Chapter 36

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"4 years ago, the Warriors from Marley broke Wall Rose in the same way as Wall Maria, and that was also my first transformation as the Titan Shifter and having the power of both the Attack and Founding Titan. Because of it, the Royal government wanted its power back by killing and arresting the Survey Corps. They want all of our elimination, we refused to let it happen, that's why we planned the Coup d'etat! Overthrowing the government and having our queen Historia Reiss on the throne, and it was also because of it, we would be able to retake Wall Maria, solve the food problem of our people, and also regain the memories of what our first Reiss King stole from us."

Eren lowered his head and said, "We've suffered a lot of defeat, we've lost a lot of talented soldiers because we've never given up, that's why we managed to become who we are right now. And from now on, I'm going to show you the truth of the Titans!"

This caused everyone to get surprised, and Eren said, "Founder Ymir had been continuing to serve the Titan holders, and this is also the reason why Marley was able to use pure Titans in their wars, and we have to suffer all of it. As the Founding Titan, I freed her from slavery, she never had to become anyone's slave, and she also gave us a lot of gifts in return."

"Gifts? What does he mean by that?" Gabi asked.

"First of all, the Curse of Ymir, those who inherited Titans would be dead after 13 years. However, as I mentioned, there are 9 Royal families, if either one of them inherited the correct Titan, or by forming a bond with the family in the form of intercourse, they won't be affected by the curse and they will continue to live in old age. Second of all, the 9 Royal Families who inherited the correct Titan will be able to use their full power. Like the Attack Titan, its full power is Time Manipulation. We can see the future and stop time, and that's also why we weren't affected by the Founding Titan's control." Eren said.

Those from Garrison and Military Police widen their eyes, as they realized they were no match for Eren and the Scouts in the first place. The Marley army was also shocked to hear what Eren said.

"As some of you have known, I have married our queen and become the King of the island. But I assure you, the queen is the one who asks for my marriage, not because of the power and the fame. She does it out of love. I love her with all my heart and I will also share the same burdens with her. That is, to protect our island from the Enemy forces and give all of you a life that you deserve!"

It was silent at first, but then everyone started to cheer for him. "Long live King Yeager!" "Long live King Yeager!" "Long live King Yeager!"

Jean said, "Geez... that went better than expected..."

"Considering what he did, it was no wonder." Sasha said.

Once the crowd died down, Eren decided to continue, "Now everyone knew about my status, it is time I tell you what has been going on with our allies and enemies."

The speech continued, and Eren said, "3 years ago, Marley sent their Survey Ships to Paradis Island, they were going to invade our island just after we managed to turn all of the Titans back to humans. However, my brother Zeke Yeager, as some of you knew as the Beast Titan who gave us a lot of trouble, decided to switch sides and help us instead. By gathering people from different nationalities that had seen their homeland being conquered by Marley. They decided to help us and develop the island into the life we're living right now."

At the airships, Magath gritted his teeth, "So Zeke had been helping them for three years..."

"It is thanks to my brother Zeke Yeager and the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, we tried to negotiate with other nations to achieve peace without any bloodshed. However, all but the nation of Hizuru wanted our demise and war on our island."

"Hizuru? You've also managed to get Hizuru on your side?" Porco demanded.

"Aren't you forgetting Mikasa Ackermann here? She was the lost descendent from the Hizuru's ruler." Sasha asked, and this caused him to stay silent.

"My brother gathered a lot of people to help us because he wanted the best for Eldians. Eldians outside of the world are suffering, and unless we use the Rumbling, we won't be able to win against the other nations in a war. My brother came up with a plan known as the euthanization plan, by using the Founding Titan's powers, we will take away the ability to reproduce children in the other nations except for Eldia and Marley."

"So that was Zeke's plan all this time?" Pyxis muttered with surprise.

The crowd was also surprised at the plan, and Eren said, "I know this plan sounds absurd. However, Eldians outside of the world are suffering, they suffer much worse abuse than Marley did. This is the humane way to stop the conflict between Eldians and the remaining humanity living in other nations, but that means the hatred towards Eldians will also be directed to both Marley and us, Eldia."

