👔Chapter Seventeen~ Nonna!👔

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Chapter 17- Nonna!


°Zayden's POV°


"Miss Madelyn?"

It's been a few weeks since the party and a week since vacation started. I still have one exam to do tomorrow until I'm actually on break.

Ever since the little conversation Lucky and I had, I couldn't get out my head. The way she has an absolute hatred towards her father. I don't think she can stand her mother either.

Also, since the vacation started, she hasn't left her room once. I know eats because when I place food in front her door, it comes back empty. What's even weirder is that no one comments about it. Is it a normal thing? No one enters her bedroom unless it's serious. The main person who goes to talk to her is Madelyn.

That also has me thinking back to the family reunion they hosted. I kinda lost Madison in the crowd and Madelyn just kept telling me to 'go to the food table'. I didn't think Lucky was that type of girl to not go with the party. But she was. After the reunion. She told me she was always by the food table.

I also realised that she is the only one going to a private school.

"Yea?" She opens the door yawning unattractively. "Oh, it's you. How may I help you?"

"Small chat about your sister." She becomes alert and blinks at me a few times.

"Come on in. Just don't sit on the window seat; sit on the chair or something." She yawns again shutting the door after I've entered. She takes the a seat on the window. "What do you wanna know?"

"Firstly, why can I go into your room and not to hers?" I stand next to the door like a butler should.

"Just sit. No one can see." She rolls her eyes. "Anyways, no one goes into her room unless it's me or rarely her younger siblings. So you're not an exception to that."

"At your little party," I watch Madelyn jump slightly but tries to cover it up with a calm face. "She pretty much left the whole party."

"Yea. She doesn't do parties."

"I don't do people."

The dots aren't connecting properly here. "Does this all have to do with her and her father?"

There was a pause. I'm guessing she didn't know what to say or how to put her words together. "Um.. Maddy and dad had a major fall out when she was younger-"

"I can tell-"

"But I can't go into detail because it's not my business to tell you. She should be the one to tell you not me." She glares at me slightly before smiling. "And don't think about asking the youngest two. They don't know anything. Calling won't do either because her phone is off." I sigh. "Since when did you care so much about my little sister?"

I shrug. "She's an interesting character."

She hums in response wiggling her eye brows. "Don't worry you'll see her soon. Nonna is coming soon and- OH! We're leaving for Italy on the 27th."

She literally shooed me out of her room.


Preston, one of the chefs, and I were just playing a calm, silent and boring game of chess. May I add, with me winning.

No one was here in the little lounging room prepared for us assistants. Most of them left with either Mrs or Mr Witson to see their families because of the rule: You aren't allowed to go anywhere outside the mansion without someone of the Witson's.

Most of us hate that rule. None of us knows why it's even there.

Only one lady does, the master's maid, but she's quiet and quite old.

"I heard you're going with the Witson's to Italy." He says moving his knight. I nod at this as I move my pawn to destroy his tower. "Well, I'm going too. Since I'm Italian."

I glance up at him. "What are you getting at?" I watch him move his bishop in front the king.

"If you didn't know, Madison loves Italy. Her favourite relative lives there." He states with a proud voice.

"Your point is?" I continue to question glaring slightly at him.

"You catch on very slowly." He chuckles pushing his glasses up the bridge of nose some more.

"How old even are you?" I cross my arms across my chest waiting for him to play. This conversation is honestly the most useless conversation ever.


I sigh placing my last check piece in place making his king surrounded. "Checkmate." I stand my seat walking out the door.

Just then the door bell rings and Mrs. Witson runs to answer it in a hurry. Which never happens. She doesn't ever open the door.

I stay by the staircase not wanting to intrude as she opens both doors in a hurry. "Mamma!"

"Sweetheart! Hello!" A well aged lady hugs the Mrs tightly with a huge smile. She let's go stepping aside to allow her to enter. "Where are my little ones? I didn't travel miles for nothing!"

"Grandma!" Marisa and Nicholas run down the staircase towards their grandmother and jump into her arms.

"Nicholas and Marisa! You've grown so much!" She squeezes them. "I missed you!"

Then somehow I see Madison bolt past me leaving her sister in the middle of the staircase. I only got a single glance at her, but her eyes look a bit puffy. She lunges at the old lady with a grin on her face. "Nonna! Mi sei mancata!" Madelyn joins in the hugging as well.

They start speaking among themselves in, I'm guessing, Italian.

All I can think about is, Maddy really loves her grandmother. I think with a smile on my face. She's laughing and smiling like I've never seen before. It's a genuine smile and not a sarcastic one. Nor one when she's eating red velvet cake.

It's genuine and full of pure joy, cheerfulness and happiness.

This is the first time in weeks that I'm actually seeing get so probably just might be the time in between. Maybe I miss her company?

The grandmother turns to me and tilts her head.

"And who might you be?"



The Christmas Special for In your Dreams is done. The reason I didn't post it is I want them to be posted at the same time.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed your Christmas!

Vote, comment and share? ♥


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