👔Chapter Eighteen~ Eyes👔

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Thank you so much for 1k reads! Proper A/N at the end.

Chapter 18- Eyes

Weird title I know.

*Madison's POV★*


"And who might you be?"

Zayden's eyes widen slightly, probably a bit surprised at the sudden question. But he quickly regains his calm composure and smiles at my nonna. He strides toward her and gently lifts her fragile hand. He bows and kisses the back of it in a polite manner. "My name is Zayden, miss. I am your daughter, miss Madison's, butler." He says letting go of her hand with a soft and sweet smile.

"Such a gentleman." She stares in awe before furrowing her eyebrows and taking her attention onto me. "Sweetie, since when did you get an assistant? Did your dad force it upon you?" She instantly frowns as she mentions my father.

Zayden hums in curiosity as he moves positions to stand behind me.

"Actually, I did." My mother speaks up to her mother. "Don't blame Nicolai, please."

Barking echoes through the building and suddenly two dogs tackle my grandma. Luckily, she doesn't fall and keeps her stance just fine. She kneels down and hugs both of the dogs.

"Gracie! Starr! It's so great to see you again!" She cries as Gracie licks grandma's cheeks.

"Mamma, there's a room prepared for you on the top floor." My mother informs her. "Zayden and Derek, can you take her bags there, please?"

They nod politely, taking my nonna's suitcases. "Come on little ones, we have a lot to catch up on." Her English isn't that great so it comes off a little weird with her accent. There's some points when she just gives up and speaks Italian. But only Madelyn, mother and I could understand so she tries her hardest to speak English. Marisa can understand a some words too and Nicholas only knows greetings, I think.


"You came second this semester, Nicholas?" Nonna Margery asked my little brother, Nicholas, in curiosity. He nods proudly with a smug smile on his face which made our grandma chuckle. She ruffles his curly brown hair. "Good job sweet heart! I'm so proud of you!" My nine year old brother giggles as he sits on his grandma's lap since he's the youngest and the lightest.

"Vuole un caffè?" My mother asks my nonna rising from her seat. Margery nods eagerly probably scaring poor little Nicholas for a second. My mum chuckles leaving the room, heading towards the kitchen.

"What did she just say?" Nicholas whispers to his sister, Marisa, sitting next to him and his grandma. "I don't think I understand that much."

"I think she just asked grandma if she wanted coffee?" She glances at me for clarification and I nod with a smile.

"Very good, little one!" Nonna commends her patting her head with a huge grin making Marisa raising her head in pride. That grin instantly vanishes when she glances around with a deep frown. "Non lo vedo da il mio arrivo..."

"Who?" Madelyn rests her elbow on the armrest then her chin on the palm on her hand. She yawns and I could tell she was already quite bored of the conversation.

"Tuo padre."

I sigh waiting for mother to return. "He's not here. He's busy with some paper work in his office. If you want to speak to him, you can." Madelyn replies in English. Even though she can speak Italian, she doesn't unless it's really important or secretive and only around our nonna. "Let's speak about something more interesting!"

Marisa takes a cookie from the plate on the coffee table. "Like?" Let's just say that the butlers are completely lost by this point because I don't think any of them understand Italian. They are just hosting their own conversation with a nine year old.

"Un maggiordomo~." Madelyn wiggles her eyes brows at me.

"A what?" Marisa questions but I scoff.

"You guys have no idea how much hate I have towards you at this current moment."

"But who says I meant you?"

"I'm not stupid Madelyn, I know you mean me. Unless you meant yourself?" And then I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Oooh~ How much I have I missed out in thus past year?" Our grandmother joins in quite interested.

"A lot, nonna. A lot." Madelyn starts off. "Che cosa pensi di lui?" My older sister questions with one quick glance at my butler standing by a randomly placed table with random artificial flowers and plants which are in a vase. That is behind the sofa which Marisa, grandma and Nicholas are on. "È un bell'uomo, vero?"

Our nonna glances at him too with a grin on her face. She lifts Nicholas off of her, crosses her legs and fix her posture a bit. If you knew my grandma, this entire action means she's very interested. "Ha gli begli occhi azzurri!"

"I know right! I told Madison that!" She points at me with a triumph look which just made me shake my head in disapproval.

"Lui ti piace, Madison?" Nonna ask and my sister bursts out in laughter. I scowl and cross my arms across my chest with a deep frown on my face.

"No. Never, ever. I will never!" My nonna was about to ask something else until...

"Do you have any idea about what they are talking about, Marisa?" Zayden mutters making Marisa shakes her head in confusion.

"I don't think I got any off it." Nicholas states in frustration.

"Okay, so I got some parts of it but they speak way too fast so I'm not even sure if I'm right. I know they spoke about eyes at one point." A tiny smirk forms on Zay's lips and I internally cry. "But other than that, no."

"Big sis, tell us what you were speaking about!" Nicholas demands , once again, in frustration. He hates being left out of a conversation, especially being left confused.

Madelyn opens her mouth to answer but I instantly cover it and answer instead. "We were speaking about food. Right, about pizza. Who's hungry?"

"I know my food and I especially know pizza. And absolutely none of those words meant pizza and I'm sure of it." Marisa stares and I narrow my eyes to slits at her. She glares back, smiling in fact. Which made me even more pissed off.

The stare off was broken when we heard a loud clap at the arch way. Everyone shift their attention to there and stare at my mother with a knowing smile on her face. Which kinda scared everyone, even my grandmother. "Pizza sounds fine about now. I'll order some."

"Where's my coffee?" Nonna questions noticing my mother's empty hands.

"Oh! My maid is bringing it."

Loud footsteps make there way down the staircase. The room goes silent and you could already feel tension in the air. The silence is broken when mother yells "darling!".



Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for 1k views. I'm feeling emotional right now! Earlier today, my friend asked me if I was excited, and I said no... That was because I had a bad day. But also because I didn't expect it!

I didn't expect this!

When I wrote this book, I didn't expect this many people to read it and enjoy it. Even give me feedback on it. This makes me so happy. TuT.

I want to thank you for reading this book. This book that I wrote one day because I bored and I had a story idea.

Even though the updates are slow, some of you still stuck around. I also wanna thank you for that! I will try very hard to bring my Madison and Zayden moments now. Hehehe...

Anyways, what would be their ship name anyway?

Vote, comment and share?♥


Thank you again. You don't know how much this means to me.

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