia Restorationists, a spy named Owl, saved my father at the last minute and returned the power of the Attack Titan to our family. He let my father come to your side and the goal was to take the power of the Founding Titan from the Royal government who wanted all of us to die from the Titans."

Eren closed his eyes as he knew that the next part was going to pain him a lot. "9 years ago, Marley sent 4 of the 7 Titans to our island, although one of them was eaten by a pure Titan that they sent to our island, the remaining three still broke Wall Maria, causing a lot of people to be killed in the process by the Pure Titans. The victims also included my mother. My father begged the Royal Government to save our people, but with the vow of Renouncing war, they refused and wanted all of us to die. That's why my father finished what he started, he took the power of the Founding Titan and gave both Titans to me, hoping that I could bring the best of Eldia to all of you."

The islanders cheered for Grisha's work because they think that the Royal family doesn't deserve the power if they aren't going to use it to save them.

Annie turned to Armin and the others and said, "Once again, I know I don't have the right to say this, but I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." Armin said. "You're already a part of us. You only did it because Reiner threatened you and you wanted to see your father again. I had Bertolt memories, and I understood how you feel as well."

Annie nodded, before they continued to hear what Eren was saying.

Here is a new chapter, this is a two-part chapter of the speech, I hope you like this chapter.

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