Eren took a breath before continuing, "As for Marley, not only do they have the second most Eldian population in the world, but they are also an enemy that needs to be defeated. For our allies and for our people, we of the Scouts have devised a plan to retake the power of the 9 Titans to our side. To make it happen, we need the 9 Royal Families to unite as one. That was why 6 of the scouts, including me, stayed at the Marley continent for months."

Eren showed the footage of the battles with Mid-East Nations, "As you can see, this was the war with the Mid-East Nations. Mikasa Ackermann and I pretended to be one of their soldiers, we infiltrated and learned the weapons used by the other nations. And let me tell you the truth, the weapons they were using are very powerful, they could overpower even the Armored Titan. The only reason why Marley won was that Marley made Eldians turn into Titans and devour from the sky."

Now every citizen is panicking, but the Scouts seem very calm.

"It wasn't done just yet." Eren said as he showed the footage of the declaration of war. "Marley had the nerve to gather all of his past enemies and united together so that they could attack us. They won't stop until every single one of you is killed in the end! Will you let them?"

The crowd is roaring in anger, they've already suffered from the Titans' attack and now they wanted to attack them using weapons?

"It was their declaration of war that we Scouts started to fight against them in their territory. We saved as many people as we can by taking them to Paradis Island, we also got back the power of the Nine Titans stolen from Marley, and we also managed to delay their attack for 9 months."

Everyone continued to cheer when Eren showed the Scouts fighting for their homeland. Eren said, "However, just after we got back to the island, the Garrison and the Military Police, led by the deceased Commander Zachary, tried to arrest our allies from other nations, forcing them to give the Titan Serum to them, so they could take the power of the nine Titans to themselves. They tried to use the excuse of me being manipulated as an excuse to get rid of me. No, it was not just me, they also arrested my friends as well, just because they also have the Titan power like me."

Pyxis, Nile, and the others who drank the wine said nothing to defend themselves because what they said was true, and they were utterly beaten.

"But don't worry, deceased commander Zachary was punished by death, and both the Garrison and the Military Police were confined. I assure you, we're doing this for the safety of our island. I'm not manipulated, and the Volunteers really wanted to work with us. They are willing to go this far by interacting with us, the Island of devils, and we of the Scouts trust them."

After getting back to the sandy fields of the Paths, Eren continued, "And now, we have the power of the Nine Titans and the Nine Royal Families. The 8 of us will protect the island from our enemies. As the king, I wanted the people of the island to stay away from Shiganshina and Wall Maria as possible because our enemies from Marley decided to go with the sneak attack and they are also hearing the speech."

This causes the citizens to panic, but thanks to the Yeagerists, they manage to get them to stay calm.

"As for the enemy forces of Marley, I knew you are waiting for the signal to attack the island. However, the four spies that you've sent are captured by us. You can try to attack us right now, and I could unleash the Colossal Titans in Wall Maria just to destroy your nation as well. For these 100 years- no, the 2000 years that you and the other nations have done to us, all of you deserved the hatred of Eldians. You claimed us as the devils, but I wonder who are the real devils out there? And since Willy Tybur declared war on us, and our response is here. We accept the war, and we'll emerge victorious!"

And after that, the speech is over, and he kneels a little while Armin and Floch are helping him up. "

"I'm glad that's finally over..." Eren said. "That was tiring."

"You did a good job, Eren." Armin said. 

Eren turned to Pieck, Porco, and Gabi, he said, "Let them go. Now they've already heard what we're going to talk about. There's no need for them to stay here."

"Are you sure? If we let them go, they're going to be our enemies..." Connie said.

"If they wanted to fight us, then it is their freedom." Eren said.

After Pieck and Porco brought Gabi and flee, Eren then turned to the others and said, "I think it is time for us to transform."

The others nodded, and now the 8 Titan Shifters started to inflict self-harm so they could transform into 8 Titans.

The transform caused the ground to shake, and the Garrison and the Military Police looked up from the basement.

"It's begun...  The Titans... have started to move." Hange muttered.

At the same time, Magath noticed the Titans and said, "So it's time. The 8 Titans have shown themselves, including the Founding Titan."

Reiner started at the 8 Titans, and Magath yelled, "Go get revenge for Liberio! Let's put an end to those guys!"

Eren looked at the ships and said, "Bring it on... Reiner!"

Here is a new chapter, and the war is finally beginning. I hope you like this chapter.

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